Mounted reversible ploughs EurOpal and VariOpal - Euro Globtrade

Mounted reversible ploughs EurOpal and VariOpal - Euro Globtrade

Mounted reversible ploughs EurOpal and VariOpal - Euro Globtrade

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<strong>Mounted</strong> <strong>reversible</strong> <strong>ploughs</strong><strong>EurOpal</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>VariOpal</strong>

Perfect engineeringReliable turnovermechanismTheturnover ramTurnover shaft<strong>and</strong> pivot linkageAll LEMKEN mounted <strong>ploughs</strong>feature the modern UNITURNhydraulic turnover mechanism withdouble-acting ram <strong>and</strong> integratedlock valve. This means precise onquick turnover action <strong>and</strong> no readjustmentof the plough angle duringploughing, even when there’s leakageor loss of pressure in the tractorhydraulics.The change over valve is positionedin a protected location, firmly attachedalongside the ram. This positioningmeans the valve units can be rapidlyreplaced <strong>and</strong> extended. With an oilreturn flow connection to the tractoroil reservoir, LEMKEN mounted<strong>reversible</strong> <strong>ploughs</strong> can also be usedon tractors with single acting spoolvalve.The short <strong>and</strong> strong turnover shaftin the plough headstock is not weakenedthrough any welded joints <strong>and</strong>can withst<strong>and</strong> hard shock loads.The durable shaft runs on taper rollerbearings which are centrally greased.The pivot linkage is specially protectedagainst wear, made of specialquality steel for immense strength<strong>and</strong> long working life.

Better work qualityHeight-adjustabledrawbarSeparate plough angleadjustmentToolboxes in theheadstockThe height-adjustable drawbarcan be adjusted for all conditionsallowing optimum setting of lowerlinks. The drawbar can be rapidly<strong>and</strong> easily exchanged to match otherlinkage categories. Tractor <strong>and</strong>implement are protected becausethe elastic drawbar acts as shockabsorber.The plough angle for each <strong>ploughs</strong>ide is individually adjustableby cap nuts. The cap nuts are easyto turn <strong>and</strong> at the same time stopdirt getting into the threads. Settingup the plough angle is thus alwaysan easy task.LEMKEN <strong>ploughs</strong> are service-friendly.Tools, shear bolts <strong>and</strong> other bits <strong>and</strong>pieces are right at h<strong>and</strong> at any time.

Z MPZNo side draught – whatever the working widthThe <strong>VariOpal</strong> Optiquickadjustment centreAutomatic adaptionto different working widthsZMPZAll pivot points of the Optiquick adjustment centrefeature wear-resistant bushes, hardened bolts, <strong>and</strong> canbe lubricated, guaranteeing immense strength <strong>and</strong> longworking life.Alter altering the working width an automatic adaption offront furrow width as well as optimum tractor/ploughalignment take place so what one get with every workingwidth adjustment is a tractor-plough alignment thatpasses right through the middle of the tractor rear axle.

<strong>VariOpal</strong> for wide or narrow furrowsOptimumploughing qualityThe different ploughing dem<strong>and</strong>scan be met perfectly by the LEMKEN<strong>VariOpal</strong>.Good quality ploughing is closelyassociated with the precision offurrow width <strong>and</strong> depth producedby the individual bodies.Stepless adjustmentof working widthSoil type, moisture content, ploughingfor immediate sowing (seed furrows)or for good weathering over winterall have different dem<strong>and</strong>s on theplough setting – <strong>and</strong> this is why thesimple <strong>and</strong> quick adjustment of furrowwidth during the actualploughing operation is so important.All tools like skimmers <strong>and</strong> disesautomatically readjust, as does thedepth wheel, when furrow width isaltered.Furrows forevery situationThe narrow seed furrow: improvedcrumbling effect, simple seedbedpreparation, less working bouts.The wide winter furrow: broken,cloddy surface, good frost tilth,higher area performance.The <strong>VariOpal</strong> allows easy ploughingoutof irregular field ends, straighteningof curved areas <strong>and</strong> ploughinground poles or trees. These <strong>ploughs</strong>mean you can always exploit yourtractor power to the full.

