Hubbell Wiring Device.pdf - Eversave Technology

Hubbell Wiring Device.pdf - Eversave Technology Hubbell Wiring Device.pdf - Eversave Technology
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Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) Introduction SpikeShield ® Power Quality ProductsSpikeShield ® Power Quality ProductsSurge Protection Devices (SPDs) IntroductionPanel ProtectionThe SpikeShield ® line of panelsurge protection devices offersa broad selection of products tomeet the various requirementsof industrial, commercial,institutional and residentialapplications. No other surgesuppression system can meetthe flexibility, safety andperformance standards setby Hubbell.Hubbell offers surge protectionproducts which can handle peakamperage capacities of 40kA to320kA.The SpikeShield product line alsoincludes a line of panels withreplaceable modules. This seriesfeatures improved performancethrough the use of a lowimpedance bus-bar design andeasily replaceable bolt-downmodules.The SpikeShield branch panelprotection system includes thecomplete compact and economical40, 80, 100 and 120kA seriesproduct offering.These wired-in products canprotect branch panels, safetyswitches and load centers. Theycan be installed as an appendageor flush mounted to a finished wallnext to the panel. The versatility ofthe wired-in products allows themto be used on branch panels, aswell as main panel protection foundin smaller commercial facilities.For DIN Rail and flange mountedapplications, Hubbell offers 40kAseries wired products and 65kAparallel wired products.J-2 www.hubbell-wiring.comDimensions in Inches (mm)

SpikeShield ® Power Quality ProductsSurge Protection Devices (SPDs) IntroductionThe most frequently asked questions about surge protection.Where do power problems come from?Surprise – only about a third come from outsidethe facility, from sources such as lightning, utilitygrid switching and so forth. The great majority ofproblems come from within the facility from motorsor other inductive loads as they switch on and off.Loss of power is another source because as power isrestored, it does not come back in a stable fashion,but as a high-voltage transient. Brownouts do notcause electronic equipment to fail, but the transientsassociated with them do.What causes transient voltages?HVAC equipment, elevatormotors, robotic equipment– basically, all inductiveloads, regardless of size. Inthe office, they are causedby coffee makers, airconditioners, photocopiers,laser printers and vendingmachines.Do Hubbell Surge Suppressors meet the updatedUL 1449 standard?Yes. The Hubbell SPD product offering has been testedto and complies with the latest UL 1449Edition 2.5 or 3.What are the requirements to the February 9, 2007update to UL 1449 Edition 2.5?An abnormal over voltage test is one of the major testscontained in UL 1449. This test is to ensure that a SPDwill not create a shock or fire hazard when subjectedto sustained, long-term, over voltages (i.e., not surgeevents). Products manufactured to UL 1449 afterFebruary 9, 2007, must pass four additional sustained.Over voltage tests with currents limited to 10 amperes,100 amperes, 500 amperes and 1000 amperes for aperiod of time up to 7 hours. To successfully pass thetest, the SPD must not create a fire or shock hazardduring or after the test.Do the existing SPD units manufactured or installedbefore February 9, 2007 need to be replaced?No. UL constantly reviews product categories basedon research in an effort to improve on the safety andperformance of products. Although a product mayhave been manufactured prior to February 9, 2007 itdoes not lose its UL recognition and remains listed tothe safety standard in place at the time of manufacture.What are the changes to UL 1449 for October 9, 2009?UL issued the 3rd Edition of UL 1449 in September of2006 with a required compliance by October 2009. The3rd Edition encompasses all of the 2nd Edition changesplus more stringent safety testing requirements. SurgeProtection Devices tested to the 3rd Edition will besubjected to a more severe series of Surge Withstand,Fault Withstand and Over Voltage Safety Tests thanever before.UL 1449 Edition 2.5 utilizes a suppressed voltage rating(SVR), with a minimum value of 330 volts with a 500ampere peak current surge. UL 1449 3rd Edition willuse a voltage protection rating (VPR—also with a 330volt minimum) with a 3,000 peak ampere surge.What are MCOV and SCCR Specifications?The maximum continuous over voltage rating (MCOV) isthe rated continuous voltage that can be applied to thesurge components without having the surge protectorreact. If the normal electrical voltage exceeds theMCOV, the surge protector will conduct continuouslyand eventually fail. A low MCOV rating increases thesurge protector's susceptibility to a temporary overvoltage.SCCR-NEC 280 – requires surge arresters to be markedwith a Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR) and becoordinated with the electrical system. The availableshort circuit current at the point of installation must notbe in excess of the SCCR of the arrester.What does Hubbell offer that other companies do not?• The broadest product linein the industry.• LED diagnostics thatindicate the surgeprotection device isfunctioning properly.• 10-year limited warrantyon all wired-in products.• Knowledge of yourfacility’s circuits thatcomes with over 120 yearsas a leading provider ofcommercial and industrialwiring devices and systems.Are diagnostics on a surge protection deviceimportant?Yes. Many surge protection devices do not haveindicators or alarms that report loss of protection.If failure occurs, you don’t know about it and maycontinue to use the EXPIRED suppressors.Is response time important when selecting a surgeprotection device?Of course. However, transients actually occur in a microor millisecond, which is relatively slow. Most surgeprotection components react a thousand to a milliontimes faster, so response time is irrelevant. Often,this issue has been the focal point when discussingthe merits of surge protection devices. Unfortunately,response time lacks accepted testing parameters,and the industry has yet to adopt sufficient testingspecifications for response time.SpikeShield ® Power Quality Products Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) IntroductionDimensions in Inches (mm)www.hubbell-wiring.comJ-3

Surge Protection <strong>Device</strong>s (SPDs) Introduction SpikeShield ® Power Quality ProductsSpikeShield ® Power Quality ProductsSurge Protection <strong>Device</strong>s (SPDs) IntroductionPanel ProtectionThe SpikeShield ® line of panelsurge protection devices offersa broad selection of products tomeet the various requirementsof industrial, commercial,institutional and residentialapplications. No other surgesuppression system can meetthe flexibility, safety andperformance standards setby <strong>Hubbell</strong>.<strong>Hubbell</strong> offers surge protectionproducts which can handle peakamperage capacities of 40kA to320kA.The SpikeShield product line alsoincludes a line of panels withreplaceable modules. This seriesfeatures improved performancethrough the use of a lowimpedance bus-bar design andeasily replaceable bolt-downmodules.The SpikeShield branch panelprotection system includes thecomplete compact and economical40, 80, 100 and 120kA seriesproduct offering.These wired-in products canprotect branch panels, safetyswitches and load centers. Theycan be installed as an appendageor flush mounted to a finished wallnext to the panel. The versatility ofthe wired-in products allows themto be used on branch panels, aswell as main panel protection foundin smaller commercial facilities.For DIN Rail and flange mountedapplications, <strong>Hubbell</strong> offers 40kAseries wired products and 65kAparallel wired products.J-2 www.hubbell-wiring.comDimensions in Inches (mm)

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