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ENJOYY O U R F R E E M O N T H L Y L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E / N o 77 March 2013A C C R A • T E M A • K U M A S I • T A K O R A D I • C A P E C O A S T • www.enjoyaccra.comDISCOVER<strong>MOROCCO</strong>The country that travels within youMore than 5 weekly flightsfrom Ghana to MoroccoCall center: +212 522 489 797 / +233 302 78 71 82TRAVEL FOR REALENJOY www.royalairmaroc.comN o 77 March 2013 | 1

2 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

A world of fine winesat your doorstepSALIENT_15236_ENJOY MAGDirect from more than 300 of the most sought after wine estates around the world,Shoprite offers the widest range of red and white wines for your enjoyment at ourlowest prices. That’s why really smart people wouldn’t shop anywhere else.At selected stores only.Shoprite Accra MallTetteh Quashie Roundabout, Airport EastSpintex Road, GhanaShoprite Weija WijaPlot no1., Dunkonah Housing EstateAccra-Cape Coast HighwayWeija, GhanaVisit our website on www.shoprite.co.zaENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 3

Feature StoriesC O N T E N T SGhannec 10thAnniversary Gala 16Rotary PresidentialDinner 22Discover Morocco06With Royal Air MarocInternationalWomen’s Day 24New GovernmentOf Ghana26Julie A. AdjomayiMarketing Managerjulie@enjoyaccra.comKaren BalchinSr. Creative & Graphic Designerkaren@enjoyaccra.comAlain GbeasorPublication Manageralain@enjoyaccra.comKekeli LogoAdministrative & AccountsClementina A. AcquahGraphic DesignerHerve-Daniel OsnouWeb DesignerVicky MurrayCopyrighterBeauty Square At Marina MallEvent CalendarGhana Contemporary ArtSudokuHoroscopeRecipe : Glazed Baked HamPlaces To BeNourishLab Smoothy’sHospitalityUseful NumbersRoots Apartment2028323637394043444748Enjoy Accra Magazine is published byOrion Advertising Company Ltd.Tel: (+233) 0302 787 025 | (+233) 0302 544 377mail : mag@enjoyaccra.com4 | March w w2013 w . ENJOY e n j No o y77a c c r a . c o mEnjoy Ur Club49Printed by Type Company Limited

Letter from the EditorENJOYY O U R F R E E M O N T H L Y L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N EACCRA • TEMA • KUMASI • TAKORADI • CAPE COASTDear Friends,The month of March is significant in Ghana as it marks animportant moment for Ghanaians, the celebration of Ghana’sIndependence on the 6th of March 1957. As with all countrieswhich were once under colonial rule, it symbolizes thatsingle moment of patriotism when our forefathers decidedto take hold of the fate of their country and the future oftheir children.As we celebrate Independence Day, we honour the foundingfathers of our nation GHANA, as well as successive leaderswho have managed our country and made her great andstrong. Today a new government has been chosen to steerthe affairs of the country for the next four years. We haveprovided a guide to who’s who which you may find useful.We wish them luck and best wishes at their various ministries.Our continent is so big and diverse and in this edition, we bring you a special report on the Kingdomof Morocco under the patronage of His Royal Highness Mohamed V. Pack your bags as we goshopping in Casablanca, enjoy the mysticism and culture of Marrakech and the beaches of Agadir.You can travel with Royal Air Maroc, the flight is just under 5 hours and remember to take lots ofphotos to share.Ghana Netherlands Chamber of Commerce and Culture (GHANNEC) is ten years old and membershiphas increased from 12 members in 2002 to over 100 members today. We congratulate the executivesfor their commitment and motivation and look forward to their further growth in the next decade.We bring you Leeni Ojaniemi’s new art column, introducing us to the cream of Ghana’s artists startingoff with our famous painter Larry Otoo. Look out for Ghana Contemporary’s art exhibition that willbe held on the 15th of March.March 8 is International Women’s Day, know that for us at Enjoy that women are to be honoured24 hours a day; Thank you for your love, your intelligence, your strength. Women are our partnersfor life.To all friends of Enjoy, the very best of love from the team....EnjoyDon’t forget you can also read the magazine online at: www.enjoyaccra.comDominique ParaviciniEditorENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 5

ENJOYMoroccoThe Country that travels within you6 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77TRAVEL FOR REALCall center: +212 522 489 797 / +233 302 78 71 82 www.royalairmaroc.com

Discover MoroccoMorocco, officially theKingdom of Morocco,is the most westerlyof the North African countries. Ithas Atlantic and Mediterraneancoastlines, and a rugged mountaininterior. Morocco’s climate,geography, and history are all moreclosely related to the Mediterraneanthan to the rest of Africa, and forthis reason visitors are often struckby the odd sensation of having notquite reached Africa in Morocco.In the north, its fine beaches, lushhighland valleys, and evocativeold cities reinforce this impression.Yet, as one moves south and east,into and over the starkly beautifulranges of the Atlases, Morocco’sMediterranean character melts away.Morocco’s varied geographyincludes no less than four separatemountain ranges, in addition to lushriver valleys, beautiful sandy coasts,and wide expanses of desert. Thethree most prominent mountainranges, which run parallel to eachother from the southwest to thenortheast, are the Middle Atlas, theHigh Atlas, and the Anti-Atlas.The ascent of the country’s highestpeak, Jebel Toukbal (13,665 ft./4,165 m.), is a spectacular andnot particularly difficult trek. TheMoroccan coastline opens ontoboth the Mediterranean and theAtlantic oceans, offering plenty ofgreat beaches as well as a numberof fascinating ancient coastalcities. In the southeast, Morocco’smountain ranges yield to the wildexpanse of the Sahara. The riversthat flow down this side of theHigh Atlas support long, narrow,and lush river valleys that resemblelinear oases.Morocco has a population of over32 million people with its main ethnicgroup as the Branès (Masmuda andSanhaja). Morocco’s political capitalTin Mal Mosque, in a small mountain village in theHigh Atlas 100 km from Marrakeshis Rabat, although the largest cityis Casablanca; other major citiesinclude Marrakesh, Tangier,Salé, Fes, Agadir, and Meknes.Morocco has a history ofindependence not shared by itsneighbours. Its rich culture is ablend of Arab, Berber (indigenousAfrican) and also other African andEuropean influences. The mainreligion is Islam. The official languageis Literary Arabic. Moroccan Arabic,Berber and French are also spoken.Hassaniya Arabic, sometimesconsidered a variety of MoroccanArabic, is spoken in parts of thesouthern provinces.Morocco is becoming moreand more the preferred touristdestination for revelers who seekpeace, quietude and a unique blendof Africa and Europe. We invite youto join us as we discover Morocco. eENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 7

ENJOYCASABLANCACasablancaIN <strong>MOROCCO</strong>The DYNAMISM that travels within youCasablanca is a city in westernMorocco, located on the AtlanticOcean. It is the capital of the GrandCasablanca region.Casablanca is Morocco’s largestcity as well as its chief port. It isalso the biggest city in the Maghrebregion. The 2004 census recordeda population of 3,500,000 in theprefecture of Casablanca and6,000,000 in the region of GrandCasablanca.There is no doubts that Casablanca is one of the most spectacular cities inNorth Africa, offering beautiful scenery and culture to tourists. The differentsettings, from desert to oasis, along with specific traditions and customsto ensure memorable experiences.Beautiful mosques and palaces, ancient streets with lots of interestingbuildings and craft shops, a picturesque coastline and colorful markets– these are the main attractions of Casablanca. Casablanca is reallybeautiful and this is the reason why the ancient Moroccan city is enjoyedby thousands of tourists from all over the world.8 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

Discover CasablancaInterior view of the Morocco Mallin CasablancaThe Morocco Mall in CasablancaMorocco Mall is the largest shoppingcentre in Africa with 250 000m² offloor space in Casablanca. The mall,which opened on December 1, 2011,was designed by Architect DavidePadoa of Design International, aglobal architecture boutique with itsheadquarters in London. With over600 outlets offering world renownedbrands such as Prada, Louis Vuittonand Gucci, the Morocco mall has anabundance of restaurants and coffeeshops bordering one of the biggestmusical fountains in the world. Kidsat Adventureland will be entertainedby the malls top-notch ice rink andseveral other attractions.ENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 9

