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2006<strong>LIBRARIES</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>LIBRARIANSHIP</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>HUNGARY</strong>

<strong>LIBRARIES</strong> <strong>AND</strong><strong>LIBRARIANSHIP</strong><strong>IN</strong> <strong>HUNGARY</strong>20061

Compiled and published by theM<strong>IN</strong>ISTRY OF EDUCATION <strong>AND</strong> CULTURESponsored by the BRITISH COUNCILThe materials have been collected by the staff members of theHUNGARIAN LIBRARY <strong>IN</strong>STITUTETranslated by ANNA BALOGHLanguage consultant: RICHARD ROOZEGraphic design and typography by ÉVA GERÕ [studekø]Printed by AKAPR<strong>IN</strong>T Kft.ISBN-10: 963-06-1101-5ISBN-13: 978-963-06-1101-5BUDAPEST, <strong>HUNGARY</strong>2006

Foreword 5.1. A brief historical overview 6.2. The Hungarian library system today 10.A. Legislation relating to the library fieldB. The role of the Ministry of Education and CultureC. The system of professional supervisionD. The strategic development of library policyE. Two important library projectsF. The financing of the library systemTable of contents3. Types of libraries 18.4. Shared catalogues and national electronic services 23.5. Digital libraries 26.6. Librarianship in Hungary 30.7. Professional training 32.8. New and renovated library buildings 34.9. Library journals and professional publications 35.10. Professional associations 38.11. International relations 40.12. Professional prizes and awards 41.13. Library campaigns and events 43.List of illustrations 44.3

ForewordIt is important that citizens of different countries get to knoweach other and become aware of the similarities and the differencesof their respective cultures and everyday life. The awarenessand knowledge of other cultures, as well as the presentationof our own values has gained even more importance sinceHungary joined the European Union.Various professional sectors - in our case the library field - alsoneed to increase their international visibility and at the sametime, become more familiar with international trends and practices.During many years, we have been aware of the need for apublication that would give a brief and accurate overview aboutHungarian libraries and the Hungarian library field. This brochureaims to fulfil such a role.After a short historical introduction, our publication focuses onthe present. Our intention was to show the readers the conceptualand policy background, as well as the achievements andchallenges related to the development of the library field.Hungarian libraries underwent radical changes over the past15 years. The “change of regime” of the Hungarian library fieldis linked to the new Library Act that came into force in 1997.The Act opened unprecedented opportunities for Hungarian libraries.Among many other stipulations, the Act laid down thecriteria of the successful operation of the library system underthe responsibility of the Minister of Culture. Two of the mostimportant criteria are:• Setting up new, centrally operated national services for thebenefit of the entire library system• Ensuring state funding for the developments set out in the ActThe current country-wide developments have been implementedaccording to the strategic objectives of the library field, focusingon increased access to information, equal opportunities,content development and quality development. In these daysmarked with serious economic restrictions, libraries are facinga contradictory situation. While they are suffering from insufficientfunding for their everyday operation, there are increasingfunding opportunities available for the development of the qualityof services both at national and local level. Libraries must beable to derive benefit from these opportunities.The mission of the Hungarian library field is similar to otherEuropean library systems: its primary objective is to satisfyuser needs. In certain areas, we can demonstrate great achievements,like the well-functioning National Document DeliverySystem, or the modernisation programmes that were extendedas far as the level of village libraries. However, we have to admitthat there is still much to do in the area of ICT development,especially in rural areas.We are proud of our new library buildings – you will see themlisted in this brochure – but we have to confess that there aremany other libraries in need of renovation, the pictures of whichwe have not included in this publication!But in summary, we can state that there are certainly more developmentsthan setbacks and we hope you will agree with thisstatement when you read this brochure, or when you come tovisit Hungary.JUDIT SKALICZKIHead of Library DepartmentMinistry of Education and Culture5

1.Abrief historical overviewThe history of Hungarian libraries began in the 11thcentury when the Hungarian state was establishedand Christianity was adopted as the state religion.During this period, the abbeys of Tihany and Pannonhalmaheld collections of valuable manuscripts, andthe great Mediaeval Hungarian codices, the ‘AnjouLegend’ and the ‘Illustrated Chronicle’, were preparedat the request of the Hungarian kings.Renaissance culture flourished under the reign ofKing Matthias (1458-1490), whose library, known asthe Bibliotheca Corviniana, was one of the greatestcollections of illustrated chronicles and scientific andphilosophical works in contemporary Europe. The librarycontained nearly 2.500 books (or „corvinae“),but the collection was dispersed after the death ofthe king, and today only 216 corvinae remain at variouslibraries worldwide. More than 50 of these areheld in Hungarian collections.During the time of the Protestant Reformation andthe Counter Reformation, Hungarian written culturalheritage was preserved by the libraries of the Protestantcolleges of Debrecen, Sárospatak and Pápa.In the 18th century, library rooms furnished in a baroqueor classical style became important parts ofbishops‘ residences and the homes of noblemen. Thesecontained encyclopaedic collections, classified by subject,and were held in richly ornamented wooden bookcases.Several valuable examples of these libraries arepreserved today, including the library of the Telekifamily in Marosvásárhely, Transylvania (today Tirgu-Mures,Romania) and the fine book collection ofthe Festetics family in Keszthely, Hungary.The beginning of the 19th century was marked by thepromotion of national identity, which fostered a newinterest in the nation’s language, culture and history.6

The idea of establishing a national library – collecting,cataloguing and making available to scholarsall the documents relating to the history of Hungary– was put forward by Count Ferenc Széchényi. In1802, the Count donated to the nation his own collectionof 13,000 printed books, 1,200 manuscripts,and hundreds of maps, coats of arms, engravings andmedals. In 1808, the Hungarian National Museumwas established and the national library foundedby Count Széchényi became part of it. The librarybecame an independent national institution in 1949and relocated from the National Museum to its newpremises in Buda Castle in 1985.in 1784. Named after physicist Eötvös Loránd, ithas since become the largest and most prestigiousuniversity in Hungary. The university library holdsa number of codices, 14 corvinae, and hundreds ofprints and books from the 16th and 17th centuries.The Library of the Budapest University of Technologyand Economics is another academic library witha prestigious historical collection.The Hungarian Academy of Sciences was foundedby Count István Széchenyi in 1825, and its librarywas set up the following year when Count JózsefTeleki donated his book collection of 30,000 volumesto the Academy. The library was opened to the generalpublic in 1865.The famous Jesuit University of Nagyszombat (todayTrnava, Slovakia) was founded by archbishopand theologian Péter Pázmány in 1635. After the dissolutionof the Jesuit order, the university moved toBuda in 1777 and then to its final location in Pest7

