Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

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NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostombelievers there, ib.; first object of His miracles to save souls, 124; why attended the feasts,125; rewarded perseverance in the paralytic at Bethesda, 126; did not require faith before sightfrom strangers, 129; His reasons for concealing Himself, 130; used different modes of defense,ib.; why dwelt on the sins of some whom He cured, not of others, 132; claimed not the meritof His own cure, 132; showed His Omniscience in His words to the paralytic, ib.; defends Hishealing on the Sabbath by revealing His Equality with the Father, 133; appealed at need nowto His Humanity, now to His Deity, ib.; did really make Himself equal to the Father, 134, 152;had shown it by breaking the sabbath, 133, 145; has power to act, but not apart from the Father,134; used lower expressions of His Deity to persuade the indisposed, 135; but joined withthem such as imply His Godhead, 136; differs from the Father only in His Sonship, 137; HisEquality with God proved by His being Judge, ib.; used lower expressions of Himself toconciliate the Jews, ib.; but the higher to guard us from heresy, 138; His honor connected withHis Father's essentially, ib.; why spoke of being "sent," 139; His condescension led men toreceive the higher doctrines, ib.; appeal to his raising the dead, ib.; why spoke much of theJudgment, ib.; to be Judge, because Son of God, 140; His care in propounding the Judgmentand the Resurrection, 140, 141; confirms His future predictions by His past, 140; shows Hisagreement with the Jewish Prophets, 141; His unanimity and identity with the Father, ib.; HisWill and the Father's one, ib.; addressed His words to men's suspicions, ib.; proves His justice,speaking humanly, from His self-denial, ib.; did not remind of sin, but blotted it out, 142; Hiswitness of Himself, in what senses, true and not true, 143; replies to the secret objections ofthe Jews, 144; His threefold witness, ib.; refutes the Jews by their own faith in John, ib.; yetinconstancy to him, 145; the witness of His works, ib.; His doctrine of the Deity, 146; appealsto the witness of Scripture, ib.; His commands, and mammon's, 147; His motive for reasoningwith the Jews was to save them, 148; rejected for Antichrist, ib.; why spoke not clearly ofAntichrist, 149; appealed to God's witness in that of Moses, ib.; why told not in what placeMoses prophesied of Him, ib.; avoided contention, 150; teaches us to retire from the bustleof life, 151; showed His freedom from the Law, by absenting Himself from a Passover, ib.;His diligence in instructing the disciples, ib.; His preparation for His miracles, ib.; why Heemployed things created in His miracles, 152, 153; gave thanks for our example, and to showHis submission to God, 153; why performed His greater miracles without, His lesser with,prayer, ib.; by fleeing from the multitude, teacheth contempt of the world, 154; why left thedisciples alone, 155; showed His Power on the sea, but only for a moment, ib.; why repeatedHis miracles, ib.; several reasons for what He did on the sea, 156; His passage of the seasuperior to that of Moses, 156; His timely severity, 157; really requires good works, 158;rebuked inattention in Martha, ib.; "sealed," that is, certified by the Father, 159; referredunbelievers to the Father, 160; in what sense the Bread of Life, 161; His Will one with theFather's, 162; declared not His Birth to unbelievers, 164, 165; His "Drawing" implies man'scoming, 164; spoke mysteriously of His Flesh to rouse attention, 165; taught in synagogues,to show His agreement with Jehovah, 169; eating His Flesh, how a hard saying, ib.; howdetained the Twelve, 170; His wisdom in reproving Judas secretly, 171; would not flatter theTwelve, ib.; proved His Godhead and Manhood now in seeking, now in avoiding, the Jews,173; unbelief and envy of His brethren, ib.; why He went up to Jerusalem secretly, 174, 176;His foreknowledge of His time, 175; acted as a man, to prove His Incarnatian, and to trainothers, 176; the power of His teaching, 177; His doctrine, His and not His, because one with762

NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostomthe Father's, 177; used lowly expressions of Himself, not to offend the Jews, 178; declaredHis Equality to show His agreement with the Father, ib.; His prudence and humility in reasoningwith the Jews from the Law, 179; rebukes the Jews, both by their ignorance and by theirknowledge, 181, 188; foreshoweth His death, 182; His foreknowledge of the Jews' vainrepentance, ib.; referred to the Scriptures, 183; answered not the careless, 185; how the Lightof the World, 187; judgeth not yet, 188; began to speak boldly, ib.; of the same substance with,and equal to, the Father, 189; His hour, that is, His Crucifixion, was of His own appointing,190; manifested to the Jews after His Passion, 191; why He forbore judging the Pharisees, ib.;makes Himself known in punishment, ib.; condescended, that men might believe, 192; benefitof meditating on His humble birth and education, ib.; sought not to triumph in argument, butto save, 194; relaxes