Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

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NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostom•φιλοσοφοῦντα•φιλοστοργίας•φοδίων•φοιβάσεσθε•φορμῆς•φορμοῦν•φορμοῦντα•φοσιουμένους•φοσιωσάμενοι•φράστου•φρονῶμεν•φρονεῖν μείζω•φρονηματιῶν•φυλάσσων σε•φωνὴν•φωνῇ ῥημάτων•φ. τῆς εἰς τὴν ζωὴν εἰσόδου•χάριν ἔχωμεν•χάρις•χάριτι•χὼρ•χῶρος•χαλάσας•χαμαιτυπεῖα•χαρίσματος•χαρακτήρων•χαρακτηρίζειν•χαρισάμην•χαυνώσας•χει•χειν οἰκείως•χειροτονεῖ•χορὸς•χορεύει•χορηγία•χορηγίαν•χρὴ πάντοτε φυλάττειν ἑαυτοὺς, μήποτε ἀπονυστάξωμεν•χρήματα•χρᾷ•χρῆν•χρείαν856

NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostom•χρηματίζοντα•χρηματίζω•χρηματισθείς•χρηματισμὸς•χρονικὴ•χυδαίου•χυδαῖον•χωρίῳ•χωρεῖν•χωρεῖτε•ψῆφον•ψῖδας•ψελλίζοντος•ψηφῖδας•ψυχὴν•ψυχικὴ•ψυχικὸς•ωλα•ωλος•&c…The corrector seems to have misapprehended the meaning of•&c, N.T.•&c.•&c. Mr. Field thinks that either the thread of the discourse is broken, and the second point notmentioned, or (which seems more probable) that it is contained in the words•&c. N.T.•&c. N.T. and some mss.•&c. The translation follows the Bened. pointing, as giving the meaning most in accordance withSt. Chrys.’s teaching. [This pointing of the English edition is allowed to stand as making the sensemore obvious to the English reader; but Mr. Field’s pointing gives essentially the same senseand is more in St. Chrysostom’s style.—F.G.]•&c. There does not however appear to be any need for this: on the contrary, while the old textis simple and intelligible, the additions bring in matters which are out of place. [The other Catena,however, that of Niketas, Archbishop of Heraklea, one of Mr. Field’s valuable authorities, hasthe bracketed bits.]•&c. These words are probably not part of the sacred text. They are not referred to by St.Chrysostom.•&c. What is meant is that Christian belief which finds expression in the Creed, as well aselsewhere.—F.G.]•&c. [But previously he has connected with•&c. is not in the text of Savile.•&c.857

NPNF (V1-14)<strong>St</strong>. Chrysos<strong>to</strong>m•φιλοσοφοῦντα•φιλοστοργίας•φοδίων•φοιβάσεσθε•φορμῆς•φορμοῦν•φορμοῦντα•φοσιουμένους•φοσιωσάμενοι•φράστου•φρονῶμεν•φρονεῖν μείζω•φρονηματιῶν•φυλάσσων σε•φωνὴν•φωνῇ ῥημάτων•φ. τῆς εἰς τὴν ζωὴν εἰσόδου•χάριν ἔχωμεν•χάρις•χάριτι•χὼρ•χῶρος•χαλάσας•χαμαιτυπεῖα•χαρίσματος•χαρακτήρων•χαρακτηρίζειν•χαρισάμην•χαυνώσας•χει•χειν οἰκείως•χειροτονεῖ•χορὸς•χορεύει•χορηγία•χορηγίαν•χρὴ πάντοτε φυλάττειν ἑαυτοὺς, μήποτε ἀπονυστάξωμεν•χρήματα•χρᾷ•χρῆν•χρείαν856

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