Australian Red Cross Delegates Program

Australian Red Cross Delegates Program

Australian Red Cross Delegates Program

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34<strong>Delegates</strong> <strong>Program</strong> Annual Report 2011-2012Financial AcquittalFinancial Report 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012INCOMEAusAID1/7/11 to 1/7/11 to30/6/12 30/6/12Approved AcquittalNotes budget VarianceGrants received 1 2,504,305 2,732,875 (228,570)Interest earned 2 - - -Prior year adjustments 2,492Total income 2,504,305 2,730,383 (226,078)EXPENDITUREDeployments<strong>Delegates</strong> Seconded to ICRC 221,000 264,536 (43,536)<strong>Delegates</strong> Seconded to IFRC 3 725,008 1,243,180 (518,172)<strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> Missions 4 914,726 738,136 176,590Sub-total deployments 1,860,734 2,245,851 (385,118)Recruitment and trainingAdvanced Training 100,833 92,286 8,548Impact 27,667 22,523 5,144Engagement Support 18,667 15,921 2,746National Assessment Centre Drive 22,575 27,805 (5,230)Sub-total recruitment and training 169,741 158,534 11,207Management Support<strong>Program</strong> Personnel 163,333 185,704 (22,371)SOS Security Tracker 3,203 (3,203)Pre-Deployment Medical Clearance 5 13,333 34,421 (21,087)Monitoring 6 22,000 38,221 (16,221)Evaluation - - -Investment in Systems 47,500 50,478 (2,978)Sub-total management support costs 246,166 312,027 (65,861)OverheadsRisk Management (Hedging) - - -Administration 7 227,664 1,688 225,976Sub-total overheads 227,664 1,688 225,976Total expenditure 2,504,305 2,718,101 (213,796)Balance carried forward from 2010-11 8 -Balance of funds at end of period 12,282NOTES:1. Additioanl income was reallocated to the <strong>Delegates</strong> <strong>Program</strong> from the ARC-AusAID Partnership Agreement funds.2. Interests for the period Jul11-Jun12 will be reported within the FY11/12 Partnership Agreement acquittal.3. Additional funds were allocated for secondements to IFRC from the additional program funds received.4. Emergency response missions were originaly budget as ARC missions, however some emergency response missions were carriedout through secondment to IFRC.5. Additional expenditure was incurred to ensure sufficuent delegates were provisionally medically cleared & available for rapid deployment.6. In addition to budgeted field monitoring a program reflection workshop was held with ARC delegates to monitor program performance.7. Administration expenses will be reported witin the FY11/12 Partnership Agreement acquittal.8. Funds of $642,606 carried forward from the 2010/11 financial year have been acquitted seperately to AusAID on 28 Feb 2012.

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