Following the political „compromise“ that establishedthe dual monarchy of Austro-Hungary in 1867, theautonomous Hungarian state established its ownadministrative institutions. At this point the Libraryof the Hungarian Parliament and the Library of theCentral Statistical Office were founded.School libraries in Hungary have existed since the timeof the Protestant Reformation, when schools had theirown book collections, and college education was supportedby collections belonging to students‘ societies.The concept of the modern school library was born whenthe law on public education came into force in 1868.The antecedents of public libraries were readinggroups and booksellers’ lending libraries; the Anglo-Saxonmodel of public libraries was introducedby Ervin Szabó, who reorganised the metropolitan libraryof Budapest and opened it to the general publicin 1910. The new metropolitan library had one centrallibrary and five branches. It opened its local historycollection (called the Budapest Collection) in 1913,and made available a department of children’s literaturein the same year.The development of libraries slowed down followingWorld War One, and during World War Two alarge number of books were destroyed.8

After 1945, when the „socialist“ political and economicera started in Hungary, priorities in librarypolicy changed. In order to create a new generation ofintellectuals, the regime introduced an ambitious culturalpolicy aimed at increasingliteracy in general and providingworking class citizens witha wide variety of cultural andeducational material. The policywas implemented via two networksof public libraries: councillibraries, run by local authorities;and trade union libraries, availableat workplaces.The transition to democracy in1989 brought radical political,economic and social changesthat also had a considerableimpact on the library system.Libraries faced new challengesdue to insufficient funding fromlocal authorities, as well as fromthe changing structures and policiesof the cultural sector, resultingin a need for new systemsand solutions to ensure the successful operation ofthe library system in the new environment. At thesame time, political openness and the prospect ofEuropean Union membership created a stimulatingatmosphere and encouraged newinternational links. As a result,Hungarian libraries needed toadopt entirely new strategiesto ensure a modern library systemby the beginning of the thirdmillennium. In order to meet thenew requirements set by libraryauthorities and the changes insociety, the following prioritieswere identified:• a new legal basis for the restructuringof the library system• focus on users‘ needs• focus on diversified services• the automation of libraries• financing of the new system• the introduction of modern librarymanagement at Hungarianlibraries9

2.The Hungarian library system todayA. Legislation relating to the library fieldThe first Hungarian law concerning the missionand services of libraries, museums and archives waspassed in 1929, and during the socialist period severalstatutory orders further regulated the organisationand operation of the library network. By the early1990s, however, it was clear that library legislationrequired a complete overhaul. Act CXL of 1997 (onPublic Library Provision) set the legal frameworkfor the new library system, incorporating the followingconcepts:• libraries are the core institutions of the informationsociety• the library system is a prerequisite for the freeflow of information• all citizens have the right to access services providedby the libraries which are „open to all users“(see below)• the development of the library system and nationallibrary services must be financed by the stateThe Act introduced the term “libraries open to all users“,encompassing various types of libraries whoseservices can be accessed and used by any citizen, andset out the criteria required for a library to be includedin this category. These criteria emphasise a focuson services provided to users; libraries that are registeredas “open to all users“ benefit from additionalstate funding for development (including collectiondevelopment), ICT infrastructure and the continuingtraining of librarians. The Act also includes provisionsfor the national document delivery system andother central services and sets out the organisationand financing of the entire library system.B. The role of the Ministry of Educationand CultureResponsibility for the strategic development andprofessional supervision of the Hungarian librarysystem falls to the Minister for Education and Culture,10

through the work done by the Library Department.The main activities of the Department are:• preparing legislation and regulations related tothe library field• operation of the system of professional supervision• strategic planning• the administration of ministerial fundingC. Professional supervisionThe practice of professional supervision was re-introducedin 2002, with the aim of raising the standardof the services provided by libraries. The programmebegan with visits to nearly 2,000 village libraries andcontinued with a pilot project on quality-based supervisionof municipal libraries. Future projects willbe directed at academic libraries.• the establishment of the National DocumentDelivery System• the establishment of the “open to all users“accreditation system for libraries• the acceleration of the automation of libraries• the establishment of the Hungarian NationalShared Catalogue• the reintroduction of the system of continuoustraining of librarians• the establishment of the Hungarian Library Institute• the modernisation of the organisational structureand services of the National LibraryD. The strategic development of the library fieldSince the implementation of the new Library Act,there have been three national library developmentstrategies.During the period 1997 - 2003, the following strategicobjectives were accomplished:11

The strategic document for the period 2003 - 2007(http://www.ki.oszk.hu/strategia) includes the followingfour main objectives:Raising the quality of services in order to meetEuropean Union standardsHungarian libraries should stay up to date and inline with the libraries of other member countriesof the European Union, especially those countriesthat demonstrate ‘best practice’ in library andinformation services. Along with a focus on libraryusers‘ needs and high-quality services, a range ofnew activities, technical solutions and performancemeasures are required, including quality managementin libraries.Increasing access to library documents and informationin line with the principles of democracyand equal opportunitiesPhysical or virtual access to the wealth of informationwithin libraries must extend to as many peopleas possible, irrespective of geographical location. Asa consequence, the information infrastructure of thelibrary network needs to be further developed, untilit reaches the level of village libraries. Tasks includethe coordinated digitisation of library collections; theretrospective cataloguing of the National SzéchényiLibrary; and the incorporation of the catalogue recordsof the National Document Delivery Systeminto the Hungarian National Shared Catalogue.Developing the library supply of rural areasAll citizens must be able to access the documents andinformation that they need regardless of where theylive: prior to the second national library developmentstrategy, access was guaranteed only as far as thelevel of cities. Library services for village communitieswill be covered by county or city libraries, whichprovide documents and services requested byresidents of rural communities.12

