TraceTek Water Leak Detection - California Detection Systems

TraceTek Water Leak Detection - California Detection Systems

TraceTek Water Leak Detection - California Detection Systems

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PREVENT WATER DAMAGE TO BOOKS,ARTIFACTS AND COLLECTIONSARE YOU PROTECTED?<strong>Water</strong> causes a huge amount of damage and loss every year. <strong>TraceTek</strong> cannotprevent a catastrophic hurricane or tsunami, but the <strong>TraceTek</strong> system willalert you to preventable situations the can become catastrophic if promptaction is not taken.THE PROBLEM<strong>Water</strong> damage occurs most frequently when leaks are undetected overextended periods. Many news stories begin with: “When workers arrived onMonday morning…”. Not every leak occurs on Friday night, but a leak thatdoes occur can cause tremendous damage before detection. Libraries,museums, basement storage vaults, archived records, and similar collectionsare extremely vulnerable. <strong>Water</strong> damage to carpets, hardwood floors, wallsand ceilings in addition to damage to furniture and fixtures makes restorationexpensive. If water damage impacts a work area, alternate space must befound, staff must be temporarily relocated, communications must bere-routed and many man hours will be lost.THE SOLUTIONTT1000 and TT1100 -OHPsensor cables can be positionedin and around possible sourcesof water or deployed aroundareas that need protection.Building service columns, justinside the foundation forunderground storage vaults,around the interior service coreof the building at each floor,around the window perimeterbeneath fan-coil units are alltypical examples of wheresensor cable can be effectivelydeployed. When mechanicalequipment is supplied withdedicated drip pans, aTT-FLAT-PROBE is an excellentway to monitor for any wateraccumulation. All <strong>TraceTek</strong>sensor cables and probes areequally effective for potablewater, condensate or waterglycol mixtures.WATER LEAK FLOORHEATING DETECTION5

SOLUTIONS FOR DIESEL GENERATORS<strong>TraceTek</strong> 5000 sensor cableand TT-FFS Fast Fuel SensorProbes have been certifiedto meet FM 7745 “ApprovalStandard For Diesel <strong>Leak</strong>Detectors”NOT ALL PIPES CONTAIN WATERIncreasingly, commercial facilities must have back-up power sources and themost common way to provide that power is with diesel powered generators.However, pumping and storing diesel fuel inside of a building introduces arisk of fire that exceeds the rapid acceleration that the water sprinkler systemcan control. FM Global has recently released FM 7745 “Approval Standard forDiesel <strong>Leak</strong> Detectors”. <strong>TraceTek</strong>’s Fast Fuel Sensor Probe and TT5000 FuelSensor Cable have been tested by FM approvals and are certified to meet therequirements of the new standard.THE PROBLEMHospitals, server facilities, large office buildings and many other commercialand institutional facilities require diesel powered back-up generators. Inmany older buildings, generators have been squeezed into spaces that werenot originally designed for that purpose. Each generator requires a day tank,fuel pumps, valves, hose connections and similar fittings. Frequently therewill be a supply and return piping connection to a larger underground dieselstorage tank outside of the building footprint. An undetected diesel fuel leakpresents a major fire risk and if ignited could lead to a rapidly growing firebeyond the extinguishing capacity of sprinkler systems.THE SOLUTION<strong>TraceTek</strong> Fast Fuel Sensor(TT-FFS) and TT5000 FuelSensor Cable can be deployedaround the generator pad,under day tanks, in double wallpipe or trenches connectingsupply and return piping, andin similar applications. TheTT-FFS probe is capable ofreacting to the presence of dieselwithin a few seconds. It willdetect a puddle of dieselspreading across a flat surfaceor a layer of diesel floating onwater. TT-FFS can be tested asdesired, re-used and resetafter a leak encounter. TheTT5000 sensor cable can monitortens of hundreds of metersof piping and provide the sameprecise leak locationinformation that is a feature ofall <strong>TraceTek</strong> cables.6 PENTAIR THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS

APPROVAL AND CERTIFICATIONS<strong>TraceTek</strong> leak detection systems are approved and certified for use innonhazardous and hazardous locations by one or more of the followingagencies, including FM Approvals, UL, TÜV, VDE, Baseefa and LCIE.For a copy of our animation which shows multiple applications of <strong>TraceTek</strong>water leak detection technology, email us at:thermal.info@pentair.comFor <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Leak</strong> <strong>Detection</strong>, Look to the Leader.Visit our website at www.tracetek.com8 PENTAIR THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS


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