Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

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NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostom118; of this world, a slavery, 154; not mentioned in the Lord's Prayer, 157; to be won bysuffering, 298; folly of losing it, for vanities, ib.Glory of God, whether the object, or the consequence of the cure of the blind men, 201; either viewjustified, ib.Gluttony, power of, exemplified in those who would have made Christ a King, 153.Gnostics, opinions of, 30 (note).GOD, His nature admits not number, 7; nor time, 17; impossible to be described, 28; to be namedonly from His operations, 7; before all, 8; incapable of suffering, 12; infinite, 17; attributesof, ascribed to the Son, 18; indefectible, 23; omnipresent, 25; unsearchable, 27; not known toall, 30; to the Son only, 52; without wants, 35; unchangeable, 39; without equal, ib.; seen bythe Prophets only by His condescending to certain forms, 51; seen in His Essence only by theSon, 52; seen only in thought, ib.; makes things necessary easy, 87; the operations of, inregeneration to be taken on trust, 88; great strength of His love expressed in "So loved," 95;His mercy in appointing a day of trial, 96; to dispense with the law of the sabbath is for Himonly, 133; "works," by preserving all things, ib.; said to "send" the Son because the GreatCause, 135; Christ's doctrine of His Spiritual nature, 146; in what sense "seen" by Isaiah andothers, ib.; witnessed to Christ at Jordan, at the Transfiguration, in the Scriptures, 146; thefear of, the true wisdom, 150; in what sense said to "prove" men's faith, and to "search theheart," 152; allows the wicked only for a time, 157; His Providence not fully shown beforethe Judgment, 162; "draweth" by helping man's weakness, 164; is most glorified by our faith,208; spoke of Himself condescendingly in the Old Testament, 237; His "hearing" Christsignified identity of will, 239; glorified by the Cross of Christ, 249; by the judgment of Satan,250; in our obedience, ib.; known only through Christ, 271; in what sense "seen" by men, 272;His Essence invisible, ib.; receives less love and homage than some harlots, 295; glorified byman's service, and by Christ's Incarnation, 297; known only through the Son, 305; to be lovedby works, ib.Godhead of Christ, indirectly declared, 201.Golden, necklaces worn by servants, 95.Gold mines, 125, 143.Golgotha, said to be Adam's place of burial, 317.Gospel, its persuasiveness a proof of its truth, 5; wide spread of, 6; read on Lord's Day and sabbath,38; superior to the Law, 48; its offers universal, 24, 29, 36; rejected from the love of sin, 98;a charm against Satan, 114; why especially to be studied, 192.Grace, of Baptism, 36; must be guarded, ib.; fullness of, in Christ, 47; shown in the Creation, inthe natural law, 49; in the Law of Moses, ib.; "given," inferior to "coming," 50; of Godabounded beyond man's transgression, 90; not exhausted by use like the water of Bethesda,126; in Christ was without, in the Apostle with, measure, 153; prevents and co-operates withmen's will, 164.Greek Philosophers, mistakes of, concerning the soul and heaven, 234.Greeks, why at the Passover, 246; their devotion to their gods, and contempt of riches, a reproachto evil Christians, 316.Habit, power of, 25.Hand, the emblem of authority, 224.770

NPNF (V1-14)St. ChrysostomHardening of our hearts is of our own fault, 253.Harlots, their imperious treatment of their lovers, 294, 295; their rapacity in spoiling their lovers,330.Harvest of souls, 119; prepared by the Prophets, reaped by the Apostles, 120.Health, the daughter of Abstinence, 78.Hearers, what their disposition should be, 2, 8; why to be earnest, 2; why tranquil, 2; should preparethemselves, 3, 38; how they become confused, 8; the careless, condemned, ib.; worse thanbeasts, 9; should keep what they hear, 32; should not resent reproof, 40; state of, to beconsidered in teaching and reading Scripture, 105; should imitate the woman of Samaria, 110.Hearing and seeing, said of God, and Christ, imply their exact knowledge, 92, 103, 136, 141; theword, requires stillness, 168; a spiritual mind, 169; earnest zeal, 183; carefulness, 187; tendsto reverence, 192.Heathens, conversion of, hindered by our indifference, 61; zeal of, our reproach, 62; some rejectedChristianity