News Writing: Lead Paragraph Exercises - The Learning Lab at HFCC

News Writing: Lead Paragraph Exercises - The Learning Lab at HFCC

News Writing: Lead Paragraph Exercises - The Learning Lab at HFCC


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<strong>HFCC</strong> <strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Lab</strong><strong>Paragraph</strong> <strong>Exercises</strong>, 5.18<strong>Lead</strong><strong>News</strong> <strong>Writing</strong>: <strong>Lead</strong> <strong>Paragraph</strong> <strong>Exercises</strong><strong>The</strong> most effective method of learning how to write very good leads is through practice.This seems like a cliché, but it is, never the less, very true. <strong>The</strong> first thing th<strong>at</strong> you should do, ifyou haven=t done so already, is to read the <strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> handout 5.17, A<strong>News</strong> <strong>Writing</strong>: <strong>Lead</strong><strong>Paragraph</strong>s@, which contains a complete explan<strong>at</strong>ion of the basic principles for effective leadwriting. If you feel th<strong>at</strong> you need a refresher on the fundamentals of writing effective leads, goback over th<strong>at</strong> handout before you start on the exercises in this handout. You will get a lot moreout of these exercises if you have an understanding of the basic theories behind lead writingbefore you start.This handout contains six lead exercises. Each of these exercises contains one longparagraph of scrambled, fictionalized facts for a potential news story. In other words, the eventsand names in these exercises were made-up for the purpose of providing facts for these exercises.Your instructions are to read through these facts and then decide which facts are importantenough to include in a lead paragraph. You should keep in mind while you are doing theseexercises th<strong>at</strong> the facts are not listed in their order of importance and, as a m<strong>at</strong>ter of fact, some ofthe facts are irrelevant and need to be elimin<strong>at</strong>ed. Understanding wh<strong>at</strong> should be elimin<strong>at</strong>ed andwh<strong>at</strong> should be retained is a good part of effective lead writing. After you have decided whichfacts are important enough to be included in a lead, you should write a lead paragraph with yourselected facts.

On the last page of this handout there are very good lead paragraph answer examples foreach of these exercises. Compare the leads you write for the lead exercises with the answerexamples on the last page. Most beginning news writers write too much when they write a leadand, as a result, they surround the main point of the story with facts th<strong>at</strong> really should be st<strong>at</strong>edl<strong>at</strong>er in the story, if they should be st<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> all. Just remember SIS when you write a lead (short,interesting and simple).An important part of this handout is to give you practical experience in correct leadwriting. If your lead is significantly different than the example on the last page of this handout,make sure th<strong>at</strong> you understand why your lead is different before you continue. And, if you stillcannot see the reasons for any differences after comparing the two, go back over the previoushandout, A<strong>News</strong> <strong>Writing</strong>: <strong>Lead</strong> <strong>Paragraph</strong>s@, <strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> handout number 5.17, and make sureth<strong>at</strong> you understand the principles behind good lead writing.<strong>Lead</strong> <strong>Paragraph</strong> <strong>Exercises</strong>:1. According to Officer Symth of the Pittsville Police Department, a youngwoman, Judy Voss, who said th<strong>at</strong> she lives nearby, st<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong> she heardscreams coming from Fox Wood Apartments <strong>at</strong> midnight. Officer Smythalso st<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong> he has been working for the department for over 25 yearsand has never seen anything like wh<strong>at</strong> was found in th<strong>at</strong> apartment parkinglot. AThis is under investig<strong>at</strong>ion so I am not gonna say a lot,@ said Smyth.A But I can say th<strong>at</strong> this was no average killing.@ According to JudyVoss, AI heard lots of screaming, but I thought th<strong>at</strong> it was just another oneof those college parties. I called the police before about those parties andthey never showed any interest in breaking them up. I never knew th<strong>at</strong>this time it was something different. But all the same I would have calledif I thought th<strong>at</strong> the police would have come out here.@ Another personwho refused to st<strong>at</strong>e her name said th<strong>at</strong> there had been very open drugtraffic <strong>at</strong> Fox Wood Apartments for years and th<strong>at</strong> the police had knownabout it. Symth said th<strong>at</strong> the body of a male, who appears to have beenin his twenties, was found early this morning by a young man deliveringmorning newspapers. He also said th<strong>at</strong> the cause of de<strong>at</strong>h is underinvestig<strong>at</strong>ion and he refused to give any more inform<strong>at</strong>ion.

