Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews

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NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostom125to feast with them, partly that He might attract the multitude that was free from guile; for duringthese days 951 especially, the more simply disposed ran together more than at other times.Ver. 2, 3 . “Now there is at Jerusalem a sheep pool, 952 called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda,having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, 953 of halt, blind, withered,waiting for the moving of the water.”What manner of cure is this? What mystery doth it signify to us? For these things are not writtencarelessly, or without a purpose, but as by a figure and type they show in outline 954 things to come,in order that what was exceedingly strange might not by coming unexpectedly harm among themany the power of faith. 955 What then is it that they show in outline? A Baptism was about to begiven, possessing much power, and the greatest of gifts, a Baptism purging all sins, and makingmen alive instead of dead. These things then are foreshown as in a picture by the pool, and by manyother circumstances. And first is given a water which purges the stains of our bodies, and thosedefilements which are not, but seem to be, as those from touching the dead, 956 those from leprosy,and other similar causes; under the old covenant one may see many things done by water on thisaccount. However, let us now proceed to the matter in hand.First then, as I before said, He causeth defilements of our bodies, and afterwards infirmities ofdifferent kinds, to be done away by water. Because God, desiring to bring us nearer to faith in 957baptism, no longer healeth defilements only, but diseases also. For those figures which came nearer[in time] to the reality, both as regarded Baptism, and the Passion, and the rest, were plainer thanthe more ancient; 958 and as the guards near the person of the prince are more splendid than thosebefore, 959 so was it with the types. And “an Angel came down and troubled the water,” and enduedit with a healing power, that the Jews might learn that much more could the Lord of Angels healthe diseases 960 of the soul. Yet as here it was not simply the nature of the water that healed, (forthen this would have always taken place,) but water joined to the operation 961 of the Angel; so inour case, it is not merely the water that worketh, but when it hath received the grace of the Spirit,then it putteth away 962 all our sins. Around this pool “lay a great multitude of impotent folk, ofblind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water”; but then infirmity was a hindrance tohim who desired to be healed, now each hath power to approach, for now it is not an Angel thattroubleth, it is the Lord of Angels who worketh all. The sick man cannot now say, “I have no man”;he cannot say, “While I am coming another steppeth down before me”; though the whole worldshould come, the grace is not spent, the power is not exhausted, but remaineth equally great as itwas before. Just as the sun’s beams give light every day, yet are not exhausted, nor is their lightmade less by giving so abundant a supply; so, and much more, the power of the Spirit is in no way951al. “ feasts. ”952προβατικὴ κολυμβήθρα [ ἐ πὶ τῇ π . G. T.].953[ ἀ σθενούντων ] G. T. and Ben.954ὑ πογράφει , al. προϋπ955al. “ harm the faith of the hearers. ”956ἀ πὸ κηδείας , Num. v957lit. “ faith of, ” al. “ the gift of. ”958Morel. and ms. in Bodl. “ have more power to lead by the hand than the archetypes. ”959al. “ afar. ”960al. “ hindrances. ”961ἐ πὶ τῇ ἐνεργείᾳ , al. “ at the coming down. ”962λύει192

NPNF (V1-14)St. Chrysostom126lessened by the numbers of those who enjoy it. And this miracle was done in order that men, learningthat it is possible by water to heal the diseases of the body, and being exercised in this for a longtime, might more easily believe that it can also heal the diseases of the soul.But why did Jesus, leaving the rest, come to one who was of thirty-eight years standing? Andwhy did He ask him, “Wilt thou be made whole?” Not that He might learn, that was needless; butthat He might show 963 the man’s perseverance, and that we might know that it was on this accountthat He left the others and came to him. What then saith he? “Yea Lord,” he saith, but “I have noman when the water is troubled to put me into the pool, but while I am coming another steppethdown