ENJOYDiscover casablancaMust see places in CasablancaThe Mohammed V square isthe gigantic square with a fountainsituated in the centre surrounded byan array of administrative buildings.The ancienne préfecture (old policeheadquarters) dominates the southside of the square and is topped bya modernist clock towerHassan II Mosque is the largestmosque in Morocco and the 7thlargest mosque in the world, withthe world’s tallest minaret (210 m /689 ft). It can host up to 105,000worshippers simultaneously,25,000 of which can get insidethe mosque and another 80,000on the mosque’s ground outside.Inaugurated in 1993, it stands ona promontory looking out to theAtlantic Ocean.The Mohammed V SquareCasablanca CathedralHassan II MosqueQuartier Habous, also known as or“nouvelle medina,” it is described as anidealized, almost toy-town version of atraditional medina with little rows of streetsand shop stalls. The French built this districtin the 1930s to solve the housing shortage.It marries the best of traditional Moroccanarchitecture with modern facilities andFrench ideals. eQuartier Habous10 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

ENJOYDiscover AGADIRAGADIRAgadirIN <strong>MOROCCO</strong>The Light that travels within youAgadir is a major city in southwestMorocco and is the capital of theAgadir province and the Souss-Massa-Drâa economic region. Thecity is located on the shore of theAtlantic Ocean, near the foot of theAtlas Mountains, just north of thepoint where the Souss River flowsinto the ocean.Agadir is an important fishing andcommercial port, one of the firstmajor sardine ports in the world. Thecity is also known for its exports ofcobalt, manganese, zinc and citrusproducts). It is also a seaside resortwith a long sandy beach. Becauseof its large buildings, wide roads,modern hotels, and European-stylecafés, Agadir is not a typical city oftraditional Morocco, but a modern,busy and dynamic town. eWhilst in Agadir, enjoy the beachwhilst you relish some of the bestseafood menus in the world.Agadir BeachAgadir Beach Club HotelENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 11

ENJOYMARRAKECHTHE ENERGY THAT TRAVELS WITHIN YOUis a major city in the northwest part International Film Festival ofMARRAKECH,of Morocco. Marrakesh is the most Marrakech, which aspires toimportant of the four former imperial cities in the history of Morocco. The be the North African version ofred walls of the city, built by Ali Ibn Yusuf in 1122-1123 as well as other the Cannes Film Festival, wasbuildings constructed during this period have given the city the nickname established in 2001. The festival,of the “Red City” or “Ochre City” because of the red sandstone used. which showcases over 100 filmsMarrakesh grew rapidly and established itself as a cultural, religious, and from around the world annually,trading center for the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa.has attracted Hollywood starssuch as Martin Scorsese, FrancisJemaa el-Fnaa is the busiest square in Africa. As one of the biggest touristFord Coppola, Susan Sarandon,cities in Africa, Marrakech has over 400 hotels and is host of many culturalJeremy Irons, Roman Polanski andfestivals of note which includes the National Folklore Festival, the Marrakechmany European, Arabic and IndianFestival of Popular Arts, in which a variety of famous Moroccan musiciansfilm stars.and artists participate and the Berber Festival to entertain tourists. The12 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

Make time to try out these mustsee sites in MarrakechJema El FnaDiscover MarrakeshJema El Fna is the busiest market in Africa, filled with vendors andentertainers in a maze of streets and alleyways that are packed withshops and stalls selling everything from carpets to love potions.Experience the heavy scent of spices mingling among the music of snakecharmers and experience for yourself why Marrakech is one the mostexotic and exciting cities to visit in the world. At night the market squarebecomes an enormous open air restaurant, teeming with stalls sellingevery conceivable type of hot and cold Moroccan delicacy preparedfresh. Here every night, amid the noise of entertainers and food vendors,Moroccan locals rub shoulders with tourists and visitors as they sit andeat some of best food Marrakech has to offer. The Jema El Fna at nightis a must see spectacle not to be missed.Quail PastillaThe Riads of MarrakechMoroccan CuisineIf you have a taste for good things, you will enjoy theauthentic, typical and memorable cuisine. Moroccancuisine is celebrated throughout the world. It mirrorsthe image of the country : generous, colourful,fragrant, and abundant. Rich and diverse, it also takesthe colours and flavours of each region. Moroccancuisine reflects the country’s complex history and thedifferent people who settled there. Discover its greatclassics and its many variants like the delicious Tagine,the pigeon Pastilla with almonds or the Mrouzia whichis made of 35 and 45 different spices from Moroccobut also from Middle East or Sub-Saharan Africa.The Riads of MarrakechRiads are comfortable and luxurious guest housesthat offer affordable accommodation for holidaysto Marrakech. These guesthouses are an oasis ofMoroccan tradition and luxury. Guests experiencetrue serenity away from the hustle and bustle ofMarrakech, with indoor courtyard pools, palm treesand scattered rose petals adorning the traditionalfixtures and architecture. With Riads offering only fiveor six rooms they are the perfect escape for groups offriends traveling together and trust me the rooms arenot expensive at all.ENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 13

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ENJOYwho’s whoGhanecc Holds AnniversaryGala NightNico Van Stadlduinen, Managing Director GhaneccMr & Mrs Herbert Friese & guestNico Van Stadlduinen, Victor Rutgers, President GhaneccAmbassador Netherlands Gerard Duijyjes, HonHanna Tetteh & distinguished guestsThe Ghana Netherlands Chamberof Commerce and Culture held ananniversary gala night to mark their10th year in Ghana. The occasion broughttogether Ghanaian economic actors andtheir Dutch counterparts in an evening of finedining, music and culture.In its 10 years in Ghana, Ghanecc has seena growth in its membership from 12 to over a100 members in 2013. eEnjoy...Eric Don Arthur & Akushika Sodatonou16 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

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ENJOYinfomercialAccra’s Latest Fashion Lounge UnveiledLydia Bourgi serves a customerLydia Bourgi,Beauty SquareLydia Bourgi is one of thosepeople who always looks greatin an effortless sort of way. Shealways looks put-together andher outfit always matches theoccasion perfectly - never over orunderdressed.She is a trained makeup artistcertified by Revlon skincare andmakeup (South Africa), as well as acertified Peggy Sage Makeup artist(France).Her fashion lounge, Beauty Square,brings a fresh new approach to theGhanaian market. Lydia and herstaff are experts in make-up forall skin types (including for men)eyebrow waxing and accessories.Parisax range of cosmeticsBeauty Square is located withinMarina Mall and was born out ofLydia’s passion to provide customerswith fashion make up and accessoriesat ‘the right price’.The striking interior provides acomfy yet elegant backdrop to viewthe range of fashionable pieces forboth men and women ranging fromearrings, rings, bracelets, bags,and candles to soaps, essentialoils, skincare products and makeuppallets from international designersaround the world.Lydia travels the world and selectsonly the very best products forher shop. They are the sole localrepresentatives of a range ofinternational brands such as PeggySage, Parisax, Algabo, HT 25, Orly,Tade and Bio.The extensive range of goods,combined with the advice andservice that her trained staff providemake a visit to Beauty Square aneccessity rather than a luxury. eContact the Beauty Square on: 054272 72 35 or 0244 860 814Location: Ground floor, Marina Mall – Accra20 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77www.beautysquareghana.com

ENJOYEaster Kids CornerKids GamesJoin the dots, find word and Identify the missing the objectsEASY EASTER BUNNY JOINTHE EGG AND COLOUREMEDIUM EASTER BUNNY IDENTIFY THEMISSING IMAGE AND COLOURE ITFind the missing object from the puzzleHARD EASTER BUNNY FIND THE WORD AND CIRCLEFind and circle all th Easter word that are hiddenin the grid.Parade Bonnet Easter Games Colored EggsTradition Daffodils Family Bells MarshmalloCandy Basket Flowers Bunny Hot Cross BunsChicks Peeps Jelly Beans Lamb New ClothesSunday Chocolate Egg Hunt Lily Robin EggsENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 21