Making the image of librarianship moreattractiveLibrary professionals must have the knowledge andskills required for international best practice in libraryand information services. At the same time, they mustbe able to deal with all groups of users, includingpeople with disabilities and disadvantaged membersof society. In order to meet these new requirements, thesystem of professional training must be restructuredand reintroduced. An appropriate system for careerdevelopment, including competitive salary packages,must be offered in order to attract qualified informationprofessionals to work in libraries.citizens of towns. Access to these services needs tobe provided through new or renovated library buildingsor library service points, by mobile libraries andthrough extensive ICT development.Widening access to the wealth of information andknowledgeThis area includes the modernisation of the NationalSzéchényi Library; the setting up of regional librariesas knowledge centres; enhancing cooperation betweenacademic libraries, county libraries and businesspartners; and the infrastructure developmentof municipal libraries.The areas of strategic development for the period2007-2013 were determined in accordance with theobjectives of the overall National Development Plan,which aims to increase the competitiveness and employabilityof citizens. The key areas of the third librarystrategy are:Improving the library and information infrastructurein villagesPeople living in villages must be able to access thesame documents and information services as the13

Digitisation of library collectionsThe digitisation of library collections follows fromthe National Digitisation Plan for Libraries issuedin 2006. Projects will include the creation of the NationalDigital Library in accordance with the EuropeanDigital Library initiative, and the provision ofaccess to copyright-protected digital material throughthe extension of the dedicated networks of the NationalDigital Data Archive and the National AudiovisualArchive.Enhancing readingThis nation-wide reading project will support the developmentof children’s libraries and school librarieswith the aim of enhancing the knowledge and creativityof young people. Developing the culture ofreading will need stronger cooperation between librariesand the publishing industry.E. Two important national library projectsThe National Document Delivery SystemOrszágos Dokumentum-ellátási Rendszer – ODR(http://www.ki.oszk.hu/odr)The National Document Delivery System wasestablished in 1998. The system ensures access todocuments and information for all citizens from anylibrary in the country. The system is based on 54member libraries including the national library, thespecial libraries with a national remit, state-fundedacademic libraries, and county libraries. Together thecollections of these libraries cover nearly all the documentsheld at Hungarian libraries. Library users canfind the location of the documents in the catalogueand with the assistance of their librarian, can makea request via the system. The requested document isdelivered to the library in printed or electronic form,or as a photocopy of the original document, in compliancewith appropriate copyright rules. In the pastfew years, more than 500,000 documents have beendelivered to users in villages and small settlements.The operational costs of the system are covered bythe annual budget of the Ministry of Education andCulture. Member libraries receive funding for acqui-14

sitions, technical and technological tools, and postalfees for document delivery.The Service System for Rural Areas(Könyvtárellátási Szolgáltató Rendszer – KSZR)Following the implementation of the National DocumentDelivery System, a system was required toextend the service to villages and small settlementsthat do not have a library. The aims and mechanismsof this new system were set out in ‘The concept oflibrary service provision for citizens living in villagesand small settlements’, published in 2004. The ServiceSystem for Rural Areas is based on librariesproviding services (county libraries and the more importantcity libraries), and on small communities orderingand receiving these services via various instrumentssuch as village libraries, library service pointsand mobile libraries. The range of services includesdocument delivery, online information services, andthe organisation of events and exhibitions. Specialattention is paid to the services provided to childrenand young people. Funding for the system is providedthrough a variety of state development programmes(see below). For example, with the cooperation ofthe Ministry of Local Government and RegionalDevelopment, village communities were invited to„club together“ to apply for state funding for the introductionof a mobile library. Funding for this typeof mobile library service reached 714 million HUF(2,580,000 EUR) in 2006, making it possible for 582small villages to benefit from library services.F. The financing of the library systemThe operating costs of libraries are covered by theannual budget of their local library authorities.Operation and development of the Hungarianlibrary system as a whole is coordinated centrallyand financed by the state: this additional centralfunding is made available through developmentprogrammes rolled out according to the strategicobjectives of library policy. Eligible institutions can15

submit project proposals in specific activity areas.Some of the programmes that libraries have benefitedfrom are:• Matching funds for the collection developmentof public libraries.In this programme, local government authoritiesprovide a matching grant equivalent to the amountrequested from the Ministry of Local Governmentand Regional Development.• Grants for infrastructure development of the ServiceSystem for Rural AreasThe Ministry of Education and Culture runs afunding programme that provides long term loansat discounted rates for localgovernments that wishto improve the infrastructureof culturalservices in theircommunity. Fundingfor the ServiceSystem for RuralAreas can also berequested throughthis programme. Additionaly, proposals can besubmitted for the renovation and improvement ofthe premises where library services will be provided.In 2005 and 2006, 123 library projects were supportedby this programme.• Grants for ICT developmentThrough the national ICT development programmesof recent years, broadband Internet connections havebeen established at all the libraries of the NationalDocument Delivery System, all municipal libraries,church libraries in the „open to all users“ scheme,and college libraries16

• Quality development at libraries and modernisationof servicesThis three-year quality development programmetargeted the member libraries of the National DocumentDelivery System. In the framework of theprogramme, performance indicators and service guidelinesrelating to specific types of libraries were setout. The application of these quality managementtools ensures that services are consistent in standardand quality at different libraries: 56 libraries participatedin this programme.The programme has a library committee which makesannual recommendations for topics and activities tobe supported through a bidding process for projectfunds. The topics are usually determined by strategicobjectives of library policy, but other activities,like the purchase of technical equipment, qualityassurance projects, professional publications, or theorganisation of library campaigns and conferences,can also be supported from this budget.• Grants for ensuring equal access to library servicesBetween 2004 and 2006, various calls for proposalssupported projects that aimed to improve access tolibrary buildings and library services by disabledusers. Special funding was made available for thepurchase of library software and tools for the blindand visually impaired: 128 libraries received fundingwithin this programme.• The National Cultural Funds grant schemeThe funding available through this programme isoverseen by the Minister for Education and Culture.17

