43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...


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Derry, Michener, Booth & Wahl Consultants Ltd. Page 48<strong>The</strong> database contained data on drill holes completed on the project prior to January 2008.Surface assays from rock chip sampling of outcrops and trenches were not incorporated into theassay database for the current resource estimate.<strong>The</strong> total <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> drillhole database used for the current resource estimates contains 14609assay samples collected from 124 drill holes.To ensure equal support in geostatistical analysis and resource estimation the assay data withinthe modelled domains were composited to fixed 2.0 m lengths. A composite length of 2 m wasselected for both Los Planes and Colinas as being appropriate for the currently modelled domaingeometry.<strong>The</strong> composites were generated by starting the zero metre length count at the upper edge of eachmineralized interval; some fractional composites which are less than 2.0 m in length are retainedat the lower edge of some intervals. <strong>The</strong> compositing process was carried out separately forsamples within each modeled domain so that no composites cross the boundary betweenmineralized and non-mineralized domains.<strong>The</strong> 3D model of the 2 mineralized domains at Planes are intersected by 73 drill holes includingfive Echo Bay RC holes drilled in 1997, four Pediment Diamond Drill holes completed in March<strong>2007</strong>, and 64 Pediment RC holes completed in December <strong>2007</strong>. Selecting only those sampleswhich fall within the model of the mineralized zones A and B at Planes, and then compositingthe selected samples to regular 2 metre intervals resulted in 2450 2 m composites which fallwithin the two Planes mineralized zones. <strong>The</strong> composites have a weighted average grade of1.2034 g/t Au. <strong>The</strong> weighted average of the raw assays (prior to compositing) which fall withinthe models of the Planes mineralized zones is 1.2056 g/t Au.<strong>The</strong> 3D model of the mineralized zone at Colinas is intersected by 19 drill holes including 14Echo Bay RC holes drilled in 1996-97, and five Pediment DDH holes drilled in <strong>2007</strong>. Selectingonly those assay samples which fall within the model of the mineralized zone at Colinas, andthen compositing the selected samples to regular two metre intervals resulted in 318 2 mcomposites with a weighted average grade of 0.8688 g/t Au. <strong>The</strong> weighted average grade of theraw assays (prior to compositing) which fall within the model of the Colinas mineralized zone is0.8683 g/t Au.17.5 Sample Population<strong>The</strong> graph below shows the log normal distribution of grades based on the 2450 compositesoccurring in the modeled zones (zone A and B combined) for Planes. <strong>The</strong> histogram displays auni-modal lognormal distribution of gold grades, indicating a single population of samples.

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