Easily adjustableTurnbuckle <strong>and</strong>hydraulic cylinderWith st<strong>and</strong>ard models, workingwidth is adjusted manually with aturnbuckle. Special equipmentincludes stepless adjusting of furrowwidth with double-acting hydraulicram (a).MemorycylinderThe memory ram (b) is recommendedwith <strong>ploughs</strong> for four or more furrows.As well as hydraulic adjustment ofworking width, this offers an additionalfunction: during turnover theframe is swung inward to give thenecessary ground clearance at thedepth wheel. The memory ramguarantees that the working widthset before the turnover procedureis in each case automatically reestablished.An easily readable scaleshows the tractor driver the workingwidth setting (c).The <strong>VariOpal</strong>adjustment systemabc

Strong frame constructionBox sectionframeAdjustableleg bracketsInterbodyclearanceThe strong, thick-walled box sectionframe of micro-alloy fine-grain specialsteel gives the solid basis for thisnew frame construction. The framescan be extended to take another pairof plough bodies. Special features:low weight combined with a longworking life.The <strong>EurOpal</strong> leg brackets are firmlybolted to the frame <strong>and</strong> this givesimmense strength.Following loosening of the centralbolt, four different working widthsbetween 30 <strong>and</strong> 50 cm can bequickly <strong>and</strong> easily selected. Otherequipment such as skimmers <strong>and</strong>disc coulters are automatically adjustedat the same time.Large interbody clearances, ploughbodies which are attached laterallyto the frame <strong>and</strong> the new shapeof the plough legs all work togetherto give unusually large interbodyclearances. This means thatblockages are avoided, even atclose settings for narrow furrows.Plough legs come with doublecutshearbolts as st<strong>and</strong>ard. Theirprogressive action ensures safeworking <strong>and</strong> guarantees no twistingof plough legs.

HydriX hydraulic overload safety systemOverloadsecurityVariable pressureadjustmentAdjustment range<strong>and</strong> maintenanceEven where the share point is firmlycaught under a stone, tree root orrock ridge, all LEMKEN <strong>ploughs</strong> areprotected against damage by anadditional shear bolt device asst<strong>and</strong>ard. A new shear bolt is quickly<strong>and</strong> easily replaced <strong>and</strong> the workcan restard as easily as that.Trip force is easily adjusted – <strong>and</strong>this is important, especially whenploughing in stony conditions withrapidly changing types of soil. Withthe LEMKEN HydriX hydraulicversion, the pressure in the hydraulicsystem can be adjusted individually:in light soil conditions ploughingtakes place with trip forces as low aspossible so that stones are left underthe soil surface. Changing to heaviersoils or harder ground conditions thetractor driver increases the pressurewith the tractor controls so that theplough bodies are firmly kept atworking depth.The adjustment range, controlled byh<strong>and</strong>wheel on the control block, isbetween 50 <strong>and</strong> 140 bar.– Individual limits for specific areascan be set at the plough controlblock <strong>and</strong> activated through thecontrols from the tractor seat.– Readjustments with manometerobservations are not necessary.– The firm connection between beam<strong>and</strong> frame enables low systempressures to be applied with theHydriX overload safety system.

The economic plough bodyThe Dural bodySlatted bodyPlough bodyconstructionL<strong>and</strong>slideSword coulterL<strong>and</strong>slide wedgeSlatted bodyshinwingpointHardfacedpointMouldboardShinThe frog is hardened <strong>and</strong> tempered<strong>and</strong> thus immensely strong. Theplough body is adjustable forpitch <strong>and</strong> thus always allows goodentry into the soil. The smoothtransition from share to mouldboard<strong>and</strong> the low-resistance shapemake the plough even lighter topull.The mouldboard is made ofhardened special steel with alow-wear shape <strong>and</strong> no bolts inthe main wear zones. The extralarge mouldboard shin is a separatecomponent <strong>and</strong> thus costefficientlyreplaceable.The slats of the slatted body areof thick, completely hardened,special steel <strong>and</strong> individuallyexchangeable. The securing boltsare deeply countersunk to guaranteethat slats still remain firmlyattached after extremely longusage. Slatted bodies <strong>and</strong> normalmouldboards are based on thesame frog. The share componentsare separate <strong>and</strong> of micro-alloyedboron steel. Their overlappingattachment avoids snagging ofroots or other foreign bodies. Highmaterial density <strong>and</strong> strongattachment guarantee low wear<strong>and</strong> resistance against breakages.The available wearing zones onthe wing are considerably largerthan with common shares.Low wear <strong>and</strong> good entry characteristicsare guaranteed for thereplaceable share points throughtheir strength, material <strong>and</strong> form.The extra broad l<strong>and</strong>sides <strong>and</strong>large soil contact area ensure amore positive plough guidance<strong>and</strong> these can be turned fourways to give maximum possiblewear life. The sword coulter offersa substantially greater proportionof wearing area for optimum utilisation.The attachment area lies inthe „shadow” of the cutting edge<strong>and</strong> so is protected from wear <strong>and</strong>damage. Through the angling ofthe cutting edge to the rear <strong>and</strong>above there’s no opportunity forstones, roots, or other objects, tojam.A special hard metal coating onthe share points gives an up untilnow unbeatable working life <strong>and</strong>substantially higher cost-effectiveness.The points are hardfacedon one side from below, producinga self-sharpening effect.