from love of vice, 97; some virtuous but very rarely, 98; did not go to the lightwhen it came to them, ib.; none believed but those who before wished to live well, ib.; doctrinesof, weak and inconsistent, 247; conversion of, hindered by the coldness and sins of Christians,266.Heaven, the thoughts of, should set us above the world, 293; and little affronts, 294; our real home,293.Hell, fire of, prepared for the devil, 66; existence of, denied by some, 96; proved credible by 1 Cor.v., 131; threat of, proves human freedom, 134.Heralds of Christ's birth, 41.Heretics err, by not considering the objects of the speakers in Holy Scripture, 144; must be refutedfrom Holy Scripture, 149; an objection of, to Christ's answer to the Jews, 198; barred fromthe fold by Scripture, 213; their misinterpretation of the parable of the sheepfold, 214; deniedthe Resurrection on Heathen principles of the eternity of matter, 247; to be resisted byknowledge of the Scriptures, ib.Herod the Tetrarch, his troops destroyed by Aretas, 44 (note).High Priest, the, inspired for his office's sake, 241; chosen annually through corruption, ib.High Priesthood, the, trafficked and made annual under Christ, 241.Hireling, the, marks of, 215; signifies the Jewish teachers, 216.Holiness of Christians and Jews contrasted, 48; a relative term, 49; absolutely necessary to salvation,106.Holy Ghost, the, speaks through the Scriptures, 2, 16, 22; not meant by the words "in Him waslife," 21; uncreated, 22; given in Baptism, 36; His descent upon Christ was to declare Him,59; not given in John's Baptism, 60; office of, not to teach, but to recall Christ's teaching, 83;superior to soul, in giving life, 88; performs the work of God, 91; power of, shown by thecomparison of wind, ib.; His Infinity declared by John Baptist, 105; the names of "Fire," and"Water," used to express His operations, not His Essence, because possessing the qualities ofboth, 111; His grace may be increased, may be quenched by covetousness and cruelty, 183;largeness of, intended by the "Living Water," 184; spake by the Prophets, ib.; and triumphedin the Apostles, but not before the Crucifixion, ib.; deserted the Jews after the Passion, 241;His power in the Apostles, 277, 278; enables us to overcome the flesh, and makes men equalto Angels, 278; is "of Truth," because of the Father, 284; speaks only the words of Christ,771

NPNF (V1-14)<strong>St</strong>. Chrysos<strong>to</strong>mHardening <strong>of</strong> our hearts is <strong>of</strong> our own fault, 253.Harlots, <strong>the</strong>ir imperious treatment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir lovers, 294, 295; <strong>the</strong>ir rapacity in spoiling <strong>the</strong>ir lovers,330.Harvest <strong>of</strong> souls, 119; prepared by <strong>the</strong> Prophets, reaped by <strong>the</strong> Apostles, 120.Health, <strong>the</strong> daughter <strong>of</strong> Abstinence, 78.Hearers, what <strong>the</strong>ir dispositi<strong>on</strong> should be, 2, 8; why <strong>to</strong> be earnest, 2; why tranquil, 2; should prepare<strong>the</strong>mselves, 3, 38; how <strong>the</strong>y become c<strong>on</strong>fused, 8; <strong>the</strong> careless, c<strong>on</strong>demned, ib.; worse thanbeasts, 9; should keep what <strong>the</strong>y hear, 32; should not resent repro<strong>of</strong>, 40; state <strong>of</strong>, <strong>to</strong> bec<strong>on</strong>sidered in teaching <strong>and</strong> reading Scripture, 105; should imitate <strong>the</strong> woman <strong>of</strong> Samaria, 110.Hearing <strong>and</strong> seeing, said <strong>of</strong> God, <strong>and</strong> Christ, imply <strong>the</strong>ir exact knowledge, 92, 103, 136, 141; <strong>the</strong>word, requires stillness, 168; a spiritual mind, 169; earnest zeal, 183; carefulness, 187; tends<strong>to</strong> reverence, 192.Hea<strong>the</strong>ns, c<strong>on</strong>versi<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong>, hindered by our indifference, 61; zeal <strong>of</strong>, our reproach, 62; some rejectedChristianity from love <strong>of</strong> vice, 97; some virtuous but very rarely, 98; did not go <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> lightwhen it came <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>m, ib.; n<strong>on</strong>e