3.Types of librariesThe National Széchényi Libraryhttp://www.oszk.huThe National Széchényi Library celebrated its 200 thanniversary in 2002. Its core mission is to collect, preserveand deliver to users documents that form partof Hungarian cultural heritage. The library has thelargest collection of prints and books published before1711 in the country. Some of the oldest completetexts in the Hungarian language, such as the codicesincorporating the Funeral Sermon and Prayer (endof 12 th century) and the Old Hungarian Laments ofMary (13 th century) are held here, together with 32“corvinae” from the library of King Matthias. Thecollection includes other historical treasures, likethe ‘Chronica Hungarorum’, the first printed bookin Hungary, published in 1473, and a great numberof manuscripts of masterpieces of Hungarian literature.In 2005, the library had 46,818 registered users and213,000 one-day visitors. Approximately 65% of theusers are students, and 10% are researchers.The library publishes the Hungarian national bibliographytwice a year on CD-ROM, but updatescovering the last three months are also availableonline on the library’s portal. The library uses theAMICUS integrated system. Retrospective cataloguingof card catalogue records started in 2003,and the digitisation of the collection started in thelate 1990s, with the first projects focusing on specialcollections.The Hungarian Library InstituteThe Hungarian Library Institute – which is thenational authority of public libraries – is includedwithin the organisational structure of the NationalSzéchényi Library, but managed by the Library Departmentof the Ministry of Education and Culture.Its mission is to provide services to assist the effi-18

cient operation of the library system. Some of itstasks are:• collecting and publishing national library statistics• assisting in the setting of standards, guidelinesand methods related to library and informationservices• operating a special library of library and informationscience materials• assisting in the collection development of libraries• participating in the continuing training of librariansand the training of library assistantsAcademic librariesThe number of Hungarian university and college libraries– state-funded and private – exceeded 200 in2005. Most operate as “libraries open to all users”and all university libraries are members of the NationalDocument Delivery System.The economic and social changes of the 1990S had aconsiderable impact on academic libraries. The numberof students in higher education has risen dramaticallyduring the last ten years, which has resulted inan unprecedented increase in the use of the collectionsThe National Library BoardThe National Library Board was set up in 1999 as aconsultative committee overseeing matters relatedto the functioning and strategic development of thelibrary field. It consists of 9 members who are electedfor a four-year period. The Board also observes andgives its opinion on the development and financingof the activities carried out by the National SzéchényiLibrary and the Hungarian Library Institute,according to their charters under the Library Act.The Board reports to the Minister for Educationand Culture.19

and services of academic libraries. The developmentof academic institutions has also been influenced bythe process of integration of universities and collegeswhich started at the end of the 1990s. The merging ofinstitutions brought many challenges for academiclibraries at the organisational and operational level,and required a greater degree of resource sharingand cooperation. Academic libraries are increasinglyproviding online services, including access to licensedelectronic journals and databases. Everyday activitiesfor academic librarians now include the search forfunding for academic literature, negotiating licensingterms and managing electronic resources. Academiclibraries have also gained considerable experience indigitisation.of state hospitals and the libraries of non-profitinstitutions. There were more than 370 speciallibraries in 2005 and over 80 of them have obtainedthe status of “libraries open to all users”. Ninespecial libraries collect literature on a nationallevel: these libraries participate in the NationalDocument Delivery System and provide records forthe Hungarian National Shared Catalogue. They arealso in charge of providing national subject-specificbibliographies, thematic databases, subject-specificreviews, translations and studies.Special librariesSpecial libraries develop collections in specificscientific areas. They show great variety as far astheir supporting authorities, history, collection anduser groups are concerned. Among them are thelibraries of state-funded research institutes, theLibrary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,the Hungarian Parliamentary Library, corporatelibraries, museum libraries, the medical libraries20

Public librariesAll local governments are bound to provide libraryservices to their citizens. County and municipalauthorities are obliged by law to operate a publiclibrary, while smaller communities can choose to runa library – on their own or in partnership with others– or order library services via the Service System forRural Areas.All county, municipal and village libraries mustbe registered as “libraries open to all users” andmust respond to the requirements stipulated by theLibrary Act. There are 20 county libraries, nearly 300municipal libraries and over 2,500 village libraries inHungary.Public libraries also have special roles, like thecollection of local documents and information,assisting users in finding relevant informationsources for everyday life issues, and supportinglife-long learning.School librariesThere are nearly 4,000 school libraries in Hungary.The conditions of their operation, their collection andtheir tasks are defined by their respective educationalinstitutions. School libraries provide statistics toand are professionally coordinated by the NationalPedagogical Library and Museum. In 1995, theNational Curriculum introduced the teaching oflibrary skills as a compulsory subject.21

Selected statistics on Hungarian libraries (2000-2005)2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Number of libraries 2 975 3 025 3 485 3 615 3 584 3 588Number of libraryservice points4 360 4 712 5 090 5 386 5 190 5 077Area (m2) 551 060 657 169 713 540 735 248 741 429 749 372Collection (items) 102 345 708 105 122 357 111 371 771 114 510 976 114 103 722 115 569 203Number ofregistered usersNumber of libraryvisits1 866 709 1 966 068 2 076 784 2 211 852 2 198 097 2 261 09722 177 866 26 728 312 31 833 406 28 923 774 28 132 176 28 106 461Number of loans 12 479 615 13 522 280 14 316 638 14 551 813 13 927 757 13 678 203Number ofdocuments lentNumber ofinterlibrary loans41 361 715 41 798 185 43 359 337 42 482 897 39 994 562 38 786 784102 467 113 094 123 720 139 198 138 829 138 40622

