Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

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NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostom197Here they might, if at least they had anything to say, have refuted Him, for it was the strongestproof of His having been sent by God.Ver. 56 . “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it, and was glad.”Again, He showeth that they were aliens from the race of Abraham, if they grieved at what herejoiced in. “My day,” seems to me to mean the day of the Crucifixion, which Abraham foreshowedtypically by the offering of the ram and of Isaac. What do they reply?Ver. 57 . “Thou art not yet forty 1500 years old, and hast Thou seen Abraham?”So that we conclude 1501 that Christ was nearly forty.Ver. 58, 59 . “Jesus saith unto them, Before Abraham was, I Am. Then took they up stones tocast at Him.”Seest thou how He proved Himself to be greater than Abraham? For the man who rejoiced tosee His day, and made this an object of earnest desire, plainly did so because it was a day thatshould be for a benefit, and belonging to one greater than himself. Because they had said, “Thecarpenter’s son” ( Matt. xiii. 55 ), and imagined nothing more concerning Him, He leadeth themby degrees to an exalted notion of Him. Therefore when they heard the words, “Ye know not God,”they were not grieved; but when they heard, “before Abraham was, I Am,” as though the nobilityof their descent were debased, they became furious, and would have stoned Him.“He saw My day, and was glad.” He showeth, that not unwillingly He came to His Passion,since He praiseth him who was gladdened at the Cross. For this was the salvation of the world. Butthey cast stones at Him; so ready were they for murder, and they did this of their own accord,without enquiry.But wherefore said He not, “Before Abraham was, I was,” instead of “I Am”? As the Fatheruseth this expression, “I Am ,” so also doth Christ; for it signifieth continuous Being, irrespectiveof all time. On which account the expression seemed to them to be blasphemous. Now if they couldnot bear the comparison with Abraham, although this was but a trifling one, had He continuallymade Himself equal to the Father, would they ever have ceased casting stones at Him?After this, again He fleeth as a man, and concealeth Himself, having laid before them sufficientinstruction: and having accomplished His work, He went forth from the Temple, and departed toheal the blind, proving by His actions that He is before Abraham. But perhaps some one will say,“Why did He not paralyze their strength? 1502 So they would have believed.” He healed the paralytic,yet they believed not; nay, He wrought ten thousand wonders; at the very Passion He cast them tothe ground, and darkened their eyes, yet they believed not; and how would they have believed ifHe had paralyzed their strength? There is nothing worse than a soul hardened in desperation; thoughit see signs and wonders, it still perseveres in retaining the same shamelessness. Thus Pharaoh,who received ten thousand strokes, was sobered only while being punished, and continued of thischaracter until the last day of his life, pursuing those whom he had let go. Wherefore Paul continuallysaith, “Lest any of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” ( Heb. iii. 13 .) For as the callosities1503of the body, when formed, become dead, and possess no sensation; so the soul, when it is1500“ fifty, ” N.T.1501ὡ ς λοιπὸν1502i.e. so that they could not stone Him.1503οἱ τύλοι , a very happy emendation of Mr. Field’s for στῦλοι , “ pillars, ” of which former editors could make no sense.One ms. gives οἱ τυφλοὶ τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς , “ those blind in their eyes, ” but the sense even so is not perfect.300

NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostom198occupied by many passions, becomes dead to virtue; and apply what you will to it, it gets noperception of the matter, but whether you threaten punishment or anything else, continues insensible.[3.] Wherefore I beseech you, while we have hopes of salvation, while we can turn, to use everymeans to do so. For men who have become past feeling, are after that in the blind state 1504 ofdespairing pilots, who give up their vessel to the wind, and themselves contribute no assistance.Thus the envious man looks to one thing only, that is, to satisfy his lust, and though he be like tobe punished or even slain, still he is possessed solely by that passion; and in like manner theintemperate and avaricious. But if the sovereignty of the passions be so great, much greater is thatof virtue; if for them we despise death, much more for this; if they (sinners) regard not their ownlives, much less ought we to do so in the cause of our salvation. For what shall we have to say, ifwhen they who perish are so active about their own perdition, we for our own salvation manifestnot even an equal activity, but ever continue wasting with envy? Nothing is worse than envy; todestroy another it destroys itself also. The eye of the envious wastes away in grief, he lives in acontinual death, he deems all men, even those who have never wronged him, his enemies. Hegrieves that God is honored, he rejoices in what the devil rejoices in. Is any honored among men?This is not honor, envy him not. But is he honored by God? Strive and be thou like him. Thou wiltnot? Why then dost thou destroy thyself too? Why castest thou away what thou hast? Canst thounot be like unto him, nor gain any good thing? Why then dost thou besides this take for thyself evil,when thou oughtest to rejoice with him, that so even if thou be not able to share his toils, thoumayest profit by rejoicing with Him? For often even the will is able to effect great good. At leastEzekiel saith, that the Moabites were punished because they rejoiced over the Israelites, and thatcertain others were saved because they mourned over the misfortunes of their neighbors. ( Ezek.xxv. 8 .) Now if there be any comfort for those who mourn over the woes of others, much morefor those who rejoice at the honors of others. He charged the Moabites with having exulted overthe Israelites, yet it was God that punished them; but not even when He punisheth will He have usrejoice over those that are punished. For it is not His wish to punish them. Now if we must condolewith those who are punished, much more must we avoid envying those who are honored. Thus, forexample, Corah and Dathan perished with their company, making those whom they envied brighter,and giving themselves up to punishment. For a venomous beast is envy, an unclean beast, a deliberatevice which admits not of pardon, a wickedness stripped of excuse, the cause and mother of all evils.Wherefore let us pluck it up by the roots, that we may be freed from evil here, and may obtainblessings hereafter; through the grace and lovingkindness of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom andwith whom, to the Father and the Holy Ghost, be glory now and ever and world without end. Amen.Homily LVI.John ix. 1, 21504πηροῦνται , a conjecture of Dr. Heyse, for πειρῶνται301

