Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

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NPNF (V1-14)St. ChrysostomDesire, implanted, 374; but capable of most grievous abuse, 502; evil cast out by chastisement,500; hides sight of God, 468. See Lust.Despair, we may not, 396; even after deepest wickedness, 426.Devil, smitten in Christ's death, 385; and brought to nought, ib.; aims to make us speak againstGod, 459; overthrow of, hope given in Enoch's translation, 467; if he wound not, wounded,468; wounded in his attack on Job, wounded in his attack on St. Paul, ib.; his dartconcupiscence, ib.; glories at our evil state, 472.Disobedience, peril of, 378.Dives received ( received not as a gift, but in return) here the reward of his good deeds, 391.Docetæ alluded to, 385.Doctrines which concern the soul must be contended for, 392; cf. 519.Dress, a lady sometimes had a precious garment inwoven with gold, 459; beautiful and costlybelong to the stage, 496; by St. Paul set at nought in the very Church itself, 334. See Lady,Lace, Silk.Drunkards, we go to their houses though St. Paul forbids us, 481.Drunkenness, sin of, 490.Enoch not discouraged by what had befallen Abel, 466; and knew that he had received a recompense,467.Envy, no one envies himself, 456; Hebrews obnoxious to, 466; we give way to, 490.Eucharist, 468; the Sacrifice, 430; daily, 449; therein the purifying Blood entereth the soul, springingup like a fountain in our souls, 444; many partake once or twice a year, many often, the solitariesyearly or after two years, 449; Lent the preparation for the Easter-Eucharist, 449; frequentreceiving right if prepared, seldom receiving too frequent if unprepared, ib.; peril of unworthyreceiving, 449, 458; the Deacon's warning cry at, 449, 450; the beauty of ornament that fitsto approach, 450; the beauty of Eunuchs who stand by the Majesty, ib.; may be a cause ofdisease, even as food when the system is disordered, 449; a Royal Table, sweet Ointment, ib.;forty days' preparation, one week's care after, ib.; in, a person becomes the Body of Christ,458; unworthy partaking of, 490.Eunuchs, spiritual, to stand before King, 450.Evil-speaking, earns praise to the receiver if he requite it not, more abundant disgrace to the giver,368; terrible harm we do by, 464; rife, 473; vain prayer uttered by one while repeating gossip,464; if Pharisees condemned though he spake truth, what we when we utter lies, ib.Eyes, what we see with, more readily retained than what we hear, 434; sometimes injured from abad habit of body, 449; of the soul, how to make beautiful and keen of sight, 450; evil desires,passions, affairs of this life darken, 468.Ezra, gathered the scattered Scriptures, 407.Faintheartedness, 463, 465; sometimes produces unbelief, 416; springs from unbelief, 455; hindersa promise of its fruit, 418; makes one no ready hearer, 423; loss from at the last, 476; at lastcame on the Hebrews, 483; danger of, to soul in tribulation, 516.Faith, the, 391, 398, 400, 409, 410, 419, 432, 462; handed down that we may not have to engagewith every heresy, 407; known to Catechumens, 432; Christ gave, 493; imparts holiness, 504;790

NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostomthe, and right life make of full age, 409; we are to endure so long as the, is not touched, 504;cf. 392; who misteach, we must shun, 519; cf. on Galatians, p. 16.Faith; to need absolute proof of God's Providence or care, want of, 396; insufficient without a rightlife, 398; necessary to salvation, ib.; cf. 455, 516; must be very sure, 455; in it we trust theHoly Ghost, ib.; contrary to reasoning, 516; the very essence of things of hope, 462, 463;comes of a sincere will, 522; needs a generous soul, 465; saves, ib.; its might, 487, 488; cando all, 487; is all, 516; a pure life, springs of, 515; makes all things pure, ib.; mutual aid from,465; accused by some as being without proof, and defended by St. Paul, ib.; knowledgeconcerning God, belongs to, 465, 466; of Abel, 466; of Enoch, 469; of them of old, 