Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension

Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension
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Listening ComprehensionExceeds Target Meets Target Approaches Target Below Target Far-Below TargetStudent is able tounderstand spokenlanguage appropriateto their levelconsistently and isable to infer meaningnot implicitly stated.Student is able tounderstand spokenlanguage appropriateto their levelconsistently, but isunable to infermeaning notimplicitly stated.Student issometimes able tounderstand spokenlanguage appropriateto their level.Student is rarely ableto understandspoken languageappropriate to theirlevel, though someknowledge ofvocabulary items isevident.Student is unable tounderstand spokenlanguage appropriateto their level. Littleto no knowledge ofvocabulary items isevident.Reading ComprehensionExceeds Target Meets Target Approaches Target Below Target Far-Below TargetStudent is able tounderstand writtenlanguage appropriateto their levelconsistently and isable to infer meaningnot implicitly stated.Student is able tounderstand writtenlanguage appropriateto their levelconsistently, but isunable to infermeaning notimplicitly stated.Student issometimes able tounderstand writtenlanguage appropriateto their level.Student is rarely ableto understandwritten languageappropriate to theirlevel, though someknowledge ofvocabulary items isevident.Student is unable tounderstand writtenlanguage appropriateto their level. Littleto no knowledge ofvocabulary items isevident.

<strong>Listening</strong> <strong>Comprehension</strong>Exceeds Target Meets Target Approaches Target Below Target Far-Below TargetStudent is able tounderstand spokenlanguage appropriateto their levelconsistently and isable to infer meaningnot implicitly stated.Student is able tounderstand spokenlanguage appropriateto their levelconsistently, but isunable to infermeaning notimplicitly stated.Student issometimes able tounderstand spokenlanguage appropriateto their level.Student is rarely ableto understandspoken languageappropriate to theirlevel, though someknowledge ofvocabulary items isevident.Student is unable tounderstand spokenlanguage appropriateto their level. Littleto no knowledge ofvocabulary items isevident.<strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Comprehension</strong>Exceeds Target Meets Target Approaches Target Below Target Far-Below TargetStudent is able tounderstand writtenlanguage appropriateto their levelconsistently and isable to infer meaningnot implicitly stated.Student is able tounderstand writtenlanguage appropriateto their levelconsistently, but isunable to infermeaning notimplicitly stated.Student issometimes able tounderstand writtenlanguage appropriateto their level.Student is rarely ableto understandwritten languageappropriate to theirlevel, though someknowledge ofvocabulary items isevident.Student is unable tounderstand writtenlanguage appropriateto their level. Littleto no knowledge ofvocabulary items isevident.

Speaking RubricSPEAKING RUBRICSTUDENT CONSISTENTLY SPEAKS ABOVE INSTRUCTION LEVEL.! SPEAKING expands upon task with much detail, flows naturally using appropriate transitions, and with little hesitation;sentences are longer including uses of and/or/but and may include uses of because/since/therefore; ideas are fullydeveloped and well organized; appropriate use of dialogue may be evident.! VOCABULARY use exhibits an extensive range of both current and previous vocabulary with minimal errors.! STRUCTURES are at upper tier of instruction; errors are minimal; pronunciation is accurate; consistent use of accurate structure.Exceeds TargetMeetsTargetSTUDENT CONSISTENTLY SPEAKS AT INSTRUCTION LEVEL.! SPEAKING develops task fully with some detail and flows naturally; some hesitation is evident, but does not interfere withunderstanding; sentences are longer and may include uses of and/or/but; ideas are organized and developed,! VOCABULARY use is adequate and appropriate to task with few errors and exhibits much use of current vocabulary; someprevious vocabulary may be evident.! STRUCTURES are appropriate to instruction; errors do not hinder overall comprehension; pronunciation errors are minimal;consistent use of accurate structures.ApproachesTargetBelow TargetFar- BelowTargetSTUDENT SOMETIMES SPEAKS AT INSTRUCTION LEVEL.! SPEAKING addresses task completely but is simple, lacking details; sentences may be choppy, but are organized andcomplete and may be merely a list of descriptions or actions.! VOCABULARY use is limited and may be incorrect, but some current vocabulary is evident.! STRUCTURES are at lower tier of instruction; errors begin to hinder comprehension; pronunciation may be influenced bynative language; inconsistent use of structuresSTUDENT SPEAKS BELOW INSTRUCTION LEVEL.! SPEAKING may not address task completely; sentences are often incomplete, repetitive, and disorganized; difficult tofollow.! VOCABULARY use is severely limited, often incorrect, and little current vocabulary is evident and/or incorrect.! STRUCTURES are below level of instruction; errors make comprehension difficult; pronunciation is highly influenced bynative language; incorrect use of structures far outweighs correct usage.STUDENT SPEAKS FAR-BELOW INSTRUCTION LEVEL.! SPEAKING does not address task, sentences are incomplete; student made little attempt.! VOCABULARY use is practically nonexistent, incorrect usage outweighs correct usage; little to no current vocabulary isevident and/or correct.! STRUCTURES are far below level of instruction; errors predominate making comprehension extremely difficult, if not,impossible; little evidence of correct usage.A failing grade will be earned if speaking fails to address task or is insufficient to make proper evaluation.

