September Contact 2012 - Lions Clubs New Zealand

September Contact 2012 - Lions Clubs New Zealand September Contact 2012 - Lions Clubs New Zealand
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September 2012JOYCE RAVENDISTRICT GOVERNOR 2012-2013As part of the Lions Youth Exchange programme Finnish exchange students,from left, Kaisa, Marianne, Ella and Samuli spent 2 weeks in Taranaki with hostsfrom Opunake Lakeside, Bell Block and Districts, Bell Block Puketapu and TokoLions Clubs.The big highlight for the students was a visit to Rotorua and to Hobbiton nearMatamata where they had a guided tour of the farm and movie set where agood part of The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies were filmed.It was a learning experience for the hosts also who were proudly told by theFinnish students that JRR Tolkien had a love of Finnish mythology and culturethat had a profound influence on his writing, also that the Elvish languagesused in the books was based very much on Finnish.The weather there left a lot to be desired but nevertheless a great day was hadby all.This publication is proudly Printed and supported byMcDonald Real Estate Ltd.DG Joyce and President Aaron Cameron celebrate the new Evolveclub charter night.“PARTICIPATE WITH PRIDE”161

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2012</strong>JOYCE RAVENDISTRICT GOVERNOR <strong>2012</strong>-2013As part of the <strong>Lions</strong> Youth Exchange programme Finnish exchange students,from left, Kaisa, Marianne, Ella and Samuli spent 2 weeks in Taranaki with hostsfrom Opunake Lakeside, Bell Block and Districts, Bell Block Puketapu and Toko<strong>Lions</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong>.The big highlight for the students was a visit to Rotorua and to Hobbiton nearMatamata where they had a guided tour of the farm and movie set where agood part of The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies were filmed.It was a learning experience for the hosts also who were proudly told by theFinnish students that JRR Tolkien had a love of Finnish mythology and culturethat had a profound influence on his writing, also that the Elvish languagesused in the books was based very much on Finnish.The weather there left a lot to be desired but nevertheless a great day was hadby all.This publication is proudly Printed and supported byMcDonald Real Estate Ltd.DG Joyce and President Aaron Cameron celebrate the new Evolveclub charter night.“PARTICIPATE WITH PRIDE”161

Our district in good hands till 2015.The club has now started on multiple projects including a weekendcamp for young refugee to aid them in assimilating to <strong>New</strong><strong>Zealand</strong> culture, to placing a smoke detector in every home inPalmerston North and beyond. We are also currently working onproviding breakfasts for a lower decile primary school and we willbe assisting a number of other local <strong>Lions</strong> clubs with their projectstoo. We are very active in recruitment, with two stands in the lasttwo months at the Plaza and Massey as well as an hour long radiointerview on Access radio.I am proud to be a Lion even more so now with all the true Lionismwe have been shown from so many <strong>Lions</strong> and <strong>Clubs</strong> around <strong>New</strong><strong>Zealand</strong> and especially in our district. I hope you all feel this pridetoo.Take careAaron CameronPresident Palmerston North Evolve <strong>Lions</strong> Club &<strong>Lions</strong> International Youth Camp Director2nd VDG Margaret Lea and Region Chairman David Calow at the Wanganui CEPFacilitator training day.ACHIEVE just happened to be in the background but they certainly hope to achievea lot through CEP.Proudly Supported by McDonald Real Estate Ltd.Proudly Supported by McDonald Real Estate Ltd.15

