Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

Glendale (PDF) - Hazard Mitigation Web Portal - State of California

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Natural <strong>Hazard</strong>s <strong>Mitigation</strong> PlanCity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glendale</strong>, <strong>California</strong>Section 6 – EarthquakesA maximum magnitude earthquake on the Verdugo fault is modeled to damage about 25bridges in the city, with 4 <strong>of</strong> them considered completely damaged. However, as before,all but 2 <strong>of</strong> the bridge locations are expected to be functional by the next day. TheRaymond and Hollywood fault earthquake scenarios model some damage to the<strong>Glendale</strong> transportation system, but less than that caused by either the Sierra Madre orVerdugo earthquakes discussed above.Table 6-11: Expected Damage to Transportation SystemsScenario System Segments inInventorySan AndreasReplacementValue for AllSegments inInventoryWith AtLeastModerateDamageWithCompleteDamageEconomicLoss ($M)>50 percentFunctionalafter 1 DayHighway Major Roads 5 $2.8 Billion 0 0 0 5Bridges 143 $419 Million 1 0 0.8 143Railways Tracks 2 $19 Million 0 0 0 2Airport Facilities 4 $8 Million 0 0 0.3 4Sierra MadreVerdugoHighway Major Roads 5 $2.8 Billion 0 0 0 5Bridges 143 $419 Million 27 5 24.4 143Railways Tracks 2 $19 Million 0 0 0 2Airport Facilities 4 $8 Million 2 0 1.8 4Highway Major Roads 5 $2.8 Billion 0 0 0 5Bridges 143 $419 Million 25 4 23.3 141Railways Tracks 2 $19 Million 0 0 0 2Airport Facilities 4 $8 Million 1 0 1.7 4RaymondHighway Major Roads 5 $2.8 Billion 0 0 0 5Bridges 143 $419 Million 13 2 12.1 143Railways Tracks 2 $19 Million 0 0 0 2Airport Facilities 4 $8 Million 1 0 1.6 4Utility Systems Damage - The HAZUS inventory for the <strong>Glendale</strong> area does not includespecifics regarding the various lifeline systems in the city, therefore, the model estimateddamage to the potable water and electric power using empirical relationships based on thenumber <strong>of</strong> households served in the area. The results <strong>of</strong> the analyses regarding thefunctionality <strong>of</strong> the potable water and electric power systems in the city for the four mainearthquakes discussed herein are presented in Table 6-12. According to the models, all <strong>of</strong> theearthquake scenarios will impact the electric power systems; thousands <strong>of</strong> households in the cityare expected to not have electric power even three days after an earthquake on any <strong>of</strong> the faultsdiscussed in this report. An earthquake on either the Sierra Madre or Verdugo fault isanticipated to leave as many as 9,000 households without electricity for more than one week.The potable water system is anticipated to do better, but nearly 8,000 households are expectedto be without water for at least 3 days after the earthquake. These results suggest that the citywill have to truck in water into some <strong>of</strong> the residential neighborhoods in the northern portion <strong>of</strong>the city until the damages to the system are repaired. Residents are advised to have drinking2006 PAGE 6 - 54

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