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WVA MAT. WVA#!...YORK TRAILERS... B335 x 210mm All 19 700 14,50 60 8 8 19 700 YK/12/1 335 156 210 14,5 128 L9 93684394 x 152, 4mm All 19 072 12,70 60 4 4 19 072 GG/83/1 394 360 152 12,7 48 L9 93684419 x 178mm All 19 036 18,60 90 6 4 19 036 IL/66/5 419 188 178. 18,6 96 L10 936854 19 037 IL/67/5 419 194 178. 18,0 L10 93685419 x 178mm Cylindrical drilling All 19 036 18,60 00 6 4 19 037 DF/24/1 419 192 178. 18,0 96 5x15 932754 19 036 DF/25/1 419 189 178. 18,6 5x15 93275419 x 218mm All 19 369 18,70 80 6 4 19 369 FU/4/4 419 189 218. 18,7 96 L10 936854 19 370 FU/5/4 419 192 218. 19,3 96 L10 93685Knorr-Brake pads SB6... All 29 094 30,00 41 4 4569 4 29 094 FCV1329B 211 93 30 KNRKnorr-Brake pads SB7... All 29 179 30,00 41 4 4569 4 29 179 FCV1328BFE 430 248 108 30 KNRYUGOZeta Turbo 650fF 17 635 12,00 60 3 2 17 635 SY/20/2 325 249 120 12,0 52 6x12 930482 17 636 SY/26/1 325 288 120 12,0 6x12 93048ZFA29 179 30,00 41 4 4550 4 29 179 FCV1373BFE 248 108 30 KNRZORZIA300 x 200mm 19 574 18,00 00 8 8 19 574 BC/80/1 300 144 200. 18,0 64 8x15 93251350 x 200mm 19 908 18,10 00 6 4 19 908 RW/21/1 350 149 200 . 18,1 80 L10 936854 19 909 RW/22/1 350 151 200 . 18,8 L10 93685420 x 90mm 15 207 08,00 60 4 4 15 207 FI/79/2 420 406 90 8,0 64 8x18 93252420 x 180mm 19 032 17,80 00 8 8 19 032 BC/98/1 420 205 180 . 17,8 80 8x15 93251420 x 200mm 19 094 17,80 00 8 8 19 094 BC/97/1 420 202 200 . 17,8 80 8x15 93251134

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