Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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82 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESHaines, William. Shipbuilder at Moncton, panic caused by capture of St John s,10 584.Newfoundland, 120 at ; beginning of AmeriHairm. Sloop trading between Digby and can Revolutionary War, 214, 215 ; signs ofSt John, 10 561.disaffection, 215 ; outbreak of smallpox in,Haldaae, Richard Burdon, Viscount Haldane(b. 1856), secretary for War 215 ; Legge s measures for(1905-12). Favdefence, 215-16 ;serious increase of prices at, 219, 225 ;firstours creation of imperial general staff, 6 192. cargo of masts arrive at, 14 599 ; landingHaldimand, Sir Frederick (I7i8-91), governorin-chiefof Canada (1778-86). Holds line by famine prices, <strong>23</strong>5 ; packet serviceof loyalists, 13 <strong>23</strong>5 ;their arrival followedof <strong>com</strong>munications at Oswego, 1 273 ; and opened with Falmouth (1788), 5 373 ;effectiron-mines of St Maurice, 4 529 : his of War of 1812 on, 3 207, 13 257-8 ;celeIndian policy, 3 112-13 ;his view of Quebec brates Wellington sAct, 113, 120; on victories, 256, 260 ;thedispositions of French Chesapeake at, 258 ;business collapseCanadians, 113, 114; on British disaffection, follows on Peace of 1815, 260 ;a free port,114; fears a second invasion, 114 ; his work 4 567, 10 559 ;removal of governmentin settling the loyalists, 115-16, 15 147, 17 dockyard from, 13 260 ;outbreak of cholera18, 20, 22-3, 26 ; negotiates for return of at, 282 ;mail steamer service with LiverVermont, 3 115 ;withholds instructions pool begun, 5 380-1 ;discontinued as a portfrom council, 119, 4 431 ; improves <strong>com</strong> of call, 382, 10 600 and n. its ; incorporation,munications with the Madawaska, 13 139 ; 14 478 ;a base for blockade-runners duringopposes extension of British institutions, 3 American Civil War, 386 ;effect of Inter120 ; resents proposed supersession by colonial Railway on its wholesale trade, 387 ;Carleton, 118-19 ; persuaded to remain, 119 ;South African War memorial at, 398 ;as aon Indian respect for treaties, 4 708 ;and railway and shipping terminus, 10 621-2 ;Six Nations reserve, 17 42 ;returns to shipping tonnage in 1911, 6<strong>23</strong>.England, 3 119 ;sketch of, 112, 120.Halifax and Quebec Railway project, 10 378-84,Haldimand, Lieutenant. Rescue of hia surveyparty in Prince Edward 14 407.Island, 13 333. Halifax Banking Company. Private BankHaldimand, Township of. Original grantees established (1825), 10 628, 13 269of, 17 44 ; pioneer Baptist church formed ; opposesat, charter to Bank of Nova Scotia, 270, 282 ;11 360.members of council partners in, 282 ;Haldimand. War vessel on Lake Ontario, 10 merged in Bank of Commerce, 270.487.Halifax Bob. Privateer, 13 224.Hale, John (b. 1728). Leader of Wolfe s Halifax College and Academy (Presbyterian).landing-party up the Heights, 15 122 ;Founded (1848), 11 275.receiver-general of Lower Canada, 4 512. Halifax Company. Incorporated with AcadiaHale, John. Agent in Boundary Commission Coal Company, 14 678.(1818), 8 828.Halifax Garrison Artillery. Engaged in supHalf-Moon. Hudson s ascent of Hudson pression of North-West Rebellion, 7 431.River in the ship, 1 46, 150-1.Halifax Gazette. First newspaper publishedHaliburton, Thomas Chandler (1796-1865). in Canada (March <strong>23</strong>, 1752), 12 520, 13 84.Visits the Shannon, 13 258 ; supports Halifax Institution for the Deaf. Foundedabolition of Catholic tests, 11 74-5, 13 272 ; (1851), 14 534.contributions to history, 12 501 ; History Halifax Monthly Magazine, 13 245.of Nova Scotia published (1829), 501, 13 Halifax Platform. Sir Robert Borden s de272-3 ; publishes Sam Slick (1835), 245 ;claration of principles in 1907, 6 165.an incident on voyage to England and its Halifax School for the Blind. Establishedhistoric sequel, 10 596-7, 13 286 ;advocates (1867), 14 534.railway extension, 10 388 ;sketch of, 12 Halifax, University of. Attempt to unify538-9 ;his literary achievement, 539-41 ; university systems of Nova Scotia in, 14 518.some of his aphorisms, 542.Halkett, Alexander, colonel. Leads 104thHaliburton. Appointed schoolmaster at Regiment on snow-shoes from FrederictonWindsor, N.S. (1769), 11 205.to Quebec, 13 187.Haliburton Settlement. Its failure, 17 98. Halkett, James H., actor. Plays in MontrealHalifax. Founding of (1749), 1 219, 13 81-2 ; (1831), 12 655.number of original settlers, 81 ; site chosen Halkett, John. Demands return to Red Riverfor military reasons, 82, 14 645 ; founding of French Catholic settlers at Pembina, 11of St Paul s Church, 13 82; population 124.(1751), 83 ; population and its racial <strong>com</strong> Hall, Charles Francis (1821-71), Americanponents (1763), 11 27 ; early history of explorer. Discovers relics of Franklin sAnglican Church at, 201-3 ;first schools and last expedition, 5 305-6.schoolmasters at, 202, 14 512, 515 ; foreign Hall, John. Presbyterian missionary in BritishProtestant immigration (1750-51), 13 83-4; Columbia, 11 284.excessive drinking at, 86-7 ; post office Hall, Richard. Member of British Columbiaopened (1755), 4 732 5 372 ; expedition Fisheries Commission of 1905, 22 456.against Louisbourg concentrates at, 1 222, Hallam, J. S. Holstein cattle imported by, 713 100 ; Wolfe s expedition at, 1 277 ;a 658privateering and smuggling centre, 13 99 ; Halliburton, Sir Brenton (1775-1860). Chief

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