43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...


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Derry, Michener, Booth & Wahl Consultants Ltd. Page 47Based on the Echo Bay interpretation, and using a 0.3 g/t Au composite cut-off, DMBWcreated 3D solids of the zone using the methodology as described above for Planes.<strong>The</strong>se 3D solids were then sent to Pediment’s geologists in order for them to confirm thatthe geological interpretation was appropriate.Mineralization at Colinas occurs in a north-northeast striking zone which dips -50 º to thewest. To date mineralization has been defined along approximately 400 m strike length atColinas. <strong>The</strong> southern portion of that strike length extends onto concessions not held byPediment, however only that portion of the Colinas resource occurring on concessionsheld by Pediment is reported in this report.17.3.3 Modelled surfacesA 3D topographic surface was created by gridding the coordinates of the drillhole collars.A 3D surface representing the base of the overburden was created by gridding the base ofthe overburden unit as identified in the drill logs.A 3D surface representing the base of the rocks affected by oxidation was created bygridding the base of the lowest point where rocks have consistently been affected bysurface oxidation in each of the drill logs. This 3D surface represents the base of alllogged oxidation (including weak, moderate, and strong intensities) as it was not practicalto break out finer divisions based on the available data.<strong>The</strong> Colinas Deposit straddles the southern boundary of the concessions held byPediment. For the current Mineral Resource Estimate the deposit was clipped by avertical boundary constructed between the corners of Pediment’s Concession located at596544E 2628303N and 599738E 2638324N. <strong>On</strong>ly that portion of the Colinas resourceoccurring on concessions held by Pediment is reported in this report.17.4 Drill Hole DatabaseDMBW received drill hole data from Pediment in MS Excel spreadsheets of the collar, survey,geology, and assay data. In addition separate spreadsheets were provided which containedQA/QC assays for blanks, standards, and duplicate assays for Planes.Additional files provided to DMBW contained digital copies of drill logs and assay certificatesfor both Pediment and Colinas holes, including the Echo Bay holes. No significant errors werefound with respect to assay documentation and database entry.Geological information in the database is entered as numerical codes for alteration, mineralogy,oxidation, lithology, sulphide content, and zone (structure) type. Pediment and Echo Bay useddifferent systems of numeric codes for these items, and the codes in the Echo Bay holes in thecurrent database have not been converted. Pediment is aware of this discrepancy with thedatabase coding and the issue is being corrected.

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