Vocabulary UsageExceeds Target Meets Target Approaches Target Below Target Far-Below TargetStudent is able totranslate most,if not all, of targetvocabulary, and isable to use contextclues & word partsto make educatedguesses to previouslyunseen vocabulary.Student is able totranslate basicvocabulary and mostof all targetvocabulary.Student is able totranslate the basicvocabulary with agreat deal ofaccuracy.Student has troubletranslating somebasic vocabularyand/or is lacking inaccuracy.Student is unable totranslate basicvocabulary and/or isinaccurate.StructuresExceeds Target Meets Target Approaches Target Below Target Far-Below TargetStudent is ableto use/recognizethe particularstructure in all itsformsconsistently in avariety ofcontext,includingirregularities.Student is ableto use/recognizethe particularstructure in all itsforms with littleerror in a varietyof context.Student issometimes ableto use/recognizethe structure inall its forms in avariety ofcontexts.Knowledge isevident of butinconsistentlyapplied.Student is rarelyable touse/recognizethe structure inall its forms in avariety ofcontexts.Knowledge mayor may not beevident.Student isunable touse/recognizethe structure inall its forms.Knowledge isnot evident.

Writing RubricWRITING RUBRICSTUDENT CONSISTENTLY WRITES ABOVE INSTRUCTION LEVEL.! WRITING expands upon task with much detail, flows naturally using appropriate transitions, and approaches student’sEnglish ability; sentences are longer including uses of and/or/but and may include uses of because/since/therefore; ideasare fully developed and well organized; appropriate use of dialogue may be evident.! VOCABULARY use exhibits an extensive range of both current and previous vocabulary with minimal errors.! STRUCTURES are at upper tier of instruction; errors are minimal; spelling and accents are accurate; consistent use ofaccurate structuresExceeds TargetMeets TargetSTUDENT CONSISTENTLY WRITES AT INSTRUCTION LEVEL.! WRITING develops task fully with some detail and flows naturally; sentences are longer and may include uses ofand/or/but; ideas are organized and developed,! VOCABULARY use is adequate and appropriate to task with few errors and exhibits much use of current vocabulary; someprevious vocabulary may be evident.! STRUCTURES are appropriate to instruction; errors do not hinder overall comprehension; spelling and accent errors areminimal; consistent use of accurate structuresAppr oachesTar getBelowTar getFar- BelowTargetSTUDENT SOMETIMES WRITES AT INSTRUCTION LEVEL.! WRITING addresses task completely but is simple, lacking details; sentences may be choppy, but are organized andcomplete.! VOCABULARY use is limited and may be incorrect, but some current vocabulary is evident.! STRUCTURES are at lower tier of instruction; errors begin to hinder comprehension; spelling and accent errors are evident;inconsistent use of structures (regular-verb endings, etc).STUDENT WRITES BELOW INSTRUCTION LEVEL.! WRITING may not address task completely; sentences are often incomplete, repetitive, and disorganized.! VOCABULARY use is severely limited, often incorrect, and little current vocabulary is evident and/or incorrect.! STRUCTURES are below level of instruction; errors make comprehension difficult; spelling and accent errors predominate;incorrect use of structures far outweighs correct usage.STUDENT WRITES FAR-BELOW INSTRUCTION LEVEL.! WRITING does not address task, sentences are incomplete; student made little attempt.! VOCABULARY use is practically nonexistent, incorrect usage outweighs correct usage; little to no current vocabulary isevident and/or correct.! STRUCTURES are far below level of instruction; errors predominate making comprehension extremely difficult, if not,impossible; little evidence of correct usage.A failing grade will be earned if writing fails to address task or is insufficient to make proper evaluation.

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