Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

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Natural <strong>Hazard</strong>s <strong>Mitigation</strong> PlanCity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong>, <strong>California</strong>Section 2 – Community Pr<strong>of</strong>ilerespondents greater flexibility in how they define themselves. Between the 1990 and 2000Census, the percentage <strong>of</strong> “whites” in <strong>Glendale</strong> dropped about 10 percent, which approximatelycoincides with the percentage <strong>of</strong> people who define themselves as being <strong>of</strong> “two or more races.”Also, between 1990 and 2000, the number <strong>of</strong> Armenians and Asians increased from 17 to 27percent and 14 to 16 percent, respectively, <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong>’s total population. The number <strong>of</strong>Hispanics (any race) dropped from 21 to 19 percent <strong>of</strong> the population. It should be noted thatHispanic ethnicity is a separate data category from race and is therefore not included on aseparate line in Table 2.4. The ethnic and cultural diversity suggests a need to address multiculturalneeds and services.Table 2.4: <strong>Glendale</strong>’s Racial Composition - Year 2000 CensusRACEPERCENTWhite 63.5African-American 1.3Asian 16.1Native American 0.3Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.1Other race 8.6Two or more races 10.1Source: U.S. Census BureauThe percentage <strong>of</strong> individuals living in poverty in the city <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong> is 15.5 percent, which ishigher than the <strong>State</strong>’s 12.9 percent. Of those people living below the poverty line in <strong>Glendale</strong>,20.7 percent <strong>of</strong> them are less than 18 years old, and 11.9 percent are over the age <strong>of</strong> 65 (seeTable 2.5 below for more specific information). The number <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong> families below thepoverty line is about 13.6 percent <strong>of</strong> the total population, or 6,802 families. Most live in thecentral and southern parts <strong>of</strong> the city.Table 2.5: Percentage <strong>of</strong> Poverty in City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong> based on 2000 Census DataPOVERTY STATUS NUMBER PERCENTFamilies 6,802Percent below poverty level 13.6With related children under 18 years 4,738Percent below poverty level 18.6With related children under 5 years 1,858Percent below poverty level 20.1Families with female householder, no husband present 1,512Percent below poverty level 17.9With related children under 18 years 1,102Percent below poverty level 26.1With related children under 5 years 352Percent below poverty level 34.4Individuals 29,927Percent below poverty level 15.518 years and over 20,921Percent below poverty level 14.065 years and over 3,039Percent below poverty level 11.9Related children under 18 years 8,9122006 PAGE 2 - 8

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