Shared catalogues and national electronic services4.The Hungarian National Shared CatalogueMagyar Országos Közös Katalógus (MOKKA)http://www.mokka.huAt the end of the 1990s, 15 libraries (including theNational Széchényi Library, the most importantacademic, research and special libraries, and theMetropolitan Ervin Szabó Library in its role as theleading public library of the country) declared theirintention to join forces for the setting up of a nationalshared catalogue based on a single database. Thisinitial group of libraries effectively covered 100% ofthe Hungarian publications and 70% of the foreigntitles held in Hungarian library collections. In 2002,the National Széchényi Library took charge of theoperation and development of this national sharedcatalogue, known as MOKKA. Other libraries havesince joined the system, bringing the number of participantsto 39 by 2006. MOKKA makes availableshared catalogue records in order to avoid duplicationsof cataloguing efforts. The database also supportsthe retrospective cataloguing being carriedout by Hungarian libraries. Supported by “eCorvina”software, it offers a standardised, user-friendlysystem designed to be used by both librarians andreaders. The development of the catalogue has beenfunded through various grants for national ICT development.It is expected that the number of libraries participatingin MOKKA will rise to 100 in the coming years.By this point, the group of libraries will cover 100%of the documents held in Hungarian library collections,fulfilling the function of MOKKA as a centralshared catalogue. Further plans include the mergerof MOKKA and the National Periodical Databasein order to make periodical records available throughthe same system. Another important future projectwill be the fusion of MOKKA and the location databaseof the National Document Delivery System(see below).23

National Periodical DatabaseNemzeti Periodika Adatbázis (NPA)The National Periodical Database, operated by theNational Széchényi Library, is the central catalogueof foreign periodicals held by Hungarian libraries.The database contains the bibliographical data ofnearly 42,000 titles (periodicals, newspapers, reports,annuals etc.) and about 1,000,000 related locationdata. The oldest journal issues date back to 1665.Data is provided by 600 libraries.The location database of the National DocumentDelivery Systemhttp://odr.lib.klte.huThe catalogue of the National Document DeliverySystem contains both bibliographical data anddocument locations. The location database enablesany user from any library in the country to searchfor a particular document, find out which library’scollection holds the item and in what form it can beaccessed, and submit a request for the document. Thecatalogue records offer links to the homepages and theOPACs of the libraries where the document is held.Interlibrary loan requests can be initiated directlyvia the system, from the same catalogue record. Thedatabase started to operate in 2000 and the numberof records has reached 3,500,000 to date.The licensing of academic electronic contentWith the availability of broadband Internet andcomputers in nearly all types of libraries, access tointernational information resources has widenedconsiderably. However, the licensing of internationalacademic journals and databases represent a major24

urden for the budgets of individual libraries. Inthe 1990s, the licensing of electronic databases wasorganised through consortia of smaller librariesand was paid out of various state grants. In 2001,a national agency was set up for the licensingof electronic academic information for all stateowneduniversities and colleges (ElektronikusInformációszolgáltatás – EISZ). This nationalconsortium, licensing a range of services including“Science Direct” and “Web of Science”, has alsobeen extended to four special libraries with a nationalremit. Since 2003, the Ministry of Education andCulture has coordinated another major license:this national consortium provides access to amultidisciplinary database package from EBSCOPublishing, and extends not only to academic andresearch libraries, but public libraries and other nonprofitlibraries too. Along side these national licenses,small consortia and individual licenses are in place forproducts in specific scientific areas. These licensesmay be paid out of a specific library’s own budget,but the Ministry of Education and Culture alsohas a special budget for collection development ofacademic libraries that can be used for subscriptionsto foreign journals and databases. This budget ismade available within an annual grant scheme.25

5.Digital librariesThe Hungarian Electronic LibraryMagyar Elektronikus Könyvtár (<strong>MEK</strong>)http://www.mek.oszk.huThe Hungarian Electronic Library started as acivil initiative in 1994. Thanks to the efforts of agroup of enthusiastic librarians eager to set up anelectronic library, the initiative became a project ofthe National Information Infrastructure DevelopmentProgramme and received state funding forfurther implementation. Since 1999, the HungarianElectronic Library has been hosted by the NationalSzéchényi Library and constitutes one of itsdepartments.The Hungarian Electronic Library aims to collectand preserve freely available electronic documentsrelated to Hungary and Central Europe in the fieldsof culture, education and academic research. Documentsare collected from a variety of sources: theWorld Wide Web, publishers, and the authors themselves.The Hungarian Electronic Library also coordinatesa large scale digitisation project, the DigitalLibrary of Hungarian Studies, which will makeavailable online thousands of books and referenceworks related to Hungarian studies.The National Electronic Periodicals Archiveand DatabaseElektronikus Periodika Archívum és Adatbázis (EPA)http://epa.oszk.huEPA is a bibliographic database that collects, archivesand makes available Hungarian and Hungaryrelatedelectronic periodicals available freely on theInternet or on the servers of state-funded academicor scientific institutions and libraries. These resourcesmay be the digital versions of printed periodicalsor solely digital material. In addition to the centralsearchable database of the metadata and access informationof these e-resources, EPA also provideshosting services and offers full-text content based onagreements with the publishers of the resources.26

Biblitheca Corviniana Digitalishttp://www.corvina.oszk.huThis ambitious programme of the National SzéchényiLibrary was established in order to virtually reconstructKing Matthias’ library (the “BibliothecaCorviniana”). The virtual library currently makesavailable in digital form 36 “corvinae” from the collectionof the National Library, and provides informationon all the other “corvinae” held by librariesin 14 countries around the world. In addition to thedigitisation of manuscripts, a comprehensive databaseis being built that will contain the full codicologicaldescription of the codices, their art historicalcontext, as well as the full bibliography of the BibliothecaCorviniana.National Digital Data ArchiveNemzeti Digitális Adattár (NDA)http://www.nda.huAs part of the national ICT development strategiesand action plans between 1997 and 2003, state fundingwas allocated for a large number of digitisationprojects to be carried out by libraries and museums,as well as scientific and cultural institutions. However,there was little coordination to prevent paralleldigitisation efforts, and the sustainability of theprojects depended entirely on the availability of ongoingstate-funding. In response to this, the HungarianInformation Society Strategy was publishedin 2003. In a section related to the digitisation of culturalheritage, the strategy promoted coordinated andstandardised ways of making available digital content.The National Digital Data Archive, createdin 2003, aims to fulfil this coordinating role for thedigitisation projects of libraries, museums, archivesand other public institutions. NDA regards itselfas a collaborative programme based on the use of astandard meta-information system and shared dataoperation, enabling high level cooperation betweenpartner institutions and ensuring the highest levelcontent and service integration for users. At pres-27