believed but those who before wished <strong>to</strong> live well, ib.; doctrines<strong>of</strong>, weak <strong>and</strong> inc<strong>on</strong>sistent, 247; c<strong>on</strong>versi<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong>, hindered by <strong>the</strong> coldness <strong>and</strong> sins <strong>of</strong> Christians,266.Heaven, <strong>the</strong> thoughts <strong>of</strong>, should set us above <strong>the</strong> world, 293; <strong>and</strong> little affr<strong>on</strong>ts, 294; our real home,293.Hell, fire <strong>of</strong>, prepared for <strong>the</strong> devil, 66; existence <strong>of</strong>, denied by some, 96; proved credible by 1 Cor.v., 131; threat <strong>of</strong>, proves human freedom, 134.Heralds <strong>of</strong> Christ's birth, 41.Heretics err, by not c<strong>on</strong>sidering <strong>the</strong> objects <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> speakers in Holy Scripture, 144; must be refutedfrom Holy Scripture, 149; an objecti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong>, <strong>to</strong> Christ's answer <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jews, 198; barred from<strong>the</strong> fold by Scripture, 213; <strong>the</strong>ir misinterpretati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> parable <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sheepfold, 214; denied<strong>the</strong> Resurrecti<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> Hea<strong>the</strong>n principles <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eternity <strong>of</strong> matter, 247; <strong>to</strong> be resisted byknowledge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Scriptures, ib.Herod <strong>the</strong> Tetrarch, his troops destroyed by Aretas, 44 (note).High Priest, <strong>the</strong>, inspired for his <strong>of</strong>fice's sake, 241; chosen annually through corrupti<strong>on</strong>, ib.High Priesthood, <strong>the</strong>, trafficked <strong>and</strong> made annual under Christ, 241.Hireling, <strong>the</strong>, marks <strong>of</strong>, 215; signifies <strong>the</strong> Jewish teachers, 216.Holiness <strong>of</strong> Christians <strong>and</strong> Jews c<strong>on</strong>trasted, 48; a relative term, 49; absolutely necessary <strong>to</strong> salvati<strong>on</strong>,106.Holy Ghost, <strong>the</strong>, speaks through <strong>the</strong> Scriptures, 2, 16, 22; not meant by <strong>the</strong> words "in Him waslife," 21; uncreated, 22; given in Baptism, 36; His descent up<strong>on</strong> Christ was <strong>to</strong> declare Him,59; not given in <strong>John</strong>'s Baptism, 60; <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong>, not <strong>to</strong> teach, but <strong>to</strong> recall Christ's teaching, 83;superior <strong>to</strong> soul, in giving life, 88; performs <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong> God, 91; power <strong>of</strong>, shown by <strong>the</strong>comparis<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> wind, ib.; His Infinity declared by <strong>John</strong> Baptist, 105; <strong>the</strong> names <strong>of</strong> "Fire," <strong>and</strong>"Water," used <strong>to</strong> express His operati<strong>on</strong>s, not His Essence, because possessing <strong>the</strong> qualities <strong>of</strong>both, 111; His grace may be increased, may be quenched by cove<strong>to</strong>usness <strong>and</strong> cruelty, 183;largeness <strong>of</strong>, intended by <strong>the</strong> "Living Water," 184; spake by <strong>the</strong> Prophets, ib.; <strong>and</strong> triumphedin <strong>the</strong> Apostles, but not before <strong>the</strong> Crucifixi<strong>on</strong>, ib.; deserted <strong>the</strong> Jews after <strong>the</strong> Passi<strong>on</strong>, 241;His power in <strong>the</strong> Apostles, 277, 278; enables us <strong>to</strong> overcome <strong>the</strong> flesh, <strong>and</strong> makes men equal<strong>to</strong> Angels, 278; is "<strong>of</strong> Truth," because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r, 284; speaks <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>the</strong> words <strong>of</strong> Christ,771

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