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<strong>PARTY</strong> <strong>DOWN</strong>Episode #205“Steve Guttenberg’s Birthday”Teleplay By:John EnbomStory By:John Enbom & Dan EtheridgeDirected By:Bryan GordonPRODUCTION DRAFT (WHITE) 9/07/09Blue Draft 10/12/09Copyright © 2009 Party Down, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No portion of this scriptmay be performed, published, sold or distributed by any means, or quoted orpublished in any medium, including any website, without prior written <strong>co</strong>nsent.Disposal of this script <strong>co</strong>py does not alter any of the restrictions set forthabove.

<strong>PARTY</strong> <strong>DOWN</strong>Episode #205“Steve Guttenberg’s Birthday”BLUE DRAFT – 10/12/09CAST LISTHENRY POLLARD.....................................ADAM SCOTTRON DONALD........................................KEN MARINOCASEY KLEIN.....................................LIZZY CAPLANKYLE BRADWAY.....................................RYAN HANSENROMAN DEBEERS...................................MARTIN STARRLYDIA DUNFREE.................................MEGAN MULLALLYSTEVE GUTTENBERG............................STEVE GUTTENBERGKENT................................CHRISTOPHER MINTZ-PLASSECOLETTE..........................................SARAH HABELTRAVIS....................................BRAD WILLIAM HENKEFULGENICIA GOMEZ..............................LUPE ONTIVEROSCARLOS....................................SCOTT ALLEN RINKER

1 EXT. GATE/DRIVEWAY1 *Henry stands outside the gate of a nice house, checking his *clipboard. Behind him, Casey peers through the gate. *HENRYHow’s this different from the oldNew Ron?RON stands with a white shirt on a hanger. Hair shorn to hisold crewcut. The rest idle by the van. Henry dials his cell--RONThis’s New New Ron. Locked in that<strong>co</strong>ffin, Henry, I was mano a manowith some heavy shit. What is alife? Who am I--?HENRYAnd you were how high during this?RONUnimportant. Don’t do grass. Gethigh on life.Henry listens on the phone. Casey approaches from the house.CASEYThat cereal? You can smoke it--? *RONNo, existence. I was drifting in *darkness and I heard a voice. “Onlydead fish go with the flow--”CASEYSarah Palin spoke to you--RONOr maybe God, or Jesus. But it hithome. So I went right out, cut myhair, signed up with AA, got a newbackup shirt. Don’t drift throughlife. My take-away from beinglocked in a <strong>co</strong>ffin while high.He heads off to join Lydia, Kyle, and Roman, who wait acrossthe driveway, gawking at him. Henry hangs up.HENRYMy take-away, don’t get in a <strong>co</strong>ffinwhile high. See anything? *(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 2.1 CONTINUED:1CASEYNo. Sure it’s the right address--?The gate opens, as a porsche pulls up. STEVE GUTTENBERG, *expensive work-out gear, sits at the wheel. *LYDIAOhmigod. Did you see Three Men anda Little Lady? That’s Ted Danson!ROMANIt’s Steve Guttenberg, actually.LYDIAI see why he changed it to Danson.It’s very Jewishy--Henry approaches the car. *STEVE GUTTENBERGHi. What’s all this?HENRYParty Down catering? You booked us--STEVE GUTTENBERGShit. *Steve pulls into the driveway, exits the car. *STEVE GUTTENBERG (CONT’D) *My fiftieth was tonight, but my *friends threw a surprise partyFriday. I forgot to cancel you--HENRYIt’s a two day cancellation policy--STEVE GUTTENBERGSo, I eat the deposit. What aboutthe food and stuff?HENRYPretty much gets tossed--STEVE GUTTENBERGThe waste. Feels wrong. Know what?It’s still my birthday. I’m notdoing anything. Invite your *friends, let’s party! *(beat) *Unless you have other plans-- *(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 2A.1 CONTINUED:1Kyle, Roman and Lydia pull out cell phones. *MAIN TITLES