the Law, ib.; signified His Power by "His Father's House," ib.; showedmost boldness after miracles, 195; one with the Father in Power, Substance, and Truth, 194,195; love of, the proof of our knowing God, 196; His care to show His own power in healingthe blind man, 204; why always retired after miracles, 204; defended by the blind man, 210;His meekness in praying for His murderers, 219; His mercy in receiving sinners, an exampleto us, 221; delivered men from prison, ib.; His washing men's feet was to set an example ofmercy, ib.; why abode in Judea towards His Passion, 222; His meekness in replying to maliciousquestions, 223; His works His chief and sufficient witness, ib.; His Hand and His Flock, onewith the Father's, ib.; His coequality in Power, 224; delayed doing, to show the truth of, Hismiracle, 227; His care to clear it from suspicion, 228; His condescension, to raise men's faith,229; His love of Lazarus, 231; why would not raise Lazarus from a distance, 223; spoke formen's salvation, not His own honor, 236; condescended in preaching, not to give offense, ib.;declared His Generation from, and Equality with, the Father, 237; His humiliation was worthyof His Divine Love, ib.; so prayed at the grave of Lazarus as to show He needed not prayer,238; why prayed at raising Lazarus, ib.; showed His power in deeds, humility in words, ib.;identity of His Will with the Father's, ib.; His moderation in not claiming honor, 239; gave noreal offense to the power of the Romans, ib.; wept for the Jews' hardness, 240; retires fromJewry, 241; His care to save Judas, 243; His royal riding into the City, 245; waited for theJews, before He would call the Gentiles, 246; how prepared the disciples for His death andtheirs, 248; His shrinking from death proved His Humanity, and fits Him to be our pattern,249; His Victory, 250; like the Sun, will reappear shortly, 251; withdrew often, to avoidoffense, and returned to declare His Power, 252; One with the Father, because seen by Isaiah,ib.; His condescension in speaking of His knowledge, 255; His care always to show HimselfInseparable from God, ib.; our pattern of suffering in the flesh, 256; His forbearance withJudas, 257; His unceasing love for "His own," ib.; taught humble-mindedness by the washing,ib.; by doing all Himself, 258; signified cleansing of the conscience by washing, 259; adoptsthe disciples' confession of Him, 260; shames our pride, by washing the feet of Judas, ib.;taught patience with servants, by His own with Judas, 261; His full knowledge of His comingPassion, ib.; strove for Judas to the end, 262; comforts the disciples, 263; was "troubled" onaccount of Judas, ib.; did not expose him openly, 265; His care for the poor, and His ownpoverty, ib.; His Glory at, and after, the Crucifixion, ib.; why He discoursed after the Supper,266; comforted the disciples with the New Commandment, 266, 272; by promises of Heaven,268; by reading their hearts, ib.; how the Way, the Truth, and the Life, 269; His independentauthority to be followed by self-mortification, 273; left us free to practice or not virginity, but763

NPNF (V1-14)<strong>St</strong>. Chrysos<strong>to</strong>m<strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r's, 177; used lowly expressi<strong>on</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Himself, not <strong>to</strong> <strong>of</strong>fend <strong>the</strong> Jews, 178; declaredHis Equality <strong>to</strong> show His agreement with <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r, ib.; His prudence <strong>and</strong> humility in reas<strong>on</strong>ingwith <strong>the</strong> Jews from <strong>the</strong> Law, 179; rebukes <strong>the</strong> Jews, both by <strong>the</strong>ir ignorance <strong>and</strong> by <strong>the</strong>irknowledge, 181, 188; foreshoweth His death, 182; His foreknowledge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jews' vainrepentance, ib.; referred <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Scriptures, 183; answered not <strong>the</strong> careless, 185; how <strong>the</strong> Light<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> World, 187; judgeth not yet, 188; began <strong>to</strong> speak boldly, ib.; <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> same substance with,<strong>and</strong> equal <strong>to</strong>, <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r, 189; His hour, that is, His Crucifixi<strong>on</strong>, was <strong>of</strong> His own appointing,190; manifested <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jews after His Passi<strong>on</strong>, 191; why He forbore judging <strong>the</strong> Pharisees, ib.;makes Himself known in punishment, ib.; c<strong>on</strong>descended, that men might believe, 192; benefit<strong>of</strong> meditating <strong>on</strong> His humble birth <strong>and</strong> educati<strong>on</strong>, ib.; sought not <strong>to</strong> triumph in argument, but<strong>to</strong> save, 194; relaxes <strong>the</strong> Law, ib.; signified His Power by "His Fa<strong>the</strong>r's House," ib.; showedmost boldness after miracles, 195; <strong>on</strong>e with <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r