Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

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Natural <strong>Hazard</strong>s <strong>Mitigation</strong> PlanCity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong>, <strong>California</strong>Appendix I – ReferencesHarp, E.L., and Jibson, R.W., 1996, Landslides triggered by the 1994 Northridge, <strong>California</strong>,Earthquake: Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Seismological Society <strong>of</strong> America, Vol. 86, No. 1B, pp. S319-S332.Hart, E.W., and Bryant, W.A., 1999, Fault-Rupture <strong>Hazard</strong> Zones in <strong>California</strong>, Alquist-PrioloEarthquake Fault Zoning Act with Index to Earthquake Fault Zones Maps: <strong>California</strong>Division <strong>of</strong> Mines and Geology Special Publication 42.Hauksson, Egill, 1994, The 1991 Sierra Madre Earthquake Sequence in Southern <strong>California</strong>:Seismological and Tectonic Analysis: Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the Seismological Society <strong>of</strong> America,Vol. 84, No. 4, pp. 1058-1074.Hauksson, E. and Jones, L., 1991, The 1988 and 1990 Upland Earthquakes: Left-lateral FaultingAdjacent to the Central Transverse Ranges: Journal <strong>of</strong> Geophysical Research, Vol. 96,No. B5, pp. 8143-8165.Hauksson, E., Hutton, K., and Jones, L., 2001, Magnitude 4.2 near West Hollywood, CA,Sunday, September 9, 2001 at 4:59:17 PM (PDT),http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/eqinthenews/cl09703872/index.html2001Hayes, E., 1988, A Review <strong>of</strong> Information on Seismic <strong>Hazard</strong>s Needed for theEarthquake-Resistant Design <strong>of</strong> Lifeline Systems in the United <strong>State</strong>s: U.S. GeologicalSurvey Open File Report ICSSCTR-10, 71p.Helm, R., Neal, B., and Taylor, L., 1973, A Fire <strong>Hazard</strong> Severity Classification System for<strong>California</strong>’s Wildlands: A report by the Department <strong>of</strong> Housing and UrbanDevelopment and the <strong>California</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Conservation, Division <strong>of</strong> Forestry tothe Governor’s Office <strong>of</strong> Planning and Research, dated April 1, 1973.Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO), 2001, Guide for Determination <strong>of</strong> Needed Fire Flow:Edition 10-2001, 26p.Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO), 1997, The Wildland/Urban Fire <strong>Hazard</strong>: ISO, New York,December 1997.Interagency <strong>Hazard</strong> <strong>Mitigation</strong> Team, 2000, <strong>State</strong> <strong>Hazard</strong> <strong>Mitigation</strong> Plan: Oregon EmergencyManagement.International Conference <strong>of</strong> Building Officials (ICBO), 1997, Uniform Building Code.Jaffe, M., Butler, J., and Thurow, C., 1981, Reducing Earthquake Risks: A Planners Guide:American Planning Association (Planning Advisory Service), Report No. 364, 82p.Jameson, E. W., Jr., and H. J. Peeters, 1988, <strong>California</strong> Mammal: University <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong> Press,Berkeley, <strong>California</strong>.Jennings, C. W., Strand, R. G., Rogers, T. H., 1977, Geologic Map <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong>: <strong>California</strong>Division <strong>of</strong> Mines and Geology.Jennings, Charles W., 1994, Fault Activity Map <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong> and Adjacent Areas with Locationand Ages <strong>of</strong> Recent Volcanic Eruptions: <strong>California</strong> Division <strong>of</strong> Mines and Geology,<strong>California</strong> Geologic Data Map Series, Map No. 6, Map Scale: 1:250,000.2006 PAGE I - 7

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