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 3.2 INT. LIVING ROOM2Tasteful <strong>co</strong>cktail music. The staff hang around, ties off,shirts unbuttoned. Roman huddles with KENT, a blobby 20- *something geek. Kyle checks the house with COLETTE, a wispyhotactress. Lydia and MRS. GOMEZ -- 40’s, Latina -- sip wine *as Steve, now in flow-y, expensive casual wear, pours.LYDIAI can’t believe I’m really talkingto you. My daughter’s an actress,so I’m going to pester you forsecrets on making it as an actor.STEVE GUTTENBERGNo secret. It’s like the joke. Guygets into a cab and says, “you knowhow to get to Carnegie Hall?” andthe driver says “Practice!”Lydia laughs. Mrs. Gomez looks to Lydia blankly. Explaining--LYDIAThe driver’s deaf!(to Steve)This is my friend Mrs. Gomez.STEVE GUTTENBERGPlease, first names, it’s a party.LYDIA(to Mrs. Gomez)What’s your first name, dear?MRS. GOMEZFulgenicia. *LYDIAOh, that’s lovely.STEVE GUTTENBERGYou guys appear to be very close.LYDIAI’m new in town. Still meeting newfriends. She lives across the hall.MRS. GOMEZBoys from Brazil. So scary, allthose little Hitlers.(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 4.2 CONTINUED:2AT THE ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, Casey stands at a shelf filledwith DVD’s. Henry approaches.CASEYNice set-up. Must make you thinkquitting acting was a wrong move--HENRYDid I mention my place has a viewof a Ta<strong>co</strong> Bell?CASEYThis place has Herbie Reloaded onDVD and BluRay. Point, Guttenberg.RON, still in his tie, approaches with a tray of appetizers.RONShrimp? Shrimp?HENRYHow’s it feel, New Ron?RONNew New Ron. Getting my chops back.Gonna be a good night. Can’t waitto see that feedback card!Ron heads off. Casey looks at Henry, who shrugs.HENRYHe wanted to work the party anyway.Who am I to say no?(then, taking DVD)Oh, my god--CASEYWhat’s that?HENRYSundown Strip. Indie I did yearsago. I had one scene as a junkietrying to sell a stolen TV. God--He puts it back. Kyle approaches, glancing back at Colette--KYLEHey, you guys know German? What’s“Ein Rand?” Like, “A Rand--?”(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 5.2 CONTINUED:2CASEYA writer. Ayn Rand, wrote about howawesome awesome people are--(re: Colette)Who’s the waif?KYLEColette. From my scene study class.She’s <strong>co</strong>ol. Really deep--CASEYJust like you.KYLEYeah. I really want to bang her--Steve approaches, wine bottle in hand. Smiling and pouring.STEVE GUTTENBERGA man of fine taste. Try this. Pert‘93 Barolo. Great with cheese--He sees something. RON, peering into a fish tank of water.STEVE GUTTENBERG (CONT’D)Oh, don’t touch! That’s art.RONThis is art?STEVE GUTTENBERGJoseph Kootz. That’s pure icebergwater. Costs ten grand a year justto fly in new ice from Greenland.(back to gang)God, this takes me back. I catered,back in the day. Actors, I presume?KYLE(nodding at Henry)Yeah. Well, he was, but--STEVE GUTTENBERGDidn’t work out? Well, you knowwhat? Those days, working gigs,making squat, just a bunch ofstruggling actors goofing around?Best time of my life.HENRYBetter than when you were one ofthe biggest stars in America?(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 6.2 CONTINUED:2CASEYBetter than now?STEVE GUTTENBERGOkay, maybe not the best--ACROSS THE ROOM, Roman scans script <strong>co</strong>verage with Kent.KENT--see, he totally went off on it.Said it was just “technobabble”--ROMANOnly words that aren’t technobabbleto a producer are <strong>co</strong>ke and whore--Steve approaches, making the rounds.STEVE GUTTENBERGSo, you guys actors, too?KENTDo we look that stupid?ROMANWe’re writers. This’s my partner--KENTKent Gerbels. Not like the Nazipropaganda minster. Like therodent. But with an “e.”STEVE GUTTENBERG(beat, then moves on)So, what you got there?ROMANThis producer was into our idea,but his feedback on the script--(Steve leans to read)Um, okay, go ahead and read--STEVE GUTTENBERG“Inert and without humanity...”ROMANIt’s like they focused on thewords, and missed the whole point--STEVE GUTTENBERGLet me ask you something. You everhad anything produced?