ENJOYRotary Gala Night 2013Quartet from the National OrchestraThe Rotary Club of Accra organized a presidential dinner andclassical music gala night at the Movenpick Ambassador Hotel on23 February 2013. A fundraiser to support humanitarian projectsfor the Rotary Year 2012/2013 under the theme, “Peace Through Service”.“The Club is currentlyinvolved in completingprojects including anorphanage for the childrenof HIV patients.”The Rotary Club of Accra is a member of Rotary International, the world’soldest humanitarian volunteer organization with more than 1.3 millionprofessional and business leaders in over 200 countries.Rotary Club Ghana is involved with activities supporting communitieswhich include - addressing the challenges to the polio eradication initiativethrough the construction of a regional vaccine cold store room; an annualblood campaign to assist the National Blood Bank; the provision of waterto rural communities; the improvement in the health infrastructure such asthose made to the St Joseph Hospital in Koforidua, the eye clinic of the StRtn President Kwesi GyabaaDelphine & FriendsTheresa and lucky winner22 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

who’s whoPainting donated by Ghanaian artist BourlabieMrs Tosan Woode, Virgin Atlantic, Dr Juliette & GuestPresident Kwesi, PDG Nana Asafo-Boakye & Trustee PRID SamDominic hospital in Akwatia and at the St Mary Theresahospital and the dental clinic at Dodo-Papase. The Clubis currently involved in completing projects including anorphanage for the children of HIV patients, the Busunyasanitation project and rain harvesting systems for thePresbyterian University College at Agogo, Akropong andthe Abefi campus. eRepresentatives of TrasaccoGuest Speaker HE Claude Marten EUAmbassador & Mrs MartenDiana & GuestsPP Dimitri & CEO Hysen and Robert LindsayENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 23

ENJOYINTL Womens dayInternational Women’s DayAll Over the WorldUS Secretary of State Hillary ClintonWomen employees from NovotelIInternational Women’s Day is held annually on 8 March tocelebrate women’s achievements throughout histroy andacross nations. It is also known as the United Nations(UN) Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. eMichelle Obama, First LadyUnited States of AmericaShirley Frimpong-Manso, Constance Swaniker, MawuenaTrebarh, Ellen Hagan, Abena Amoah & Abena AmoahToni Morrison, Councilof the HumanitiesAngela Merkel, Chancellorof Germany24 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77Indra Nooyi, Chairman& CEO PepsiCoOpera Winfrey, MediaProprietor, Philanthropist

ENJOYGrammy FashionGrammy Awards 2013 Red Carpet FashionENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 25

ENJOYHon. Hanna TettehMinister for Foreign AffairsHon. Kwesi AhwoiMinister for the InteriorHon. Henry Seidu DaanaaMinister for Chieftaincyand Traditional AffairsH.E. John MahamaPresidentHon. Seth TerkperMinister for Finance andEconomic PlanningHon. Edward OmaneBoamahMinister for CommunicationsHon. Haruna IddrisuMinister for Tradeand IndustryHon. Kwesi Amissah-ArthurVice PresidentHon. Doe AdjahoSpeaker of ParliamentHon. Akwasi Oppong FosuMinister for Local Governmentand Rural DevelopmentHon. Elvis Afriyie AnkrahMinister for Youthand SportsHon. Jane NaanaOpoku AgyemangMinister for EducationHon. Georgina WoodsChief Justice26 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77Hon. Mahama AyarigaMinister for Informationand Media RelationsHon. Aminu SulemanaMinister for Roadsand HighwaysHon. Collins DaudaMinister for Water Resources,Works and Housing

Independence daySecond Stanzaof the NationalAnthemHon. Mark OwenWoyongoMinister of DefenceHon. Nayon BilijoMinister for Fisheries andAcquaculture DevolpmentHon. Oteng AdjeiMinister for Environment,Science and TechnologyHon. Benjamin KunbuorMinister for GovernmentBusiness in ParliamentHon. Emmanuel A.K. BuahMinister for Energyand PetroleumHon. Inusah FuseiniMinister for Lands andNatural ResourcesHon. Marietta BrewAppiah-OppongAttorney General andMinister for JusticeHon. ElizabethOfosu-AgyareMinister for Tourism, Cultureand Creative ArtsHon. Clement Kofi HumadoMinister for Foodand AgricultureHail to thy name,O Ghana,To thee we makeour solemn vow:Steadfast tobuild togetherA nation strongin Unity;With our giftsof mind andstrength of arm,Whether night orday, in the midstof storm,In every need,whate’er the callmay be,To serve thee,Ghana, now andevermore…Hon. Hanny-Sherry AyiteyMinister for HealthHon. Dzifa Aku AtivorMinister for TransportHon. Nii Armah AshiteyMinister for Employmentand Labour RelationsHappy56thBirthdayGhanaENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 27

ENJOYam-Before 6:00pmpm-After 6:00pmAll Day11APRIL MARCH18250108MondayGolden Gate HotelA delicious spread ofcontinental dishes 25ghcpay yours and bring anotherperson to eat.Venue : Amakom- KumasiTime : 11:30am-4pmTake a chance andgamble @ La Palm CasinoTime : 11:00 PMJerk Masters @ AirportWest next to BangosBlow away the Monday blueswith jerk chicken From 7pmHoney SuckleHappy Hour½ Price on Drinks till 7pmVenue: Ring Road opp.Time: From 5pmHappy Hour Celsbridge PubLabone Time : @5pmEscobarJoin your friends for a drink @Xcobar Osu. from 7pmShaka Zulu - Bar/ClubPop in for a drink on yourway home from work.Unwind & dance da niteawayPeter PanEasy start to the week,grab a burger at PeterPan’s -A &C shopping mallHappy HourApo's Spot OsuTime 6:00pm3212 - Sushi in OsuVenue : Sisters of the EastTIme from 6pm12 13 14151926 270209TuesdayExquisite JewelryCollection SaleSunshine Cafetime:- 10amMovenpick LoungeCome enjoy a nice chilledevening, good music & foodTime 7pmSwiss wine tasting nightAlliance Française AccraTime- 7:00 PMRhapsody Restaurant BarAccra MallTime : 7:00 PMMillionaires CasinoGolden Tulip Bingo NiteTime 9-10pmBamboo FusionGrab a quick taste of theOrientFrom 7pmHappy HourTops n Tails Pub Spintex RdSpintex rd opp StanchartIce SkatingLizzie Sports CentreFrom 6pmKFC at Marina Mall.Chicken popcorn, large friesand a drink - Tasty!Happy HourToro Tapas Bar at AfrikikoTime : 5 - 7pmSantokuTry the chef’s taster menufor a tasty midweek treat.Venue : Airport West, Opp.African Regent20La Paillotte Takpekpe parleaux femmes / speaks towomenAlliance Française Accratime- 8:00 PMSalsa Dance NiteVenue : Coconut GrooveHotel. time : 7pmQuand je danse, je parleaussi…et quand je neparle pas, je danse peutêtre (Serge Aimé Coulibaly)Alliance Française Accra -Time : 8:00 PMFirefly @ OsuCatch up with friends, have adrink and relax in the pleasantsurroundings.10WednesdayFestival de la Francophonie(till March 23)Venue : Alliance FrancaiseOutdoor events(till March 21)Maison Française - Institut ofEconomic AffairsHappy Hour @ TulipAvoid the stress of rush hourat the poolside @6pmTropicanaJazz bar with a goodambience and tasty menu.Venue: Ringroad Central.time: 6:30pmLincoln CommunitySchool presents SeniorIB Art ExhibitionAlliance Française Accra -6:30 PMToro Tapas BarShare some tapas withfriends Venue AfrikikoCompound from 7pm2103 04thursdayFirst Accra FrancophoneFilm Festival (till March 24)NAFTI Preview Theatre atNAFTI HostelLe Must restaurant yourmidweek dinner joint.Accra Diplomatic ClubHappy HourCoconut Grove RegencyHotel - 6:00 PMDuplex Happy HourOsu, Time : 7pmHappy HourToro Tapas Bar at AfrikikoTime : Thursday only - All dayTeazy ThursAt Bella Roma Osu with dahottest DJs Klla Fingaz andBusty Blaze from 10pm11 12Pizza Nite At Mama Mia'sShare a peter pan orpepperoni with the familytime: 6pmHappy HourTwist Headlines Labonetime: 7pm2228 29MonsoonGrab a drink and a plate ofsushi and watch the actionon Oxford St.Girls Table at AfricanRegentFun night, Hen night or bridalshower. Welcome drinks onarrival, 10% offf total bill.FridaySt Patrick’s Day HooleyAviation Social Centretime - 8:00 PMMiss Alliance Française2013Alliance Française Accratime- 8:00 PMSessimé in concertAlliance Française Accra -time : 8:00 PMLes Miserables Musical(two nights).National Theatre - 6:00 PMEvent - Job ForumAlliance Française Accratime- 10:00 AM05Public Holiday: Easterweek-end (4 days)Hollywood BoulevardANC Square - Come enjoyhip hop music with hot djsand smoking atmosphere.Time : From 9 - lateGhana Hang Gliding &Paragliding Festival (tillMarch 31)Jazzy VIBEAt +233 Jazz ClubTime: 8pm Rate: FreeAfternoon TeaAfrican Regent hotelAirport, West. Join us everyafernoon for a tasty selectionof cakes & dessertstime : from12-5pmChase Restaurant andTakeaway.Try the pizza!From 6:30pm LaboneMovenpick LoungeCome enjoy a nice chilledevening with drinks andmusic.There are a lot of activities lined up for you this month. Send your activities for the Events Calendar to events@enjoyaccra.com28 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

ENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 31

ENJOYLeeniInterviews Larry OtooMy name is Leeni Ojaniemi and it is my pleasure to presentto you Ghana Contemporary and my new monthlyart column.Ghana Contemporary is the premier fine art dealership inGhana, not only representing the best contemporary artists in the countrybut also offering services to private individuals and corporations who arestarting or wishing to expand their collections.In this monthly column we will be following a group of dynamic artists,interviewing them and delivering exciting news about the visual arts inGhana. Therefore the readers of Enjoy Accra will get to enjoy firsthandnews from an insightful new perspective, ie from the artist’s point of view.Our series of interviews begins with no less than the master artist himself,Larry Otoo!“I would recommend thatpeople acquire art that isaesthetically pleasing asthe human being is createdto enjoy aesthetic things,that’s why we have eyes”.Larry Otoo, is one of Ghana’s most renowned painters and he likesto refer to himself as a “contemporary traditionalist.” Born in Accra in1956, his subject matter is inspired by the everyday activities of ordinaryGhanaians. His vibrant, abstract paintings in oil and acrylic capture therhythm and beat of daily life. He paints, he says, “to record and preserveour traditions visually.”32 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

ENJOYis an expansion of ideas and a bondfostered between different cultures.I feel that interest in my work fromabroad has been raised to anotherlevel. Europe is now looking at otheraspects of African tradition and artis one of these.With this interest in African art interms of collecting and investmentwe can say that the artist as thecreator will be more confident inhis work as it competes and isaccepted on the world stage.Leeni: Ghana Contemporary is ona mission to educate the audiencein Ghana about collecting art. Whatin your opinion makes a good artcollection or a collector?Larry: I was at the Thiessenmuseum in Spain and I saw a groupof school children in the museumand I was really happy becauseI feel that for the people to get aninterest in art they need to be givenexposure at an early age.Leeni: -We all love art, especiallyLarry Otoo’s art. Tell us why it isimportant to be surrounded by art.Larry: I have over the years followedbiographies of artists and whatI have noticed is a certain calmabout creative people and a senseof fulfilment. I would recommendthat people acquire art that isaesthetically pleasing as the humanbeing is created to enjoy aestheticthings, that’s why we have eyes.So this all culminates in the urgeto satisfy our desires with what ispleasing to the eye and the mind.That’s why it is psychologicallyimportant to surround yourself withthings that are pleasing to you.Leeni: You have an exhibitioncoming up in Barcelona. GhanaContemporary, will be attendingand providing feedback from theshow. Tell us about your otherfuture plans and ambitions?Larry: I am interested in exposingArt & CultureGhanaian art to the outside world.I also want to create a forum forexchange between artists fromdifferent countries, from Europe,the Americas and Asia for example.I would love to invite artists tocome to Ghana and see what wedo and how we exhibit here. Wecan create different forums forincreased dialogue. I also wantto create a haven for local andinternational artists, a retreat wherethey can come and stay and enjoythe Ghanaian vibe.Stay tuned - the next exhibition ofGhana Contemporary sponsoredby Grey Goose will be held inLa Villa Boutique Hotel on the15th March. The exhibition called“Kaleidoscope” will showcase 9 ofthe most dynamic contemporaryartists in the country.Ghana Contemporary extends thisexclusive invitation to the readersof Enjoy Accra! Enjoy your March,Enjoy Art & Enjoy Accra! eLeeni : leeni@ghanacontemporary.com.Tel : +233 235 840 00034 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77


ENJOYSuDokuEASY MEDIUM HARDGamesSolutions for Jan-Feb. 2012 Solutions for Jan-Feb. 2012 Solutions for Jan-Feb. 2012The Sudoku rule : Completethe Sudoku puzzle so thateach and every row, column,and region contains thenumbers one through nineonly once.EASYMEDIUMHARDThis Month AriesAries 21/3-20/04 Taurus 21/4-21/05 Gemini 22/5-21/06There are some loose ends to tie thismonth, dear Aries. Those endeavors, andpossibly relationships, that are in private orbehind the scenes tend to figure stronglyand thrive, particularly from the 4-6. The8-9 is excellent for research of a financialor business strategy - it may be somethingthat you’ve come up with in the past, butnow deserves special attention. Peoplefrom your past could be involved now. AsMarch progresses, it can be as if you areemerging from a waking sleep with planets,one by one, emerging from your privacysector and moving into your sign. From the12th forward, your energy levels run high(sometimes too high) and your pioneeringinstincts are strong. By the 21st, the Sunand Venus are in your sign, and others aretaking note. This is a fabulous period forcharm and attractiveness. The 27-30 isa power period for you, but it can also bean emotional and impulsive time. Try not tooverdo it! You can be rebellious and seekingfreedom possibly at all costs.March can bring opportunities to clincha deal and cement a bond, or therecan be a positive legal outcome, dearTaurus. However, there can be somefinancial matters involved that requireextra thought. The New Moon on the11th brings new energy to friendships andlong-term goals. From the 17th forward,you will benefit from working on clearingup any problems that have cropped upwith friends. This is a time for feelingpersonally hopeful, emotionally satisfied,and socially popular. Friendships might berenewed or revitalized. In the last few daysof March, health or work problems canmake themselves known, quite suddenly.For some of you, a neglected matter fromthe past can re-emerge, or there can be astrong temptation to impulsively act on asecret desire. Get extra rest and treat anyslow-downs as a sign that you may needmore time to recoup, or to reconsider.You are beginning a period best used foremotional renewal, tying up loose ends,and laying low.The month ahead is strong for networking,friendships, and new approaches in yourcareer, dear Gemini. The first ten daysof March can find you streamlining yourroutines, heavily involved in research, andhighly motivated in work and health matters.The New Moon on the 11th brings freshenergy for career and reputation matters,although it’s better to wait until after the17th to launch new projects. As well, thesecond half of the month is more auspiciousfor clearing up misunderstandings withauthority figures. From the 22nd through tothe end of the month, there can be surprisinghappenings with friends or acquaintancesand possibly a love relationship. Unexpectedmeetings, disruptions, or changes that pointyou in a new direction can occur now. Loverequires emotional space and acceptance,and some of you could find love throughor with friends and groups. It’s also a timewhen inspiration comes suddenly, and youcould pick up new, and possibly radicallydifferent, interests or goals at this time.36 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