NPNF (V1-14)<strong>St</strong>. Chrysos<strong>to</strong>m198occupied by many passi<strong>on</strong>s, becomes dead <strong>to</strong> virtue; <strong>and</strong> apply what you will <strong>to</strong> it, it gets nopercepti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> matter, but whe<strong>the</strong>r you threaten punishment or anything else, c<strong>on</strong>tinues insensible.[3.] Wherefore I beseech you, while we have hopes <strong>of</strong> salvati<strong>on</strong>, while we can turn, <strong>to</strong> use everymeans <strong>to</strong> do so. For men who have become past feeling, are after that in <strong>the</strong> blind state 1504 <strong>of</strong>despairing pilots, who give up <strong>the</strong>ir vessel <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> wind, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>mselves c<strong>on</strong>tribute no assistance.Thus <strong>the</strong> envious man looks <strong>to</strong> <strong>on</strong>e thing <strong>on</strong>ly, that is, <strong>to</strong> satisfy his lust, <strong>and</strong> though he be like <strong>to</strong>be punished or even slain, still he is possessed solely by that passi<strong>on</strong>; <strong>and</strong> in like manner <strong>the</strong>intemperate <strong>and</strong> avaricious. But if <strong>the</strong> sovereignty <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> passi<strong>on</strong>s be so great, much greater is that<strong>of</strong> virtue; if for <strong>the</strong>m we despise death, much more for this; if <strong>the</strong>y (sinners) regard not <strong>the</strong>ir ownlives, much less ought we <strong>to</strong> do so in <strong>the</strong> cause <strong>of</strong> our salvati<strong>on</strong>. For what shall we have <strong>to</strong> say, ifwhen <strong>the</strong>y who perish are so active about <strong>the</strong>ir own perditi<strong>on</strong>, we for our own salvati<strong>on</strong> manifestnot even an equal activity, but ever c<strong>on</strong>tinue wasting with envy? Nothing is worse than envy; <strong>to</strong>destroy ano<strong>the</strong>r it destroys itself also. The eye <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> envious wastes away in grief, he lives in ac<strong>on</strong>tinual death, he deems all men, even those who have never wr<strong>on</strong>ged him, his enemies. Hegrieves that God is h<strong>on</strong>ored, he rejoices in what <strong>the</strong> devil rejoices in. Is any h<strong>on</strong>ored am<strong>on</strong>g men?This is not h<strong>on</strong>or, envy him not. But is he h<strong>on</strong>ored by God? <strong>St</strong>rive <strong>and</strong> be thou like him. Thou wiltnot? Why <strong>the</strong>n dost thou destroy thyself <strong>to</strong>o? Why castest thou away what thou hast? Canst thounot be like un<strong>to</strong> him, nor gain any good thing? Why <strong>the</strong>n dost thou besides this take for thyself evil,when thou oughtest <strong>to</strong> rejoice with him, that so even if thou be not able <strong>to</strong> share his <strong>to</strong>ils, thoumayest pr<strong>of</strong>it by rejoicing with Him? For <strong>of</strong>ten even <strong>the</strong> will is able <strong>to</strong> effect great good. At leastEzekiel saith, that <strong>the</strong> Moabites were punished because <strong>the</strong>y rejoiced over <strong>the</strong> Israelites, <strong>and</strong> thatcertain o<strong>the</strong>rs were saved because <strong>the</strong>y mourned over <strong>the</strong> misfortunes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir neighbors. ( Ezek.xxv. 8 .) Now if <strong>the</strong>re be any comfort for those who mourn over <strong>the</strong> woes <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs, much morefor those who rejoice at <strong>the</strong> h<strong>on</strong>ors <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. He charged <strong>the</strong> Moabites with having exulted over<strong>the</strong> Israelites, yet it was God that punished <strong>the</strong>m; but not even when He punisheth will He have usrejoice over those that are punished. For it is not His wish <strong>to</strong> punish <strong>the</strong>m. Now if we must c<strong>on</strong>dolewith those who are punished, much more must we avoid envying those who are h<strong>on</strong>ored. Thus, forexample, Corah <strong>and</strong> Dathan perished with <strong>the</strong>ir company, making those whom <strong>the</strong>y envied brighter,<strong>and</strong> giving <strong>the</strong>mselves up <strong>to</strong> punishment. For a venomous beast is envy, an unclean beast, a deliberatevice which admits not <strong>of</strong> pard<strong>on</strong>, a wickedness stripped <strong>of</strong> excuse, <strong>the</strong> cause <strong>and</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> all evils.Wherefore let us pluck it up by <strong>the</strong> roots, that we may be freed from evil here, <strong>and</strong> may obtainblessings hereafter; through <strong>the</strong> grace <strong>and</strong> lovingkindness <strong>of</strong> our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom <strong>and</strong>with whom, <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Holy Ghost, be glory now <strong>and</strong> ever <strong>and</strong> world without end. Amen.Homily LVI.<strong>John</strong> ix. 1, 21504πηροῦνται , a c<strong>on</strong>jecture <strong>of</strong> Dr. Heyse, for πειρῶνται301

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