Grand Housing Development Program Volume III - Gtz

Grand Housing Development Program Volume III - Gtz Grand Housing Development Program Volume III - Gtz


FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF A DRY TOILET SYSTEM(CONTINUED)SHUTTERTo remove the dried faeces, a shutter on the backsideof the container is opened and the dried faeces aredropped from the drying container to a transport containerthat is carried away.Also the urine tank is emptiedThe dried faeces as well as urine are sold for agriculturaluse.DRIEDFAECESThe shutter of the emptied container is closed again.The urinal and the toilet are restored in the same positionsas before.Another 6 months’ cycle is now newly started.34Addis AbabaCity Government

ECOSAN PILOT PROJECT (PPP)The private sector and development policy have acommon interest in shaping political, legal and socialframeworks that promote development in developingcountries. Within the framework of the public-privatepartnership (PPP) concept, private companies and officialdevelopment cooperation work hand in hand. Theobjective-oriented combination of the two partners´ 83greywater pipeØ40mmgreywater basinwith plants Ground floor plan 15 10 69,5 20 69,5 10 1583urinalwash basinwash basin70parapet90 cm20various strengths creates new opportunities for positivedevelopment impetus in the partner countries.The Project aims at introducing environmentally friendly,improved sanitary devices by enhancing the capacityof local institutions, consultants and companies toget acquainted with ECOSAN (dry toilet system sepa-floor draindepot for ash,sawdust, soil15 85 10 100 15 22 15262154041 43,515 84,5 10 84,5 15 80 15 84,5 10 84,5 15209 80 209depot for ash,sawdust, soilcomplete floor areawith inclined floorscreed to the floor drainECOLOGICAL SANITARY SYSTEMS PILOT PROJECTARGE Otterwasser GmbHTUTech Innovation GmbHPlanungsgruppe Prof. Krusche35Addis AbabaCity Government

ECOSAN PILOT PROJECT (PPP)The private sector and development policy have acommon interest in shaping political, legal and socialframeworks that promote development in developingcountries. Within the framework of the public-privatepartnership (PPP) concept, private companies and officialdevelopment cooperation work hand in hand. Theobjective-oriented combination of the two partners´ 83greywater pipeØ40mmgreywater basinwith plants Ground floor plan 15 10 69,5 20 69,5 10 1583urinalwash basinwash basin70parapet90 cm20various strengths creates new opportunities for positivedevelopment impetus in the partner countries.The Project aims at introducing environmentally friendly,improved sanitary devices by enhancing the capacityof local institutions, consultants and companies toget acquainted with ECOSAN (dry toilet system sepa-floor draindepot for ash,sawdust, soil15 85 10 100 15 22 15262154041 43,515 84,5 10 84,5 15 80 15 84,5 10 84,5 15209 80 209depot for ash,sawdust, soilcomplete floor areawith inclined floorscreed to the floor drainECOLOGICAL SANITARY SYSTEMS PILOT PROJECTARGE Otterwasser GmbHTUTech Innovation GmbHPlanungsgruppe Prof. Krusche35Addis AbabaCity Government

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