ENJOYHOROSCOPECancer 22/6-23/07Libra 24/9-23/10 Capricorn 22/12-20/01This is a month in which you can bemore experimental, spontaneous, andadventurous than usual, dear Cancer. Yourneed to “get away from it all” is powerful.Travel or educational plans have a betterchance of coming together after the 17th.You are likely to feel the need to assertyour independence, with those in authority,family, and/or a partner in March. You have astronger desire to define your relationships,or to come to a deeper understanding andpossibly commitment. Around the 22nd,you might make an unexpected bold careerrelatedmove, or experience a disruptionthat sets you on a new course altogether.Opportunities can emerge around the 28ththat also seem to come from out of the blue.Leo 24/7-23/08The first ten days of March are strong forresearch and strategy, dear Leo. Whileyou should wait to begin new projects untilafter the 17th, you can be busy refiningand reworking those already in progress,and should meet with success. Financesdeserve special attention, particularlyshared money and property as well asloans and support payments. Energeticallyspeaking, the month picks up paceconsiderably by the 12th, and even more soafter the 21st. You could feel as if you aremoving out of the dark and into the light, andyou’re likely to find the spirit and motivationto embark on unusual or simply differentadventures. There are some wonderful andperhaps surprising opportunities that haveto do with legal affairs, travel, or educationthis month, particularly around the 21-23and 27-29.Virgo 24/8-23/09Dear Virgo, you have been learning thevalue of waiting for strategic momentsto express yourself and to choose yourwords more carefully with Saturn in yourcommunications sector this year. You mighteven find that if you hold back opinions orconcerns until you’ve truly processed them,you no longer find it wise to express themat all. While others may wonder why you’reso quiet, this is in fact an important learningexperience for you, as you discover thatwhat you say can impact the direction ofyour life in profound ways. The first ten daysof March are strong for these discoveries,as well as for research and review. Newbeginnings in a partnership are stimulatedafter the New Moon on the 11th, and the17th brings more forward-looking energy toa relationship. In the last week of the month,there can be a surprising or sudden show ofsupport, emotional or financial.A strong focus on your health and workroutines continues in March, dear Libra. Youcould be digging up interesting informationnow, and research of all kinds can be verybeneficial. Close partnerships begin to heatup towards mid-month, and your attentionshifts to significant others even more soby the 20-21. The last week of the monthbrings an emotional Full Moon in your sign,and emotions bubble up to the surface withgreat force, as well as a big commotion inyour partnership sector. Sudden changes,new directions, and strong emotionscharacterize this period. It’s a powerfulperiod for your relationships (this continuesinto the first week of April), and whilespontaneity is the name of the game at thistime, try to avoid rash or careless decisions.Scorpio 24/10-22/11Romance and pleasure-seeking are instrong focus this month, dear Scorpio.Desires come on quickly and withgreat force in March and April. You areespecially companionable and open tonew experiences, although perhaps starryeyedat times. Romantic illusions or selfdeceptionsshould be watched for. Peoplefrom the past could be in strong focus thismonth. You can experience some feelingsof regret or hesitance from the 23rd, whenresponsibilities make themselves known.Enjoy yourself, but keep expectationsrealistic. From the 27th and into April,surprising events and feelings can arise,particularly in the areas of work, dailyroutines, and health. Hidden issues andinformation can surface. Some of youcould meet a romantic partner through anyof these things, and others might find thatsudden events or opportunities push theminto a new direction in their work or withhealth and wellbeing endeavors.Sagittarius 23/11-21/12March is strong for making memorieswith family and for getting some muchneededdown time, dear Sagittarius. Evenso, domestic life is likely to be animatedat times, but mostly in a pleasurable way.From the 20th, a shift of focus to morecreative, sociable, and pleasure-seekingactivities occurs. Surprises are in store,and they’re pointing you in new directions.There could also be surprising turns ofevents surrounding creative projects,romance, friends, and children at this time.Invitations to go out and have some funshould be grabbed, but try to keep one footon the ground, particularly when it comesto money. The inner risk-taker is awakenednow, and it will be important to have somesense of where you might be headed beforeyou take off. Small risks, however, couldvery well pay off. Adjustments need to bemade in a close partnership or friendship.March 4-8 is a very strong period foryour relationships, dear Capricorn, andin particular with friends and siblings.Even with Mercury retrograde (until the17th), you can manage to strengthen yourrelationships through shows of support andpositive actions. Most of March is excellentfor collecting information, research of anykind, and work that involves refining andediting. By month’s end, you’ll be readyto move new projects ahead. Until then,work on getting things right. There canbe surprising events and circumstancessurrounding home and family from the 22ndforward. Keep in mind that desires cancome on quite suddenly, but may not belong-lasting, so that if you have a suddenand seemingly urgent desire to redecorateor part ways with someone close to you,you may want to wait a few days to see if thedesire sticks with you.Aquarius 21/01-19/02March is strong for gathering informationand for inspired money-making ideas, dearAquarius. While you may want to wait beforelaunching your more important business orfinancial plans until the end of the month,pay special attention to the ideas comingto you throughout March, and do yourresearch. Your initiative is stronger thanusual from mid-month, and your taste forthe new and untried is powerful. A partneris in your corner, and an important meetingof minds can occur in the last week of themonth. Your powers of attraction skyrocket,and outstanding creative opportunitiesarise. You could be the go-to person forinformation and know-how. New interestsand possibly love opportunities can be partof the picture in the last week of the month.Some of you could meet someone specialthrough the phone, online, at school, orpossibly in your own neighborhood withyour relationship ruler (the Sun), your ownruler (Uranus), and the love planet (Venus)aligning in your communications sector.Pisces 20/02-20/03The month ahead is a strong one for you,dear Pisces, in terms of personal influence,goal-setting, and finances. The New Moonon the 11th launches a period of increasedpersonal power and charisma, and on the17th, Mercury ends its retrograde periodin your sign. This gives you the green lightto begin moving personal projects ahead.You are bolder than usual, and motivatedto pursue what you want and to proveyour value. There may be job offers andopportunities, and some of you could bereceiving significant gifts or bonuses. Thelast week of the month can stimulate afinancial breakthrough, or simply a suddenpurchase, but whatever does occur, itseems out of the blue and unexpected.ENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 37

38 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

ENJOYMoroccanChicken TagineRecipeTotal time Prep time Serves85 15 4mins mins peopleDirectionsIn a large bowl, mix the garlic, cumin, ginger,paprika, salt and pepper, 1/2 cup gratedonion, and the oil. Rinse the preservedlemons, and remove the pulp. RESERVE thelemon peel for later use.Add the lemon pulp to the mixing bowl.Add the chicken. Mix everything togetherand place in a large plastic bag to marinateovernight in the refrigerator. (24hours reallygives the chicken the best flavor.)In a large Dutch oven or casserole, place thechicken and marinade; add the stems of theparsley and cilantro, the rest of the gratedonion, the powdered saffron and 1 1/2cups water. Bring to a boil over high heat,turn down to a simmer and cook, partiallycovered, for 30 minutes.Remove the cover, stir the chicken andcontinue to simmer for another 15 minutes oruntil the chicken is tender.Remove the chicken to a serving dish andcover with foil to keep warm. Keep sauce onstove and begin to reduce.Slice the preserved lemon peel into thinslices and add to the sauce along with theolives, parsley and cilantro. Reduce until thesauce is just a little thick. This shouldn’t takemore than 5 minutes at most.Uncover the chicken and remove the skinfrom the chicken. (It doesn’t look pretty andwho needs the extra fat.) Pour sauce overchicken and serve.Ingredients» 6 cloves garlic, peeledand finely chopped» 1 teaspoon ground cumin» 1 teaspoon ground ginger» 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika» 1 tablespoon kosher or sea salt» 1/2 teaspoon freshlyground black pepper» 1 large Spanish onion,grated (about 1 cup)» 2 tablespoons canola, grapeseedor olive oil (not a heavy olive oil)»» 1 to 2 preserved lemons,depending on size» 8 chicken thighs, withbone and skin» Stems from the parsley andcilantro, tied with twine» 1/4 teaspoon powdered saffronor 1/4 teaspoon powderedturmeric and 4 strands saffron» 1 cup pitted greenMoroccan or Greek olives» 1/2 bunch Italian parsley,about 1/4 cup chopped» 1/2 bunch cilantro, about» 1/4 cup chopped»ENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 39

ENJOYPlaces to be in AcLodge & French Restaurant GastronomyEast CantonmentsTel : 0302 762 959Cusine :Continental & Local DishesThe Mövenpick Ambassador Hotel, AccraTel : 0302 611 000 Mon-Sun 7am-11pmEl PasoCusine : Mexican40 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 7715th Lane | Osu, Accra, Ghana Tel: 0546333444Tue-Sun 12-3:30pm & 5:30pm-12am

craPlaces to beNOBLE HOUSEChinese, Indian Restaurant & Hotel, KumasiWe serve Lunch & Dinner 7 days a weekTel: 054 237 563Maquis Tante MarieAccra’s No.1 African Dish RestaurantShop G29 Accra Mall, Tetteh Quarshie Interchange, Accra tel:- +233 244 612 8325th Norla Link, Labone Accra Near Metro TVtel: +233 302 778 914 Monday-Sunday: 8am-10pmTo Advertise Hereemail : mag@enjoyaccra.comcall : 0204 652 679LA CHAUMIÈREFrench - Mediterranean RestaurantOpen Mon-Fri 12:00 - 14:30 & 19:00 - 23:00, Sat 19:00 - 23:00 Closed on Sun215, Liberation Road Accra opposite Shangri-la HotelCall +233 302 772 408 / +233 244 802 013ENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 41