482; ofJoseph, ib.; manifoldly, ib.; in retribution necessary, 467; holds nothing more to be relied onthan God's words, 469.Father, his desire to remit punishment, seen in God also, 467; as he lets approved children wait forthe others, so God orders that the saints wait for us, 492; sends away from a son an evilcompanion, if the son persist after he is warned, 518.Filth, like a host who gives a splendid entertainment, and sits down with his hands smeared withthe veriest, such is the covetous host, 480.Fire, no longer consumes but bears to heaven Christian sacrifices, 420; of spirit to burn up desireof wealth, ib.; the ardent desire for heaven, the Christian's, 522.Flesh, taken of us, sits on high, and is worshiped by angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, 388.Food, mischief of immoderate eaters, 501, 502; what can be digested nourishes, 502; repletionworse than famine, ib.Forerunner, implies them who follow, 419.Forgiveness of others ingredient of repentance, 412.Form of a slave, man; form of God, God, 372.Freewill, its proneness to ill, 425; its reality, ib.; it is aided by God, 425, 520.Friends, favor of, must be risked to obtain his salvation, 472; real, help one another's souls, 505.Funerals, hymns and psalmody at, proclaim triumph, 386; unseemly grief at, ib.; those who teartheir hair and behave unseemly ought to be long while shut out of Church, ib.; the part ofmadmen, ib.; harmful, ib.; a scandal and makes Resurrection disbelieved, 385, 387; Psalmscxvi, xxiii, xxxii, sung at, 386; hired mourners if admitted to Christian funeral shall be punished,those who admit them treated as idolaters, 387; daily, hourly, 426.Garden, untilled part of, 501.Garments, precious, laid among perfume and spices to preserve them from moths, 459.Gifts, some receive not because of impure life, some lest it should harm their souls, 379, 380;diversity of, 380; if householder knows to whom to entrust, God more, ib.; how to comfortourselves that we have not, 380, 381; must use thankfully the little ones we have, 380; thegreatest, Charity, offered to all, 381.Glory, from men we must account as nothing, 493; obtained by simplicity, 497.Glutton, overreaching, 506.God, His Peace surpasses mind, much more does He, 370; reverence and faith needed to hear orspeak of, 370; when our human language fails, then we must praise Him for His greatness,ib.; of, we know somewhat yet understand not, ib.; or conceive and cannot utter, ib.; notenclosed by space, 373; spoken of as though man, 391; wonderful in His works, in His love791

NPNF (V1-14)<strong>St</strong>. Chrysos<strong>to</strong>m<strong>the</strong>, <strong>and</strong> right life make <strong>of</strong> full age, 409; we are <strong>to</strong> endure so l<strong>on</strong>g as <strong>the</strong>, is not <strong>to</strong>uched, 504;cf. 392; who misteach, we must shun, 519; cf. <strong>on</strong> Galatians, p. 16.Faith; <strong>to</strong> need absolute pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> God's Providence or care, want <strong>of</strong>, 396; insufficient without a rightlife, 398; necessary <strong>to</strong> salvati<strong>on</strong>, ib.; cf. 455, 516; must be very sure, 455; in it we trust <strong>the</strong>Holy Ghost, ib.; c<strong>on</strong>trary <strong>to</strong> reas<strong>on</strong>ing, 516; <strong>the</strong> very essence <strong>of</strong> things <strong>of</strong> hope, 462, 463;comes <strong>of</strong> a sincere will, 522; needs a generous soul, 465; saves, ib.; its might, 487, 488; c<strong>and</strong>o all, 487; is all, 516; a pure life, springs <strong>of</strong>, 515; makes all things pure, ib.; mutual aid from,465; accused by some as being without pro<strong>of</strong>, <strong>and</strong> defended by <strong>St</strong>. Paul, ib.; knowledgec<strong>on</strong>cerning God, bel<strong>on</strong>gs <strong>to</strong>, 465, 466; <strong>of</strong> Abel, 466; <strong>of</strong> Enoch, 469; <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m <strong>of</strong> old, 