(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 7.2 CONTINUED:2ROMANYeah, lots. I work catering to keepin touch with the <strong>co</strong>mmon man.STEVE GUTTENBERGSo you’ve never heard your wordsspoken aloud?3 INT. KITCHEN3Ron paws through a utensil drawer. Finds a pair of tongs.Considers them. Rejects them. Enter Henry--HENRYHey, Ron. Is there more cheese--?RONI’ll do it. That’s my job. Thingsare good. Don’t worry.HENRYI’m not worried.(beat)Should I be?RON(pouring glass of wine)No. As I just said. I am back andeverything is going well.HENRYI thought you were back in AA.RONOh. Right. I am-- *Ron dumps the wine, as Casey enters, impish look on her face.HENRY‘Cause if this is weird for you--CASEYHenry. You’ve been summoned--RONGo. Really, I’m fine.Henry exits. A beat, then Ron picks up the phone. Dials--(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 8.3 CONTINUED:3RON (CONT’D)Travis? It’s Ron, from AA. I’m at aparty in Sherman Oaks, and I <strong>co</strong>uldreally use your help. So, soon asyou finish the job? Great--4 INT. CONVERSATION PIT4Everyone assembles. Kent and Roman hover, uncertain, as Stevewalks around with a handful of pages. Giddy.STEVE GUTTENBERGIn the theater, where I <strong>co</strong>me from,writing and acting are intertwined.First play I did, off-Broadwaything called “Screw You?” Totallyrewritten in rehearsals. Since wehave time, wine, expert thespiansat the ready, and it’s my birthday,we’re going to read a scene fromyour <strong>co</strong>mrades’ script and see if wecan give ‘em some insight--Roman looks deeply un<strong>co</strong>mfortable as Steve starts handing outpages to everyone. Henry gives Casey a look. “Really?”ROMANMr. Guttenberg, I don’t think--STEVE GUTTENBERGThat’s fear talking, Roman--(passing out pages)Henry, you are our Captain DuKlark. *Casey, you are Slave Girl--CASEYOf <strong>co</strong>urse--STEVE GUTTENBERGKyle, you are Krond. Colette, mydear, you are BORP-7.CASEYOoo, can I be the robot--?KENTIt’s not a “robot,” it’s a biocyberneti<strong>co</strong>rganism-- *LYDIA *What do we do? *(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 8A.4 CONTINUED:4STEVE GUTTENBERG *You will be the audience, without *whom, none of this has a point. *Lydia, pleased, sits with Mrs. Gomez. *ROMANOkay, look, Mr. Guttenberg, I don’tthink this’s going to help any--(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 9.4 CONTINUED:4Steve pauses. Faces Roman like a stern but loving father.STEVE GUTTENBERGRoman, I know. It’s scary. You feelvulnerable. But if you want to be atrue writer, you must <strong>co</strong>mmit toyour work. You don’t share it withthe world, you’re only a writer inyour head. “Making art is an act of<strong>co</strong>urage.” You know who said that?No.ROMANKYLE(knowingly, to Colette)Morrison--You?CASEYSTEVE GUTTENBERGYes! “No Risk, No Reward.” Let’s bebrave. Okay. Cast prepares--Cast prepares. Lydia and Mrs. Gomez sit back to watch.COLETTEDoes BORP-7 have feelings--?ROMANIt’s a robot--STEVE GUTTENBERGOkay. “Interior. Bridge.” Action.He gestures to Henry, who reads in deadpan voice-- *HENRYReading on deuterium levels.COLETTESeven oh five point two, captain.KYLEYour ship will never withstand thequantum flux between a binary star--(breaking character)What does that mean--?KENTA star pair rotating at near-light--(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 10.4 CONTINUED:4STEVE GUTTENBERGNot important, keep the flow, go--HENRYIt will in a Godel spacetime field--KYLEWithout negative energy synthesis?HENRYWe reverse the tachyon cannon,generate an Alubierre Warp. Quantumtunnel through the Cauchy horizon--KYLE--and form a naked singularity--CASEYDuKlark... *HENRYWhat’re