Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

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NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostom288; the guide to truth, ib.; could not come before the sacrifice of the Cross, ib.; His office inHoly Baptism, 289; His dignity in prophecy, not contrary to Christ's, ib.; awfulness of His giftin Ordination, 325.Honesty, 122.Honor to be sought of God, not men, 15; like wealth, most had when despised, ib.; of men, sharedwith harlots and dancers, 136; the greatest, gained by almsgiving, 143; not taken by Christ forHimself, 198.House-building extravagant, 203; moral deduced from, ib."How?" the question of the weak in faith, as Sarah, 85; the cause of unbelief, 166.Human nature suffered in Christ, not the Divine, 12; of Christ taught before the Godhead, 13; takeninto God, 38; the Tabernacle of David, 39; repaired by Christ, 41; requires the aid of society,67.Human way of speaking adopted by Christ, 218; why, ib.Humility, the gain of, 106; the cause of Christ's preference for John, 117; example of in Moses,ib.; the crown of good works, 118; the truest greatness, 261; taught by Christ's behavior beforePilate, 311."I am," force of the expression, 199.Idleness really condemned by Christ, 158; the meat which perisheth, ib.Ignorance, in St. John, a proof of inspiration, 4, & (note), 5; will be no excuse, 142; weakens thesoul, 279; of some things, desirable, 281.Impatience rebuked by the paralytic at Bethesda, 126.Impossibility, arising from the Essence of God, a proof of power, 135.Incarnation, a veil of the Godhead, 26, 40; believed by Patriarchs, 30; lateness of, no objection, ib.;a "coming" of Christ, 36; the cause of our Regeneration, 38; changed not the Son's Essence,39; a taking of the manhood into God, ib.; Christ's care to prove it, 107; because a chief pointin the work of Redemption, ib.; proved by Christ's weeping, 233; by the different accounts ofthe Passion, ib.Ingratitude of man towards Christ, self-condemned, 95.Injury, if unavenged, recoils on the doer, 261; forgiveness of, shown in the Old Testament, 262.Injustice conspicuous in small acts of parsimony, 221.Insults, how answered by Christ, 197, 198.Intention without acts may be sinful, 306.Isaac, miraculous birth of, was to prepare for Christ's, 92; type of Christ, 198; bearing the wood, atype of Christ on the Cross, 317.Isaiah's vision, a proof of the Trinity, 253.Jacob predicted a Messiah, 116.Jacob's ladder, a type of gradual advance to Heaven, 312.Jesus, how made both Lord and Christ, 12 [see Christ].Jews, the, blindness of, 32; cast off through pride, 33; their discontent unreasonable, ib.; abusedtheir privileges, 34; needed a man for a teacher, 45; nominally sons of God, really servants,48; were under Grace, but less than we, 49; their envy of the Baptist, 54; why preferred himto Christ, 55; why questioned Him, ib.; from their faith in John, ought to have believed in772

NPNF (V1-14)St. ChrysostomChrist, 56; in what sense knew not Christ, 57; why believed not after the descent of the Spiriton Jesus, 60; malice of, contrasted with the candor of Nathanael, 71; were not profited byrelationship to Christ, 75; provoked to hear of Christ's Equality with God, 81; their wickednessin requiring a sign in the temple, ib.; sinned by vainglory, 98; weaned from idolatry by gradualteaching, 106; had been rejected, long before Christ, 108; their inattention contrasted with thecare of the woman of Samaria, 110, 114; did not attend to the Word, and hindered others, 110;preferred to the Samaritans because purer in faith, 115; and their spiritual fathers, 116; butinferior to Christians, ib.; did not enquire to learn, but to mock, 117; their envy of the paralytic'scure, 130; their faith hindered by vainglory, 136, 148; really believed in John the Baptist, 144;but only for a season, 145; rejected God's witness to Christ, in rejecting that of the Scriptures,146; convicted of not loving God, 148; and of excessive pride, ib.; rejected Christ for Antichrist,ib.; how to be accused by Moses, 149; their gluttony made them affected by the miracle ofthe loaves, 153, 157, 159; their ingratitude and hypocrisy in mentioning the Manna, 160;incredulous because disappointed of their lust, 161; fled from Christ's spiritual doctrine, 164;led astray by unlawful curiosity, 166; their rage against Christ was from fear, 176; theirwickedness in wondering at, not obeying, His word, 177; subverted the Law by their conduct,178; confuted out of the Law itself, ib.; those who saw most of Christ's miracles hated Himmost, 180; their inconsistency, ib.; in what sense knew and knew not Christ, 180, 181; notreally ignorant, 71, 110, 181; how sought Christ "in a little while," 181; their contempt ofGentiles, 182; their malice in pretending ignorance, 185, 188; imperfect faith of some of