482; <strong>of</strong>Joseph, ib.; manifoldly, ib.; in retributi<strong>on</strong> necessary, 467; holds nothing more <strong>to</strong> be relied <strong>on</strong>than God's words, 469.Fa<strong>the</strong>r, his desire <strong>to</strong> remit punishment, seen in God also, 467; as he lets approved children wait for<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs, so God orders that <strong>the</strong> saints wait for us, 492; sends away from a s<strong>on</strong> an evilcompani<strong>on</strong>, if <strong>the</strong> s<strong>on</strong> persist after he is warned, 518.Filth, like a host who gives a splendid entertainment, <strong>and</strong> sits down with his h<strong>and</strong>s smeared with<strong>the</strong> veriest, such is <strong>the</strong> cove<strong>to</strong>us host, 480.Fire, no l<strong>on</strong>ger c<strong>on</strong>sumes but bears <strong>to</strong> heaven Christian sacrifices, 420; <strong>of</strong> spirit <strong>to</strong> burn up desire<strong>of</strong> wealth, ib.; <strong>the</strong> ardent desire for heaven, <strong>the</strong> Christian's, 522.Flesh, taken <strong>of</strong> us, sits <strong>on</strong> high, <strong>and</strong> is worshiped by angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, 388.Food, mischief <strong>of</strong> immoderate eaters, 501, 502; what can be digested nourishes, 502; repleti<strong>on</strong>worse than famine, ib.Forerunner, implies <strong>the</strong>m who follow, 419.Forgiveness <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs ingredient <strong>of</strong> repentance, 412.Form <strong>of</strong> a slave, man; form <strong>of</strong> God, God, 372.Freewill, its pr<strong>on</strong>eness <strong>to</strong> ill, 425; its reality, ib.; it is aided by God, 425, 520.Friends, favor <strong>of</strong>, must be risked <strong>to</strong> obtain his salvati<strong>on</strong>, 472; real, help <strong>on</strong>e ano<strong>the</strong>r's souls, 505.Funerals, hymns <strong>and</strong> psalmody at, proclaim triumph, 386; unseemly grief at, ib.; those who tear<strong>the</strong>ir hair <strong>and</strong> behave unseemly ought <strong>to</strong> be l<strong>on</strong>g while shut out <strong>of</strong> Church, ib.; <strong>the</strong> part <strong>of</strong>madmen, ib.; harmful, ib.; a sc<strong>and</strong>al <strong>and</strong> makes Resurrecti<strong>on</strong> disbelieved, 385, 387; Psalmscxvi, xxiii, xxxii, sung at, 386; hired mourners if admitted <strong>to</strong> Christian funeral shall be punished,those who admit <strong>the</strong>m treated as idolaters, 387; daily, hourly, 426.Garden, untilled part <strong>of</strong>, 501.Garments, precious, laid am<strong>on</strong>g perfume <strong>and</strong> spices <strong>to</strong> preserve <strong>the</strong>m from moths, 459.Gifts, some receive not because <strong>of</strong> impure life, some lest it should harm <strong>the</strong>ir souls, 379, 380;diversity <strong>of</strong>, 380; if householder knows <strong>to</strong> whom <strong>to</strong> entrust, God more, ib.; how <strong>to</strong> comfor<strong>to</strong>urselves that we have not, 380, 381; must use thankfully <strong>the</strong> little <strong>on</strong>es we have, 380; <strong>the</strong>greatest, Charity, <strong>of</strong>fered <strong>to</strong> all, 381.Glory, from men we must account as nothing, 493; obtained by simplicity, 497.Glutt<strong>on</strong>, overreaching, 506.God, His Peace surpasses mind, much more does He, 370; reverence <strong>and</strong> faith needed <strong>to</strong> hear orspeak <strong>of</strong>, 370; when our human language fails, <strong>the</strong>n we must praise Him for His greatness,ib.; <strong>of</strong>, we know somewhat yet underst<strong>and</strong> not, ib.; or c<strong>on</strong>ceive <strong>and</strong> cannot utter, ib.; notenclosed by space, 373; spoken <strong>of</strong> as though man, 391; w<strong>on</strong>derful in His works, in His love791

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