Palmerston North Evolve <strong>Lions</strong> Club frominception to beyond...The idea for the club started way back in July 2011. Alaina Glueand I attended a lunch where Brent and Robyn Pederson andMargaret and David Lea discussed the idea of starting a new clubfor likeminded individuals. Well the seed was planted. At 38 I’m nospring chicken but I did notice that the club Alaina and I were in,as most clubs, an older group of <strong>Lions</strong>. We found some areasdifficult to fit into and struggled with others. This led me to thedecision that there was definitely a real need for a younger clubwith younger ideas and understandings. I approached a fewfriends and they all seemed interested so with Brent and RobynPederson’s guidance and assistance from now 2 nd VDG MargaretLea and then DG Gay Harvey we moved ahead with a communitymeeting then the formation of our new club. 2 nd VDG Margaret Leasuggested that Heartland <strong>Lions</strong> would be a great sponsoring cluband they accepted and we were lucky enough to get an amazingLion Yvonne McEwen as our guiding lion. We currently have 21members made up of 3 transfers and 18 new <strong>Lions</strong>. We also have alot of interest in the club and our numbers will swell quickly.The Charter evening held on the 28 th of July truly showed our newmembers the support of the <strong>Lions</strong> family we are all a part of. Allformalities including speeches, inductions and installation of theboard where completed in forty five minutes (nice and short for theA.D.D. Generation) so we could delve into the fabulous mealprovided by the P.N. RSA. <strong>Lions</strong> Tommo James and Ash Hazlitt thenproceeded with some rather inventive tail twisting and muchlaughter was had by all. The casino then opened for business andfunny money was gambled away by all remaining. I wish to thankall who attended and also those who sent through words ofwisdom and encouragement even though they were unavailable.The generosity of all clubs involved has enabled us to dive rightinto our projects. Thank you so much for all the donations made tothe club it is truly appreciated.Proudly Supported by McDonald Real Estate Ltd.14Greeting <strong>Lions</strong>, families and friendsOur District is really humming – and I’m not referring to the sulphurfrom Tongariro! Our <strong>Clubs</strong> are all off to a great start, especially theones I have visited so far. My thanks to <strong>New</strong> Plymouth Egmont,Inglewood, Normanby, Bell Block, Hawera Mt View, Kaponga,Palmerston North Fitzherbert, Manawatu Town and Country,PN Manawatu, Foxton, Marton, Bulls, Feilding Pakeke and FeildingKowhai for your hospitality. I’m certainly finding out what keepsgreat <strong>Lions</strong> in great <strong>Clubs</strong>. There is a wide range of projects underway throughoutthe District interspersed with social functions and outings and it is amazing how busyeveryone is. Well done <strong>Lions</strong>. Cabinet officers are busy also:PDG Graham Robinson – returned form the GLT/GMT 2 day meeting in Wellingtonand organised a CEP facilitators training day in Wanganui. Presenters joining him onthe day were Cabinet officers Margaret Lea, David Calow and Ash Hazlitt as theyfamiliarised another group of <strong>Lions</strong> leaders with the CEP programme to becomefacilitators within the District.A very worthwhile session which should see benefits to all <strong>Clubs</strong>.1 st VDG Leo Danz, 2 nd VDG Margaret Lea, PDG Gay Harvey are all off to the ANZIForum in Queenstown during the last week in August so will each have something toreport on in the next <strong>Contact</strong>. An Orientation booklet is being arranged for new<strong>Lions</strong>, and PDG Graham, together with other knowledgeable <strong>Lions</strong>, is heading toPalmerston North to have an orientation session with members of the new Evolveclub later in August, which should see them off to a great start – they already have amajor project underway involving Bhutanese immigrants - well done President AaronCameron, hope your enthusiasm continues to be contagious.All 6 Zone Chairmen – Ron, Daryl, Bruce, Pam, Megan and David have had their firstZone meetings with all the latest information being shared with Club Presidents, whoin turn share their club news with the rest of their zone. It’s not an easy job, as theyare the liaison people between the District Governor and the <strong>Clubs</strong> and so manythings get passed onto them, but they all take it on board and have much toreport.Youth Chairmen Andrew and Robyn have arranged hosting for 8 Finnish exchangeesand both of them are hosting 2 Japanese students for 3 weeks in our District. Thanksto all <strong>Lions</strong>’ families for hosting these students – your input into this programme isvery valuable and you do a great PR job for <strong>Lions</strong> in our District.Service Activities north and south Monique Sinclair and Ash Hazlitt are promoting thecollection of Old Money, Eye Glasses, Hearing Aids and Cell phones, as well asrecycling TV aerials for Child Mobility Foundation.Kan Tabs are still being collected and <strong>Lions</strong> should make it clear to all donators whothey will be supporting. It is a project of the Ruapehu <strong>Lions</strong> Club and clubs canchoose to continue to support this Club’s collection for kids with kidney problems,support Kidney Kids NZ, or any other project, as long as they make it clear where theproceeds will go.3