ENJOYShopping in Accrahospitality024 095 4262sg.kidsconcept@gmail.comArlecchinoLocation - Oxford Street No. I674/2 AccraTel : +233 263 214 621 Mon-Sun 12pm-12am“A sweet italian touch inthe heart of Accra”To Advertise Hereemail : mag@enjoyaccra.comcall : 0204 652 679More than 5 weekly flightsfrom Ghana to MoroccoLocated At Silver Star BuildingCall center: +212 522 489 797 /Ghana: +233 302 78 71 82www.royalairmaroc.com42 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

ENJOYinfomercialOverwhelmed by Accra’sheat and humidity? Whynot stop by NourishLABfor a smoothie of blended fruitsand frozen yogurt. The mangoand passion fruit combination is agood bet. After you cool down, tryone of the sandwiches or freshlybaked pastries on offer, and enjoya break from the hustle and bustleof Osu’s Oxford St.NourishLAB Smoothy’s is locatedat upper Oxford Street, oppositeCompu Ghana adjacent to ADBbank. Opening hours are from8am to 11pm daily.It is the mission of NourishLABSmoothy’s to quench your thirstand hunger by revitalizing yourday with our irresistible naturalfruit smoothies, chicken, tuna,(mushroom/egg/avocado) wraps,salads, fish and other palatabledishes, with maximum healthbenefits that will nourish yourmind and body. Just one tasteand you will want more and more.Look out for a new branchopening soon in East Legon.Smoothy’sNourishLABFor more variety and a healthierway of living visit NourishLabSmoothy’s.Your healthy addiction. eCall us on 024393 9855 /0289333999copyright pictures food pictures gettyimagesENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 43

ENJOYAFRICAN RESTAURANTSAfrikiko 030) 222 9997Asanka Local (030) 278 6328Buka (030) 278 2953Ethiopian Rest. (024) 306 8165Red Chilli (024) 790 2809Tante Marie (030) 277 8914Home Touch (030) 277 7662CONTINENTAL RESTAURANTSThe Grill (024) 966 6333Le Tandem (030) 276 2959Frankie’s (030) 277 3567Livingstone (030) 276 7740Au Grand Ecuyer (030) 276 8643Captain Hook (030) 276 2228La Chaumière (030) 277 2408Le Bouquet (030) 277 2417Landing Rest. (030) 276 0775Le Magellan (030) 277 7629Mama Mia(delivery) (024) 426 4151Monsoon (030) 278 2307Zanzibar (030) 278 6099ORIENTAL RESTAURANTSBali Hai (030) 277 1700Chez Lien (030) 277 5356China House (030) 276 0284City Garden Rest. (030) 222 1710/29Dragon House (030) 276 2988Dynasty (030) 277 5496Noble House (030) 278 5151Kohinoor (030) 277 1999Pearl Chinese (024) 440 6748Heritage (030) 278 5252Zanzibar (024) 489 0990OTHER RESTAURANTSArlecchino (026) 321 4621Cuppa Cappuccino (024) 820 4441Bella Roma (024) 747 4007Sunshine (030) 278 0599Akroma Plaza (031) 202 5513KFC, Osu (030) 296 3086LA GALETTE (024) 675 2429Foodies (030) 266 1858Fali’s Hot Pot (030) 225 8473Stellar Catering (024) 477 3403IL Cavaliere Pazzo (030) 282 3131024 676 7777The Lexington 0240 959 406Taverna Tropicana (030) 222 9101Melting Moments 0244-661 069(030) 277 0834Le Must French Rest. 0244-661 069Michelangelo 0244 233 533Crown Apartmento (030) 277 17133121 Sushi Bar 026 777 3121OTHER RESTAURANTSChase Lounge (030) 277 84770544 104 204Cafe Dez Amis (0302) 782 9371Red Chilli 024 790 2809Firefly Lounge Bar (030) 277 7818Rhapsody’s Rest. 0244 337 825Osekan Rest. 0245 352 912 /0302 775 496Picasso (030) 277 1712/Magnolias Rest. Bar (030) 291 75270206 400 615The Grill 024 433 1000024 966 6333Chez Marie Lou Rest. (030) 277 4891Jade Garden 024 460 8281Koffee Lounge (030) 292 5067 /(030) 250 0185Eddy’s Pizza 054 413 3397Le Bistro Rest. (030) 776 738Rice ‘n’ Salads 027 740 1009Ristorante Sol Moi (030) 278 4015Sweet Rose Chinese (030) 281 6252Escobar Lounge 024 428 8882 /024 823 2222Robi’s Dutch Pub 024 220 1087 /024 526 3582Toros Tapas Bar 0242 880 163 /020 094667Appetite Rest. Lounge (030) 254 3439Star Bites (030) 293 6156Smoothy’s 024 393 9855Santoku Rest. (030) 273 7027 /0544 311 511BARBywel Bar (030) 276 7793Bus Stop (030) 222 0930Ryan’s Irish Pub (030) 276 2334Jokers Center 024 437 0752Chester’s Bar (030) 276 2771The Honey Suckle (030) 278 0774027 5 55 6006The Republic Bar 024 631 4044Shaka Zulu Bar 020 140 4164& RestaurantBEAUTYFIRST CHOICE SALONTel:+(233)-030 268 2997 / 24 437 4894info@firstchoicehair.comSALON CITY SPATel: +(233)-030 276 8751info@saloncityspa.comLADY PAM SALONTel: +(233)-030 277 6952HOLY TRINITY SPATel: +(233)-0362091334LAJEN UNISEX SALONTel: (020) 871 4892/ 0302 777 837lajen-bshop@hotmail.comL'eden Afro-European Unisex SalonTel: (024) 426 5179Beauty SquareTel: (054) 272 7235www.beautysquareghana.comCASINOSLapalm Casino (030) 278 5420/1www.kairointernational.comPiccadilly Casino (030) 276 3095www.kairointernational.comMillionaires Accra (030) 277 4339info@millionairescasino-gh.comMillionaires Kumasi (032) 204 9868info@millionairescasino-gh.comCAR HIREVRS (030) 277 9387Cole Consult (024) 4035856Atlas Rent-A-Car (024) 427 7871CULTURAL CENTRESAlliance Française (030) 277 3134British Council (030) 268 3068Goethe Institute (030) 277 6764Nebuke Foundation (028) 910 2163Express Delivery ServicesDHL (030) 224 1595Fedex Ground (030) 266 6659Sky Net (030) 223 0516(024) 205 0501TNT Express (030) 276 6518Aramex Express Ltd (030) 340 9090United Parcel (030) 276 2509Services UPS (030) 276 2510Hotels!! Industry!!For all your Laundry &Cleaning Chemical NeedsCall 0244 841 350 / 0244 561 82744 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

