Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

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NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostom315at sovereign power, he pronounced the sentence through fear alone. Yet that this might not befallhim, Christ said beforehand, “My kingdom is not of this world”; but he having given himselfwholly up to present things, would practice no great amount of wisdom. And yet his wife’s dreamshould have been sufficient to terrify him; but by none of these things was he made better, nor didhe look to heaven, but delivered Him up. And now they laid the cross upon Him as a malefactor.For even the wood they abominated, and endured not even to touch it. This was also the case inthe type; for Isaac bare the wood. But then the matter stopped at the will of his father, 2474 for it wasthe type; while here it proceeded to action, for it was the reality.“And He came to the place of a skull.” Some say that Adam died there, and there lieth; and thatJesus in this place where death had reigned, there also set up the trophy. For He went forth bearingthe Cross as a trophy over the tyranny of death: and as conquerors do, so He bare upon His shouldersthe symbol of victory. What matter if the Jews did 2475 these things with a different intent. Theycrucified Him too with thieves, in this also unintentionally fulfilling prophecy; for what they didfor insult contributed to the truth, that thou mayest learn how great is its power, since the Prophethad foretold of old, that “He was numbered with the transgressors.” ( Isa. liii. 12 .) The deviltherefore wished to cast a veil over what was done, but was unable; for the three were crucified,but Jesus alone was glorious, that thou mayest learn, that His power effected all. Yet the miraclestook place when the three had been nailed to the cross; but no one attributed anything of what wasdone to either of those others, but to Jesus only; so entirely was the plot of the devil rendered vain,2476and all returned upon his own head. For even of these two, one was saved. He therefore did notinsult the glory of the Cross, 2477 but contributed to it not a little. For it was not a less matter thanshaking the rocks, to change a thief upon the cross, and to bring him unto Paradise.Ver. 19 . “And Pilate wrote a title.” 2478At the same time requiting the Jews, and making a defense for Christ. For since they had givenHim up as worthless, and attempted to confirm this sentence by making Him share the punishmentof the robbers, in order that for the future it might be in no man’s power to prefer evil chargesagainst him, or to accuse him as a worthless and wicked person, to close moreover their mouthsand the mouths of all who might desire to accuse Him, and to show that they had risen up againsttheir own King, Pilate thus placed, as on a trophy, those letters, which utter a clear voice, and showforth His Victory, and proclaim His Kingdom, though not in its completeness. And this he mademanifest not in a single tongue, but in three languages; for since it was likely that there would bea mixed multitude among the Jews on account of the Feast, in order that none might be ignorantof the defense, he publicly recorded 2479 the madness of the Jews, in all the languages. For they bore2474i.e. only showed Abraham’s willingness.2475al. “ ordered. ”2476ἕ ωλος , lit. “ stale. ”2477al. “ the Crucified. ”2478Ver. 19, 20 . “ And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the Cross, and the writing was, Jesus of Nazareth the King of theJews. This title then read many of the Jews, for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city, and it was written inHebrew, and Greek, and Latin. ”2479lit. “ inscribed on a pillar. ”474

NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostom316malice against Him even when crucified. 2480 “Yet what did this harm you? 2481 Nothing. For if Hewas a mortal and weak, and was about to become extinct, why did ye fear the letters asserting thatHe is the King of the Jews?” And what do they ask? “Say that ‘he said.’ For now it is an assertion,and a general sentence, but if ‘he said’ be added, the charge is shown to be one arising from hisown rashness and arrogance.” Still Pilate was not turned aside, but stood to his first decision. Andit is no little thing that is dispensed even from this circumstance, but the whole matter. For sincethe wood of the cross was buried, because no one was careful to take it up, inasmuch as fear waspressing, and the believers were hurrying to other urgent matters; and since it was in after times tobe sought for, and it was likely that the three crosses would lie together, in order that the Lord’smight not be unknown, it was made manifest to all, first by its lying in the middle, and then by thetitle. For those of the thieves had no titles.