Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

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NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostom214“Blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are the pure in heart, blessed are the merciful.” ( Matt. v.3, 8, 7 .) If thus we do, we shall remain beneath the Shepherd, and the wolf will not be able tocome in; or if he come against us, he will do so to his own hurt. For we have a Shepherd who soloveth us, that He gave even His life for us. When therefore He is both powerful and loveth us,what is there to hinder us from being saved? Nothing, unless we ourselves revolt from Him. Andhow can we revolt? Hear Him saying, “Ye cannot serve two masters, God and mammon.” ( Matt.vi. 24 .) If then we serve God, we shall not submit to the tyranny of mammon. And truly a bittererthing than any tyranny is the desire of riches; for it brings no pleasure, but cares, and envyings, andplottings, and hatred, and false accusations, and ten thousand impediments to virtue, indolence,wantonness, greediness, drunkenness, which make even freemen slaves, nay, worse than slavesbought with money, slaves not to men, but even to the most grievous of the passions, and maladiesof the soul. Such a one dares many things displeasing to God and men, dreading lest any shouldremove from him this dominion. O bitter slavery, and devlish tyranny! For this is the most grievousthing of all, that when entangled in such evils we are pleased and hug our chain, and dwelling in aprison house full of darkness, refuse to come forth to the light, but rivet evil upon ourselves, andrejoice in our malady. So that we cannot be freed, but are in a worse state than those that work themines, enduring labors and affliction, but not enjoying the fruit. And what is in truth worse thanall, if any one desire to free us from this bitter captivity, we do not suffer it, but are even vexed anddispleased, being in this respect in no better case than madmen, or rather in a much more miserablestate than any such, inasmuch as we are not even willing to be delivered from our madness. What?was it for this, O man, that thou wast brought into the world? Was it for this that thou wast madea man, that thou mightest work in these mines, and gather gold? Not for this did God create theein His Image, but that thou mightest please Him, that thou mightest obtain the things to come, thatthou mightest join the choir of Angels. Why now dost thou banish thyself from such a relationship,and thrust thyself into the extreme of dishonor and meanness? 1604 He who came by the same birthpangs with thee, (the spiritual birth pangs I mean,) is perishing with hunger, and thou art burstingwith fullness: thy brother goeth about with naked body, but thou providest garments even for thygarments, heaping up all this clothing for the worms. How much better would it have been to putthem on the bodies of the poor; so would they have remained undestroyed, would have freed theefrom all care, and have won for thee the life to come. If thou wilt not have them to be moth-eaten,give them to the poor, these are they who know how to shake these garments well. The Body ofChrist is more precious and more secure than the coffer, for not only doth It keep the garmentssafe, not only doth It preserve them unconsumed, but even rendereth them brighter. Oftentimesthe coffer taken with the garments causeth thee the utmost loss, but this place of safety not evendeath can harm. With It we need neither doors nor bolts, nor wakeful servants, nor any other suchsecurity, for our possessions are free from all treacherous attacks, and are laid up under guard, aswe may suppose things laid up in heaven would be; for to all wickedness that place is inaccessible.These things we cease not continually to say to you, and you hearing are not persuaded. The reasonis, that we are of a soul which is mean, gaping upon the earth, groveling on the ground. Or rather,God forbid that I should condemn you all of wickedness, as though all were incurably diseased.For even if those who are drunk with riches stop their ears against my words, yet they who live inpoverty will be able to look clearly to what I say. “But what,” saith some one, “hath this to do with1604lit. “ low birth. ”324

NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostomthe poor? for they have no gold, or any such garments.” No, but they have bread and cold water,but they have two obols, and feet to visit the sick, but they have a tongue and speech to comfortthe bedridden, but they have house and shelter to make the stranger their inmate. We demand notfrom the poor such and such a number of talents of gold, these we ask from the rich. But if a manbe poor, and come to the doors of others, our Lord is not ashamed to receive even an obol, but willsay that He hath received more from the giver, than from those who cast in much. How many ofthose who now stand here would desire to have been born at that time, when Christ went about theearth in the flesh, to have conversed and sat at meat with Him? Lo, this may be done now, we mayinvite Him more than then to a meal, and feast with Him, and that to greater profit. For of thosewho then feasted with Him many even perished, as Judas and others like him; but every one ofthose who invite Him to their houses now, and share with Him table and roof, shall enjoy a greatblessing. “Come,” it saith, “ye blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you fromthe foundation of the world. For I was an hungered, and ye gave Me meat: I was thirsty, and yegave Me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took Me in; sick, and ye visited Me; I was in prison, andye came unto Me.” ( Matt. xxv. 34–36 .) That then we may hear these words, let us clothe thenaked, let us bring in the stranger, feed the hungry, give the thirsty drink, let us visit the sick, andlook upon him that is in prison, that we may have boldness and obtain remission of our sins, andshare those good things which transcend both speech and thought. Which may we all obtain, throughthe grace and lovingkindness of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory and the might 1605forever. Amen.Homily LX.John x. 14, 15“I am the Good Shepherd, and know My sheep, and am known of Mine. As the Father knoweth Me,even so know I the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.”[1.] A great matter, beloved, a great matter it is to preside over a Church: a matter needingwisdom and courage as great as that of which Christ speaketh, that a man should lay down his lifefor the sheep, and never leave them deserted or naked; that he should stand against the wolf nobly.For in this the shepherd differs from the hireling; the one always looks to his own safety, caringnot for the sheep; the other always seeks that of the sheep, neglecting his own. Having thereforementioned the marks of a shepherd, Christ hath put two kinds of spoilers; one, the thief who killsand steals; the other, one who doth not these things, but who when they are done doth not give heednor hinder them. By the first, pointing to Theudas and those like him; by the second, exposing theteachers of the Jews, who neither cared for nor thought about the sheep entrusted to them. On which1605al. “ with whom to the Father and the Holy Ghost be glory. ”325

NPNF (V1-14)<strong>St</strong>. Chrysos<strong>to</strong>m214“Blessed are <strong>the</strong> poor in spirit, blessed are <strong>the</strong> pure in heart, blessed are <strong>the</strong> merciful.” ( Matt. v.3, 8, 7 .) If thus we do, we shall remain beneath <strong>the</strong> Shepherd, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> wolf will not be able <strong>to</strong>come in; or if he come against us, he will do so <strong>to</strong> his own hurt. For we have a Shepherd who soloveth us, that He gave even His life for us. When <strong>the</strong>refore He is both powerful <strong>and</strong> loveth us,what is <strong>the</strong>re <strong>to</strong> hinder us from being saved? Nothing, unless we ourselves revolt from Him. Andhow can we revolt? Hear Him saying, “Ye cannot serve two masters, God <strong>and</strong> mamm<strong>on</strong>.” ( Matt.vi. 24 .) If <strong>the</strong>n we serve God, we shall not submit <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> tyranny <strong>of</strong> mamm<strong>on</strong>. And truly a bittererthing than any tyranny is <strong>the</strong> desire <strong>of</strong> riches; for it brings no pleasure, but cares, <strong>and</strong> envyings, <strong>and</strong>plottings, <strong>and</strong> hatred, <strong>and</strong> false accusati<strong>on</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> ten thous<strong>and</strong> impediments <strong>to</strong> virtue, indolence,want<strong>on</strong>ness, greediness, drunkenness, which make even freemen slaves, nay, worse than slavesbought with m<strong>on</strong>ey, slaves not <strong>to</strong> men, but even <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> most grievous <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> passi<strong>on</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> maladies<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> soul. Such a <strong>on</strong>e dares many things displeasing <strong>to</strong> God <strong>and</strong> men, dreading lest any shouldremove from him this domini<strong>on</strong>. O bitter slavery, <strong>and</strong> devlish tyranny! For this is <strong>the</strong> most grievousthing <strong>of</strong> all, that