Hubbell Wiring Device.pdf - Eversave Technology

Hubbell Wiring Device.pdf - Eversave Technology Hubbell Wiring Device.pdf - Eversave Technology
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Sensor Technology H-MOSS ® Occupancy SensorsH-MOSS ® Occupancy SensorsTechnology for Today’s NeedsDual TechnologyDual technology occupancysensors use both passive infraredand ultrasonic technologiesfor maximum reliability. Thesesensors also minimize the risk offalse triggering (lights coming onwhen the space is unoccupied).Both ultrasonic (US) and passiveinfrared (PIR) technologies mustdetect occupancy to turn lightingon, while continued detection byonly one technology will keeplighting on. The dual technologysensors are the best performingsensor for most applications.H-MOSS ® Occupancy Sensors feature the latestin technological advances.Adaptive TechnologyAdaptive Technology is a Hubbell breakthrough that deliversbenefits to the building owner and occupants. The buildingowner realizes reduced energy costs, fewer adjustments and lessmaintenance. The building occupant experiences fewer falseoffs,disturbances and lower energy costs.Adaptive technology sensors use microprocessor-basedtechnology which makes all the decisions for setting adjustments.Internal software constantly monitors the controlled areaand automatically adjusts the sensitivity and timer based onenvironmental history. This means that instead of manuallyadjusting the sensor for seasonal changes, modified airflow,and furniture layout or occupancy pattern changes, the sensorwill automatically adjust itself. These automatic adjustmentswill eliminate the need for multiple adjustments by maintenancepersonnel or outside contractors.Hubbell offers adaptive technology throughout its productoffering (wall switches, ceiling and wall mount sensors) inconjunction with dual technology (ultrasonic and passiveinfrared), ultrasonic, and passive infrared products.Ultrasonic (US)Ultrasonic technology sensesoccupancy by bouncing ultrasonicsound waves (32kHz - 45kHz) offobjects in a space and detectinga frequency shift between theemitted and reflected sound waves.Movement by a person or objectwithin the space causes a shift infrequency, which is interpreted asoccupancy. Ultrasonic occupancysensors are good at detectingminor motion (e.g. typing, reading)and do not require an unobstructedline-of-sight, thus making themsuitable for applications such as anoffice with cubicles or a restroomwith stalls.Passive Infrared (PIR)Passive infrared (PIR) technologysenses occupancy by detectingthe difference between heatemitted from the human bodyand the background space. PIRsensors require an unobstructedline-of-sight for detection. Thesesensors utilize a segmented lens,which divides the coverage areainto zones. Movement betweenthese zones is interpreted asoccupancy. PIR sensors aregood at detecting major motion(e.g. walking) and work best insmall, enclosed spaces with highlevels of occupant movement.D-2

