inter roller fa final

inter roller fa final

inter roller fa final


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Notes to the Financial Statements22 Earnings per shareThe earnings per share is calculated based on the consolidated profit after taxation attributable to members ofthe Company of $10,274,432 (2003 - $6,577,468) on the weighted average number of shares in issue of75,805,037 (2003 - 72,629,871) shares during the financial year.Fully diluted earnings per share is calculated on the consolidated profit after taxation attributable to members of$10,274,432 (2003 - $6,577,468) divided by 75,882,467 (2003 - 73,510,520) ordinary shares in issue.The earnings per share restated for the rights issue (Note 30) is 10.7 cents.23 Related party transactionsIn addition to the related party information disclosed elsewhere in the financial statements, the following aresignificant transactions with related parties at mutually agreed amounts:The GroupThe Company2004 2003 2004 2003$ $ $ $(a)(b)(c)Purchase of materials and suppliesfrom a company whose shareholderand director is also a shareholderand director of the Company 851 30,266 851 30,266Fee paid to a firm in which adirector is a member 19,171 7,776 19,171 7,776Works subcontracted to asubsidiary company - - 6,362,263 2,961,154(d) Sales to a subsidiary company - - 3,928,208 4,968(e)(f)Rental of equipment to asubsidiary company - - 23,170 23,170Technical and drawing fees chargedto a subsidiary company - - 12,541 48,56424 Capital commitments2004 2003The Group and The Company $ $Capital commitments not provided for in thefinancial statements are as follows:Expenditure contracted for purchase of property,plant and equipment 205,708 21,25066 <strong>inter</strong>-<strong>roller</strong> engineering limited annual report2004

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