Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

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NPNF (V1-14)St. ChrysostomPride, ruined the Jews, 33; evils of, 34, 54; remedies of, 34; separates the brethren, 54; why moreinexcusable than other vices, 57; of Christian's shamed by Christ's washing the disciples' feet,260.Priesthood, its dignity and danger, 326; to be honored, because in Moses' seat, ib.; their unworthiness,hinders not the effect of the Sacraments, ib.; God dispenses grace by their hands, ib.Prisons, the sobering effect of visiting, 220; contrasted with theaters, ib.; the inmates of, sometimesbetter than others, 221; all men were confined in, but delivered by Christ, ib.; St. Paul preachedin with effect, 222.Prophecies, sometimes made unconsciously, 241.Prophecy, why more persuasive than miracles, 68; impossible to devils, ib.; addressed to particularpersons by Christ, 113; of the future confirmed by the fulfillment of the past, 140; given bythe mouths of evil men, 241; caused by, not the cause of the event, 252, 301; fulfillment of,in the parting of the garments, 317; in the piercing of The Side, 319.Prophets, the, quoted by the Evangelists, 44; speak of future events as past, 46; sowed for theApostle's reaping, 120; Christ's agreement with, concerning the Judgment, 141; wronglycompared with Christ, 198; in what sense "saw" God, 271.Providence, implied in Christ being the Life, 23; not perfectly developed before the Judgment, 162.Psalms, titles of, to teach attention, 51.Public amusements supersede religious duties, 210.Punishment, a proof of God's love, 35; of those who received not Christ, 36; of the wicked for thesake of the good, 37; everlasting, 43; to be avoided by holiness only, ib.; the fear of, the mostpowerful motive with most men, 106; endures longer than the sin, 131; redoubled after relapse,ib.; if not sent now, will be the more heavy hereafter, ib.; brings men to virtue, more thanreward, 137; delayed, but certain, 157-162; not inherited, 200; objection removed, 201.Pythagoras, his disciples' enquiries, 5; in Magna Græcia, 6; how conversed with brutes, ib.; hisdoctrines unprofitable, ib."Reaping," was kept for the Apostles', 120; easier than sowing, ib.Reason, unassisted, cannot reach Divine truth, 5, 27, 87; failed to discover the nature of the souland heaven, 234.Reasoning, human, inapplicable to God, 17; uncertain, ib.; in Divine mysteries dangerous, 86, 87;unable to penetrate things natural, 88.Regeneration in Baptism, 37; a real sonship, 48; superior to natural birth, 88; to be taken on trustas a mystery, not understood of angels, ib.; inferior to Christ's eternal birth, 91; types of, inthe Old Testament, 92; doctrine of, received by faith, 93; the work of the Spirit, 126; shownin the Water from The Side, 319.Relationship, to Christ, did not profit His enemies, 75; to good men, no protection to the wicked,ib.; earthly, useless without the spiritual, 89.Repentance, its efficacy to procure pardon, 50; to avert judgment, 121; is the not doing the sameagain, ib.; great difficulty of, 260; a source of hope, 295.Repetitions, vain, consist in praying for vain things, 157.Reproach, to be borne patiently, after the example of Christ, 312; injures only the author, ib.Reserve, in teaching doctrine, 13, 93; of John Baptist, 105; and Paul, ib.780

NPNF (V1-14)St. ChrysostomResurrection, the, implied in Christ, "The Life," 22; of Christ glorious, 42; witnessed by few only,61; the great Evidence, 82; why not plainly foretold, ib.; doctrine of, most affects the obstinate,139; a token of, in the cure of the Paralytic, 140; the general, is common to the godly andungodly, 161; the special, for the good only, ib.; belief of, destroys, Fatalism, 163; belief in,the Essence of Christianity, ib.; confessed by devils, ib.; necessary to God's justice, ib.; thespecial, with, the general, without, reward, 168; of Christ, proved by his death, 218; the doctrineof, concerned in the raising of Lazarus, 232; truth of, proved by the Apostles' acts, 234; shownin the growth of seed, 246; moral argument for, ib.; denied by heretics on heathen principles,247; foretold in Jacob's prophecy, 