Classified Application Form for Teacher Assistant - Faith School ...

Classified Application Form for Teacher Assistant - Faith School ...

Classified Application Form for Teacher Assistant - Faith School ...

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Beginning with your present or last work, complete fully, especially description of duties,responsibilities and number you supervised. Include volunteer work.Employed from _____ to _____ Total years _____ Months _____ Hours per week _____Position held _______________ Starting salary __________ Last salary _____________Reason <strong>for</strong> leaving _______________________ Name of employer _________________Street ____________________ City ____________________ State ______ Zip _______Immediate supervisor ________________________________ Title _________________Description of duties ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Employed from _____ to _____ Total years _____ Months _____ Hours per week _____Position held _______________ Starting Salary __________ Last salary _____________Reason <strong>for</strong> leaving _______________________ Name of employer ________________Street _____________________ City ____________________ State ________ Zip ____Immediate supervisor _________________________________Title ________________Description of duties ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS:Have you ever been convicted of any felony crime? Yes _____ No _____If Yes, please explain___________________________________________________.Have you ever been discharged from a position? Yes______ No_______If yes, please explain on a separate sheet.Do you have a valid driver’s license? yes _____ no _____I hereby authorize representatives of the <strong>Faith</strong> <strong>School</strong> District #46-2 to obtain in<strong>for</strong>mation about me frommy current or previous employers with the knowledge that any false in<strong>for</strong>mation may be grounds <strong>for</strong>rejection, or termination of employment. I certify the correctness of the in<strong>for</strong>mation I have provided on this<strong>for</strong>m._______________________________________Signature________________________________Date

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