Safe <strong>and</strong> secure on field <strong>and</strong> roadDepth wheelUni-wheelHydraulicadjustmentThe special construction enablesa large ground clearance allowingsafe <strong>and</strong> shock-free pivoting ofthe wheel during the turning procedure.The system also ensuresthe optimum working positionfor the wheel. The wheel is sopositioned on the frame that,depending on the number offurrows <strong>and</strong> the working width,ploughing can continue right up tothe edge of ditches, fences orfield edges, etc. Ploughing depthcan be adjusted quickly <strong>and</strong> easilyvia pin adjuster. Readjustmentof the wheel takes place automaticallywhen working width ischanged.Recommended for <strong>ploughs</strong> of fourfurrows <strong>and</strong> more is the uni-wheel= the combined depth <strong>and</strong> transportwheel. This so-called uniwheelis easily moved from workingto transport position <strong>and</strong> backagain. Without having to raise thewheel, working depth is rapidlyset via pin adjuster.The plough is transported in halfturnposition. The uni-wheel alsoruns backwards for easy reversingof tractor <strong>and</strong> plough. When usingthe uni-wheel the frame is lockedin the middle in transport position.The locking system is easy tooperate, requires no effort <strong>and</strong> iseasily accessible. The locking pinslips automatically into its position.For optimum ploughing the workingdepth must be maintained at a constantlevel through adjustments to copewith different soil conditions. The depth<strong>and</strong> transport wheel for mounted <strong>reversible</strong><strong>ploughs</strong> enables hydraulic adjustmentof ploughing depth from the tractorseat. Even where there are changeswithin a single bout between light <strong>and</strong>heavy soil conditions the hydraulicadjustment system ensures ploughingcontinues at constant depth. Nor doesthe driver have to leave the cab for anyadjustments for the shallower finishingbout.The wheel can be optimally positionedfor working depth using a doubleactinghydraulic spool valve. A clearlyvisible scale shows the driver theactual working depth. The correspondinghydraulic ram is integrated into theframe-work of the wheel <strong>and</strong> thus wellprotected from being dirtied or damaged.An automatic lock valve ensuresthat set working depth is maintainedeven when there are leaks in the tractorhydraulic system. The scraper on thewheel prevents blockages throughsticking of soil or vegetation.

Ready for action in tough conditionsThe skimmersThe flat stalkThe angleadjustmentM2M3D1The special D1, M3 und M2 skimmersensure a clean ploughed surfaceeven when there’s a lot of surfacetrash. Their working depth is quickly<strong>and</strong> easily set by pins adjuster withthe row of holes in the skim stalkenabling exact <strong>and</strong> consistentsetting for uniform quality of workfrom all skimmers. D1 <strong>and</strong> M2 skimmerscan be ordered equipped withtailpieces.Fitting the skimmer onto a flat stalkavoids danger of them twisting. Allshares <strong>and</strong> mouldboard variants canbe exchanged without any problembecause the frog is the same. Forploughing without skimmers thesecan be quickly removed becauseonly two bolts have to be loosenedin each case.The <strong>EurOpal</strong> <strong>and</strong> the <strong>VariOpal</strong> withshear bolt device are available withindividual quick adjustment systemfor the skimmer angle. This allowsprecise aiming of the trash flow.The working depthWith <strong>EurOpal</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>VariOpal</strong> <strong>ploughs</strong>with automatic overload safetysystems the skimmers can bemoved along the beams. Workingdepth adjustment is made with pins<strong>and</strong> therefore no-tool are required.For the ability to adjust the angle,round stalks are available.

