Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

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Natural <strong>Hazard</strong>s <strong>Mitigation</strong> PlanCity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong>, <strong>California</strong>Section 4 – Multi-<strong>Hazard</strong> Goals and Action ItemsShort Term – Flood #l:Action Item: Analyze each repetitive flood property within the City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong> and identifyfeasible mitigation options.Ideas for Implementation:♦ Identify appropriate and feasible mitigation activities for identified repetitive floodproperties. Funding may be available through FEMA' s <strong>Hazard</strong> <strong>Mitigation</strong> Grant andFlood <strong>Mitigation</strong> Assistance Programs and the Pre-disaster <strong>Mitigation</strong> Program.♦ Contact repetitive loss property owners to discuss mitigation opportunities, anddetermine interest should future project opportunities arise.♦ Explore options for incentives to encourage property owners to engage in mitigation.Coordinating Organization: <strong>Hazard</strong> <strong>Mitigation</strong> Advisory CommitteeTimeline:1-2 yearsPlan Goals Addressed: Protect Life and Property, Partnerships andImplementationConstraints:Pending Funding and Available PersonnelShort Term – Flood #2:Action Item: Recommend revisions to requirements for development within the floodplain,where appropriate.Ideas for Implementation:♦ Evaluate elevation requirements for new residential and nonresidential structures in theunincorporated floodplain area.♦ Explore raising the base elevation requirement for new residential construction to twoor three feet above base flood elevation, or greater. An increased elevation standard isone activity the county can engage in to receive credit from the NFIP CommunityRating System Program.♦ Identify opportunities to review and the Federal Insurance Study for <strong>Glendale</strong> anddevelop, if necessary, a Federal Insurance Rate Map for the area.♦ Identify alternatives to reduce development in the floodplain.Coordinating Organization:Timeline:Plan Goals Addressed:Constraints:Public Works, County Department <strong>of</strong> Transportation,Information Services2 yearsProtect Life and PropertyPending Funding and Available Personnel2006 PAGE 4 - 19

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