Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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&quot;justice of Nova Scotia (1833-60), 13 281 ;on limited application of English statutelaw in province, 14 464-5.Halliburton, John Croke (1806-84). Fights aduel with Joseph Howe, 13 292.Hamblin, Thomas. Plays Hamlet at Montreal,GENERAL INDEX12 655.Hamburg-American Line of steamships, 10 618.Hamel, Ignace Germain (1672-1732). Directorof Little Seminary of Quebec, 16 387.Hamel, Theophile (1814-70). Quebec artist,12 602.Hamilton, Alexander (1757-1804), Americanstatesman. Establishes Bank of UnitedStates (1791), 4 606, 609 ;advocatesneutrality in war between France andGreat Britain, 3 147.Hamilton, Alexander Douglas Hamilton, tenthDuke of (d. 1852). Aids the Lanark settlement, 17 77.Hamilton, Charles (b. 1834). Anglican archbishop of Ottawa (1896-1915), 11 226.Hamilton, Charles Frederick (b. 1879). Jointauthor of Life of George Monro Grant, 12510.Hamilton, Gavin (d. 1909). In charge of FortBabine, British Columbia, 21 127 n.Hamilton, George, lumberman at Hawkesbury.His misfortunes, 15 160-1.Hamilton, Henry (d. 1796), lieutenant-governorof Lower Canada (1782-85). Captured byAmericans (1778), 3 112 ; promotes introduction of British institutions and opposesHaldimand, 120; dismissed, 121; favours reciprocal trade with United States, 4 534, 535.Hamilton, John. United Empire LoyalistNew ofBrunswick who returned to UnitedStates, 13 173.Hamilton, John (1801-82). Builder of theGreat Britain, 10 499 ;interested in RoyalMail Line, 539.Hamilton, Robert (1787-1856). Builder ofLake Ontario steamboats, 10 498.Hamilton, Robert (d. 1809). Hostile to Simcoes political ideals, 18 412.Hamilton, Robert. Member of North-WestCouncil, 19 197, 198.Hamilton, Captain, R.N. At defence of Quebec(1775), 3 85.Hamilton. First iron steamer of Royal MailLine (1847), 10 539.Hamilton, City of. Population (1830), 18 558 ;incorporated (1833), 424; polls closed at,in order to attend divine service, 11 224 ;export of sewing-machines from, in seventies,142; iron production of (1910), 18 634.Hamilton, Township of. Original grantees of,17 44.Hamilton and Goderich Railway project, 10 393.Hamilton Board of Trade. Favours repeal ofNavigation Acts, 5 224.Hamilton Campbell Eidston. Vessel built atPictou, 10 582.Hamilton Inlet, Labrador. Traces of Frenchsettlements discovered at, 8 915 ;Hudson sBay Company post established at, 915.Hamilton River, Ungava. Its pre-eminence asa trouting river, 16 566.Hamilton Steamboat Company. Merged inNiagara Navigation Company, 10 553-4.Hamiltonian. Lakes freighter built at PortArthur, 10 557, 588.Hamley, Wymond 0. Collector of customs ofBritish Columbia (1858), 21 147 ;memberof first legislative council, 166.Hamlin, Hannibal (1809-91), vice-president ofUnited States. At railway celebration atVanceboro (1871), 14 408.Hammond, John (b. 1843). Canadian painter,12 614.Hamonic. Northern Navigation Company ssteamboat, 10 555.Hampshire. In the fight with d Iberville(1697), 1 185.Hampton, Wade (1754-1835), American general.In <strong>com</strong>mand on Lake Champlain, 3 246 ;indecision of, 247 ;defeated at Chateauguay,247-50.Hanbury, David. His discoveries of copper inthe Territories, 22 657-9.Hancock, John (1737-93), governor of Massachusetts. Complains of British encroachments, 8 757.Hancock, John. Commander of the Success insearch for North-West Passage (1719), 1 196.Hancock, American privateer. Engagedin fight with the Revenge (1779), 13 224.Handheld, John. Fails to round up Acadiansat Annapolis Royal, 13 96.Handyside, George. Punished for contemptby assembly of New Brunswick, 13 188.Hanington, Daniel L. (1804-89). Member ofassembly of New Brunswick, 13 200.Hanington, Daniel L. (1835-1909). Premier ofNew Brunswick (1882-83), 14 428.Hanna, James (1842-1910). His fur- tradingexpedition to Nootka, 21 30-1, 242.Hanna, William John (b. 1862). Provincialsecretary of Ontario, 17 184, 200 n.Hannah Bay. Henry Hudson at, 1 152.Hannan, Michael (1820-82). Roman Catholicarchbishop of Halifax (1877-82), 11 82.Hannay, James. His historical works, 12502-3.Hannen, Sir James, Baron Hannen (1821-94).Arbitrator in Bering Sea dispute, 6 121, 8726.Happy Return. Sails with Radisson forHudson Bay, 1 175.Harbridge, George. Teacher at Red River,20 4<strong>23</strong>.Harcourt, Lewis (b. 1863), colonial secretary(1910-15). And reconstitution of ColonialOffice, 6 193.Harcourt, Richard (b. 1849). Provincial treasurer of Ontario, 17 179, 210 n. ;ministerof Education, 220 n. ;his educational policy,18 332-4.Harding, Harris (1761-1854). Baptist preacher,11 353.Harding, Theodore Seth (1773-1855). Baptistpastor at Horton, Nova Scotia, ll 354.Hardisty, Richard (d. 1889). Conveys Commissioner Smith s papei s from Pembina toFort Garry, 19 82 ;candidate at Edmontonschool election contest (1884), 20 482.

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