News Writing: Lead Paragraph Exercises - The Learning Lab at HFCC

News Writing: Lead Paragraph Exercises - The Learning Lab at HFCC

News Writing: Lead Paragraph Exercises - The Learning Lab at HFCC


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A<strong>The</strong> holiday season has been a lot busier than usual and a lot of people havereally been stressed out,@ said Jason Strussel, store manager of Sadler=sDepartment Store. Timothy Rucker, a customer who was shopping in themall <strong>at</strong> the time the incident happened, said, AI saw about three huge guysjump all over th<strong>at</strong> little guy. No one was wearing a uniform. I thoughtth<strong>at</strong> man was being mugged. I started to call for the police and then oneof those big guys said, >We are the police.= Th<strong>at</strong> totally shocked me. Imean like totally.@ According to Sheriff John Boyd, A<strong>The</strong> shopliftingsuspect, who has been identified as Jamie Hind, was pronounced dead onarrival <strong>at</strong> Plain View Hospital <strong>at</strong> 4:30 this afternoon.@ Store ManagerStrussel also st<strong>at</strong>ed, A<strong>The</strong> security guards <strong>at</strong> Sadler=s never use excessiveforce. Th<strong>at</strong> guy must of had a medical condition of some kind th<strong>at</strong> causedhim to die like th<strong>at</strong>.@ Sheriff John Boyd also st<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong>, AWe will have towait for the medical examiner=s report to determine the exact cause ofde<strong>at</strong>h. We also want to talk to anyone who saw this happen.@ MikeSummers, one of the security guards <strong>at</strong> Sadler=s, said, AWe only did wh<strong>at</strong>we had to do to stop th<strong>at</strong> guy. He was stealing a le<strong>at</strong>her co<strong>at</strong> from thestore.@ But according to Ben Hind, who said he is Jamie Hind=s brother,AMy brother never would have done something like th<strong>at</strong>. He had lots ofmoney from being in real est<strong>at</strong>e for years. Why would he steal a co<strong>at</strong>?@Three people died in a horribly f<strong>at</strong>al car accident today. <strong>The</strong> accident occurred <strong>at</strong>2 p.m., according to witnesses, when a blue Taurus traveling south onTelegraph Road hit the side of a bus full of tourists traveling east on FordRoad. After hitting the bus, the Taurus rolled over several times beforebusting into flames. According to Officer Carter of the Dearborn HeightsPolice Department, ABecause of the fire we don=t know who the people inthe car were. Everything was badly burned. We do know th<strong>at</strong> there werethree people in the car, and th<strong>at</strong> they were all killed. But we can=t evenread the license number of the Taurus. Th<strong>at</strong>=s how bad the fire was.@ Noone in the bus was seriously hurt and the driver of the bus refused tocomment publicly about the accident. But who caused the accident seemsto be a mystery. Reports from witnesses differ wildly concerning whichvehicle ran a red light. A I wasn=t surprised,@ said a man who wouldn=t

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