ent, over 300,000 digital documents from 60 digitallibraries can be accessed via the NDA’s search engine.There are nearly 50 partner institutions workingwith the project.National Audiovisual ArchiveNemzeti Audiovizuális Archívum (NAVA)http://www.nava.huNAVA is the digital legal deposit archive for locally-producedprogrammes of Hungarian televisionchannels and radio stations. Provided for by the ActCXXXVII/2004, it started to operate in 2005. Therecords of the database are freely accessible on theInternet. The amended Hungarian copyright law authorisespublic access to the full content of the recordsfor research purposes, via a dedicated servicenetwork (“NAVA workstations”) operating at libraries,museums, audiovisual archives and educationalinstitutions.John von Neumann Digital LibraryNeumann János Digitális Könyvtárhttp://www.neumann-haz.huThe John von Neumann Digital Library was set upin 1997 as a state-funded, non-profit institute for carryingout various projects in the field of digitisationof cultural heritage. Extensive work in the fields ofcollection, preservation and delivery of digital contentand web resources have made the library a centreof excellence in digitisation. It produces variousvirtual collections supporting e-learning, and alsoruns the Digital Literary Academy, a collection ofcontemporary Hungarian literary works in full text.As these works are protected by copyright, a specialfunding structure is made available by the governmentto cover the costs incurred by agreements withthe authors.28

LIB<strong>IN</strong>FO - a national onlinereference service http://libinfo.oszk.huLIB<strong>IN</strong>FO is the shared online information serviceof Hungarian libraries, hosted and coordinated bythe National Széchényi Library and operated by alarge consortium of libraries, academic and researchinstitutes and even individuals. Questions can besubmitted via an online request form and they willbe answered within 48 hours by reference librariansparticipating in the service.29

6.Librarianship in HungaryAccording to the 2005 statistics, there are nearly10,000 employees working in Hungarian libraries.A breakdown by qualifications shows the followingfigures:• 4078 qualified librarians holding an academic degreein LIS• 2023 professionals holding an academic degree ina different field• 2073 employees with a post-secondary professionalqualification in LIS• 1771 employees with or without other professionalqualificationsLibrarianship in Hungary has faced a number of challengesover the past 15 years. First, the rapid developmentof new technologies affected library servicesin the same way as in other countries worldwide. Atthe same time, in Hungary and in other countries inCentral and Eastern Europe, the political and economictransition of the 1990s brought many changesto the structure, financing and operational conditionsof libraries. As a result, Hungarian librarianship hadto redefine its place and role in the new environment.Regional discussions were held on the most importantissues regarding the future of the library profession:topics included the knowledge, skills, attitude30

and personal qualities required by the profession aswell as the content and structure of professionaltraining. Several studies were conducted on workingconditions, remuneration, welfare and career developmentopportunities for librarians. Other factorsaffecting the situation of library professionals werealso discussed, such as the “prestige of the profession”and the way it is seen by the public.The new tasks and services undertaken by librariesalso raised a number of ethical issues related to thepractice of librarianship. Based on a wide professionalconsensus, a code of ethics of Hungarian librarianshipwas published in 2006. The code laid down:• responsibilities arising from the delivery of publicservices• attitude requirements deriving from the role oftransferring cultural values to citizens• the observance and enforcement of universal rules(personal rights, copyright law) related to informationmanagement in the library environment31

7.Professional trainingUntil the end of the 19th century, staff at Hungarianlibraries acquired the necessary knowledge andskills through practice. The first training course inLibrary Sciences was held in 1898, and a number ofother training courses in LIS were organised betweenthe two world wars for staff members of the mostimportant libraries and other people with a backgroundin humanities who were seeking career opportunitiesat libraries.The first academic training programme in Library Scienceswas introduced by the university of Budapestin 1948. Initially, the five-year graduate programmehad a largely historical focus. Practical skills and theapplication of IT and computers were gradually includedin the programme, and during the followingdecades, the universities of Debrecen, Szeged andPécs started degree courses in LIS.In addition to the library departments of the traditionallyresearch-focused universities, a few collegesalso started professional training in LIS in the formof 4-year degree courses. This more practical type oftraining started at the Teacher Training College ofBudapest in 1951. Training in Library Sciences graduallyexpanded to other universities and colleges andmore varied systems of study became available, includingdistance and part-time degree courses.The latest challenge for training in LIS arrived in theform of full European Union membership. In compliancewith the Bologna agreement, the Hungarianhigher education system underwent an overallrestructuring, and the new system came into forcein September 2006. As a result of the efforts of librarytraining institutions and representatives of the32

wider library field during the preparation of relatedlegislation, training in LIS maintained its status aseparate major in the 3-year BA programme, and iscurrently offered at 13 higher educational institutions.Follow-on MA degree programmes are currentlybeing finalised by a smaller number of librarydepartments. It is anticipated that the training willcontinue to be popular, as students graduating in LIScan find various employment opportunities, not onlyat libraries and cultural heritage institutions, but alsoat companies that provide information services.In order to ensure the professional developmentof librarians and encourage life-long learning, therules of Act CXL of 1997 set out the structure andfinancing of the system of continuing education.Continuing training is carried out in a 7-year cycle:library staff are required to attend a minimum of 120hours of continuing education courses during the 7-year period. Eligible courses must be accredited bythe LIS Accreditation Committee, and financing ofthe compulsory training system is provided by theMinistry of Education and Culture.33