No-tool rapid adjustmentTrash boardsDisc coultersSubsoilersThe trash boards are fitted directly tothe mouldboards <strong>and</strong> are multipleadjustable. These enable blockagefreework <strong>and</strong> clean incorporation ofplant material.The plain 500 mm diameter disccoulters feature side mouldingswhich encourage the disc to keeprevolving even when cutting througha lot of organic material. Depthadjustment is through vertical swivellingof each coulter arm which isscrew-locked into a toothed bracket.The adjustable bearings, fitted withplain side towards the ploughedl<strong>and</strong>, are double sealed against dirtingress.Their special shape gives a verygood loosening effect. The subsoilersare adjustable for depth withoutany tools <strong>and</strong> can also be easilyremoved where required. All wearingparts can be individually exchanged.The tine protection prevents wear onthe tines.

Electronic plough controlThe LEMKEN terminalThe hydraulicsThe increasing adjustment possibilities on modernmounted <strong>reversible</strong> <strong>ploughs</strong> require more <strong>and</strong> moreattention from the operator.For simplifying <strong>VariOpal</strong> mounted <strong>reversible</strong> ploughing,all the plough functions can be activated <strong>and</strong> monitoredfrom the tractor seat via operating terminal <strong>and</strong> jobcomputer.The necessary sensors <strong>and</strong> hydraulic control blocks areintegrated in the turning <strong>and</strong> front furrow adjustment ram<strong>and</strong> thus represent a compact unit. Continuous controlof the ploughing positions is possible through monitoringthe cylinder positions.

Operator comfort <strong>and</strong> reliable functionISOBUSThe operational functionsISOBUS st<strong>and</strong>ardisation of the on-board computermeans our mounted <strong>reversible</strong> <strong>ploughs</strong> are compatiblewith the terminals supplied by all leading tractor manufacturers.This means the plough being used can bemonitored <strong>and</strong> controlled without additional LEMKENoperating terminal. Should the tractor not have an ISO-BUS st<strong>and</strong>ard terminal, operating can still take placethrough a LEMKEN operating terminal.The electronic plough control offers many operationalfunctions:With the function 90° the plough can be brought into theideal position for mounting or demounting, the drawbarbeing parallel to the ground surface. The adjustmentof the front furrow width takes place in percentagegraduations in association with the tractor inner trackmeasurement. The plough angle can be adjusted topoint or wing in fine graduations. Working width canbe adjusted per body in graduations of 1 cm. The depthwheel adjustment for deeper of shallower ploughing <strong>and</strong>furrow press detachment are further functions that canbe carried out electronically. Even the turning of theplough, including the <strong>VariOpal</strong> memory function can beactivated by the press of a button.

Ploughing onl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> in-the-furrowOnl<strong>and</strong>In-the-furrowOnl<strong>and</strong> ploughing with the <strong>EurOpal</strong> OF / <strong>VariOpal</strong> OF isparticularly protective of soil structure in that there is nocompaction risk from tractor wheels running in theplough furrow.Dual wheels can be applied, allowing consistent, soilprotectingpower transfer. Side draught can be overcomewith a well-ballasted tractor.Cross-slope downhill ploughing is also possible as isploughing close to field or other physical borders withboth onl<strong>and</strong> or in the furrow systems.These <strong>ploughs</strong> allow rapid hydraulic adjustment fromonl<strong>and</strong> to in-the-furrow mode, for instance for ploughing-inthe last furrows. Ploughing can also carry on in unfavourableconditions, e.g. on wet ground, with a change to thein-furrow mode.All the advantages offered by the Vari technology can beused with both onl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> in-the-furrow configuration.

The VarioPack 80 und 110 furrow pressesThe furrow pressVarioPackThe furrow press arm= optimalSingle-rowfurrow pressSingle-rowfurrow pressDouble-rowfurrow pressDouble-rowfurrow press= very good= goodØ 700 mm Ø 900 mm Ø 700 mm Ø 900 mmRing profile Ring profile Ring profile Ring profile30° 45° 30° 45° 30° 45° 30° 45°Light soilsLight up to mediumsoilsMedium soilsMedium up to heavysoilsHeavy soilsVarious models of the VarioPack furrow presses areon offer:– as single row press or double row press– with ring diameters of 700 mm or 900 mm– with ring profiles of 30º or 45º.The press can be matched to plough working widththrough simple mounting or demounting of press rings.The <strong>EurOpal</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>VariOpal</strong> furrow press arm can besimply <strong>and</strong> precisely adjusted through hole plate <strong>and</strong>pins.Following the picking-up of the furrow press, the pressarm swings from pick-up position to working position.This guides the press closer to the plough <strong>and</strong> thusminimises pressure on the l<strong>and</strong>side.Alterations can simply <strong>and</strong> quickly be made for ploughingwith or without press or for road transport.The <strong>VariOpal</strong> press arm adjusts automatically to theworking width set for the plough. In this way the pressis picked up reliably whatever the working width.