them,192; carried texts of Scripture on their dress, 193; erred, because they had not the fear of God,ib.; their insensibility to the bondage of sin, ib.; were in bondage repeatedly, 194; differedfrom us, as servants from sons, ib.; hindered from believing, by reliance on their descent, 195;proved children of the devil, from envy and murder, ib.; contracted unlawful marriages, 196;alien from God and from Abraham, ib.; their blasphemy, that Christ had a devil, 197, 198;trust in Abraham only, 198; knew not the Father, ib.; malice of, towards the blind man atSiloam, 205, 207; labor to depreciate the miracle, ib.; subtlety and hypocrisy of their questions,208; neither Moses' nor Christ's disciples, 209; asked questions of Christ, not to learn, but tosilence Him, 222; their wickedness in rejecting the greater witness of His works, and demandingwords, 223; provoked by Christ's claiming coequality with God, 224; thought to save, butruined themselves, by slaying Christ, 239; did not escape the Romans, 241; deserted by theSpirit after the Crucifixion, ib.; their wickedness in plotting at a Passover, 242; ruined bycovetousness, 243; the people believed, the rulers rejected Christ, 244; design to kill Lazarus,245; really understood Christ's meaning, 251; but misconstrued it deliberately, ib.; still indarkness, ib.; their unbelief foretold, 252; opposed both God and Moses, in Christ, 283; theirunbelief, worldly pride, ib.; absurdity of their scruple to enter Pilate's palace, 310; in whatsense could not put any to death, ib.; their madness in preferring Barabbas, 313; made toconfess their own downfall, 315; why wished to slay Jesus by crucifying, ib.; spoiled by successfrom the beginning, 316; fulfilled the prophecy unconsciously, 317; madness of, proclaimedby the Title on the Cross, ib.; their obduracy to the last, 319.John Baptist, St., spoke as sent from God, 25; why sent to witness to Christ, 26; inferior to Christ,ib.; confessed his inferiority, 45; reverenced by the Jews, 44; praised by Josephus, ib.;, taughtfrom heaven, 45; prepared the Jews for Christ by degrees, ib.; how "after" Christ, ib.; inexternals superior to Christ, 55; preferred to Christ by the Jews, ib.; why questioned by the773

NPNF (V1-14)<strong>St</strong>. Chrysos<strong>to</strong>mChrist, 56; in what sense knew not Christ, 57; why believed not after <strong>the</strong> descent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Spirit<strong>on</strong> Jesus, 60; malice <strong>of</strong>, c<strong>on</strong>trasted with <strong>the</strong> c<strong>and</strong>or <strong>of</strong> Nathanael, 71; were not pr<strong>of</strong>ited byrelati<strong>on</strong>ship <strong>to</strong> Christ, 75; provoked <strong>to</strong> hear <strong>of</strong> Christ's Equality with God, 81; <strong>the</strong>ir wickednessin requiring a sign in <strong>the</strong> temple, ib.; sinned by vainglory, 98; weaned from idolatry by gradualteaching, 106; had been rejected, l<strong>on</strong>g before Christ, 108; <strong>the</strong>ir inattenti<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>trasted with <strong>the</strong>care <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> woman <strong>of</strong> Samaria, 110, 114; did not attend <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Word, <strong>and</strong> hindered o<strong>the</strong>rs, 110;preferred <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Samaritans because purer in faith, 115; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir spiritual fa<strong>the</strong>rs, 116; butinferior <strong>to</strong> Christians, ib.; did not enquire <strong>to</strong> learn, but <strong>to</strong> mock, 117; <strong>the</strong>ir envy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> paralytic'scure, 130; <strong>the</strong>ir faith hindered by vainglory, 136, 148; really believed in <strong>John</strong> <strong>the</strong> Baptist, 144;but <strong>on</strong>ly for a seas<strong>on</strong>, 145; rejected God's witness <strong>to</strong> Christ, in rejecting that <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Scriptures,146; c<strong>on</strong>victed <strong>of</strong> not loving God, 148; <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> excessive pride, ib.; rejected Christ for Antichrist,ib.; how <strong>to</strong> be accused by Moses, 149; <strong>the</strong>ir glutt<strong>on</strong>y made <strong>the</strong>m affected by <strong>the</strong> miracle <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> loaves, 153, 157, 159; <strong>the</strong>ir ingratitude <strong>and</strong> hypocrisy in menti<strong>on</strong>ing <strong>the</strong> Manna, 160;incredulous because disappointed <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir lust, 161; fled from Christ's spiritual doctrine, 164;led astray by