2. Michigan Avenue, in Dearborn, was closed for over six hours this morningbecause of a raging fire. AIt was one of worst traffic problems we havehad in a long time,@ st<strong>at</strong>ed Officer Reynolds of the Dearborn PoliceDepartment. A<strong>The</strong> morning traffic rush was really a mess.@ Andaccording to one local resident, Todd Rankin, snakes escaping from theburning store caused a panic among people who thought th<strong>at</strong> they weredangerous. Dearborn Fire Chief Nicholas Baker, st<strong>at</strong>ed, A<strong>The</strong> fireapparently started in George=s Food Mart and then quickly spread to thebank next door. By the time we got to the scene, the bank and part ofFred=s Pets were already in flames. We worked as hard as we could to getthose animals out, but I know we didn=t get all of them. We could hearsome of the animals screeching and making just horrible sounds as wetried to get inside the building. It was bad.@ <strong>The</strong> fire was declared undercontrol by 9:30 Monday morning, but fire fighters remained on the scenefor several more hours. <strong>The</strong> cause of the fire is under investig<strong>at</strong>ion.John X. Hughes was suspended from Green Hills College for plagiarism today.According to Hughes, AAll I was doing was using the Internet. Everyoneuses it. It wasn=t right th<strong>at</strong> they just happened to pick me. It just isn=t fairand I am suing for 600,000 dollars because of wh<strong>at</strong> this has done to me.@But according to Dean Houston, A<strong>The</strong> college=s Judicial Board made thedecision after fully considering all aspects of the case. It was also adecision without bias.@ <strong>The</strong> college=s Judicial Board was established in1959 to handle problems of academic honesty. Attorney Janet Fillmore,who represents Hughes, st<strong>at</strong>ed, AWe just don=t think John Hughes didanything wrong by using inform<strong>at</strong>ion from the Internet. And we don=tfeel th<strong>at</strong> he was properly informed of the Judicial Board=s definition ofplagiarism before he was accused of doing something wrong.@ ButProfessor Jason Kellerman, the person who reported Hughes to theJudicial Board, st<strong>at</strong>ed, AJohn Hughes was not suspended for using theInternet. Hughes was suspended for taking inform<strong>at</strong>ion from the Internetand then submitting it to a class as his own work.@

A<strong>The</strong> holiday season has been a lot busier than usual and a lot of people havereally been stressed out,@ said Jason Strussel, store manager of Sadler=sDepartment Store. Timothy Rucker, a customer who was shopping in themall <strong>at</strong> the time the incident happened, said, AI saw about three huge guysjump all over th<strong>at</strong> little guy. No one was wearing a uniform. I thoughtth<strong>at</strong> man was being mugged. I started to call for the police and then oneof those big guys said, >We are the police.= Th<strong>at</strong> totally shocked me. Imean like totally.@ According to Sheriff John Boyd, A<strong>The</strong> shopliftingsuspect, who has been identified as Jamie Hind, was pronounced dead onarrival <strong>at</strong> Plain View Hospital <strong>at</strong> 4:30 this afternoon.@ Store ManagerStrussel also st<strong>at</strong>ed, A<strong>The</strong> security guards <strong>at</strong> Sadler=s never use excessiveforce. Th<strong>at</strong> guy must of had a medical condition of some kind th<strong>at</strong> causedhim to die like th<strong>at</strong>.@ Sheriff John Boyd also st<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong>, AWe will have towait for the medical examiner=s report to determine the exact cause ofde<strong>at</strong>h. We also want to talk to anyone who saw this happen.@ MikeSummers, one of the security guards <strong>at</strong> Sadler=s, said, AWe only did wh<strong>at</strong>we had to do to stop th<strong>at</strong> guy. He was stealing a le<strong>at</strong>her co<strong>at</strong> from thestore.@ But according to Ben Hind, who said he is Jamie Hind=s brother,AMy brother never would have done something like th<strong>at</strong>. He had lots ofmoney from being in real est<strong>at</strong>e for years. Why would he steal a co<strong>at</strong>?@Three people died in a horribly f<strong>at</strong>al car accident today. <strong>The</strong> accident occurred <strong>at</strong>2 p.m., according to witnesses, when a blue Taurus traveling south onTelegraph Road hit the side of a bus full of tourists traveling east on FordRoad. After hitting the bus, the Taurus rolled over several times beforebusting into flames. According to Officer Carter of the Dearborn HeightsPolice Department, ABecause of the fire we don=t know who the people inthe car were. Everything was badly burned. We do know th<strong>at</strong> there werethree people in the car, and th<strong>at</strong> they were all killed. But we can=t evenread the license number of the Taurus. Th<strong>at</strong>=s how bad the fire was.@ Noone in the bus was seriously hurt and the driver of the bus refused tocomment publicly about the accident. But who caused the accident seemsto be a mystery. Reports from witnesses differ wildly concerning whichvehicle ran a red light. A I wasn=t surprised,@ said a man who wouldn=t