you doing on the bridge?You should be in a surgi-tube.CASEYI was scared. I heard explosions--HENRYIf the <strong>co</strong>ordinates you stole fromyour boyfriend aren’t accurate,you’ll hear more. Because this shipwill be totally atomized--CASEYBoyfriend? He’s a slave trader. Iwas nothing to him but merchandise.KYLEFine merchandise, eh, DuKlark? *The best.HENRYCASEYIf we don’t make it--HENRYI don’t use the word “don’t.”STEVE GUTTENBERGHe pushes her away roughly--(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 11.4 CONTINUED:4CASEYI just wanted to thank you forsaving my people. “Dies?”STEVE GUTTENBERGYes, right, so Slave Girl dies...HENRYSeven, check her readings.COLETTELife functions terminated.(then--)Cauchy horizon passed at deuteriumlevel seven point oh oh one.KYLEA statistical anomaly. What youcall luck.Is it?HENRYA pause. Henry looks to see if there’s more. There isn’t.STEVE GUTTENBERGAnd...scene!5 INT. LIVING ROOM -- LATER5RON circulates, distracted, as the guests mingle, drink, eat--LYDIA *I thought it was just great! I love *nautical stories-- *ROMANDo we need to discuss it? I got alot out of just hearing--STEVE GUTTENBERGCourage, young writer. This is thecrucible! It’s like previews--COLETTEMy character seemed to lack depth.ROMANYes. Because it’s a robot-- *HENRYAnd DuKlark’s kind of a dick. *(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 12.5 CONTINUED:5CASEYYeah, slave girl saves his ass andhe just makes crass jokes with hisnemesis while she just drops dead?ROMANCrass? He called her the best--HENRYTrue. You are the best space whore--Casey heads off to the DVD shelves. Kyle tries profundity. *KYLEI wanted it to be more, like, deep--COLETTEI thought it was interesting howneither of the alpha males <strong>co</strong>uldsee past the gender <strong>co</strong>nstruct offemaleness to her real humanity.They can only relate to each other--KYLEYeah, they were, like...gay.KENTI thought of them as Jungian shadowfigures--COLETTEI just started Jung. Have you readMan and his Symbols?KYLEI just ordered it. I can’t wait--Kyle sees Casey scanning the DVD shelf. He slips over, under<strong>co</strong>ver of grabbing an appetizer. Sotto, to Casey--KYLE (CONT’D)Hey, gimme some smart shit to say-- *ROMAN, meanwhile, stews as Mrs. Gomez shrugs.MRS GOMEZ--I just didn’t feel it.(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 13.5 CONTINUED:5ROMANFeel what? It’s not Pat the Bunny--STEVE GUTTENBERGI think that’s it. What’s missing.The human element. Heart--ROMANIt’s hard sci fi--STEVE GUTTENBERGAre science fiction and heartmutually exclusive? One wordanswer. Co<strong>co</strong>on--ROMANSo, add old people--STEVE GUTTENBERGFeelings. Heart. Go on, go give ita pass, and we’ll try it again--ROMANDo that again? I felt like I wasbeing hunted for sport.STEVE GUTTENBERGCourage. No risk, no reward.(calling out to room)Okay, everyone. Drink, relax, hitthe jacuzzi, we’ll re<strong>co</strong>nvene inhalf an hour for another reading!He sees Lydia topping her not-empty glass with red wine.STEVE GUTTENBERG (CONT’D)No, no, don’t mix those-- *LYDIAI’m not. This one’s red--HENRY <strong>co</strong>mes up to Casey, as she walks away from the shelf.HENRY“What’d you do this weekend? Hungout in Steve Guttenberg’s jacuzzi.”How badly do you want to say that--CASEYRaincheck--(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 14.5 CONTINUED:5She heads off, revealing she’s taken the “Sundown Strip” DVD.Passes Kent and Colette as Roman approaches.KENT--the singularity. The theory thatmachines will be<strong>co</strong>me <strong>co</strong>nscious--COLETTELike <strong>co</strong>mputers with souls. Have youread Eckhart Tolle?ROMANKent, we gonna rewrite, or what?Kent heads off with Roman as Kyle returns.KYLEYou know, it made me think of “ThisSaid Zarathisis”. By Neezshe.Exiting, Casey