Apricus Solar Water Heating System Installation and Operation ...

Apricus Solar Water Heating System Installation and Operation ... Apricus Solar Water Heating System Installation and Operation ...

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Apricus Solar Collector Installation & Operation Manual - USAAppendix 12 (DOWFROST Specifications)DOWFROSTH E AT A N EF L U I DEngineering Specifications for Closed-Loop HVAC and Refrigeration SystemsWhere Incidental Contact with Food or Drinking Water is PossibleMANUFACTURERThe Dow Chemical CompanyThermal Fluids Business100 Larkin CenterMidland, Michigan 48674Phone: 1-800-447-4369GENERAL PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONDOWFROST* industrially inhibited propyleneglycol-based heat transfer fluid is manufactured byThe Dow Chemical Company. Aqueous solutions ofDOWFROST fluid are designed to providefreeze/burst and corrosion protection, as well asefficient heat transfer, in water-based, closed-loopheating and air-conditioning systems.DOWFROST fluid has an operating temperature rangeof -50°F to 250°F; with fluid freeze protection to below-60°F, and system burst protection to below -100°F.The fluid contains corrosion inhibitors that arespecially formulated for HVAC systems to keep pipesfree of corrosion without fouling. DOWFROST fluid islow in toxicity. Fluid ingredients are generallyrecognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA. DOWFROSTfluid can be specified for use in new HVAC systems, oras a replacement fluid for use in existing systemswhere incidental contact with food or drinking water islikely. The fluid is colorless (water white).Since the toxicity of heat transfer fluids may beadversely altered in HVAC systems, used fluids shouldbe handled with reasonable care, and not be takeninternally.HVAC SYSTEM FLUID SPECIFICATIONClosed-loop, water-based systems1. FLUID MATERIALThe propylene glycol fluid to be used in such asystem must meet the following requirements:1.1 The fluid must be industrially inhibitedpropylene glycol (phosphate-based).1.2 The fluid must be easily analyzed for glycolconcentration and inhibitor level, and easilyreinhibited using inhibitors readily availablefrom the fluid manufacturer.1.3 If the system contains more than 250 gallons offluid, annual analysis must be provided free ofcharge by the fluid manufacturer. Manufacturermust also provide testing guidelines for use bythe operator of a smaller system.1.4 The fluid must pass ASTM D1384 (less than 0.5mils penetration per year for all system metals).2. FLUID INSTALLATIONFollow these installation procedures:2.1 Clean new or lightly corroded existing systemswith a 1% to 2% solution of trisodiumphosphate in water prior to the installation ofindustrially inhibited propylene glycol fluid.2.2 Extensively corroded existing systems shouldbe cleaned by an industrial cleaning companyand all necessary replacements and repairsshould be made.2.3 Use only good quality water in solution withthe propylene glycol fluid. Use water with lowlevels (less than 25 ppm) of chloride andsulfate,and less than 50 ppm of hard water ions(Ca++, Mg++). Distilled or deionized water isrecommended. If good quality water isunavailable, purchase pre-diluted solutions ofindustrially inhibited propylene glycol fluidfrom the fluid manufacturer or, if available,from the distributor.3. SYSTEM DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS3.1 Avoid use of automatic water make-up systemsto prevent undetected dilution of the propyleneglycol and possible contamination of the watersystem.*Trademark of The Dow Chemical CompanyCopyright 2011 – Apricus Inc Doc: A7- Page 106 of 126

Apricus Solar Collector Installation & Operation Manual - USA4.4.1TECHNICAL DATADOWFROST Fluid, Product DescriptionComposition, % by weightGlycolsInhibitors and waterColorSpecific gravity at60/60°FpH of solutioncontaining 50% glycolReserve alkalinity,minimum95.54.5Colorless1.050 - 1.0609.5 - 10.510.6 ml4.2 Typical Properties of Aqueous Solutions†(Glycol percentage by volume)PhysicalPropertyTemp.°F30% GlycolSolution40% GlycolSolution50% GlycolSolution60% GlycolSolutionThermal 40Conductivity 180Btu/(hr·ft2)(°F/ft) 250Specific Heat,Btu/(lb·°F)Viscosity,CentipoiseDensity,(1b/ft3)†Typical4018025040180250401802500.2470.2790.2790.9090.9610.9865.750.680.4264.6761.9259.82properties, not to be construed as specifications.0.2250.2490.2480.8720.9340.9659.630.850.5265.2162.2259.994.3 Freezing and Boiling Points of Aqueous SolutionsFreezingTemperature, °F26198-7-28-60

<strong>Apricus</strong> <strong>Solar</strong> Collector <strong>Installation</strong> & <strong>Operation</strong> Manual - USA4.4.1TECHNICAL DATADOWFROST Fluid, Product DescriptionComposition, % by weightGlycolsInhibitors <strong>and</strong> waterColorSpecific gravity at60/60°FpH of solutioncontaining 50% glycolReserve alkalinity,minimum95.54.5Colorless1.050 - 1.0609.5 - 10.510.6 ml4.2 Typical Properties of Aqueous Solutions†(Glycol percentage by volume)PhysicalPropertyTemp.°F30% GlycolSolution40% GlycolSolution50% GlycolSolution60% GlycolSolutionThermal 40Conductivity 180Btu/(hr·ft2)(°F/ft) 250Specific Heat,Btu/(lb·°F)Viscosity,CentipoiseDensity,(1b/ft3)†Typical4018025040180250401802500.2470.2790.2790.9090.9610.9865.750.680.4264.6761.9259.82properties, not to be construed as specifications.0.2250.2490.2480.8720.9340.9659.630.850.5265.2162.2259.994.3 Freezing <strong>and</strong> Boiling Points of Aqueous SolutionsFreezingTemperature, °F26198-7-28-60

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