H-MOSS ® Occupancy SensorsEnergy Savings with Occupancy SensorsTypical ApplicationsWallSwitchCeilingSensorWallSensorApplications are generalized. Consultyour Hubbell representative for thetype of technology and products thatfit your needs.Occupancy Sensors =Energy SavingsFor many years, occupancy sensorshave been highlighted as a way toreduce energy consumption. TheCalifornia Department of Energy hasstated that lighting accounts for 35–45%of an office buildings energy use.As seen in the chart, occupancy sensorscan potentially reduce lighting use by13–90%. In a large office building, forexample, occupancy sensors can be anexcellent way of reducing energy costsfor both building operators and tenants.LocationPassiveInfrared (PIR)UltrasonicDualTechnologyBedroom✓Cafeteria ✓ ✓Closet ✓ ✓Conference Room ✓ ✓Classroom ✓ ✓Lecture Hall✓Library✓Hallway✓Rest Room (multi-stall) ✓ ✓Private Office ✓ ✓ ✓Storage ✓ ✓Lobby ✓ ✓Warehouse✓Open OfficePrivate OfficeClassroomConference RoomStorage RoomRestroomReturn on Investment (ROI)Occupancy sensors can save a building operator or tenant money,but what is the return on investment (ROI) for a capital expenditureof this nature? Hubbell has developed a tool, the H-MOSS ® ROIWorksheet, that can be accessed from the Hubbell website,, or from a Hubbell representative. Thissimple to use worksheet helps calculate present annual energycosts without sensors and estimated annual costs with sensors.The savings and short payback time can be surprising.10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%As energy costs continue to climb, standards and codes become more stringent, and the “greening”of commercial and residential buildings increases across the country, you should look toward HubbellOccupancy Sensors to help decrease your energy costs.Layout Capabilities and Technical SupportHubbell representatives are available to meet and discuss any project, large or small.We can provide an occupancy sensor layout based on blueprints, either in electronicor paper form and a bill of material (BOM). All questions can be addressed by ourtechnical service department.Source: EsourceSensor StylePotential Energy Savings Using Occupancy SensorsH-MOSS ® Occupancy SensorsReturn On Investment (ROI) Calculation WorksheetEnergy SavingsPercentage Range#WattsTotalTotalUtility Rate Annual% AnnualUnits* X Per Unit** = Watts / 1000 = KW X Per X Operating X Savings = SavingsKWHHours010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00010000.000$0.00Totals: $0.00Payback Calculation* Fluorescent Lamps, Incandescent Lamps, CRTs, Task Lighting.** Total wattage of fixture including ballast*** Payback in months=((Material Cost + Labor Cost)/Annual Savings)*12Annual Material Labor Payback inSavings Costs Costs Months***$0.00 #DIV/0!H-MOSS ® Occupancy Sensors Applications, Energy Savings, and ROIwww.hubbell-wiring.comD-3

Sensor <strong>Technology</strong> H-MOSS ® Occupancy SensorsH-MOSS ® Occupancy Sensors<strong>Technology</strong> for Today’s NeedsDual <strong>Technology</strong>Dual technology occupancysensors use both passive infraredand ultrasonic technologiesfor maximum reliability. Thesesensors also minimize the risk offalse triggering (lights coming onwhen the space is unoccupied).Both ultrasonic (US) and passiveinfrared (PIR) technologies mustdetect occupancy to turn lightingon, while continued detection byonly one technology will keeplighting on. The dual technologysensors are the best performingsensor for most applications.H-MOSS ® Occupancy Sensors feature the latestin technological advances.Adaptive <strong>Technology</strong>Adaptive <strong>Technology</strong> is a <strong>Hubbell</strong> breakthrough that deliversbenefits to the building owner and occupants. The buildingowner realizes reduced energy costs, fewer adjustments and lessmaintenance. The building occupant experiences fewer falseoffs,disturbances and lower energy costs.Adaptive technology sensors use microprocessor-basedtechnology which makes all the decisions for setting adjustments.Internal software constantly monitors the controlled areaand automatically adjusts the sensitivity and timer based onenvironmental history. This means that instead of manuallyadjusting the sensor for seasonal changes, modified airflow,and furniture layout or occupancy pattern changes, the sensorwill automatically adjust itself. These automatic adjustmentswill eliminate the need for multiple adjustments by maintenancepersonnel or outside contractors.<strong>Hubbell</strong> offers adaptive technology throughout its productoffering (wall switches, ceiling and wall mount sensors) inconjunction with dual technology (ultrasonic and passiveinfrared), ultrasonic, and passive infrared products.Ultrasonic (US)Ultrasonic technology sensesoccupancy by bouncing ultrasonicsound waves (32kHz - 45kHz) offobjects in a space and detectinga frequency shift between theemitted and reflected sound waves.Movement by a person or objectwithin the space causes a shift infrequency, which is interpreted asoccupancy. Ultrasonic occupancysensors are good at detectingminor motion (e.g. typing, reading)and do not require an unobstructedline-of-sight, thus making themsuitable for applications such as anoffice with cubicles or a restroomwith stalls.Passive Infrared (PIR)Passive infrared (PIR) technologysenses occupancy by detectingthe difference between heatemitted from the human bodyand the background space. PIRsensors require an unobstructedline-of-sight for detection. Thesesensors utilize a segmented lens,which divides the coverage areainto zones. Movement betweenthese zones is interpreted asoccupancy. PIR sensors aregood at detecting major motion(e.g. walking) and work best insmall, enclosed spaces with highlevels of occupant movement.D-2

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