Public Relations and GMT Kay Mourie together with Webmaster Margaret Holmesare arranging Website building workshops for clubs to set up their own club page andby the end of the session they will have a working webpage complete with photosand information. Be quick for the first one on 9 th <strong>September</strong>. Bring your clubinformation on a memory stick or disc. A great idea ladies!Environment Chairman Alana Sherwill is rounding up the Manawatu <strong>Lions</strong> for anotherLiving Legends tree planting session in a more accessible area than last year, on 1 st<strong>September</strong> at Ferry Reserve – the Woodville end of the gorge.Go to to register.Taranaki <strong>Lions</strong> have just participated in theirs and worked up a good sweat from whatI hear.Lloyd Morgan <strong>Lions</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> Charitable Trust Chairman Jean Thompson-Church ispromoting the Trust again with 82% of our clubs having donated in the last year. Afunction to acknowledge recipients of awards is to be arranged and Jean can show apower point presentation at Zone or Club meetings to refresh <strong>Lions</strong> on the topic.<strong>Contact</strong> Editor Lynette Stewart very capably produces this newsletter each monthand welcomes your input. If there is anything about your club that you’d like toadvertise please email her. Both Lynette and I are enjoying reading every Bulletinthat we receive - some of them a great publishing effort by Bulletin Editors eachmonth, so if you have a great Bulletin please share it with us.Last but not least we have Cabinet Secretary Atholl Leask and Cabinet TreasurerBarrie Stening beavering away at their duties every week because they both knowexactly what they are doing, and I know they are doing a fine job for our team.So, Club members, if you think you are busy – I’m glad you’ve taken time out to seehow busy my Cabinet team is. Thank you all for all that you do for our greatorganisation – <strong>Lions</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> International.Individually we are just one drop, but together we are an ocean.District Governor JoyceREADING ACTION PROGRAMMEAs part of this year’s “A World of Service” theme, International President Wayne Maddenis challenging <strong>Lions</strong> to participate in the Reading Action Program to focus on increasingliteracy and access to learning resources through their service.Whether you are an educator with a passion to help a child learn how to read, an entrepreneurready to help develop a community-based literacy program, an informationtechnology expert who can help introduce new technology to the visually impaired, orsomeone who simply enjoys reading to a child, no effort is too small to make a big difference..Reading aloud to young children is one the most effective ways to prepare children tosucceed in school. However, many children, particularly those living in poverty, are notexposed to books and reading until they begin attending school. Research shows thatbooks contain many words that children are unlikely to encounter frequently in spokenlanguage.SO HOW WILL YOUR CLUB TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE?4Planning a Holiday?Why not join 1st VDG Leo Danz at the next internationalconvention?July 5-9, 2013 – Hamburg, Germany: Centrally located in the heart of Europe, the Freeand Hanseatic City of Hamburg is one of Europe's hallmark ports. Internationally knownas a bustling commercial and industrial metropolis, the magical aura of faraway placesis still alive in the historic Speicherstadt warehouse quarter and network of quaintcanals and waterways crisscrossing the city. The outstanding facilities along with a widerange of cosmopolitan restaurants, cultural attractions, and shopping malls full ofinternational flair make the "Gateway to the World" a perfect setting.July 4-8, 2014 – Toronto, Canada: The most populous city in Canada, Toronto is acosmopolitan city with an international vibe. Some of the city's unique features include:the impressive Eaton Centre, a multileveled glass-roofed galleria that welcomes onemillion visitors each week; the landmark CNTower; the Toronto Zoo; CanadaWonderland, a theme park that includes a variety of rides, a 20-acre water park andCanada's tallest and fastest roller coaster; Ontario Place, an entertainment complexbuilt on three man-made islands; the enjoyable Toronto islands and more.June 26-30, 2015 – Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: A tropical paradise with a modern feel,Honolulu is a city of unparrelleled beauty. Honolulu is both the capital of the state ofHawaii and an exquisite island destination for people from all around the world.June 24-28, 2016 – Fukuoka, Japan: Located in the southwest region of Japan, thecharming City of Fukuoka is a well-balanced harmony between the old and the new.Since ancient times, Fukuoka has grown into one of Asia's leading shopping andgourmet centers. Traditional festivals, an abundance of fresh caught seafood, a moderndowntown area, and the lively atmosphere of the yatai street stalls blend together withthe natural beauty of Hakata Bay and Fukuoka's surrounding mountain greenery.Serene nature, urban vitality, and heartfelt hospitality are just some of the reasons thatmake Fukuoka City the place where you want to stay longer.June 30-July 4, 2017 – Chicago, Illinois, USA: In 1917, Chicago businessman MelvinJones inspired others to improve their communities and the world. Come celebrate ourassociation's centennial at the 2017 International Convention in the city where it allbegan, Chicago. Be a part of this historical event!Proudly Supported by McDonald Real Estate Ltd.13