[2.] The soldiers parted the garments, but not the coat. 2482 See the prophecies in every instancefulfilled by their wickednesses; for this also had been predicted of old; yet there were three crucified,but the matters of the prophecies 2483 were fulfilled in Him. For why did they not this in the case ofthe others, but in His case only? Consider too, I pray you, the exactness of the prophecy. For theProphet saith not only, that they “parted,” but that they “did not part.” The rest therefore theydivided, the coat they divided not, but committed the matter to a decision by lot. And the, “Wovenfrom the top” ( ver. 23 ) is not put without a purpose; but some say that a figurative assertion isdeclared by it, that the Crucified was not simply man, but had also the Divinity from above. 2484Others say that the Evangelist describes the very form of the coat. 2485 For since in Palestine theyput together two strips of cloth and so weave their garments, John, to show that the coat was of thiskind, saith, “Woven from the top”; and to me he seems to say this, alluding to the poorness of thegarments, and that as in all other things, so in dress also, He followed a simple 2486 fashion.Ver. 24 . “These things the soldiers did.” But He on the Cross, committeth His mother to thedisciple, 2487 teaching us even to our last breath to show every care for our parents. When indeedshe unseasonably troubled Him, He said, “Woman, what have I to do with thee?” ( c. ii. 4 .) And,“Who is My mother?” ( Matt. xii. 48 .) But here He showeth much loving affection, and committethher to the disciple whom He loved. Again John conceals himself, in modesty; for had he desiredto boast, he would have also put in the cause for which he was loved, since probably it was somegreat and wonderful one. But wherefore doth He converse on nothing else with John, nor comfort2480Ver. 21, 22 . “ Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews, but that he said, I amKing of the Jews. Pilate answered, What I have written, I have written. ” N.T.2481to the Jews.2482Ver. 23, 24 . “ Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took His garments, and made four parts, to everysoldier a part; and also His coat; now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout. They said therefore amongthemselves, Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be, that the Scripture might be fulfilled which saith, Theyparted My raiment among them, and for My vesture they did cast lots. ” N.T.2483al. “ of the prophetical. ”2484or, “ from the first, ” ἄ νωθεν2485lit. “ little coat. ”2486λιτόν2487Ver. 25–27 . “ Now there stood by the Cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas,and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple standing by whom He loved, He saith unto Hismother, Woman, behold thy son. Then saith He to the disciple, Behold thy mother. And from that hour that disciple took herto his own home. ”475

NPNF (V1-14)<strong>St</strong>. Chrysos<strong>to</strong>m316malice against Him even when crucified. 2480 “Yet what did this harm you? 2481 Nothing. For if Hewas a mortal <strong>and</strong> weak, <strong>and</strong> was about <strong>to</strong> become extinct, why did ye fear <strong>the</strong> letters asserting thatHe is <strong>the</strong> King <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jews?” And what do <strong>the</strong>y ask? “Say that ‘he said.’ For now it is an asserti<strong>on</strong>,<strong>and</strong> a general sentence, but if ‘he said’ be added, <strong>the</strong> charge is shown <strong>to</strong> be <strong>on</strong>e arising from hisown rashness <strong>and</strong> arrogance.” <strong>St</strong>ill Pilate was not turned aside, but s<strong>to</strong>od <strong>to</strong> his first decisi<strong>on</strong>. Andit is no little thing that is dispensed even from this circumstance, but <strong>the</strong> whole matter. For since<strong>the</strong> wood <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> cross was buried, because no <strong>on</strong>e was careful <strong>to</strong> take it up, inasmuch as fear waspressing, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> believers were hurrying <strong>to</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r urgent matters; <strong>and</strong> since it was in after times <strong>to</strong>be sought for, <strong>and</strong> it was likely that <strong>the</strong> three crosses would lie <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r, in order that <strong>the</strong> Lord’smight not be unknown, it was made manifest <strong>to</strong> all, first by its lying in <strong>the</strong> middle, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n by <strong>the</strong>title. For those <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> thieves had no titles.