Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

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Natural <strong>Hazard</strong>s <strong>Mitigation</strong> PlanCity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong>, <strong>California</strong>Appendix B – Public Participation ProcessFebruary 27, 20066:00 – 9:00 p.m.Clark Magnet High School4747 New York AvenueLa CrescentaMarch 8, 2006 Leadership <strong>Glendale</strong> 25 peopleMarch 15, 2006 St. Mary’s Armenian Apostolic120 peopleChurchMarch 22, 2006 West <strong>Glendale</strong> Gateway Kiwanis25 peopleClubApril 12, 2006 <strong>Glendale</strong> Adventist Medical50 peopleCenterApril 27, 2006 <strong>California</strong> Healthy Cities andCommunities35 peopleResults:Specific comments - transcribed directly from the hand-written notes - received from the publicregarding the City’s efforts to prepare its Local <strong>Hazard</strong> <strong>Mitigation</strong> Plan are provided below. Inmost cases, the comments refer to the question posed to the local residents in attendance atthese meetings regarding how much value they placed on safety and where they want the Cityto invest future resources. The common thread to these comments is that <strong>Glendale</strong>’s residentswant the City to invest more on disaster preparedness.- Disaster preparedness.- This is the core function <strong>of</strong> any municipality. Should be #1 priority.- Educate about disaster preparedness. Community safety for children (ie. Walking to school).- The City needs to be able to respond to residents in a more timely manner during a disaster.- Disaster awareness/drill for residents.- Help neighborhoods establish disaster preparation schemes.- Does the city have a disaster plan? Money from federal government.- There is an urgent need to expand disaster preparedness. i.e. The ability to respond in a majorearthquake. Volunteer resources (C.E.R.T.) needs to be pushed with a major city campaign.- Living in earthquake country, the city must be prepared for major disasters. If the city is looking7 years ahead, terrorism must be considered.- More disaster training for local residents.- <strong>Glendale</strong> is doing a pretty good job with community safety, but I think that we have tocommunicate and improve more about disaster preparedness.- Disaster preparedness is very important.- Support police/fire – new paramedic and disaster preparedness.- What disaster plan??- (Translated from Spanish) I think It’s important to prepare for disasters.- City should encourage neighborhoods to become organized and self-reliant for disasterpreparedness.- In relations with emergency funds, disaster funds and building safety and code compliance isimportant to protect our city from having to come up with large amounts <strong>of</strong> money when abuilding falls or a disaster occurs. By preparing funds set for disasters, we’re protecting our cityand our citizens and as far as building safety and code compliance, we’d be saving money byputting attention towards quality <strong>of</strong> the buildings instead <strong>of</strong> spending money to fix buildings thataren’t built correctly and safely.- With all concerns on natural disasters and collapsing buildings, we need to make stronger wallsto protect and it should be made stronger.- CPR and 1 st for disaster preparedness classes.- Disaster preparedness should be a focus.2006 PAGE B - 7

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