Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

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Table 4-4: Description <strong>of</strong> Ranking Criteria Used for Each STAPLEE Component2007 Disaster <strong>Mitigation</strong> Plan, City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong>, <strong>California</strong>GENERAL IMPACT SPECIFIC IMPACT DESCRIPTION <strong>of</strong> GRADING SCALE for EACH IMPACTSocialAcceptanceEffect on Segment <strong>of</strong> PopulationIs the action item perceived as socially acceptable to a wide segment <strong>of</strong> the population? Values range from 0 to 3, with 0 =public indifferent to action, 1 = somewhat popular, 2 = popular, 3 = very popular.Is the action item likely to impact (positively or negatively) a particular segment <strong>of</strong> the population? Values range from -3 to 3with -3 = will negatively impact a segment <strong>of</strong> the population, 0 = will have no effect, 3 = will have a very positive effect on asegment <strong>of</strong> the population.Technical Feasibility Is the action feasible given our current knowledge or science? 0 = No, 1 = somewhat, 2 = moderately, 3 = absolutely.Long-Term SolutionIs implementation <strong>of</strong> this action going to reduce the hazard permanently? 0 = no, 1 = slightly, 2 = somewhat, 3 = yes.AdministrativePoliticalLegalStaffingFunding allocatedMaintenancePublic SupportPolitical Support<strong>State</strong> AuthorityLocal AuthorityPossible Legal Action?Is there staff currently at the City doing this work? Does it involve 1 person, or more? The resulting number is a weightedsum <strong>of</strong> individual components, as described below:Is there staff currently at the City doing this work? 0 = no; 1 = yes, 1 person; 2 = yes, 2 or more but not enough to do theproposed work; 3 = yes, several, enough to get the work done. -1 = City needs to hire someone to do the work; -2 = Cityneeds to hire 2 people to do the work; 3 = City needs to hire several people to get this done.0 = no funding currently allocated; 1 = some funding allocated, need a lot more $, 2 = funding available, enough to do thebasics; 3 = funding available to do the work w/out cutting corners.Does this action require constant maintenance and upgrade? 0 = no, this is a one-time expenditure; -1= some minormaintenance required, -2 = constant maintenance by 1 individual required; -3 = constant maintenance and upgrade required,effort requires 2 more individuals assigned to task.Is the action going to be popular with the public? On a scale from -3 to 3, with -3 = very unpopular; 0 = no public reaction,indifferent; and 3 = very popular.Is the action going to be popular with the Mayor and City Council? On a scale from -3 to 3, with -3 = very unpopular; 0 = noreaction, indifferent; and 3 = very popular.Is there a <strong>State</strong> mandate or a recommendation to have this done? 0 = no; 1= there is minor <strong>State</strong> interest in doing this; 2 thereis a strong support at the <strong>State</strong> level to do this; 3 = there is a <strong>State</strong> mandate to do this, generally with a target date forimplementationIs there a local mandate or recommendation to implement this action? 0 = no; 1 = there is minor local support to get thisdone, 2 = there is strong local support to get this done; 3 = there is a City mandate to get this done.Is this action likely to get challenged in court? 0 = no; -1 = a small possibility, -2 = yes, some people might object enough togo to court; -3 = yes, expect several neighbors to challenge this in court.Economic Benefit The economic benefits <strong>of</strong> implementing this action. 0 = no benefit; 1= small benefit, 2 = benefit; 3 = great benefit.CostThe economic costs <strong>of</strong> implementing this action: 0 = no costs; -1 = small cost, -2 = some cost; 3= very expensive.Outside FundingIs there outside funding available to implement this action? 0 = no; 1 = small amounts <strong>of</strong> money, not enough to get it done;2= funding available; 3= enough grant money available to get this done.EnvironmentalImpacts on EnviromentConsistent with Community'sEnvironmental GoalsDoes this action have a positive or negative impact on the environment? On a scale from -3 to 3 with -3 = severe negativeimpact on enviroment; 0 = no impact; and 3 = very positive impact on environment.Is the proposed action consistent with <strong>Glendale</strong>'s environmental goals? On a scale from -3 to3 with -3 = goes against all goalsto protect the environment; 0 = has no impact on the local enviromental goals; 3 = is very consistent with <strong>Glendale</strong>'senvironmental goals.Page 4-27

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