laughs in triumph. We hear a DOORBELL--COLETTEYou mean, Nieztche?KYLEPronounced Neezsh. It’s German.AT THE DOOR Steve ushers in TRAVIS. Hardboiled, in worn workpants and a TY-DEE PLUMBING shirt.STEVE GUTTENBERGHi. Steve--TRAVISTravis. Ron around?Ron <strong>co</strong>mes hurrying up. Smiling like everything’s fine.RONTravis. Hi--STEVE GUTTENBERGGrab a glass, I’ve got an impishlittle Viognier here-- *Travis looks alarmed, and Ron pulls across the room. *(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 15.5 CONTINUED:5RONThanks for <strong>co</strong>ming, man--TRAVISNo sweat. Gone off the wagon a fewtimes myself. Probably not a greatidea, hanging around all this wine--(glances at random bottle)This’s some nice shit. Good thingyou called, temptation to just havea taste must be driving you crazy--RONI was more a beer man. What I needhelp with is this.He pauses before the Joseph Kootz. Travis stares, <strong>co</strong>nfused.RON (CONT’D)I dropped a shrimp in there, and itgot sucked into some kind of filterpump thing and I can’t--TRAVISSo, you’re not drinking--?RONThis is a work of art. A Kootz. If *the host finds out I got a shrimpstuck in his Kootz--Please, Travis-- *Off Travis, staring at Ron--AT THE SIDEBOARD, Lydia, Mrs. Gomez and Steve wine taste--STEVE GUTTENBERGSee? They’re totally different-- *LYDIAThey both taste, just...red. *MRS. GOMEZOne’s like rocks, one’s like dirt.LYDIA *(tasting again) *Okay, yes, maybe I taste dirt-- *STEVE GUTTENBERGThat one’s the rocks. Look, you’re *sure your daughter’s gonna be a *star--(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 15A.5 CONTINUED:5LYDIAOh, yes, you should see her--(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 16.5 CONTINUED:5STEVE GUTTENBERGThese are things you need to know.Success is a lifestyle you preparefor. In the tabloids every day,some schmuck hits it big, goes topieces ‘cause they aren’t ready forsuccess. You’re going to make *millions. What’re you going to do? *LYDIAMillions? I don’t know. Throw a big *party, and get some shoes, and *Escapade loves horses, we <strong>co</strong>uld *probably get, like, a hundred--? *Henry approaches to refill his glass--LYDIA (CONT’D) *Henry, what would you do with *millions of dollars? *HENRYI don’t know...fleet of blimps? *STEVE GUTTENBERGSee, okay, that’s why you’ve got to *educate yourself. First thing I *did? Wine tasting class. Learned tolive well. Fine wine, clothes, art--(grabbing them)Come on, <strong>co</strong>me with me--6 INT. SCREENING ROOM6 *A nice office space. At the TV, Casey pops the DVD into theplayer, grabs the remote and starts fast forwarding.7 INT. ART ROOM7A room devoted to his art <strong>co</strong>llection. Steve walks Henry,Lydia and Mrs. Gomez through the room, offering insights.(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 17.7 CONTINUED:7STEVE GUTTENBERGStarted <strong>co</strong>llecting art twenty yearsago. It’s not only an investment,it’s also a window into life.LYDIAIf you’re an art expert, maybe--STEVE GUTTENBERGNo, you just need to let yourselfsee and reflect and think.(off a painting)A Millet study. What do you see?LYDIA *A man in a field--STEVE GUTTENBERGBut look at the man. Exhausted fromwork. An interesting dichotomy.(off next painting) *Gerd Schlimt, German expressionism. *I put it here to <strong>co</strong>ntrast thesevery different views of nature.LYDIA *One is nice, and one is weird. *STEVE GUTTENBERGExactly! *(Lydia reacts, pleased) *There’s more than one way ofseeing. My little Frank Stella--LYDIASee, this is where I’m just, “itlooks like a bunch of squiggles.”STEVE GUTTENBERGThat’s what it is.Henry has gotten ahead. Stares at something, kinda baffled.MRS. GOMEZIt’s like a picture of a feeling.Exactly--STEVE GUTTENBERGLYDIA *Good, Fulgenicia. You’re gonna do *so great with your millions-- *(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 19.8 CONTINUED:8ROMANShe’s a robot!