43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...


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Derry, Michener, Booth & Wahl Consultants Ltd. Page 46similar, and spatially continuous, areas of the deposit for modeling and estimation so that theassay data informs the appropriate areas of the model.Geological modelling is an evolving process and further refinement of the models is expected asnew data and new interpretations are incorporated. Nevertheless, at the current level ofexploration DMBW believe that Pediment has developed an appropriate geological interpretationfor estimation of mineral resources at both Planes and Colinas. <strong>The</strong>re are well defined geologicaland grade domains with good vertical and lateral continuity and these domains were used as hardboundaries when interpolating grades into the block models.17.3.1 Planes Geological ModelFor the Planes deposit Pediment provided DMBW with a partial set of cross sectionsshowing its interpretation of the zone geometry. Based on that interpretation DMBWdigitized ‘polylines’ of the mineralized domains in Gemcom, on cross-sections orientedeast-west and spaced 25 m apart. <strong>The</strong> resulting polylines were then linked and formedinto 3D solids (‘wireframes’) of the mineralized domains. Copies of the polylines, the 3Dsolids, and a list of the ‘from and to’ drill intercepts captured in these 3D solids were thensent to Pediment’s geologists in order for them to confirm that the geologicalinterpretation was appropriate.At Planes the boundaries of 2 mineralized zones have been modeled, based on assaycomposite grades > 0.3 g/t Au and on the presence of the cataclasite zone. <strong>The</strong> two subparallelzones strike north-northeast and both zones dip approximately -35º to the westnear surface with dips steepening to -50 º at depth. ‘Zone A’ is the larger and deeper zoneand ‘Zone B’ overlies it. To date mineralization has been defined along approximately800 m of strike length at Planes. <strong>The</strong>re is generally good correlation between anomalousAu grades in composites and the logged cataclastite unit.<strong>The</strong>re are a number of holes where Au grades in the hole (as well as Au grades andgeology of surrounding holes) show the zone coming through but cataclastite was notlogged. This is not unusual given that logging of structural intensity can be quitesubjective, and is particularly challenging when logging RC holes. Consideration shouldbe given to re-logging some of these holes when time permits.<strong>The</strong> current models incorporate several intervals of material with low or no grade whereit was not considered practical to break that material out.17.3.2 Colinas Geological ModelFor the Colinas deposit Pediment provided DMBW with a report from a historic estimateof mineralized material carried out for Echo Bay in 1996 (see section 17.1 of this report).<strong>The</strong> Echo Bay report contained 8" x 10" summary x-sections showing the geologicalmodel for Colinas.

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