Boston - American Association for Thoracic Surgery

Boston - American Association for Thoracic Surgery

Boston - American Association for Thoracic Surgery

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AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THORACIC SURGERY43. Lung Transplantation Using Donation After Cardiac DeathDonors: Long-Term Follow-Up in a Single CenterSatoru Osaki, 1 James D. Maloney, 1 Keith C. Meyer, 2 Richard D. Cornwell, 2Holly K. Thomas, 1 Niloo M. Edwards, 1 Nilto C. De Oliveira 11. Division of Cardiothoracic <strong>Surgery</strong>, Department of <strong>Surgery</strong>, University of WisconsinSchool of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI, USA; 2. Section of Allergy,Pulmonary, and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, University ofWisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI, USAInvited Discussant: Dirk E.M. Van RaemdonckOBJECTIVE: The shortage of donor organs is the most critical problem in solidorgan transplantation. In an attempt to solve this, donation after cardiac death(DCD) donors have been proposed as an additional source of donor organs.Although short-term outcomes after DCD lung transplantation (LTx) have beendescribed, there are no long-term survival reports and the susceptibility to injuryand post-transplant reliability of DCD lung allograft are unclear. This study examinesour institutional experience in DCD LTx after 1993.METHODS: Between 1993 and 2007, 365 consecutive patients underwent LTx at asingle center. Among these patients, 17 (4.7%) patients had LTx from DCD donors.Patients transplanted from DCD donors (DCD group, n = 17) were compared topatients transplanted from brain dead donors (BDD group, n = 348).TUESDAYAfternoonRESULTS: Patient demographics, donor age, and cold ischemic time did not differbetween the groups: recipient age (DCD: 49 ± 12 yrs vs BDD: 49 ± 12 yrs, p = 0.89),distribution of diagnosis (% of chronic obstructive lung disease; 47% vs 38%, p =0.97), donor age (28 ± 13 yrs vs 31 ± 14 yrs, p = 0.29), bilateral LTx procedure (40%vs 41%, p = 0.55), and cold ischemic time (363 ± 145 min vs 381 ± 106 min, p = 0.70).Warm ischemic time (from withdrawal of support to reperfusion of organs) was33 ± 17 min (range: 18–89 min, 10 DCDs < 30 min). The survival rates in the DCDgroup at 1, 2 and 5 yrs were 88%, 88% and 80%, respectively (median follow-up,1075 days; range, 1–3210). These survival rates were not different from those of theBDD group (Log-rank test; p = 0.81, Figure). In the DCD group, 5 patients died.Causes of death were: small bowel infarction and multiple system organ failure(MSOF) on day 1, bronchiolitis obliterans (BOS) on day 305, metastatic colon cancerafter 2.91 yrs, non-small cell cancer on native lung after 5.59 yrs, and MSOFafter 8.79 yrs. 3 DCD patients required redo LTx (2 <strong>for</strong> BOS on day 91 and 8.55 yrsand 1 <strong>for</strong> bronchial dehiscence on day 22).175

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