HospitalityHOTELS - ACCRALA PALM ROYAL BEACH HOTELTel: +(233) 030-277 1700lapalm@gbhghana.netLABADI BEACH HOTEL (ACCRA)Tel: +(233) 030-277 2501labadi@legacyhotels.comALISA HOTELTel:+(233) 030-214 233/232 670info@alisahotels.comFRANKIE’S HOTELTel:+(233) 030-277 3567frankies@frankiesghana.comNOVOTEL HOTELTEL: +(233) 030-266 7546h1021@accor.comMARISET PLAZATel: +(233) 030-277 4542 / 277 4542mplazahotel@4u.com.hgDUTCH HOTELTel:+(233) 030-271 1111-8info@dutchotel.comGOLDEN TULIPTel: (030) 221 3161info@goldentulipaccra.comFIESTA ROYALETEL: +(233)-030 274 0811info@fiestaroyalehotel.comHOLIDAY HOTELTel:+(233) 030 277 3660/1holidayhotel@ghana.comHOLIDAY INN HOTELTel :+(233) 030 274 0930CHEZ LIENTEL:+(233) 030 277 5356chezlien@ighmail.comBEST WESTERN PREMIERTEL:+(233) 0302 216 570/766 902www.bestwesternpremier.com.ghAFRICAN REGENT HOTELTEL:+(233) 0302 765 180-2info@african-regent-hotel.comAIRPORT WEST HOTELTel:+(233) 030-276 7870 / 77 1388info@airportwesthotel.comHOTELS - ACCRAMirage Royal HotelTel :+(233) 030 252 0570-2Villa Monticello HotelTel: +(233) 030-277 3477 /026 630 7398info@villamonticello.comMÖVENPICK AMBASSADOR HOTELTel: +(233) 030-261 1000reservations.accra@moevenpick.comROYAL RICHESTERTel:+(233) 030-252 0786 / 520 791info@royalrichester.comLa Villa Boutique HotelTEL: +(233) 030-273 0333-6info@lavillaghana.comCoconut Grove Regency HotelTel: +(233) 030-222 5155 / 226 310regency@coconutgrovehotels.comOak Plaza East Airport HotelTel:+(233) 030-281 6460-3res@oakplazahotels.comErata HotelTel:+(233) 544 336 761 / 544 336 738info@eratahotel.comProtea HotelTel: +(233) 030 251 7454reservations@proteaaccra.comCROWN APARTMENTOTel:+(233) 289 113 600reservation@crownapartmento.comPALOMA HOTELTel:+(233) 030-222 8700reservations@palomahotel.comHILLTOP HOTELTel:+(233) 030-224 8444maidenhotels2003@yahoo.comDE HOLIDAY BEACH HOTELTel:+(233) 030 292 0710www.deholidaybeachhotel.comMIDINDI HOTELTel:+233 302 770007www.midindihotel.comHOTELS - TEMAROYAL NICK HOTELTel:+(233) 030-320 5186info@royalnickhotel.comENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 45

ENJOYEmbassiesAlgeria (030)-277 6719Australia (030)-221 6400Austria (030)-278 3368Belgium (030)-277 6561Benin (030)-277 4860Brazil (030)-277 4908Bulgaria (030)-277 2404Burkina Faso (030)-222 1988Canada (030)-277 3791China (030)-277 7073CÔte d’lvoire (030)-277 2611Denmark (030)-222 6972Ethiopia (030)-276 5682Finland (030)-277 7500France (030)-221 4550Gambia (030)-231 5840Germany (030)-222 1311Guinea (030)-277 7921Hungary (030)-240 0770India (030)-277 5601Iran (030)-276 0521Ireland (030)-251 8112Italy (030)-277 5621Korea (030)-277 7533Japan (030)-276 5060Lebanon (030)-277 6727Liberia (030)-277 5641Mali (030)-266 3276Morocco (030)-277 5669Netherlands (030)-221 4350Niger (030)-222 4962Nigeria (030)-277 6158Norway (030)-222 0101Philippines (030)-251 6442Poland (030)-250 2829Spain (030)-277 4004Russia (030)-277 5611Rwanda (030)-225 1894Czech Rep. (030)-222 3540Senegal (030)-277 0285Togo (030)-277 7950Congo (030)-224 5977Turkey (030)-276 8567U.K. (030)-222 1665U.S.A. (030)-277 5347Switzerland (030)-222 8125INT. DIALING CODESAngola 244Australia 61Austria 43Belgium 32Benin 229Botswana 267Brazil 55Burkina Faso 226Burundi 257Cameroon 237Canada 1Cape Verde 238Cntrl African Rep 236Chad 235Czech Republic 420Denmark 45Egypt 20Equatorial Guinea 240France 33Gabon 241Gambia 220Guinea 224Italy 39Japan 81North Korea 850South Korea 82Liberia 231Libya 218Mali 223Mauritania 222Mauritius 230Morocco 212Namibia 264Rwanda 250Senegal 221Sierra Leone 232South Africa 27Togo 228Uganda 256U.S.A. 1DRC 243Zambia 260Zimbabwe 263AIRLINESkotoka Airport (030)-277 6171Aero Contractor (030)-2681978/9Aerogem Aviation (030)-276 9298American Airlines (030)-268 8804Asky airline (030)-2240442/3Air Ghana (030)-277 4007Air Ivoire (030)-224 2056Air Senegal Int. (030)-278 0567Antrack Air (030)-276 5377Alitalia (030)-278-3319/21Belview Airlines (030)-223 0329British Airlines (030)-221 4996Brussels Airlines (030)-224 3893Cathay Pacific (208)-213 8270City Link Air Ltd (030)-277 0445Delta Airlines (030)-276 5262(030)-277 7756Egypt Air (030)-2773537/8Emirate Airlines (030)-223 0319Useful numbersGhana Int. (030)-221 3555Kenya Airways (030)-224 1560KLM (030)-221 4700Lufthansa (030)-224 3893Middle East (030)-223 0867North American (030)-291 1087Royal Air Maroc (030)-276 6333Royal Dutch (030)-277 6509Slock Air Int. (030)-276 6740South African Air (030)-278 3676UNMIL (030)-277 3890Virgin Nigeria (030)-291 1721Virgin Atlantic (030)-221 520024 HR EMERGENCY CENTRETrust Hospital (030)-277 6787Nyaho Clinic (030)-277 5341BANKSAccess Bank (030)-278 4143Agri. Dev.Bank (030)-266 2640Bank of Ghana (030)-266 6902Barclays Bank (030)-278 4049Cal Bank Ltd (030)-268 0061CDH Securities Ltd (030)-266 7425Credit References (030)-278 2581Databank Group (030)-266 9421Ecobank (030)-268 1147NIB (030)-266 1701SG-SSB (030)-220 2020FIRE SERVICEHeadquarters (030)-277 2446Cantonments (030)-266 6576Central (Makola) (030)-277 9635Industrial Area (030)-222 3169Dansoman (030)-231 0903Madina (030)-250 1744Aviation (030)-277 3285Trade Fare (030)-277 3949HOSPITALSAkai House Clinic (030)-278 4772Akai House (Osu) (030)-276 382137 Military Hospital (030)-277 6111Korle-Bu (030)-266 5401Lister hospital (030)-281 2325/6Nyaho Clinic (030)-277 5341Princess Marie Louise (030)-266 4137West African Rescue (030)-278 1258Diagnostic centre (030)-221 1930POLICEEmergency 191RegionalHeadquarters (030)-266 4611Mobile Force (030)-276 0273Accra Central (030)-266 3625Achimota (030)-240 1999Adabraka (030)-222 1368Airport (030)-277 7592ENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 47

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ENJOYY O U R F R E E M O N T H L Y L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N EACCRA • TEMA • KUMASI • TAKORADI • CAPE COAST10 th EditionENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 49

ENJOYRefreshing a Ghanaian thirst since 1931My dearest Club revellersWe have arrived at the first milestone of our ClubSocial Guide. After the first ten editions, we bringour Season One to a close. We thank our sponsorABL and the best beer brand in Ghana CLUB.To you our readers who send us constant emails, knowthat we have read each and every one of them andwill be around with the Second Season very soon.Till we come your way again, drinkyour Club Beer responsibly.Send us emails as you visit our selected hotspotsand feel free to send suggestions of how weshould proceed with the Second Season of ourClub Social Guide.Enjoy yourself responsibly.Alainalain@enjoyaccra.comRemember to drink responsiblyBAMBOO HOUSELASHIBI, near abe’s plaza/ near ann’s schoolLocal and continental dishesLocal and foreign0242966168 (MAAME SERWA)Budget (food & drink) : GH¢ 12Open 12.30pm -1amACHIMOTA CLUB HSEACHIMOTA, near mama ladj spotLocal and continental dishesEnjoy also Ago FM and foreign musicA perfect place to have a meal.Nice interior and attentive service.0249387347 (CHARLES)Budget (food & drink) : GH¢ 3Open 11am -12amAFRICAN PALACEDANSOMAN,ExhibitionPan african foodLive band0244266575 (Gloria))Budget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 10Open 6am - 3am50 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

