Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

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Natural <strong>Hazard</strong>s <strong>Mitigation</strong> PlanCity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong>, <strong>California</strong>Appendix I – ReferencesDolan, J.F., Sieh, K., Rockwell, T.K., Yeats, R.S., Shaw, J., Suppe, G., Huftile, G., and Gath, E.,1995, Prospects for Larger and More Frequent Earthquakes in Greater MetropolitanLos Angeles, <strong>California</strong>: Science, Vol. 267, pp. 199-205.Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), 1994, Northridge Earthquake, January 17,1994, Preliminary Reconnaissance Report: Oakland, <strong>California</strong>, 96p.Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), 1986, Reducing Earthquake <strong>Hazard</strong>s:Lessons Learned from Earthquakes: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute,Publication No. 86-02, 208p.Earthquake Project, 1989, Catastrophic Earthquake, The Need to Insure Against EconomicDisaster, Boston, Mass: National Committee on Property Insurance.Ellen, S.D., and Fleming, R.W., 1987, Mobilization <strong>of</strong> Debris Flows from Soil Slips, SanFrancisco Bay region, <strong>California</strong>; in Costa, J.E. and Wieczorek, G.F. (editors), DebrisFlows/Avalanches: Process, Recognition, and <strong>Mitigation</strong>: Geological Society <strong>of</strong>America Reviews in Engineering Geology, Vol. VII, pp. 31-40.Envicom, 1975, Seismic Safety Element, City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong>, <strong>California</strong>: Prepared for the City <strong>of</strong><strong>Glendale</strong> Planning Division.Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2001b, Flood Insurance ProgramModificationsFederal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA-232, 1998, Home Builder’s Guide to SeismicResistant Construction: Earthquake <strong>Hazard</strong> Reduction Series, 75p.Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA-315, 1998, Seismic Rehabilitation <strong>of</strong>Buildings: Strategic Plan 2005: Earthquake <strong>Hazard</strong> Reduction Series, 40p.Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 1989, FEMA-173, Establishing Programsand Priorities for the Seismic Rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> Buildings – Supporting Report: BuildingSystems Development, Inc., Integrated Design Services and Rubin, Claire B.;Earthquake <strong>Hazard</strong> Reduction Series No 46, 190p.Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 1989, FEMA-174, Establishing Programsand Priorities for the Seismic Rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> Buildings – A Handbook BuildingSystems Development, Inc., Integrated Design Services and Rubin, Claire B.;Earthquake <strong>Hazard</strong> Reduction Series No 45, 122p.Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 1989, FEMA-175, Seismic Evaluation <strong>of</strong>Existing Buildings: Supporting Documentation: Applied Technology Council (ATC-22-1); Earthquake <strong>Hazard</strong> Reduction Series No. 48, 160p.Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 1989, FEMA-178, A Handbook for SeismicEvaluation <strong>of</strong> Existing Buildings (Preliminary): Applied Technology Council (ATC-22);Earthquake <strong>Hazard</strong> Reduction Series No. 47, 169p.Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 1988, FEMA-154, Rapid Visual Screening<strong>of</strong> Buildings for Potential Seismic <strong>Hazard</strong>s: A Handbook: Applied Technology Council(ATC-21), Earthquake <strong>Hazard</strong>s Reduction Series No. 41, 185p.2006 PAGE I - 5

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