(seeing TV)Is that Henry? What is that?CASEYNothing. I’ll get out of your way.Casey ejects the DVD and bolts from the room.KENTShe’s Bio-Cybernetic. With Nanotechcircuits that can evolve--ROMANYou’re saying that because you’rehot for Colette, which is just sad--KENTBecause they’re right. When SlaveGirl dies, it should be moving--Kent opens his laptop, arranges his notes.ROMANKnow what’d be moving? A panda anda kitten on the Titanic get cancer.Let’s put that in--KENTCome on. We’ll just try it. Norisk, no reward, or whatever--ROMANOkay, fine, try it. Just don’tsprain your fingers selling out--9 INT. KITCHEN9Ron hovers anxiously over Travis as he examines a pumpmechanism he’s pulled off the water tank.RONCan you fix it?TRAVISDiaguchi intake feeding some kindof chip-driven jap filter system,and I can’t even see the shrimp--(frustrated)I can try, but it’s real tricky--(sees bottle on <strong>co</strong>unter)(MORE)(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 20.9 CONTINUED:9TRAVIS (CONT'D)Jesus, man, this guy’s pouring an‘89 St. Emilion. Shit--Steve pops his head in, and Ron moves to block his view ofthe pump on the <strong>co</strong>unter. Steve waves pages.STEVE GUTTENBERGNew pages! Ron, more wine!(exiting, calling out)New pages! Where are my players!Ron grabs a tray of appetizers and the St. Emilion. Travisgrabs the bottle. Slides him another one. Ron takes it.RONI really appreciate it, Travis--Ron exits. A beat. Travis eyes the bottle. Pours. Swirls,sniffs. Tempted. Puts it down. Grabs the phone. Dials.TRAVISHey, Carlo. It’s Travis, from AA--10 INT. CONVERSATION PIT10The “Cast” and audience assemble around the <strong>co</strong>nversation pit.Steve is handing out pages. Ron hovers.STEVE GUTTENBERGOkay, let’s get it on its feet. Up,it’s theater, it’s interaction. Putsome life into these words--Casey heads over to join Henry as Steve hands out the pages--STEVE GUTTENBERG (CONT’D)Okay. Krond. Captain DuKlark, here *you are, Slave girl, Borp-7--Casey gives Henry a sly smile. Takes her pages from Steve.CASEYWhat would you say if I said I wasgoing to act you into next week?HENRYI’d say, fine, I’m retired.CASEYAnd if I called you a huge pussy?(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 21.10 CONTINUED:10HENRYI’d say I can still act you underthe table with one feeling tiedbehind my back.Casey grins. They prepare. Lydia and Mrs. Gomez sip wine.LYDIA *I’m tasting...sticks? And rope--? *STEVE GUTTENBERGOkay, okay, places, preparations,“Interior, Bridge.” Action.The actors all now “act.” Casey and Henry, to the hilt.COLETTECaptain. I’m worried--STEVE GUTTENBERGOh, that’s good, right off, withthe feelings. Go--Kent smiles, while Roman rolls his eyes--HENRYAbout our deuterium levels? Me too.COLETTEAbout you, sir.HENRYSince when was worrying part ofyour programing? Coordinates set?KYLEThread a binary star? You’ll killus all, DuKlark. Or is that what *you want, since she died?HENRYMaybe it is. Maybe I’ve--(turning surprised)You..I thought you were dead.CASEYI had to know if the <strong>co</strong>ordinatesworked. That you were safe--HENRYIf they work, you’ve saved us all.Now get back in the surgi-tube--(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 21A.10 CONTINUED:10KYLEHer face’s ruined, she’s of no use--(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 22.10 CONTINUED:10Henry angrily slaps Kyle.HENRYIs that all she is to you? A face?KYLE(breaking character)Dude, what the fuck--?HENRYSorry, it’s acting--KYLEOh, <strong>co</strong>ol. Okay, I’m back in--COLETTESir, chance of survival is point--HENRYShe risked all. So can we. Engage-- *A MAN IN SHIRT AND TIE -- CARLOS -- eases into the room.CARLOSSorry, door was open. Is Travis--?Steve waves him to the kitchen. Carlos hustles through--STEVE GUTTENBERGSo Borp-7 fires the tachyon cannon,there’s a space warp thing, and...COLETTEWe’re clear.CASEYThank you for saving my people.She “dies.” Henry picks her up in his arms.HENRYNo! No, no, no--COLETTESir, her life readings--HENRYWhat do you know about life?Henry kisses Casey’s “lifeless” body.