Apricus Solar Water Heating System Installation and Operation ...

Apricus Solar Water Heating System Installation and Operation ... Apricus Solar Water Heating System Installation and Operation ...

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Apricus Solar Collector Installation & Operation Manual - USAProduct Name: DOWFROST* HD Heat Transfer Fluid, Dyed Issue Date: 08/31/2007Personal Precautions: Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering the area. Useappropriate safety equipment. For additional information, refer to Section 8, Exposure Controls andPersonal Protection.Environmental Precautions: Prevent from entering into soil, ditches, sewers, waterways and/orgroundwater. See Section 12, Ecological Information.!"# $%&'()&*#%&'#+,-.%*/#HandlingGeneral Handling: No special precautions required. Keep container closed. Spills of these organicmaterials on hot fibrous insulations may lead to lowering of the autoignition temperatures possiblyresulting in spontaneous combustion. See Section 8, EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONALPROTECTION.StorageDo not store in: Galvanized steel. Opened or unlabeled containers. Store in the following material(s):Carbon steel. Stainless steel. Store in original unopened container. See Section 10 for more specificinformation. Additional storage and handling information on this product may be obtained by callingyour Dow sales or customer service contact.0"# 123-45./#6-&,.-(4#7#8/.4-&%(#8.-,/9,)-&#Exposure LimitsComponent List Type Value|Propylene glycol WEEL TWA 10 mg/m3Aerosol.|Personal ProtectionEye/Face Protection: Use safety glasses.Skin Protection: Wear clean, body-covering clothing.Hand protection: Use gloves chemically resistant to this material when prolonged orfrequently repeated contact could occur. Examples of preferred glove barrier materialsinclude: Butyl rubber. Natural rubber ("latex"). Neoprene. Nitrile/butadiene rubber ("nitrile" or"NBR"). Polyethylene. Ethyl vinyl alcohol laminate ("EVAL"). Polyvinyl alcohol ("PVA").Polyvinyl chloride ("PVC" or "vinyl"). NOTICE: The selection of a specific glove for a particularapplication and duration of use in a workplace should also take into account all relevantworkplace factors such as, but not limited to: Other chemicals which may be handled, physicalrequirements (cut/puncture protection, dexterity, thermal protection), potential body reactionsto glove materials, as well as the instructions/specifications provided by the glove supplier.Respiratory Protection: Respiratory protection should be worn when there is a potential to exceedthe exposure limit requirements or guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure limit requirementsor guidelines, wear respiratory protection when adverse effects, such as respiratory irritation ordiscomfort have been experienced, or where indicated by your risk assessment process. In mistyatmospheres, use an approved particulate respirator. The following should be effective types of airpurifyingrespirators: Organic vapor cartridge with a particulate pre-filter.Ingestion: Use good personal hygiene. Do not consume or store food in the work area. Wash handsbefore smoking or eating.Engineering ControlsVentilation: Use local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levelsbelow exposure limit requirements or guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure limitrequirements or guidelines, general ventilation should be sufficient for most operations. Local exhaustventilation may be necessary for some operations.Page 3 of 7Copyright 2011 – Apricus Inc Doc: A7- Page 122 of 126

Apricus Solar Collector Installation & Operation Manual - USAProduct Name: DOWFROST* HD Heat Transfer Fluid, Dyed Issue Date: 08/31/2007!"# $%&'()*+#*,-#.%/0()*+#$123/14(/'#Physical StateColorOdorFlash Point - Closed CupFlammable Limits In AirAutoignition TemperatureVapor PressureBoiling Point (760 mmHg)Vapor Density (air = 1)Specific Gravity (H2O = 1)Freezing PointMelting PointSolubility in Water (byweight)pHKinematic ViscosityLiquidYellowCharacteristic104 °C (219 °F) Pensky-Martens Closed Cup ASTM D 93 (based onmajor component), Propylene glycolLower: 2.6 %(V) Literature Propylene glycolUpper: 12.5 %(V) Literature Propylene glycol371 °C (700 °F) Literature Propylene glycol2.2 mmHg Literature152 °C (306 °F) Literature .>1.0 Literature1.06 20 °C/20 °C LiteraturesupercoolsNot applicable to liquids100 % Literature9.5 (@ 50 %) Literature43.4 cSt @ 20 °C Literature56"# 74*8(+(4&#*,-#9/*)4(:(4&#Stability/InstabilityStable under recommended storage conditions. See Storage, Section 7. Hygroscopic.Conditions to Avoid: Exposure to elevated temperatures can cause product to decompose.Generation of gas during decomposition can cause pressure in closed systems. Avoid direct sunlightor ultraviolet sources.Incompatible Materials: Avoid contact with: Strong acids. Strong bases. Strong oxidizers.Hazardous PolymerizationWill not occur.Thermal DecompositionDecomposition products depend upon temperature, air supply and the presence of other materials.Decomposition products can include and are not limited to: Aldehydes. Alcohols. Ethers. Organicacids.55"# ;2,?210*4(2,#Acute ToxicityIngestionLD50, Rat, female 20,300 mg/kgSkin AbsorptionFor similar material(s): LD50, Rabbit > 10,000 mg/kgRepeated Dose ToxicityIn rare cases, repeated excessive exposure to propylene glycol may cause central nervous systemeffects.Chronic Toxicity and CarcinogenicitySimilar formulations did not cause cancer in laboratory animals.Developmental ToxicityFor the major component(s): Did not cause birth defects or any other fetal effects in laboratoryanimals.Page 4 of 7Copyright 2011 – Apricus Inc Doc: A7- Page 123 of 126