before me.”It was that we might learn these circumstances that Jesus asked, “Wilt thou be made whole?”and said not, “Wilt thou that I heal thee?” (for as yet the man had formed no exalted notionsconcerning Him,) but “Wilt thou be made whole?” Astonishing was the perseverance of the paralytic,he was of thirty and eight years standing, and each year hoping to be freed from his disease, hecontinued in attendance, 964 and withdrew not. Had he not been very persevering, would not thefuture, 965 if not the past, have been sufficient to lead him from the spot? Consider, I pray you, howwatchful it was likely that the other sick men there would be since the time when the water wastroubled was uncertain. The lame and halt indeed might observe it, but how did the blind see?Perhaps they learnt it from the clamor which arose.[2.] Let us be ashamed then, beloved, let us be ashamed, and groan over our excessive sloth.“Thirty and eight years” had that man been waiting without obtaining what he desired, and withdrewnot. And he had failed not through any carelessness of his own, but through being oppressed andsuffering violence from others, and not even thus did he grow dull; 966 while we if we have persistedfor ten days to pray for anything and have not obtained it, are too slothful afterwards to employ thesame zeal. And on men we wait for so long a time, warring and enduring hardships and performingservile ministrations, and often at last failing in our expectation, but on our 967 Master, from whomwe are sure to obtain a recompense greater than our labors, (for, saith the Apostle, “Hope makethnot ashamed”— Rom. v. 5 ,) on Him we endure not to wait with becoming diligence. Whatchastisement doth this deserve! For even though we could receive nothing from Him, ought we notto deem the very conversing with Him continually the cause of 968 ten thousand blessings? “Butcontinual prayer is a laborious thing.” And what that belongs to virtue is not laborious? “In truth,”says some one, “this very point is full of great difficulty, that pleasure is annexed to vice, and laborto virtue.” And many, I think, make this a question. What then can be the reason? 969 God gave usat the beginning a life free from care and exempt from labor. We used not the gift aright, but wereperverted by doing nothing, 970 and were banished from Paradise. On which account He made ourlife for the future one of toil, assigning as it were His reasons for this to mankind, and saying, “I963al. “ teach. ”964al. “ lay in wait. ”965i.e. the manifest hopelessness of his being able to go down first into the pool.966ἐ νάρκα967al. “ the kind. ”968al. “ worth. ”969Morel and ms. in Bodl. “ but hear also the explanation, for this we will now say for love of you. What then, ” &c.970ἀ ργίας193

NPNF (V1-14)<strong>St</strong>. Chrysos<strong>to</strong>m125<strong>to</strong> feast with <strong>the</strong>m, partly that He might attract <strong>the</strong> multitude that was free from guile; for during<strong>the</strong>se days 951 especially, <strong>the</strong> more simply disposed ran <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r more than at o<strong>the</strong>r times.Ver. 2, 3 . “Now <strong>the</strong>re is at Jerusalem a sheep pool, 952 called in <strong>the</strong> Hebrew t<strong>on</strong>gue Be<strong>the</strong>sda,having five porches. In <strong>the</strong>se lay a great multitude <strong>of</strong> impotent folk, 953 <strong>of</strong> halt, blind, wi<strong>the</strong>red,waiting for <strong>the</strong> moving <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> water.”What manner <strong>of</strong> cure is this? What mystery doth it signify <strong>to</strong> us? For <strong>the</strong>se things are not writtencarelessly, or without a purpose, but as by a figure <strong>and</strong> type <strong>the</strong>y show in outline 954 things <strong>to</strong> come,in order that what was exceedingly strange might not by coming unexpectedly harm am<strong>on</strong>g <strong>the</strong>many <strong>the</strong> power <strong>of</strong> faith. 