[2.] The soldiers parted <strong>the</strong> garments, but not <strong>the</strong> coat. 2482 See <strong>the</strong> prophecies in every instancefulfilled by <strong>the</strong>ir wickednesses; for this also had been predicted <strong>of</strong> old; yet <strong>the</strong>re were three crucified,but <strong>the</strong> matters <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> prophecies 2483 were fulfilled in Him. For why did <strong>the</strong>y not this in <strong>the</strong> case <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs, but in His case <strong>on</strong>ly? C<strong>on</strong>sider <strong>to</strong>o, I pray you, <strong>the</strong> exactness <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> prophecy. For <strong>the</strong>Prophet saith not <strong>on</strong>ly, that <strong>the</strong>y “parted,” but that <strong>the</strong>y “did not part.” The rest <strong>the</strong>refore <strong>the</strong>ydivided, <strong>the</strong> coat <strong>the</strong>y divided not, but committed <strong>the</strong> matter <strong>to</strong> a decisi<strong>on</strong> by lot. And <strong>the</strong>, “Wovenfrom <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>p” ( ver. 23 ) is not put without a purpose; but some say that a figurative asserti<strong>on</strong> isdeclared by it, that <strong>the</strong> Crucified was not simply man, but had also <strong>the</strong> Divinity from above. 2484O<strong>the</strong>rs say that <strong>the</strong> Evangelist describes <strong>the</strong> very form <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> coat. 2485 For since in Palestine <strong>the</strong>yput <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r two strips <strong>of</strong> cloth <strong>and</strong> so weave <strong>the</strong>ir garments, <strong>John</strong>, <strong>to</strong> show that <strong>the</strong> coat was <strong>of</strong> thiskind, saith, “Woven from <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>p”; <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> me he seems <strong>to</strong> say this, alluding <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> poorness <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>garments, <strong>and</strong> that as in all o<strong>the</strong>r things, so in dress also, He followed a simple 2486 fashi<strong>on</strong>.Ver. 24 . “These things <strong>the</strong> soldiers did.” But He <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> Cross, committeth His mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>disciple, 2487 teaching us even <strong>to</strong> our last breath <strong>to</strong> show every care for our parents. When indeedshe unseas<strong>on</strong>ably troubled Him, He said, “Woman, what have I <strong>to</strong> do with <strong>the</strong>e?” ( c. ii. 4 .) And,“Who is My mo<strong>the</strong>r?” ( Matt. xii. 48 .) But here He showeth much loving affecti<strong>on</strong>, <strong>and</strong> committethher <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> disciple whom He loved. Again <strong>John</strong> c<strong>on</strong>ceals himself, in modesty; for had he desired<strong>to</strong> boast, he would have also put in <strong>the</strong> cause for which he was loved, since probably it was somegreat <strong>and</strong> w<strong>on</strong>derful <strong>on</strong>e. But wherefore doth He c<strong>on</strong>verse <strong>on</strong> nothing else with <strong>John</strong>, nor comfort2480Ver. 21, 22 . “ Then said <strong>the</strong> chief priests <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jews <strong>to</strong> Pilate, Write not, The King <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jews, but that he said, I amKing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jews. Pilate answered, What I have written, I have written. ” N.T.2481<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jews.2482Ver. 23, 24 . “ Then <strong>the</strong> soldiers, when <strong>the</strong>y had crucified Jesus, <strong>to</strong>ok His garments, <strong>and</strong> made four parts, <strong>to</strong> everysoldier a part; <strong>and</strong> also His coat; now <strong>the</strong> coat was without seam, woven from <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>p throughout. They said <strong>the</strong>refore am<strong>on</strong>g<strong>the</strong>mselves, Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be, that <strong>the</strong> Scripture might be fulfilled which saith, Theyparted My raiment am<strong>on</strong>g <strong>the</strong>m, <strong>and</strong> for My vesture <strong>the</strong>y did cast lots. ” N.T.2483al. “ <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> prophetical. ”2484or, “ from <strong>the</strong> first, ” ἄ νωθεν2485lit. “ little coat. ”2486λιτόν2487Ver. 25–27 . “ Now <strong>the</strong>re s<strong>to</strong>od by <strong>the</strong> Cross <strong>of</strong> Jesus His mo<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>and</strong> His mo<strong>the</strong>r’s sister, Mary <strong>the</strong> wife <strong>of</strong> Cleophas,<strong>and</strong> Mary Magdalene. When Jesus <strong>the</strong>refore saw His mo<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> disciple st<strong>and</strong>ing by whom He loved, He saith un<strong>to</strong> Hismo<strong>the</strong>r, Woman, behold thy s<strong>on</strong>. Then saith He <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> disciple, Behold thy mo<strong>the</strong>r. And from that hour that disciple <strong>to</strong>ok her<strong>to</strong> his own home. ”475

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