inter roller fa final

inter roller fa final

inter roller fa final


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Company for 23 years. Directors are confidentthat the team led by Yee Min will take theGroup to new heights.The Group has benefited from Mr. Yap’sleadership and foresight. He remains in theteam as Executive Director assisting inbusiness strategies. Mr. Yap was alsoappointed Deputy Chairman of the Board witheffect from 1 March 2005.The Group continuously searches for talentedindividuals to further strengthen the team.Mr. John Lim Hwee Chiang, joined our Boardof Directors as an Independent Directoron 9 November 2004. Mr. Lim has over 20years of experience in engineering and realestate with extensive <strong>inter</strong>national businessexperience. Ms Amy Lew joined us as GeneralManager and takes charge of Finance andCorporate matters.We were saddened by the loss of one of ourfounding members, Mr. Chan Chin Wah whopassed away on 27 April 2004. Mr. Chan wasa Non-Executive and Independent Director onthe Board since 1980. He also served as amember of the Audit Committee and theNomination and Remuneration Committee. Hehad contributed significantly in formulating andsetting the strategies, policies and values ofInter-Roller.Looking ForwardThe medium term demand for Airport LogisticsSystems is expected to remain strong. This isdue to the need to continuously upgrade andexpand airport <strong>fa</strong>cilities and the need for newairports. The growth of the budget airlinebusiness is expected to contribute to thisincrease in overall air passenger traffic.For the longer term I think the future dependson our culture and our people. Our peoplework well as a team and many share a senseof ownership. Our team is challenged by theexcitement of doing business in new marketsand our engineers go the extra mile to developsolutions for the complex and exacting needsof our customers. These experiences helpthem address “memes” that influence ourminds and help them “reboot”, and think out ofthe box. In other words our people arecontinuously learning, adapting to changesand applying their knowledge for the benefit ofour customers.The pool of shareholders who regard themselvesas owner-shareholders continue togrow and this should help us build a companywith a long term future. They have contributedto the success of our rights issue.The good performance of the Group in 2003and 2004 was achieved while maintaininga low debt equity ratio. The enlarged capitalhas further strengthened our balance sheet.Working closely with our bankers, the lowgearing will allow us to seize opportunitiesfor growth in the future.On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wouldlike to thank you for being our shareholder.Do attend our AGM if you can and give us yourfeedback, advice and comments.Lim Yong WahChairman8 March 2005We have a good track record, strongengineering capability and <strong>inter</strong>national projectmanagement experience. Barring unforeseencircumstances, Directors believe that thecompany will achieve higher turnover andprofit after tax in 2005.<strong>inter</strong>-<strong>roller</strong> engineering limited annual report2004 07

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