Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

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Natural <strong>Hazard</strong>s <strong>Mitigation</strong> PlanCity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong>Executive Summaryauthorities, and may take between one and five years (or more) to implement.Chapter 4 includes all <strong>of</strong> the action items developed for the Plan, including both multi-hazardaction items, and hazard-specific action items. The hazard-specific action items are alsorepeated in the appropriate chapter <strong>of</strong> the Plan dealing with that specific hazard (Chapter 6:Earthquakes; Chapter 7: Wildfires; Chapter 8: Floods; and Chapter 9: Landslides and SlopeInstability). Natural hazard data specific to the <strong>Glendale</strong> area were collected, researched, andanalyzed. These data were then presented to the <strong>Hazard</strong> <strong>Mitigation</strong> Advisory Committee, whodeveloped draft action items. The proposed (draft) action items were presented to and discussedwith City staff and the public (see Appendix B); their feedback was used to finalize the actionitems presented in the Plan. Each action item is followed by the following information:C oordinating OrganizationThecoordinating organization is the public agency with regulatory responsibility toaddress natural hazards, or that is willing and able to organize resources, find appropriatefunding, or oversee activity implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. Coordinatingorganizations may include local, county, or regional agencies that are capable <strong>of</strong> orresponsible for implementing activities and programs.TimelineAction items include both short- and long-term activities. Each action item includes anestimate <strong>of</strong> the time line for implementation. Short-term action items are activities which<strong>Glendale</strong>’s agencies are capable <strong>of</strong> implementing with existing resources and authoritieswithin one to two years. Long-term action items may require new or additional resourcesor authorities, and may take between one and five years (or more) to implement.I deas for ImplementationEach action item includes ideas for implementation and potential resources, which mayinclude grant programs or human resources.P lan Goals AddressedThe<strong>Mitigation</strong> Plan needs to be regularly monitored and evaluated to measure its successin achieving its goals once implementation begins. To that end, the plan goals addressedby each action item are included – they provide the means by which the success <strong>of</strong> eachaction can be measured. The plan goals are organized into the following five areas: Protect Life and Property Public Awareness Natural Systems Partnerships and Implementation Emergency ServicesPartner OrganizationsPartner Organizations are not listed with the individual action items, but they are listed inAppendix A. Partner Organizations are agencies or public/private sector organizationsthat may be able to assist in the implementation <strong>of</strong> action items by providing relevant2006 PAGE ES - 4

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