Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

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NPNF (V1-14)St. ChrysostomChrist, His sufferings, 389; from the Jews, 493; from disciples, 494; in babyhood, ib.; from scorning,493, 494; an aid to patience, 365, 494; an honor, 384; a glory, 499; far, far greater than creation,384; we are to have fellowship with, 515, 517; calls His Cross glory, 383; cf. 384; His Deathcalled a taste because it held Him not long, 383; smote the devil, 385; and death, ib.; HisResurrection, 365, 373, 384, 411, 520; to prove, one aim of St. Paul in Epistle, 365, 520;known to those of old, 481; His appointment as Priest, 403; His weeping at prayer not told inGospels, 404; sometimes spoken of from the Divine, sometimes from the Human, 368; inSpirit, and flesh, 368 init.; not or alien from God (according to some), 370; acts of Hisown authority, 490; calls His own coming in the flesh Exodus, St. Paul Eisodos (coming in),375; Apostle as sent, 391; became Priest when He took flesh, 428, 433; One Priest becauseundying, 429; one act of, 430, 447, 448; Godhead and Manhood in, 430, 433; our One Sacrifice,430, 434, 439 (see Sacrifice); all heavenly, 434; died once, 447; died for all even though allaccepted not, ib.; suffered because He willed, 493, 517; and gladly, 493; His enemies are Jews,unbelievers, carnal, 452; Jews' contumelies to, 493; many of His words already come to pass,463; gives His Gifts in ways contrary to natural course 479; because nature's Maker, ib.; HisDeath our safeguard, 487; why He chose death of the Cross, 493; prayed, not needing prayer,but to teach us, 490; if we suffer we must look to, 493, 494; has implanted in us of His Beautyand Comeliness, 368; we one with, 394; we read not that He laughed, 442; to be looked to asa Master, that we may learn how to do, 493; gave us the Faith, ib.; gave the beginning, willput on the end, ib.Christ's Blood, 499; mixed up with the very substance of people's souls, rendering them vigorousand pure, 444; sprinkled in our souls, 487; we have, ib.; partake of, 517; has cleansed all, 510;purifies us, 440, 444; flowed from the Body which had been framed by the Spirit, 444; carriedinto Heaven, 517.Christ's Body, framed by the Holy Spirit 440, 444.Christ God, 372, 389, 430, 433; though Priest sits, stands not, 373, 430, 433, 452, 454.Christian, shines out most brightly in poverty, 374; the crucified, has Charity, 381; the crucified,the mourner, 442; how to fight, bravely, not inviting war, not interfering, 392; to be ready topour out his blood as though it were water, ib.; his constant daily warfare, 392, 393; differentparts of his armor explained, 393; mercifulness his special characteristic, 513; his superhumanmight, 522; should arm himself with desire of Heaven, a fire which none may withstand, ib.Christianity, danger of fulfilling as a custom, 414.Chrysostom, St., rejoices that things will not always abide as they are, 376; thought that miraculousgifts were less at the date of the Epistle to the Hebrews, 379; refers to an already publishedwriting of his on charity, 381; speaks from necessity, would from pleasure too if he knew hishearers were earnest, 382; would fain have been silent lest he increase their peril, but fears tobe silent, 476; will examine the careless ones, will not tell them when, 382, 383; prays andexhorts others to pray that no untimely deaths may befall, 387; threatens to punish hiredmourners brought into Christian funerals and to suspend those who bring them, ib.; cannotpreach the Resurrection while Christians thus contradict, 385, 387; calls himself agood-for-nothing, yet must use his authority, 387; begs them to bear with him if severe, ib.;would fain only loose, yea, not need power of loosing, ib.; longs to praise, 388, 472; speaksof the want of Bible knowledge among his people, 407 sqq.; the discouragement in his teachingfrom their inattention, 382, 408; and risk through repetition of making the account of some788

NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostomheavier at the Judgment, 409; expects that his people will bring forth fruit suddenly, 417;thought that the sky did not move and is not spherical, 433, 490; addresses not Christians only,but even heathen, if any present, on the truth of Christ's words, 463; thought that Phariseespake his prayer in no man's hearing, 464; elsewhere thought otherwise, 490; apologizes forwhat he says, as constrained to say it, 472; calls himself a father, 473; attests his inmost grief,ib.; always has to repeat same things, 476; knew not how to rebuke owing to the sin of almsout of ill-gotten gains, 481; wants his people to help him by helping each other on, 504 sqq.Church, bonds of, if any despise, put on by authority, the Day of Judgment will teach him, 387; ifany burst, he answers it to Christ, ib.; laws of (see Laws, Church, Heaven), 434. See Service.Clergy who are over us we must obey, 518, 519; even if bad, so their faith be sound, 519; must besober and watchful; if despised must weep, God punishes, ib.; their terrible responsibility, ib.;and account, ib.; peril in throwing themselves upon dignity, they ought to flee; then, if seized,to submit, 520.Club, the, in St. Chrysostom's time, 504.Comfort, the duty of giving, 396.Commands, easiness of God's, 432. See Will.Compunction, God's gift, 408; to prayer, 459; Publican filled with, when Pharisee's words came tohim, 490.Confession, the Faith, 391, 400, 410; of sins, 490. See Sins, Priest, Repentance.Conscience must be compelled to own sins, that it may repent and escape torment, 508.Consulate, its transitoriness, 412.Contrition an ingredient of Repentance, 412; what, ib.Cornelius, the centurion, his offering, 420.Covenants, both of God, though not in like manner, 378.Covetous, 505; they who overreach, ruin themselves, not others, 480; sin of going to theirentertainments, 480, 481; a poor man who refused to go for his own soul's sake would shame,481.Covetousness worse than mire, 480.Creation a less thing than preservation, 372; transfiguration of, so easy, 376; fulfills its appointedcourse, 489; reverenced Joshua for the name he bore, ib.Credibility, those who handed to us Gospel Truth accredited as not forgers, 379; what has alreadycome to pass accredit those yet to come, 463.Creed. See Confession.Cross, our Master calls glory, 383; why He chose, 493; fruit of, how great, 383; our, 494.Crowning, time of, one; of conflict of each, manifold, 492.Danger, to run needlessly into, tempting God, 484.Daniel, why he did not refuse the oblation and sweet odors, 485 sqq.; he was humble, 485, 486.Deacon's warning and searching cry at Holy Communion, 449, 450; after the whole sacrifice iscompleted, 450; meaning of, ib.Death, of Christ, smote the devil, 385; death's death, ib.; once only, 411, 447; our purification, 444;how death undone to us, 447; its terror, 385; untimely, St. Chrysostom prays and exhortsprelates and all to pray that no, may befall, 387; day of each person's, nearer than end of allthings, 463; death's death, hope given of, in Enoch's translation, 467.789

NPNF (V1-14)<strong>St</strong>. Chrysos<strong>to</strong>mChrist, His sufferings, 389; from <strong>the</strong> Jews, 493; from disciples, 494; in babyhood, ib.; from scorning,493, 494; an aid <strong>to</strong> patience, 365, 494; an h<strong>on</strong>or, 384; a glory, 499; far, far greater than creati<strong>on</strong>,384; we are <strong>to</strong> have fellowship with, 515, 517; calls His Cross glory, 383; cf. 384; His Deathcalled a taste because it held Him not l<strong>on</strong>g, 383; smote <strong>the</strong> devil, 385; <strong>and</strong> death, ib.; HisResurrecti<strong>on</strong>, 365, 373, 384, 411, 520; <strong>to</strong> prove, <strong>on</strong>e aim <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. Paul in <strong>Epistle</strong>, 365, 520;known <strong>to</strong> those <strong>of</strong> old, 481; His appointment as Priest, 403; His weeping at prayer not <strong>to</strong>ld in<strong>Gospel</strong>s, 404; sometimes spoken <strong>of</strong> from <strong>the</strong> Divine, sometimes from <strong>the</strong> Human, 368; inSpirit, <strong>and</strong> flesh, 368 init.; not or alien from God (according <strong>to</strong> some), 370; acts <strong>of</strong> Hisown authority, 490; calls His own coming in <strong>the</strong> flesh Exodus, <strong>St</strong>. Paul Eisodos (coming in),375; Apostle as sent, 391; became Priest when He <strong>to</strong>ok flesh, 428, 433; One Priest becauseundying, 429; <strong>on</strong>e act <strong>of</strong>, 430, 447, 448; Godhead <strong>and</strong> Manhood in, 430, 433; our One Sacrifice,430, 434, 439 (see Sacrifice); all heavenly, 434; died <strong>on</strong>ce, 447; died for all even though allaccepted not, ib.; suffered because He willed, 