when entangled in such evils we are pleased <strong>and</strong> hug our chain, <strong>and</strong> dwelling in apris<strong>on</strong> house full <strong>of</strong> darkness, refuse <strong>to</strong> come forth <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> light, but rivet evil up<strong>on</strong> ourselves, <strong>and</strong>rejoice in our malady. So that we cannot be freed, but are in a worse state than those that work <strong>the</strong>mines, enduring labors <strong>and</strong> afflicti<strong>on</strong>, but not enjoying <strong>the</strong> fruit. And what is in truth worse thanall, if any <strong>on</strong>e desire <strong>to</strong> free us from this bitter captivity, we do not suffer it, but are even vexed <strong>and</strong>displeased, being in this respect in no better case than madmen, or ra<strong>the</strong>r in a much more miserablestate than any such, inasmuch as we are not even willing <strong>to</strong> be delivered from our madness. What?was it for this, O man, that thou wast brought in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> world? Was it for this that thou wast madea man, that thou mightest work in <strong>the</strong>se mines, <strong>and</strong> ga<strong>the</strong>r gold? Not for this did God create <strong>the</strong>ein His Image, but that thou mightest please Him, that thou mightest obtain <strong>the</strong> things <strong>to</strong> come, thatthou mightest join <strong>the</strong> choir <strong>of</strong> Angels. Why now dost thou banish thyself from such a relati<strong>on</strong>ship,<strong>and</strong> thrust thyself in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> extreme <strong>of</strong> dish<strong>on</strong>or <strong>and</strong> meanness? 1604 He who came by <strong>the</strong> same birthpangs with <strong>the</strong>e, (<strong>the</strong> spiritual birth pangs I mean,) is perishing with hunger, <strong>and</strong> thou art burstingwith fullness: thy bro<strong>the</strong>r goeth about with naked body, but thou providest garments even for thygarments, heaping up all this clothing for <strong>the</strong> worms. How much better would it have been <strong>to</strong> put<strong>the</strong>m <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> bodies <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> poor; so would <strong>the</strong>y have remained undestroyed, would have freed <strong>the</strong>efrom all care, <strong>and</strong> have w<strong>on</strong> for <strong>the</strong>e <strong>the</strong> life <strong>to</strong> come. If thou wilt not have <strong>the</strong>m <strong>to</strong> be moth-eaten,give <strong>the</strong>m <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> poor, <strong>the</strong>se are <strong>the</strong>y who know how <strong>to</strong> shake <strong>the</strong>se garments well. The Body <strong>of</strong>Christ is more precious <strong>and</strong> more secure than <strong>the</strong> c<strong>of</strong>fer, for not <strong>on</strong>ly doth It keep <strong>the</strong> garmentssafe, not <strong>on</strong>ly doth It preserve <strong>the</strong>m unc<strong>on</strong>sumed, but even rendereth <strong>the</strong>m brighter. Oftentimes<strong>the</strong> c<strong>of</strong>fer taken with <strong>the</strong> garments causeth <strong>the</strong>e <strong>the</strong> utmost loss, but this place <strong>of</strong> safety not evendeath can harm. With It we need nei<strong>the</strong>r doors nor bolts, nor wakeful servants, nor any o<strong>the</strong>r suchsecurity, for our possessi<strong>on</strong>s are free from all treacherous attacks, <strong>and</strong> are laid up under guard, aswe may suppose things laid up in heaven would be; for <strong>to</strong> all wickedness that place is inaccessible.These things we cease not c<strong>on</strong>tinually <strong>to</strong> say <strong>to</strong> you, <strong>and</strong> you hearing are not persuaded. The reas<strong>on</strong>is, that we are <strong>of</strong> a soul which is mean, gaping up<strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> earth, groveling <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> ground. Or ra<strong>the</strong>r,God forbid that I should c<strong>on</strong>demn you all <strong>of</strong> wickedness, as though all were incurably diseased.For even if those who are drunk with riches s<strong>to</strong>p <strong>the</strong>ir ears against my words, yet <strong>the</strong>y who live inpoverty will be able <strong>to</strong> look clearly <strong>to</strong> what I say. “But what,” saith some <strong>on</strong>e, “hath this <strong>to</strong> do with1604lit. “ low birth. ”324

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