251; compared to birth, 291; Christ's, alluded to in "a manborn into the world," ib.; the beginning of knowledge, 292; various proofs of, in the burial-place,embalming, position of the clothes, 320, 321; why first made known to Mary Magdalene, 323.Retirement, frequently recommended by the example of Christ, 151; its spiritual blessings, 225.Return, what, to be made to Christ, 40.Reverence, promoted by merely hearing the Word, 192.Revenge, the best is to return good for evil, 261; of what sort to be employed by Christians, 185.Reward of the true pastors, 43.Riches, transitory nature of, here, 57; how to be made lasting, 58; the thorn of the humble, 86;vanity of, 118; only good here, 159; abuse of, a betraying of Christ, 172; dangerous to thesoul, 244; love of, hinders faith, 254; their end is to be used, not hoarded, nor abused, 69, 299;the earthly to be despised for the heavenly, 301.Robber, the, compared with the Shepherd, 213; is he that useth not the Scriptures, ib.Romans, the, danger from, a mere pretense of the Pharisees, 239.Rulers, the, some believed in Christ, 205; in general, believed not, 214.Sabbath, the, Gospels appointed to be read on, 38; breach of, how the keeping of the Law, 179.Sabellians, denied the Personality of the Son, 28, 138.Sabellius, separated the Father and the Son, 271; his life and doctrine, 274 (note); doctrine of,refuted by Christ's indwelling in His disciples, 303.Sacraments of the Jews, types of ours, 48; of the Lord's Body and Blood, unites us with Christ,166; its usefulness, 167.Sacrifice, mercy preferred to, 46; sin of making, with the fruits of injustice, 270.Saints, their merits no help to the sinner, 175; the glory of, will consist in reflecting that of the Son,304.Salvation, signified by the names of "Christ's meat," the "field," the "harvest," 119.Samaria, the woman of, an example of a soul healed by Christ, 42; encouraged by Christ's appearanceto approach Him, 45; converted by prophecy, 68; her considerateness, 109; more reverent thanNicodemus, 110; more attentive to the Word than the Jews, ib.; her patience in listening, areproach to Christian congregations, ib.; bolder than Nicodemus, in bringing others to Christ,112; her candor in judgment, 112; her meekness in bearing reproof, 113; her desire to learn,117; her zeal for her countrymen, 118; her prudence, ib.; in faith superior to those Jews whowould have Manna from Christ, 161; doubted, but with humility, 198; a sinner, but receivedby Christ, 221.Samaritans, the, visited by Christ, but only in passing, 107; origin and history of, ib.; only receivedthe works of Moses, 108; hated by the Jews, ib.; their call not intended by Christ, but deserved781

NPNF (V1-14)<strong>St</strong>. Chrysos<strong>to</strong>mPride, ruined <strong>the</strong> Jews, 33; evils <strong>of</strong>, 34, 54; remedies <strong>of</strong>, 34; separates <strong>the</strong> brethren, 54; why moreinexcusable than o<strong>the</strong>r vices, 57; <strong>of</strong> Christian's shamed by Christ's washing <strong>the</strong> disciples' feet,260.Priesthood, its dignity <strong>and</strong> danger, 326; <strong>to</strong> be h<strong>on</strong>ored, because in Moses' seat, ib.; <strong>the</strong>ir unworthiness,hinders not <strong>the</strong> effect <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sacraments, ib.; God dispenses grace by <strong>the</strong>ir h<strong>and</strong>s, ib.Pris<strong>on</strong>s, <strong>the</strong> sobering effect <strong>of</strong> visiting, 220; c<strong>on</strong>trasted with <strong>the</strong>aters, ib.; <strong>the</strong> inmates <strong>of</strong>, sometimesbetter than o<strong>the</strong>rs, 221; all men were c<strong>on</strong>fined in, but delivered by Christ, ib.; <strong>St</strong>. Paul preachedin with effect, 222.Prophecies, sometimes made unc<strong>on</strong>sciously, 241.Prophecy, why more persuasive than miracles, 68; impossible <strong>to</strong> devils, ib.; addressed <strong>to</strong> particularpers<strong>on</strong>s by Christ, 113; <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> future c<strong>on</strong>firmed by <strong>the</strong> fulfillment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> past, 140; given by<strong>the</strong> mouths <strong>of</strong> evil men, 241; caused by, not <strong>the</strong> cause <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> event, 252, 301; fulfillment <strong>of</strong>,in <strong>the</strong> parting <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> garments, 317; in <strong>the</strong> piercing <strong>of</strong> The Side, 319.Prophets, <strong>the</strong>, quoted by <strong>the</strong> Evangelists, 44; speak <strong>of</strong> future events as past, 46; sowed for <strong>the</strong>Apostle's reaping, 120; Christ's agreement with, c<strong>on</strong>cerning <strong>the</strong> Judgment, 141; wr<strong>on</strong>glycompared with Christ, 198; in what sense "saw" God, 271.Providence, implied in Christ being <strong>the</strong> Life, 23; not perfectly developed before <strong>the</strong> Judgment, 162.Psalms, titles <strong>of</strong>, <strong>to</strong> teach attenti<strong>on</strong>, 51.Public amusements supersede religious duties, 210.Punishment, a pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> God's love, 35; <strong>of</strong> those who received not Christ, 36; <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> wicked for <strong>the</strong>sake <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> good, 37; everlasting, 43; <strong>to</strong> be avoided by holiness <strong>on</strong>ly, ib.; <strong>the</strong> fear <strong>of</strong>, <strong>the</strong> mostpowerful motive with most men, 106; endures l<strong>on</strong>ger than <strong>the</strong> sin, 131; redoubled after relapse,ib.; if not sent now, will be <strong>the</strong> more heavy hereafter, ib.; brings men <strong>to</strong> virtue, more thanreward, 137; delayed, but certain, 157-162; not inherited, 200; objecti<strong>on</strong> removed, 201.Pythagoras, his disciples' enquiries, 5; in Magna Græcia, 6; how c<strong>on</strong>versed with brutes, ib.; hisdoctrines unpr<strong>of</strong>itable, ib."Reaping," was kept for <strong>the</strong> Apostles', 120; easier than sowing, ib.Reas<strong>on</strong>, unassisted, cannot reach Divine truth, 5, 27, 87; failed <strong>to</strong> discover <strong>the</strong> nature <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> soul<strong>and</strong> heaven, 234.Reas<strong>on</strong>ing, human, inapplicable <strong>to</strong> God, 17; uncertain, ib.; in Divine mysteries dangerous, 86, 87;unable <strong>to</strong> penetrate things natural, 88.Regenerati<strong>on</strong> in Baptism, 37; a real s<strong>on</strong>ship, 48; superior <strong>to</strong> natural birth, 88; <strong>to</strong> be taken <strong>on</strong> trustas a mystery, not unders<strong>to</strong>od <strong>of</strong> angels, ib.; inferior <strong>to</strong> Christ's eternal birth, 91; types <strong>of</strong>, in<strong>the</strong> Old Testament, 92; doctrine <strong>of</strong>, received by faith, 93; <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Spirit, 126; shownin <strong>the</strong> Water from The Side, 319.Relati<strong>on</strong>ship, <strong>to</strong> Christ, did not pr<strong>of</strong>it His enemies, 75; <strong>to</strong> good men, no protecti<strong>on</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> wicked,ib.; earthly, useless without <strong>the</strong> spiritual, 89.Repentance, its efficacy <strong>to</strong> procure pard<strong>on</strong>, 50; <strong>to</strong> avert judgment, 121; is <strong>the</strong> not doing <strong>the</strong> sameagain, ib.; great difficulty <strong>of</strong>, 260; a source <strong>of</strong> hope, 295.Repetiti<strong>on</strong>s, vain, c<strong>on</strong>sist in praying for vain things, 157.Reproach, <strong>to</strong> be borne patiently, after <strong>the</strong> example <strong>of</strong> Christ, 312; injures <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>the</strong> author, ib.Reserve, in teaching doctrine, 13, 93; <strong>of</strong> <strong>John</strong> Baptist, 105; <strong>and</strong> Paul, ib.780

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