unlawful curiosity, 166; <strong>the</strong>ir rage against Christ was from fear, 176; <strong>the</strong>irwickedness in w<strong>on</strong>dering at, not obeying, His word, 177; subverted <strong>the</strong> Law by <strong>the</strong>ir c<strong>on</strong>duct,178; c<strong>on</strong>futed out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Law itself, ib.; those who saw most <strong>of</strong> Christ's miracles hated Himmost, 180; <strong>the</strong>ir inc<strong>on</strong>sistency, ib.; in what sense knew <strong>and</strong> knew not Christ, 180, 181; notreally ignorant, 71, 110, 181; how sought Christ "in a little while," 181; <strong>the</strong>ir c<strong>on</strong>tempt <strong>of</strong>Gentiles, 182; <strong>the</strong>ir malice in pretending ignorance, 185, 188; imperfect faith <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m,192; carried texts <strong>of</strong> Scripture <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir dress, 193; erred, because <strong>the</strong>y had not <strong>the</strong> fear <strong>of</strong> God,ib.; <strong>the</strong>ir insensibility <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> b<strong>on</strong>dage <strong>of</strong> sin, ib.; were in b<strong>on</strong>dage repeatedly, 194; differedfrom us, as servants from s<strong>on</strong>s, ib.; hindered from believing, by reliance <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir descent, 195;proved children <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> devil, from envy <strong>and</strong> murder, ib.; c<strong>on</strong>tracted unlawful marriages, 196;alien from God <strong>and</strong> from Abraham, ib.; <strong>the</strong>ir blasphemy, that Christ had a devil, 197, 198;trust in Abraham <strong>on</strong>ly, 198; knew not <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r, ib.; malice <strong>of</strong>, <strong>to</strong>wards <strong>the</strong> blind man atSiloam, 205, 207; labor <strong>to</strong> depreciate <strong>the</strong> miracle, ib.; subtlety <strong>and</strong> hypocrisy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir questi<strong>on</strong>s,208; nei<strong>the</strong>r Moses' nor Christ's disciples, 209; asked questi<strong>on</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Christ, not <strong>to</strong> learn, but <strong>to</strong>silence Him, 222; <strong>the</strong>ir wickedness in rejecting <strong>the</strong> greater witness <strong>of</strong> His works, <strong>and</strong> dem<strong>and</strong>ingwords, 223; provoked by Christ's claiming coequality with God, 224; thought <strong>to</strong> save, butruined <strong>the</strong>mselves, by slaying Christ, 239; did not escape <strong>the</strong> Romans, 241; deserted by <strong>the</strong>Spirit after <strong>the</strong> Crucifixi<strong>on</strong>, ib.; <strong>the</strong>ir wickedness in plotting at a Passover, 242; ruined bycove<strong>to</strong>usness, 243; <strong>the</strong> people believed, <strong>the</strong> rulers rejected Christ, 244; design <strong>to</strong> kill Lazarus,245; really unders<strong>to</strong>od Christ's meaning, 251; but misc<strong>on</strong>strued it deliberately, ib.; still indarkness, ib.; <strong>the</strong>ir unbelief fore<strong>to</strong>ld, 252; opposed both God <strong>and</strong> Moses, in Christ, 283; <strong>the</strong>irunbelief, worldly pride, ib.; absurdity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir scruple <strong>to</strong> enter Pilate's palace, 310; in whatsense could not put any <strong>to</strong> death, ib.; <strong>the</strong>ir madness in preferring Barabbas, 313; made <strong>to</strong>c<strong>on</strong>fess <strong>the</strong>ir own downfall, 315; why wished <strong>to</strong> slay Jesus by crucifying, ib.; spoiled by successfrom <strong>the</strong> beginning, 316; fulfilled <strong>the</strong> prophecy unc<strong>on</strong>sciously, 317; madness <strong>of</strong>, proclaimedby <strong>the</strong> Title <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> Cross, ib.; <strong>the</strong>ir obduracy <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> last, 319.<strong>John</strong> Baptist, <strong>St</strong>., spoke as sent from God, 25; why sent <strong>to</strong> witness <strong>to</strong> Christ, 26; inferior <strong>to</strong> Christ,ib.; c<strong>on</strong>fessed his inferiority, 45; reverenced by <strong>the</strong> Jews, 44; praised by Josephus, ib.;, taughtfrom heaven, 45; prepared <strong>the</strong> Jews for Christ by degrees, ib.; how "after" Christ, ib.; inexternals superior <strong>to</strong> Christ, 55; preferred <strong>to</strong> Christ by <strong>the</strong> Jews, ib.; why questi<strong>on</strong>ed by <strong>the</strong>773

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