8.New and renovated library buildingsNew library buildingsThe Library of the University of Szeged (2004)http://www.bibl.u-szeged.hu/The Central Library of the College of Nyíregyháza(2003) http://viki.nyf.huMunicipal Library and Information Centre, Gödöllõ(2002) http://www.gvkik.hu/Halis István Municipal Library, Nagykanizsa (2001)http://www.halisnagykanizsa.bibl.hu/Katona József County Library, Kecskemét (1996)http://www.kjmk.hu/Renovated library buildingsMóricz Zsigmond County and Municipal Library,Nyíregyháza (2005) http://www.mzsk.huMunicipal Library and Information Centre,Jászberény (2005) http://www.c3.hu/~libjberenyBerzsenyi Dániel Library, Szombathely (2002)http://www.bdmk.huLibrary of Foreign Literature, Budapest (2001)http://www.oik.huCentral Library of the Metropolitan Szabó ErvinLibrary, Budapest (2001) http://www.fszek.huEötvös Károly County Library, Veszprém (1999)http://www.ekmk.huThe Music Collection of the Metropolitan SzabóErvin Library, Budapest (1998)http://www.fszek.hu34

Library journals and professional publications9.Hungarian Book ReviewMagyar KönyvszemleISSN 0025-0171‘Hungarian Book Review’ was first published in1876, in the same year as ‘The Library Journal’ waslaunched. The journal soon became the major forumfor library research in Hungary, and the publicationof the Hungarian National Bibliography was tied inwith this periodical. ‘Hungarian Book Review’ hasmaintained its own traditions regarding content: inits quarterly issues, it publishes academic studieson the history of books, literature, printing, media,censorship and libraries. ‘Hungarian Book Review’is jointly published by the Institute of LiteraryStudies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciencesand the National Széchényi Library.literature. Today its content comprises theoreticalstudies, literature reviews, conference reports andbook reviews. It also publishes short Hungarianlanguage summaries of selected articles from foreignlibrary and information journals. These articlesare chosen according to the current interests ofHungarian librarians as far as library developmenttrends and new services are concerned. ‘LibraryReview’ is published quarterly by the NationalSzéchényi Library and is indexed by severalinternational bibliographical databases.Library ReviewKönyvtári FigyelõISSN 0023-3773http://www.ki.oszk.hu/kf/index.html‘Library Review’ was founded in 1955 with an initialfocus on reviewing the international professional35

Books, Libraries, LibrariansKönyv, Könyvtár, KönyvtárosISSN 1216-6804http://www.ki.oszk.hu/3kThis monthly journal primarilytargets public librarians.It was first publishedin the 1950s, withtopics focusing on the promotionof books, literatureand reading. Today it ispublished by the NationalSzéchényi Library and coversa broad range of topicsin the field of library policy,library and book history, library services andmethodology.Library CorrespondentKönyvtári Levelezõ/lapISSN 0865-1329http://www.vein.hu/library/iksz/serv/kll/index.htmlThis monthly journal is published by theAlliance of Libraries and Information Institutes. Itoffers news and reports on current issues in the Hungarianlibrary field and the everyday life of libraries.Its name suggests its aim to become a forum wherelibrarians can communicate news and exchange information.Scientific and Technical InformationTudományos és Mûszaki TájékoztatásISSN 0041-3917 http://tmt.omikk.bme.hu/Since its foundation in 1954, this monthly journal hasbeen dedicated to the publishing of articles relatedto both theoretical and practical aspects of libraryand information sciences, and to the promotion ofthe latest information technologiesin the Hungarian libraryfield. In the late 1980s, it was thefirst LIS journal to introduce anews section on CD-ROM andonline products and services, Internetresources, and EuropeanUnion information. The journalis published by the Library of theBudapest University of Technologyand Economics.36

Libraries and EducationKönyv és NevelésISSN 0454-3475http://www.opkm.hu/konyvesnevelesThis quarterly journal is published by the NationalEducation Library and Museum and primarily targetsschool librarians. It publishes articles dealingwith the pedagogy of reading, methodological issuesand educational tools. It also publishes critical reviewsof school-books and related bibliographies,and dedicates a section to literature for childrenand young adults.international LIS journals and books. It is publishedby the Hungarian Library Institute.Regional newslettersIn addition to the national LIS journals, county andmunicipal libraries also publish their own periodicalsand newsletters. These periodicals give reports onthe everyday operation of community libraries, serveas a publishing forum for local history and local information,and promote the activities of the regionalnetworks of professional associations.Hungarian Library and Information ScienceAbstractsISSN 0046-8304This biannual English language abstracting journalwas founded on the occasion of the 38th IFLAconference held in Budapest in 1972. Its aim was tomake the most important publications (studies, articles,monographs and conference documents) ofHungarian LIS research available internationally.It also publishes a short bibliography of foreign languagepublications with Hungary-related topics from37

10.Professional associationsThe Association of Hungarian LibrariansMagyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete (MKE)http://www.mke.oszk.hu/Founded in 1935, the Association of Hungarian Librariansis the oldest library-related professional organisationin Hungary. It has 2,200 individual and 60institutional members. The Association aims to:• assist in the shaping and implementation of nationallibrary and information policy• represent the library field in the national developmentstrategies• safeguard the interests of library and informationprofessionals• advise librarians in building strategic partnershipswith authorities, sponsors and institutions in othersectors• enhance the public relations of libraries• promote cooperation between libraries at bothnational and international levels• support the professional development of librariansThe Association runs 20 local groups organised atcounty level; a further 10 professional sections areavailable based on types of libraries, types of servicesor other common areas of interest. Memberscan register for more than one section.The annual conference of the Association - organisedin July and attracting 600-800 participants peryear - has become the most important professionalevent in the Hungarian library field. Every two years,the international conference of Hungarian librariansliving abroad takes place in conjunction with thenational event.38

Alliance of Libraries and InformationInstitutesInformatikai és Könyvtári Szövetség (IKSZ)http://vein.hu/library/ikszThe Alliance of Libraries and Information Instituteswas founded in 1990 and has become a largenational organisation grouping more than 230 institutionalmembers. Its mission is to increase andstrengthen the profile of libraries both at nationaland local level through the development of libraryactivities, the enhancement of library services andthe cooperation of varioustypes of libraries for mutualbenefit. The Allianceof Libraries and InformationInstitutes has variousbranches according to geographicalregions, types oflibraries and other professionalinterests. It publishes‘Library Correspondent’and has issued a number ofprofessional publicationson library management.Other professional organisationsA number of other organisations representing varioustypes of libraries were set up in the last 10-15years. The most important ones are the Associationof University Librarians (Egyetemi KönyvtárigazgatókKollégiuma - EKE), the Alliance ofCollege and Faculty Librarians (Fõiskolai és KariKönyvtárigazgatók Szövetsége - FKKSZ), the Associationof Ecclesiastical Libraries (Egyházi KönyvtárakEgyesülése - EKE), the Hungarian Reading Association(HUNRA) and the Alliance of HungarianMedical Libraries (MagyarOrvosi Könyvtárak Szövetsége- MOKSZ), and thePUBLIKA Public LibraryGroup (Publika MagyarKönyvtári Kör).39