(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 23.10 CONTINUED:10COLETTEI’m learning, sir.Henry drops Casey, puts his head in his hands--HENRYWe saved the galaxy----he looks up, tears run down his face. A long beat--STEVE GUTTENBERGAnd...scene!11 INT. LIVING ROOM11Everyone clusters around Kent and Roman. Steve is thrilled.LYDIA *It was a thrill ride! And it was so *sad when the slave girl dies-- *MRS. GOMEZ *He loved her. *STEVE GUTTENBERGHumanity. Heart. Drama. God, great,this is what I love about theater! *See? You put yourself out there,braved the response, and voila!Roman stews, while Kent smiles--COLETTEI liked the line, “I’m learning.”It’s like she’s learning to learn--KYLEYeah, it made me think of Ayn Rand--KENTYou seen his art <strong>co</strong>llection? He’sgot a Spankler--KYLE(laughing)Oh, shit, where the dude’s fuckinga porcupine--KENTIt’s intense, isn’t it? *(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 23A.11 CONTINUED:11COLETTEI love Spankler--(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 24.11 CONTINUED:11They head off. Kyle watches her go, baffled. Turns to Roman.KYLEIt’s a dude fucking a porcupine.12 INT. KITCHEN12Ron enters to see Carlos with Travis, who is tipsy-- *TRAVISThis St. Emilion with this St.Andre and the almonds, it’s just--CARLOS *Man, it’s a bad environment. *What’re you doing here--? *RON *He’s my sponsor, he’s helping me. *Who are you? *CARLOS *Carlos. I’m AA, too, I’m here to *help Travis. *RON *Oh. Didn’t you fix the pump? *TRAVISI got the shrimp out, but I’m toowasted to reattach the intake--RON *So they sent you to attach it--? *CARLOS *You called your sponsor here to fix *a fishtank? *RON *It’s art. A Kootz-- *CARLOS *Do you understand what AA is *actually for? *RON *I thought I did. *Carlos just stares at Ron. WTF? *

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 24A.13 EXT. HOT TUB13Henry sits in the tub, in boxers, swilling wine. Casey stepsout of her pants.HENRYHe’s got quite an art <strong>co</strong>llection. Ishould’ve been a movie star.CASEYThis won’t be awkward? Underwear?HENRYNothing I haven’t seen before.(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 25.13 CONTINUED:13She slips into the hot tub.CASEYI saw your scene. From that movie.HENRYYou did? Oh, man--CASEYIt was great. Why didn’t you evertell me you were actually good.(Henry shrugs)Do you miss it? Acting?HENRYBeing <strong>co</strong>nstantly rejected? No--CASEYI mean doing what you’re good at.HENRYI think I’m a good team leader.CASEYYeah, but “No risk, no reward--?”HENRYI have a saying. “No risk, norisk.” After all that bullshit,going back and starting over--CASEYRon did. Wow, I used Ron as a life *example. *Tipsy laughs. A moment...and then she kisses him. A beat,then Henry pulls back--HENRY *No, we can’t do this.CASEYI know, you’re seeing someone--HENRYAnd so are you--(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 26.13 CONTINUED:13CASEYPaul and I kinda drifted apart afew weeks ago, actually--HENRYStill...Maybe this got a little *lost in the shuffle, but you didkind of, you know, “break my heart”and that still kinda--is there--CASEYI’m sorry-- *(silent)Well. Now it’s awkward.A beat, then Steve walks up. *STEVE GUTTENBERGHot tub, yes! Mind if I join?CASEYOkay, but actually...I have to go.She gets out. Steve pulls off his shirt. As Casey grabs herclothes and exits, Steve drops his pants. Steve goes<strong>co</strong>mmando. Naked, he walks to the tub, slides in.STEVE GUTTENBERGThis is great, huh?Yeah.HENRYSTEVE GUTTENBERGYou should try without underwear.The jets feel great on your balls.HENRYUm, I should probably-- *STEVE GUTTENBERGMan, you guys had great chemistry.Henry nods as MRS. GOMEZ and LYDIA walk up. *LYDIAOoh. Are there suits we can borrow?STEVE GUTTENBERGWho needs suits? No risk, noreward!