Technical dataBox sectionframe <strong>EurOpal</strong> 5 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 5 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 5 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 5 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 5 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 5 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 5 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 5110 x 110 x 8 mm 2 2 2 + 1 2 + 1 3 3 3 + 1 3 + 1Working width (apprx. cm) 60-100 44-100 90-150 66-150 90-150 66-150 120-200 88-200Weight (apprx. kg) 552 567 715 794 707 727 870 950Max. kW/hp 52/70 44/60 59/80 59/80 59/80 59/80 74/100 74/100Interbody clearance (cm) 90/100 100 90/100 100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100Auto Reset option* x x x x x x x xStrengthened boxsection frame <strong>EurOpal</strong> 6 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 6 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 6 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 6110 x 110 x 8 mm 4 4 4 + 1 4 + 1Working width (apprx. cm) 120-200 88-200 150-250 110-250Weight (apprx. kg) 907 1.067 1.070 1.290Max. kW/hp 81/110 81/110 96/130 96/130Interbody clearance (cm) 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100Auto Reset option* x x x xBox sectionframe <strong>VariOpal</strong> 7 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 7 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 7 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 7 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 7 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 7 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 7 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 7 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 7 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 7120 x 120 x 10 mm 2 2 + 1 3 3 3 + 1 3 + 1 4 4 4 + 1 4 + 1Working width (apprx. cm) 44-110 66-165 90-150 66-165 120-200 88-220 120-200 88-220 150-250 110-275Weight (apprx. kg) 605 875 753 852 959 1.118 949 1.107 1.155 1.373Max. kW/hp 52/70 74/100 74/100 74/100 96/130 96/130 96/130 96/130 118/160 118/160Interbody clearance (cm) 100 100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100Auto Reset option* – – x x x x x x x xBox sectionframe <strong>VariOpal</strong> 8 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 8 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 8 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 8 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 8 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 8 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 8 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 8 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 8 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 8 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 8140 x 140 x 10 mm 3 3 + 1 4 4 4 + 1 4 + 1 5 5 5 + 1 5 + 1 6 ***Working width (apprx. cm) 75-165 100-220 120-200 100-220 150-250 125-275 150-250 125-275 180-300 150-330 180-300Weight (apprx. kg) 1.124 1.399 1.210 1.378 1.425 1.653 1.410 1.628 1.625 1.903 1.610Max. kW/hp 88/120 118/160 118/160 118/160 140/190 140/190 140/190 140/190 169/230 169/230 169/230Interbody clearance (cm) 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100Auto Reset option* x x x x x x x x x (x)** –Box sectionframe <strong>VariOpal</strong> 9 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 9 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 9 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 9 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 9 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 9 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 9 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 9 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 9 <strong>VariOpal</strong> 9 <strong>EurOpal</strong> 9160 x 160 x 10 mm 3 3 + 1 4 4 4 + 1 4 + 1 5 5 5 + 1 5 + 1 6 ***Working width (apprx. cm) 75-165 100-220 120-200 100-220 150-250 125-275 150-250 125-275 180-300 150-330 180-300Weight (apprx. kg) 1.257 1.551 1.280 1.510 1.510 1.800 1.495 1.767 1.725 2.057 1.710Max. kW/hp 110/150 132/180 132/180 132/180 155/210 155/210 155/210 155/210 184/250 184/250 184/250Interbody clearance (cm) 100 100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100Auto Reset option* x x x x x x x – x – –* Approx. 15% weight addition in the case of the X-model (with automatic Non-Stop overload security system)** Only with 90 cm interbody clearance*** <strong>EurOpal</strong> 8/9, 6-furrow also available as flanged versionAll <strong>EurOpal</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>VariOpal</strong> <strong>ploughs</strong> are available with 75 or 80 cm frame heights.All information, measurements <strong>and</strong> weights are subject to continuous technical further development <strong>and</strong> are therefore non obligatory.Information regarding weights always refers to the basic model. The right is reserved to make alterations.LEMKEN GmbH & Co. KGWeseler Str. 5, D-46519 Alpen · Postfach 11 60, D-46515 AlpenTelefon (+49) 28 02 / 81-0 · Fax (+49) 28 02 / 81-2 20E-Mail: lemken@lemken.com · Internet: www.lemken.comYour LEMKEN dealer:FS. B.o.s.s · 02/05 · 175 0355/GB

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