493, 517; <strong>and</strong> gladly, 493; His enemies are Jews,unbelievers, carnal, 452; Jews' c<strong>on</strong>tumelies <strong>to</strong>, 493; many <strong>of</strong> His words already come <strong>to</strong> pass,463; gives His Gifts in ways c<strong>on</strong>trary <strong>to</strong> natural course 479; because nature's Maker, ib.; HisDeath our safeguard, 487; why He chose death <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Cross, 493; prayed, not needing prayer,but <strong>to</strong> teach us, 490; if we suffer we must look <strong>to</strong>, 493, 494; has implanted in us <strong>of</strong> His Beauty<strong>and</strong> Comeliness, 368; we <strong>on</strong>e with, 394; we read not that He laughed, 442; <strong>to</strong> be looked <strong>to</strong> asa Master, that we may learn how <strong>to</strong> do, 493; gave us <strong>the</strong> Faith, ib.; gave <strong>the</strong> beginning, willput <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> end, ib.Christ's Blood, 499; mixed up with <strong>the</strong> very substance <strong>of</strong> people's souls, rendering <strong>the</strong>m vigorous<strong>and</strong> pure, 444; sprinkled in our souls, 487; we have, ib.; partake <strong>of</strong>, 517; has cleansed all, 510;purifies us, 440, 444; flowed from <strong>the</strong> Body which had been framed by <strong>the</strong> Spirit, 444; carriedin<strong>to</strong> Heaven, 517.Christ's Body, framed by <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit 440, 444.Christ God, 372, 389, 430, 433; though Priest sits, st<strong>and</strong>s not, 373, 430, 433, 452, 454.Christian, shines out most brightly in poverty, 374; <strong>the</strong> crucified, has Charity, 381; <strong>the</strong> crucified,<strong>the</strong> mourner, 442; how <strong>to</strong> fight, bravely, not inviting war, not interfering, 392; <strong>to</strong> be ready <strong>to</strong>pour out his blood as though it were water, ib.; his c<strong>on</strong>stant daily warfare, 392, 393; differentparts <strong>of</strong> his armor explained, 393; mercifulness his special characteristic, 513; his superhumanmight, 522; should arm himself with desire <strong>of</strong> Heaven, a fire which n<strong>on</strong>e may withst<strong>and</strong>, ib.Christianity, danger <strong>of</strong> fulfilling as a cus<strong>to</strong>m, 414.Chrysos<strong>to</strong>m, <strong>St</strong>., rejoices that things will not always abide as <strong>the</strong>y are, 376; thought that miraculousgifts were less at <strong>the</strong> date <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Epistle</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Hebrews</strong>, 379; refers <strong>to</strong> an already publishedwriting <strong>of</strong> his <strong>on</strong> charity, 381; speaks from necessity, would from pleasure <strong>to</strong>o if he knew hishearers were earnest, 382; would fain have been silent lest he increase <strong>the</strong>ir peril, but fears <strong>to</strong>be silent, 476; will examine <strong>the</strong> careless <strong>on</strong>es, will not tell <strong>the</strong>m when, 382, 383; prays <strong>and</strong>exhorts o<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> pray that no untimely deaths may befall, 387; threatens <strong>to</strong> punish hiredmourners brought in<strong>to</strong> Christian funerals <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> suspend those who bring <strong>the</strong>m, ib.; cannotpreach <strong>the</strong> Resurrecti<strong>on</strong> while Christians thus c<strong>on</strong>tradict, 385, 387; calls himself agood-for-nothing, yet must use his authority, 387; begs <strong>the</strong>m <strong>to</strong> bear with him if severe, ib.;would fain <strong>on</strong>ly loose, yea, not need power <strong>of</strong> loosing, ib.; l<strong>on</strong>gs <strong>to</strong> praise, 388, 472; speaks<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> want <strong>of</strong> Bible knowledge am<strong>on</strong>g his people, 407 sqq.; <strong>the</strong> discouragement in his teachingfrom <strong>the</strong>ir inattenti<strong>on</strong>, 382, 408; <strong>and</strong> risk through repetiti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> making <strong>the</strong> account <strong>of</strong> some788

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