give his name. A<strong>The</strong>y say th<strong>at</strong> this is the most dangerous intersection inthe st<strong>at</strong>e.@ But all the witnesses do seem to agree th<strong>at</strong> there was an intensethunderstorm and a lot of rain <strong>at</strong> the time of the accident. AIt was acomplete washout for about 10 minutes,@ said Mary Wilson, a personwho works <strong>at</strong> a flower shop near the intersection and who was one of thewitnesses to the accident. ABut I happened to be looking out my windoww<strong>at</strong>ching the storm when th<strong>at</strong> car hit the bus.@<strong>The</strong>re was a fight last night in the 1600 block of Field Street on the city=s southside. According to local resident, Timothy Anders, AMurphy andSoblanski never did seem to get along.@ And according to Officer MikePreston, AFrom wh<strong>at</strong> we have been able to conclude <strong>at</strong> this point, theconflict seems to have started over the loc<strong>at</strong>ion of a new fence and thenthings just escal<strong>at</strong>ed from there.@ According to Dearborn Hospitalspokesperson Cindy Evers, A Mr. P<strong>at</strong>rick Murphy and Mr. FrankSoblanski, both residents of Field Street, were admitted for severe headinjuries last night. Both persons are currently undergoing tests todetermine the extent of their injuries.@ Field Street resident Paula Stantonsaid, AI saw Frank (Soblanski) squirting P<strong>at</strong> Murphy in the face with agarden hose as Murphy worked on his fence. I couldn=t believe wh<strong>at</strong> Iwas seeing. P<strong>at</strong> yelled <strong>at</strong> Frank to stop, but Frank wouldn=t stop, soMurphy threw a hammer <strong>at</strong> Frank hitting him in the head. Frank shoutedsomething, I am not going to repe<strong>at</strong>, and went to his garage to get abaseball b<strong>at</strong>. Things really got crazy after th<strong>at</strong>. This was really a veryquite street before those two moved in.@ Officer Preston did confirm th<strong>at</strong>police had been called because of problems between the two men in thepast. He also st<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong> the incident is under investig<strong>at</strong>ion. DearbornCity Zoning and Ordinance Manager Lynn Blackman said, AWe alwaystell residents to have a licenced surveyor mark their propriety lines beforethey build a fence. I don=t know whether th<strong>at</strong> was done in this case ornot.@

Answers To <strong>Lead</strong> <strong>Paragraph</strong> <strong>Exercises</strong>Please compare the lead sentences th<strong>at</strong> you have written to the following answerexamples. If there are major differences between wh<strong>at</strong> you have written and the exerciseexamples, please go back over the <strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> handout, A<strong>News</strong> <strong>Writing</strong>: <strong>Lead</strong> <strong>Paragraph</strong>s@,handout 5.17, to review the principles of good lead writing. And, if you still have questions, talkto your journalism instructor.<strong>The</strong> de<strong>at</strong>h of a man whose body was found early this morning <strong>at</strong> Fox Wood Apartments is beinginvestig<strong>at</strong>ed by police.<strong>The</strong> screeches of animals in pain pierced the early morning air today as fire destroyed Fred=s Petson Dearborn=s west side.A student is suing Green Hills College for $600,000 after being suspended for plagiarism.A suspected shoplifter died this afternoon after a struggle with security guards <strong>at</strong> Sadler=sDepartment Store.Three people died in a fiery car accident this afternoon <strong>at</strong> the intersection of Ford Road andTelegraph Road.A dispute over the loc<strong>at</strong>ion of a fence sent two south side neighbors to Dearborn Hospital lastnight with severe head injuries.

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