COFFEE SHOPLA, LaboneLocal and continental dishesIdeal spot for a business lunch in apleasant, green and cool atmosphere..0241109255 (ATO)Budget (food & Drink) : GH¢14Open 9am-12pmFLOJOES (BARRY’S ENT. CENTRE)NSAWAM, Main Road After AfricanaThey have local foodsDSTV, live matches, private movie rooms, consolegames. Very good service and delicious food!0267775886 (TONY)Budget (food & drink) : GH¢ 7Open 8am-10pmLAST HOURASHAIMAN, Just by Atidaka Station - CMS BRANDEDLocal dishesLocal musicClean and cheap chop bar with a vast variety of localfood served..0243219473 (Charity Akrobo)Budget (food & drink) : GH¢7.3Open 6.30-10pmFISH AND FRIENDSSOUTH LA, South La EstatesPork (grilled and fried)Local and foreign musicDelicious pork here!!! Everyone should try this.Very cozy and good service. Always fun.0244547092 (FISH)Budget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 8Open 10am-till L.C.MR.FREE GARDENSASHAIMAN, Comm.22 Near Kowa NasoLocal and continental.Local music.Budget (food & drink) : GH¢ 4.80243668030 (Wonder Aheto)Open 8am-11pmABL GuideENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 51In Ghana, Beer means CLUB

Refreshing a Ghanaian thirst since 1931ENJOYMOSCOW PUB/HUNTER’S BRIDGEODORKOR O.T, Untarred Road To Freedom ChapelBanku, tilapia and kebabsLocal and foreign foodReally fast food and good service.Slot machines available.0243771155 (DAVID)Budget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 10Open 8.30am-2am52 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77PORTA BELLAADJIRINGANOR, Opp. Jokovan BarBanku and tilapia, kebabLocal and foreign0279-674157 (Bella)Budget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 10Open 8am-2amMALIAKA GARDENSASHAIMAN,Comm 22 - Near The Main park.They have local dishes027-6009756 (Joyce Fiagbedu)Budget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 5Open 8.30am-2amNORDSEEKORLE GONO, near the beachLocal and continentalLocal and continentalThis is a great place! There is a beach, goodrestaurant, swimming pool and accommodation.0204650916 (SAMMY)Budget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 10.5Open 8am-2amRASTA’S SPOT (Tikas bar and grill)DOME, after filling station(left)They have country, local and live band musicA amazing place to have your lunch or dinner.Video games and table hockey.Thumbs up!0247222229 (DEE)Budget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 13Open 6am-11pm

ABL GuideKnow your limitIf you do not already know howmuch alcohol you can handle withoutlosing control, try it out one time athome with a friend present and havethem videotape you, then see whathappens when you consume more thanthe recommended one drink per hour.Eat while you drinkIt is particularly good to eat high proteinfoods such as cheese and peanuts, which helpto slow the absorption of alcohol into thecirculatory system.Cultivate tasteEnjoy your drink, don’t rush it. If you gulp adrink you will be losing the pleasure of tastingand smelling the various flavours in the drink.Accept a drink only when youreally want oneAt a party if someone is trying to forceanother drink on you, ask for ice or drink anon-alcoholic beverage.Skip a drink now and thenSpace your alcoholic drinks out to keep thedesired blood alcohol concentration.Appoint a designated driverHave someone available who will not be drinking and will drive all drinkers home. This iscritical if the person has consumed more than one drink per hour. If you know that youwill have to drive after consuming alcohol, limit your consumption to no more than onedrink an hour.ENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 53

Refreshing a Ghanaian thirst since 1931ENJOYTOP GARDENSKWABENYA, main roadThey have local and continental dishesClean, good service and chilled club. Lots of room.0209141406 (WILLIAMS)Local. Live band on Sun.Budget (food & drink) : Gh¢ 7Open 7am-12am54 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77YOKOS PUBASYLUM D, Arr barclays ring rdTry their special banku and tilapia0302914747 (VICKY)SPOONSLARTEBIOKORSHIE, opp. containerPizza + local and continentalLocal and foreignA very nice restaurant! Clean, good service, deliciousfood. Awesome pizza available.0243281509 (MRS DARTEY)Budget (food & drink) : GH¢ 10Open 8am-10pmVIDASHASHAIMAN, main Zenu roadThey have local foods0242403946 (Irene)Budget (food & drink) : Gh¢ 10Open 8.30am-12amCROSS ROADOSU, reGhanaian dishes (Rice,Banku & Tilapia)Lot of food to choose from. Delicious.Live matches here and chilled Club beer.0244268159 (Mr Kabu)Budget (food & drink) : Gh¢ 12Open 9am-2am

ABL Guide“AromaIn order to enjoy beer, on needsto know how to totally enjoyand savour every drop ofthe drink meant for kings….”I like to leave a little room at the top of a bowlshapedbeer glass in order to swish the beeraround and create more aroma. Whichever wayyou aerate the beer, you’ll want to have some roomto stick your nose down in there and give it a goodsmell. Look for beer smells like malt, yeast, alcoholand hops. Identify unique and signature smell.AppearanceHold your glass up to the light and check forclarity, cloudiness or colour and match those upwith the style of beer you are drinking . Club beershould be golden and clear.TasteAfter completing the steps listed above,taste the beer by taking a small mouthful andbreathing in slightly as you taste the beer. Thiswill open up all your senses and let you get acomplete picture of what you are tasting. In theproper glass, the beer should hit your tongue denotingbitter and sweet flavours on the parts ofyour mouth that can discern those tastes. Take asecond taste and swish the beer around in yourmouth slightly to move the beer across all yourflavour sensing areas.Mouth FeelBy tasting beer, you should be able todetermine the mouth feel. Some beers havea heavy, almost oily mouth feel to them, whileother beers are light and dry and offer verylittle by way of mouth feel. Becoming familiarwith beer styles will help you determine whattype of mouth feel is common with each style.FinishSome beers finish with a sweet, pleasant aftertaste, while other beers finish bitter and even dry.When you taste your beer and swallow it,ask yourself what it leaves behind? What’s thelast thing you taste? With a sweeter finish,you’ll end up with a sharper leftover tasteimpression in the front of your mouth,while with a bitter beer, you’ll taste it morein the back of the mouth. With a dry finish, itwill leave very little in the way of taste residue,especially overly sweet tastes. Dry usuallydenotes the absence of sweet.ENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 55

Refreshing a Ghanaian thirst since 1931ENJOYVINO’S PLACEKwashiman, ACCRAThey serve Ghanaian dishes (Banku and Tilapia)Live music0242 233 643 (Vinoria)Budget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 10Open 8.30am-2amEUROPE SPOTOdokor Road from high tension, ACCRAGhanaian dishes (Fufu, Banku, Rice & Tilapia)Live matches DSTV on projectors,restaurant, guest rooms & VIP rooms0264 344 724 (Asante)Budget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 10Open 8am-2amICE BERGMile 7, ACCRAGhanaian and continental dishesTry their special Khebab0244 894 429Budget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 15Open 8am-2amTREET BAR AND GRILLAchimota, near the Trotro Station, ACCRAThey serve Ghanaian and Continental dishesLive matches on Projectors (DSTV)Chilled Club beer always available0204650916 (SAMMY)Budget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 15Open 8am-2amJUST HEREDome St Johns, ACCRAGhanaian and continental dishes(Banku & Okro, Rice & Yam)Live band music & live match DSTVBudget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 1556 | March 2013 ENJOY N o 77

ZANZIBA BARCape Coast, near SWEDUGhanaian dishesChilled Club Beer always availableBudget (food & Drink) : GH¢10ABL GuideSOLACECape Coast, opposite ADISCO PARKGhanaian dishes(Banku, Omotuo, Fufu and Rice)Live matches on DSTVTry also their special Khebab0245 099 909Budget (food & drink) : GH¢ 15MEET ME THERECape Coast, near Adisco ParkThey serve Ghanaian dishes (Fufu, Rice, Banku, etc)Live matches on DSTV0209 793 248 (Pope Afenu)Budget (food & drink) : GH¢9COMMUNITY GARDENCape Coast, near BAKANSThey serve essentially Ghanaian dishes(Fufu, Ampesia, Omotuo)Sea breeze and fresh airA very spacious place for kidsBudget (food & Drink) : GH¢ 12WEST END SPOTCape Coast, near FORD STATIONGhanaian dishes (Fufu, Banku, Kokonte, etc)Watch live matches on DSTV0208 154 324Budget (food & drink) : GH10In Ghana, Beer means CLUBENJOY N o 77 March 2013 | 57

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