District Leadership-CEPClub Excellence Process Benefits:The Club that you want - Happy membersGreat Future, Worthwhile projects, Community Minded.That is the reason why –Manawatu Town & CountryRuapehu & DistrictsOpunake LakesideOpunakeNormanby & DistrictsFoxtonare doing or going to do the Club Excellence Process.Further information call Graham Robinson, Leo Danz and David Calow -GLT TeamSome more Club Excellence Process Facilitators were trained July <strong>2012</strong>-Zone 1 Chairman Ron TunnicliffeZone 3 Chairman Bruce HarveyZone 4 Chairman Pam JensenZone 5 Chairman Megan EnglandZone 6 Chairman David PowellPlusBrent Pedersen- PN Middle DistrictsAlana Sherwill-KowhaiRobyn Pedersen- HeartlandsKaye Mourie-Opunake LakesideMargaret Lea-KairangaGaye Harvey-BB PuketapuJenny Clarke-BB PuketapuNeville Gander-NP EgmontAaron Cameron-PN EvolveMarie Start - KowhaiLionel Raven– Feilding HostYouth ReportA reminder for you all.Peace Poster Contest-Open to 11-13 yearsTheme is "Imagine Peace"Closing date is 31 October <strong>2012</strong> Junior Speechmaker Contest-Open to 10-13 yrs (Yr 7&8)-Sun 11 Nov <strong>2012</strong>-Hawera Community Centre-Entry $45.00 pp <strong>Lions</strong> International camp-Dec 27 <strong>2012</strong>-Jan 06 2013Venue-Lake Okataina Outdoor Centre, RotoruaOpen to 17-21yearsNumbers are limited, so first in first served.For all of the above events the closing date is 31 OCTOBER <strong>2012</strong> See you youthChairmen plus Youth Manuals for further details.<strong>Lions</strong> Reading Action Program (RAP) Campaign-World President Wayne Maddenhas asked for <strong>Lions</strong> around the world to support this project to implement readingand education projects and help increase literacy rates. This could include helpingwith after school reading programmes, partner with Leos to collect donated schoolsupplies to fill backpacks for underserved children, organise a book/computer drivefor local school or library, tutor adults in reading, maths or science, etc.<strong>Clubs</strong> that document a reading or other literacy activity through the Service activityreport will receive a "Reading Action Program" banner patch.Planning guide and info sheets are available to assist you. Go to www.lionsclubs.organd keyword search "Reading Action program". You can also contact the ServicesActivities Division at programs@lionsclubs.orgFor any further queries on the above please contact youth ChairmenRobyn Pedersen email hipchick1000@gmail.comAndrew Gibsonemail of the trained facilitators are willing to share their knowledge on thebenefits of CEP and the process involved.Our district is going from strength to strength. Join in.......Proudly Supported by McDonald Real Estate Ltd.6Proudly Supported by McDonald Real Estate Ltd.11