11.International relationsThe most prestigious research libraries and the mainprofessional associations have become active membersof various international organisations, such asIFLA (International Federation of Library Associationsand Institutions), EBLIDA (European Bureauof Library, Information and Documentation Associations)and LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennesde Recherche). The National SzéchényiLibrary also has extensive international relationswith individual libraries as well as academic andcultural organisations worldwide, such as CENL(the Conference of European National Librarians),CERL (the Consortium of European Research Libraries),Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, and ABDOS(Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bibliotheken und Dokumentationsstellender Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropaforschung).The British Council, the Goethe Institut and theInstitut Français have considerably assisted Hungarianlibraries in building international relations.These institutes have provided funding for variousconferences, special projects and individual scholarships.During the past 10 years, Hungarian librarieshave participated in a number of projects supportedby the European Union (LISTED, CULTIVATE-CEE, DELOS, PULMAN, CELIP, LICENCE,CALIMERA, M<strong>IN</strong>ERVA PLUS, TEL-ME-MOR and Light).Hungarian professional organisations regularly cooperatewith partner organisations in other Europeancountries and special attention is paid to the culturalassociations of Hungarian minorities in neighbouringcountries.40

Professional prizes and awards12.Library of the YearSince 1996, the Library Department of the Ministryof Education and Culture annually calls for nominationsfor the Library of the Year award. The aimof this competition is to encourage libraries to renewand significantly improve the quality of theirservices in order to become an integral part of theirlocal community. The proposals must be accompaniedby supporting documents, such as users’ feedbackand evaluation. The grant can be awarded toany type of library.The Library of the Year is selected by a committeerepresenting the professional organisations. Theaward is presented by the Minister for Educationand Culture during the annual library week in October.Széchényi Ferenc prizeThis prize, named after the founder of the NationalLibrary, is awarded to one or two professionals in thelibrary, museum or archive fields for exceptionallyhigh quality professional achievements.41

Szinnyei József prizeThis prize is awarded annually to six librarians foroutstanding professional activity over a longer periodof time, and for initiatives that considerablyadvanced the library field in Hungary.Bibliotheca Commemorative MedalThis medal is awarded annually to ten librarians forexcellence in library management, library sciences orgood practice in library services.Commemorative Medal of the Associationof Hungarian LibrariansSince 1985, this medal has been one of the ways torecognise the value of the work done for the Association.The medal is awarded to five librarians – staff ofthe Association or other members who did voluntarywork in the organisation of nation-wide campaignsand events - at the annual conference.Young Librarian of the YearPromoted jointly by the Association of HungarianLibrarians and the Alliance of Libraries and InformationInstitutes, this title is awarded annually toone librarian under the age of 33 for outstanding professionalachievement.42

Library campaigns and events13.The Annual Conference of the Associationof Hungarian LibrariansAttracting 600-800 participants and held everysummer in a different part of the country, this eventprovides the main forum for Hungarian librariansfor presenting professional achievements, discussingimportant issues in the library field and meetingcolleagues from all types of libraries. The event isstructured and organised similarly to the annualconferences of IFLA.Campaign for Hungarian LibrariesCoordinated by the Alliance of Libraries andInformation Institutes and held every year inOctober, this campaign mirrors the goals of thelibrary weeks organised in many other countries ofthe world. Its objective is to raise public awareness ofthe value of libraries in the knowledge society throughvarious library events and extensive media coverage(TV, radio and newspapers). Over one week, libraryconferences, exhibitions and literary events are heldthroughout the country, while libraries also use thisopportunity to promote their services and enhancetheir public relations.Internet FiestaHungary joined the Internet Fiesta in 2000, andlibraries have become key participants in the oneweek campaign. Various programmes promoting thevalues of the World Wide Web, ICT technologiesand online communities are organised for the generalpublic. Many of the programmes organised by publiclibraries target families in particular, inviting childrentogether with their parents and grandparents to takepart in the activities and quiz programmes. Somelibraries are open and provide services all night.43

List of illustrationsp. 1. János Turóczi: Chronica Hungarorum – Ransanus Corvina (1490-1492)p. 4. Central Library of the Metropolitan Szabó Ervin Library, Budapest, Music Collectionp. 4. Town Library, Gödöllõ, conference roomp. 4. Central Library of the Metropolitan Szabó Ervin Library, Budapest, „Dragon” Courtyardp. 4. County Library, Veszprém (Photo by Károly Szelényi, source: Hungarian Pictures)p. 6. Illustrated Chronicle (cca. 1360)p. 7. College Library, Eger, reading roomp. 8. Festetics Codex (cca. 1493)p. 9. Central Library of the Metropolitan Szabó Ervin Library, Budapest, reading roomp. 10. National Széchényi Library, Budapest, reading roomp. 11. Katona József County Library, Kecskemét, Europe collection, study areap. 12. Katona József County Library, Kecskemét, local history collectionp. 13. Town Library, Lõrincip. 14. County and Town Library, Kaposvárp. 15. Town Library, Répcelak, reading roomp. 16. Town Library, Jászberény, details of the facadep. 17. Berzsenyi Dániel Library, Szombathelyp. 18. National Széchényi Library, Budapestp. 19. Library of the University of Debrecenp. 20. Library of Foreign Literature, Budapestp. 21. Library of the Rákóczi Ferenc II Secondary Grammar School, Budapestp. 23. Katona József County Library, Kecskemét, community information servicep. 24. Central Library of the Metropolitan Szabó Ervin Library, Budapest, reading roomp. 25. Library of Foreign Literature, Budapest, reading roomp. 25. Town Library, Nagykanizsa, reading area44

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