955 What <strong>the</strong>n is it that <strong>the</strong>y show in outline? A Baptism was about <strong>to</strong> begiven, possessing much power, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> greatest <strong>of</strong> gifts, a Baptism purging all sins, <strong>and</strong> makingmen alive instead <strong>of</strong> dead. These things <strong>the</strong>n are foreshown as in a picture by <strong>the</strong> pool, <strong>and</strong> by manyo<strong>the</strong>r circumstances. And first is given a water which purges <strong>the</strong> stains <strong>of</strong> our bodies, <strong>and</strong> thosedefilements which are not, but seem <strong>to</strong> be, as those from <strong>to</strong>uching <strong>the</strong> dead, 956 those from leprosy,<strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r similar causes; under <strong>the</strong> old covenant <strong>on</strong>e may see many things d<strong>on</strong>e by water <strong>on</strong> thisaccount. However, let us now proceed <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> matter in h<strong>and</strong>.First <strong>the</strong>n, as I before said, He causeth defilements <strong>of</strong> our bodies, <strong>and</strong> afterwards infirmities <strong>of</strong>different kinds, <strong>to</strong> be d<strong>on</strong>e away by water. Because God, desiring <strong>to</strong> bring us nearer <strong>to</strong> faith in 957baptism, no l<strong>on</strong>ger healeth defilements <strong>on</strong>ly, but diseases also. For those figures which came nearer[in time] <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> reality, both as regarded Baptism, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Passi<strong>on</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> rest, were plainer than<strong>the</strong> more ancient; 958 <strong>and</strong> as <strong>the</strong> guards near <strong>the</strong> pers<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> prince are more splendid than thosebefore, 959 so was it with <strong>the</strong> types. And “an Angel came down <strong>and</strong> troubled <strong>the</strong> water,” <strong>and</strong> enduedit with a healing power, that <strong>the</strong> Jews might learn that much more could <strong>the</strong> Lord <strong>of</strong> Angels heal<strong>the</strong> diseases 960 <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> soul. Yet as here it was not simply <strong>the</strong> nature <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> water that healed, (for<strong>the</strong>n this would have always taken place,) but water joined <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> operati<strong>on</strong> 961 <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Angel; so inour case, it is not merely <strong>the</strong> water that worketh, but when it hath received <strong>the</strong> grace <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Spirit,<strong>the</strong>n it putteth away 962 all our sins. Around this pool “lay a great multitude <strong>of</strong> impotent folk, <strong>of</strong>blind, halt, wi<strong>the</strong>red, waiting for <strong>the</strong> moving <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> water”; but <strong>the</strong>n infirmity was a hindrance <strong>to</strong>him who desired <strong>to</strong> be healed, now each hath power <strong>to</strong> approach, for now it is not an Angel thattroubleth, it is <strong>the</strong> Lord <strong>of</strong> Angels who worketh all. The sick man cannot now say, “I have no man”;he cannot say, “While I am coming ano<strong>the</strong>r steppeth down before me”; though <strong>the</strong> whole worldshould come, <strong>the</strong> grace is not spent, <strong>the</strong> power is not exhausted, but remaineth equally great as itwas before. Just as <strong>the</strong> sun’s beams give light every day, yet are not exhausted, nor is <strong>the</strong>ir lightmade less by giving so abundant a supply; so, <strong>and</strong> much more, <strong>the</strong> power <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Spirit is in no way951al. “ feasts. ”952προβατικὴ κολυμβήθρα [ ἐ πὶ τῇ π . G. T.].953[ ἀ σθενούντων ] G. T. <strong>and</strong> Ben.954ὑ πογράφει , al. προϋπ955al. “ harm <strong>the</strong> faith <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hearers. ”956ἀ πὸ κηδείας , Num. v957lit. “ faith <strong>of</strong>, ” al. “ <strong>the</strong> gift <strong>of</strong>. ”958Morel. <strong>and</strong> ms. in Bodl. “ have more power <strong>to</strong> lead by <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong> than <strong>the</strong> archetypes. ”959al. “ afar. ”960al. “ hindrances. ”961ἐ πὶ τῇ ἐνεργείᾳ , al. “ at <strong>the</strong> coming down. ”962λύει192

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