Kharikhola Drinking Water.the Kharikhola Drinking Water Project is working hard to get to its$US10 000 goalthey are awaiting pipe samples from Kathmandu for the committee toinspectthey are going to start their application to LCIFthey are looking for volunteers to transport equipment next March/Aprilto Kharikholathe small holders auction will not be going aheadthey are looking at a fertilizer drivethe Carrots/potatoes drive went well, profit just over $1000, will look atdoing another one in the next week they are making contact with theSkyjuice Company for professional advice re piping and equipment for theterrain.Monique SinclairService Activities Nth.Email PROGRAMME<strong>2012</strong>-13 LIONS YEARNovember Workshop“GROWING AS LIONS”Meet your needsTechnologyBasic SkillsAnswers – Where to find them?Venues:Time:17 th Nov - Stratford 10 amto 2.30pm18 th Nov – Palmerston NorthBulletinsThank you for sending your Bulletins to<strong>Contact</strong> Editor and District Governor.We love reading them and we are very impressed by the content and the effortgoing into producing them, as well as all the projects being undertaken by<strong>Clubs</strong>.All Bulletins are entered in the Bulletin Award.Presidents have the criteria on page 37 of thePresidents Manual.Proudly Supported by McDonald Real Estate Ltd.10A DAY NOT TO MISS.........Open to any Lion__________________________________________________________Amendments to Directory:Please amend your copy nowAARON CAMERON President, PN Evolve <strong>Lions</strong> club:email address aaroncamerons@msn.comFOXTON TE AWAHOU LIONS CLUB : C/- Secretary, 32 Ladys Mile,Foxton 4814Proudly Supported by McDonald Real Estate Ltd.7

Month Day Date ClubSeptOctoberNovemberSunWedSunSunFriMonWedSatSatSun2nd5th8th9th14th8th31st3rd3rd11th17th18thANZI Pacific Forum finishes.PN T&C Fashion Parade.International Literacy DayWebsite Training Stratford.Camp Quality Odd Shoe Day.<strong>Lions</strong> World Service Day.Closing date for Peace postersBlind Appeal WeekCabinet meet Fat Cow Cafe HaweraUrenui 40th Charter celebrationsSpeech competition HaweraGrowing as <strong>Lions</strong> workshop StratfordGrowing as <strong>Lions</strong> workshop PNDecember Thurs 27th International Youth Camp RotoruaJanuary Sun 6th International Youth Camp endsFebruaryMarchAprilMay202D ROLLING CALENDAR <strong>2012</strong>-2013.This year we will endeavour to run a rolling calendar of events in thedistrict.Could everyone please send data to contact editor management workshop StfdProject management workshop PNDoes your club have yourwebsite up and running? –Yeah right!!!!You don’t even need to have your own computer to get yourclub page up to date.For many of us, the task of setting up and maintaining a page is daunting- onewe put aside as too difficult.Webmaster Margaret Holmes is holding a workshop to help clubs in the Northof the District set up their individual club webpage on the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Lions</strong>website.Stratford Primary School1.30-3.30pmSunday 9 <strong>September</strong>The workshop will have no more than 12 participants as we are using theschools computers.We will work together through the process of setting up a club page and by theend of the session your club will have a working webpage and others from thegroup to contact if you need help in the future.Participants are asked to bring their own club information/photos etc on amemory stick or disc.To register contactMargaret Holmes- Webmaster OR Kaye Mourie GMT NorthEmail: 763 8570 06 761 7224JuneProudly Supported by McDonald Real Estate Ltd.8Proudly Supported by McDonald Real Estate Ltd.9

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