in Power, Substance, <strong>and</strong> Truth, 194,195; love <strong>of</strong>, <strong>the</strong> pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> our knowing God, 196; His care <strong>to</strong> show His own power in healing<strong>the</strong> blind man, 204; why always retired after miracles, 204; defended by <strong>the</strong> blind man, 210;His meekness in praying for His murderers, 219; His mercy in receiving sinners, an example<strong>to</strong> us, 221; delivered men from pris<strong>on</strong>, ib.; His washing men's feet was <strong>to</strong> set an example <strong>of</strong>mercy, ib.; why abode in Judea <strong>to</strong>wards His Passi<strong>on</strong>, 222; His meekness in replying <strong>to</strong> maliciousquesti<strong>on</strong>s, 223; His works His chief <strong>and</strong> sufficient witness, ib.; His H<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> His Flock, <strong>on</strong>ewith <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r's, ib.; His coequality in Power, 224; delayed doing, <strong>to</strong> show <strong>the</strong> truth <strong>of</strong>, Hismiracle, 227; His care <strong>to</strong> clear it from suspici<strong>on</strong>, 228; His c<strong>on</strong>descensi<strong>on</strong>, <strong>to</strong> raise men's faith,229; His love <strong>of</strong> Lazarus, 231; why would not raise Lazarus from a distance, 223; spoke formen's salvati<strong>on</strong>, not His own h<strong>on</strong>or, 236; c<strong>on</strong>descended in preaching, not <strong>to</strong> give <strong>of</strong>fense, ib.;declared His Generati<strong>on</strong> from, <strong>and</strong> Equality with, <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r, 237; His humiliati<strong>on</strong> was worthy<strong>of</strong> His Divine Love, ib.; so prayed at <strong>the</strong> grave <strong>of</strong> Lazarus as <strong>to</strong> show He needed not prayer,238; why prayed at raising Lazarus, ib.; showed His power in deeds, humility in words, ib.;identity <strong>of</strong> His Will with <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r's, ib.; His moderati<strong>on</strong> in not claiming h<strong>on</strong>or, 239; gave noreal <strong>of</strong>fense <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> power <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Romans, ib.; wept for <strong>the</strong> Jews' hardness, 240; retires fromJewry, 241; His care <strong>to</strong> save Judas, 243; His royal riding in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> City, 245; waited for <strong>the</strong>Jews, before He would call <strong>the</strong> Gentiles, 246; how prepared <strong>the</strong> disciples for His death <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong>irs, 248; His shrinking from death proved His Humanity, <strong>and</strong> fits Him <strong>to</strong> be our pattern,249; His Vic<strong>to</strong>ry, 250; like <strong>the</strong> Sun, will reappear shortly, 251; withdrew <strong>of</strong>ten, <strong>to</strong> avoid<strong>of</strong>fense, <strong>and</strong> returned <strong>to</strong> declare His Power, 252; One with <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r, because seen by Isaiah,ib.; His c<strong>on</strong>descensi<strong>on</strong> in speaking <strong>of</strong> His knowledge, 255; His care always <strong>to</strong> show HimselfInseparable from God, ib.; our pattern <strong>of</strong> suffering in <strong>the</strong> flesh, 256; His forbearance withJudas, 257; His unceasing love for "His own," ib.; taught humble-mindedness by <strong>the</strong> washing,ib.; by doing all Himself, 258; signified cleansing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> c<strong>on</strong>science by washing, 259; adopts<strong>the</strong> disciples' c<strong>on</strong>fessi<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> Him, 260; shames our pride, by washing <strong>the</strong> feet <strong>of</strong> Judas, ib.;taught patience with servants, by His own with Judas, 261; His full knowledge <strong>of</strong> His comingPassi<strong>on</strong>, ib.; strove for Judas <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> end, 262; comforts <strong>the</strong> disciples, 263; was "troubled" <strong>on</strong>account <strong>of</strong> Judas, ib.; did not expose him openly, 265; His care for <strong>the</strong> poor, <strong>and</strong> His ownpoverty, ib.; His Glory at, <strong>and</strong> after, <strong>the</strong> Crucifixi<strong>on</strong>, ib.; why He discoursed after <strong>the</strong> Supper,266; comforted <strong>the</strong> disciples with <strong>the</strong> New Comm<strong>and</strong>ment, 266, 272; by promises <strong>of</strong> Heaven,268; by reading <strong>the</strong>ir hearts, ib.; how <strong>the</strong> Way, <strong>the</strong> Truth, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Life, 269; His independentauthority <strong>to</strong> be followed by self-mortificati<strong>on</strong>, 273; left us free <strong>to</strong> practice or not virginity, but763

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