(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 27.13 CONTINUED:13Henry looks aghast, as Lydia and Mrs. Gomez start stripping.14 INT. LIVING ROOM14Travis checks the label on a bottle, while Carlos puts thepump on the tank. Ron watches. Carlos grabs the bottle.RONSo, in the future, if I have issues *like this, who should I call? *Carlos just glares at Ron. ON THE SOFA, Kyle and Roman slump.KYLEI liked the first draft. Krond andDuKlark, that’s the story. They’re, *like, Jungian shadow figures--ROMANI know. That’s why you should nevershow your stuff. People are stupid.CASEY, looking rattled, stomps through the room. She pausesat the sideboard, scribbles on Henry’s clipboard--KYLEYou leaving?-- she just nods, terse, and she exits.15 EXT. HOT TUB15HENRY, miserable, sits between a nude Kent and a Nude Mrs.Gomez. Also here: Colette, Lydia and Steve. Lydia reclines.LYDIAOkay, Steve, hot tub, you don’t *have to teach me. I get this! *(to Mrs. Gomez) *When we’re rich we’ll each get one. *STEVE GUTTENBERGThe rewrite was great, wasn’t it?COLETTEWhat I think would be <strong>co</strong>ol is ifthe whole thing were more about,like, this robot, growing a soul?KENTThat’s a <strong>co</strong>ol idea. Maybe we <strong>co</strong>uldget together, talk about it--(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 27A.15 CONTINUED:15No.COLETTE(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 28.15 CONTINUED:15Kent, un-noticed, deflates.LYDIAAnd you were terrific Henry. Ican’t believe you gave it up.STEVE GUTTENBERGI know, all that talent. You know,Henry, it’s my experience that ninetimes out of ten, if you got thetalent, you break through.HENRYWhat about that one guy?Steve just drains his wine. Then claps his hands.END TITLESSTEVE GUTTENBERGWho wants Mochi?16 EXT. DRIVEWAY16Ron and Henry load the van. Henry seems distracted--RONI think Steve Guttenberg had agreat time. Great night, huh? *HENRY(looking around) *Yeah. You see my clipboard? *Ron finds the clipboard. Sees something on the top. Reads--RON *“Sorry. You really were good?”Henry takes it. Knowing what it is--HENRYOh. For you, from Travis. Sorry yougot kicked out of AA.(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 29.16 CONTINUED:16RONNo, I realized I don’t actually *need it. I mean, those guys have *real drinking problems. I can’t *wait to see that feedback card.HENRYThere wasn’t an actual function. Wedon’t get one--(off Ron’s reaction)--or, as a guest, I <strong>co</strong>uld do one.RONYou don’t---Well, what would you *put? If you did one?HENRYAll excellents.AT THE DOOR, Roman and Kent exit. Lydia, Mrs. Gomez and Kylefollow, ad-libbing goodbyes with Steve.KENTYou’re right. The first draft was *better. It was great--ROMANYou knowingly fucked it up to *impress Colette? Well, if someone *that hot talked to me, I’d do it. *STEVE GUTTENBERGThanks, guys. It was great hanging!LYDIAThanks for the advice! I feel so *ready to be rich! *MRS. GOMEZI should get to my shift at the *airport-- *LYDIA *Right. Don’t forget to keep an eye *out for a bag of money-- *Kyle exits last. Then Colette...who pauses inside with Steve.COLETTESee you in class, Kyle.(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 29A.16 CONTINUED:16STEVE GUTTENBERGAnd don’t forget. “No risk--”(CONTINUED)

Party Down - Ep.205 - BLUE DRAFT- 10/12/09 30.16 CONTINUED:16He loops an arm around Colette’s waist, and closes the door.ROMANNo reward.A beat, as they all stare at the closed door.THE ENDKYLEI fucking hate Steve Guttenberg.

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