<strong>Apricus</strong> <strong>Solar</strong> Collector <strong>Installation</strong> & <strong>Operation</strong> Manual - USAProduct Name: DOWFROST* HD Heat Transfer Fluid, Dyed Issue Date: 08/31/2007Personal Precautions: Keep unnecessary <strong>and</strong> unprotected personnel from entering the area. Useappropriate safety equipment. For additional information, refer to Section 8, Exposure Controls <strong>and</strong>Personal Protection.Environmental Precautions: Prevent from entering into soil, ditches, sewers, waterways <strong>and</strong>/orgroundwater. See Section 12, Ecological Information.!"# $%&'()&*#%&'#+,-.%*/#H<strong>and</strong>lingGeneral H<strong>and</strong>ling: No special precautions required. Keep container closed. Spills of these organicmaterials on hot fibrous insulations may lead to lowering of the autoignition temperatures possiblyresulting in spontaneous combustion. See Section 8, EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONALPROTECTION.StorageDo not store in: Galvanized steel. Opened or unlabeled containers. Store in the following material(s):Carbon steel. Stainless steel. Store in original unopened container. See Section 10 for more specificinformation. Additional storage <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling information on this product may be obtained by callingyour Dow sales or customer service contact.0"# 123-45./#6-&,.-(4#7#8/.4-&%(#8.-,/9,)-&#Exposure LimitsComponent List Type Value|Propylene glycol WEEL TWA 10 mg/m3Aerosol.|Personal ProtectionEye/Face Protection: Use safety glasses.Skin Protection: Wear clean, body-covering clothing.H<strong>and</strong> protection: Use gloves chemically resistant to this material when prolonged orfrequently repeated contact could occur. Examples of preferred glove barrier materialsinclude: Butyl rubber. Natural rubber ("latex"). Neoprene. Nitrile/butadiene rubber ("nitrile" or"NBR"). Polyethylene. Ethyl vinyl alcohol laminate ("EVAL"). Polyvinyl alcohol ("PVA").Polyvinyl chloride ("PVC" or "vinyl"). NOTICE: The selection of a specific glove for a particularapplication <strong>and</strong> duration of use in a workplace should also take into account all relevantworkplace factors such as, but not limited to: Other chemicals which may be h<strong>and</strong>led, physicalrequirements (cut/puncture protection, dexterity, thermal protection), potential body reactionsto glove materials, as well as the instructions/specifications provided by the glove supplier.Respiratory Protection: Respiratory protection should be worn when there is a potential to exceedthe exposure limit requirements or guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure limit requirementsor guidelines, wear respiratory protection when adverse effects, such as respiratory irritation ordiscomfort have been experienced, or where indicated by your risk assessment process. In mistyatmospheres, use an approved particulate respirator. The following should be effective types of airpurifyingrespirators: Organic vapor cartridge with a particulate pre-filter.Ingestion: Use good personal hygiene. Do not consume or store food in the work area. Wash h<strong>and</strong>sbefore smoking or eating.Engineering ControlsVentilation: Use local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levelsbelow exposure limit requirements or guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure limitrequirements or guidelines, general ventilation should be sufficient for most operations. Local exhaustventilation may be necessary for some operations.Page 3 of 7Copyright 2011 – <strong>Apricus</strong> Inc Doc: A7- Page 122 of 126

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