Alicia Silverstone - The Christ Hospital

Alicia Silverstone - The Christ Hospital

Alicia Silverstone - The Christ Hospital

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in the forefoot. Allow for at least a half inch betweenyour longest toe and the end of the shoe.• Set realistic goals. If you’re not used to exercise, startwith short daily walks of three to five minutes andgradually build up to 30 minutes.• Warm up and gently stretch before you start. Walkslowly or march in place for five minutes to warmup your muscles. Step up the pace gradually.• Aim for good technique. Keep your chin up, shouldersback, tummy muscles tucked in so your back doesn’tarch and arms flexed to 90 degrees at the elbow. Asyour feet push off from the ground, imagine thatyou’re showing the sole of your shoe to someonebehind you.• Increase the intensity. Slowly build up the intensity ofyour workout by increasing the number of steps youtake instead of lengthening your stride. Swinging yourarms faster will also increase your speed.• Listen to music. Lively music will help you maintaina brisk pace. And music or audio books will reduceboredom.• Chart your progress. A pedometer can help you trackyour physical activity and set goals.How many steps?While taking 10,000 steps a day will make youfitter and reduce your risk of chronic disease, expertsrecommend walking 12,000 to 15,000 steps each day ifyou want to lose weight. To build aerobic fitness, pickup the pace on 3,000 or more of your daily steps. Orchoose a route with hills—great for strengthening andtoning your legs, too.Enjoy your walk! Fitness walking may be justwhat you need to bring a breath of fresh air intoyour life. WHTWhat’ve you got to lose?You can expect to burn about this many calories from an hour of walking, accordingto the American Heart Association:Walking speed 100-pound person 150-pound person 200-pound person2 mph 160 240 3123 mph 210 320 4164.5 mph 295 440 572www.womenshealthexperience.com 23

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