43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...


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Derry, Michener, Booth & Wahl Consultants Ltd. Page <strong>43</strong>15.0 ADJACENT PROPERTIES<strong>The</strong> TEXCALAMA Concession that adjoins the Pediment concessions to the south, shown onFigure 4.1 contains a small uncalculated portion of the Las Colinas historic resource and thehistoric Mina La Colpa Deposit, lying about 200 m east. This was formerly known as El Mirador(2.96MT @ 1.45g/tAu) and was re-discovered by Echo Bay in the 1990s; Pitalla have exploredits northern extension since. (Section 11) <strong>The</strong> company holder, Exploracion Minera El Exito, isinactive.This company also holds the EL EXITO concession which adjoins EMILY and TEXCALAMA.<strong>The</strong> LA TRINCHERA concession to the north is held by J. M. Deword and is also inactive; datais not available.Two other inactive small concessions, TRIUNFO ESTE and TRIUNFO OESTE are adjacent toTRINI. <strong>The</strong>re is no record of exploration work on these other concessions.To the west of EMILY a large concession is held by <strong>The</strong> Mexican Geological Survey (SGM) andcalled El Triunfo. It contains a concession area called UVARES, and is the site of a small golddeposit with a historic resource of 1.82MT @ 1.81g/tAu. (Echo Bay 1997) Essentially, MineraPitalla has been the sole company actually conducting recent exploration in the district.<strong>The</strong> above noted gold-sulphide deposits are hosted by cataclasite rocks and are oxidized toshallow depths; they were explored by EBX in the late 1990s to serve as potential satellite feedto Paredones Amarillos. <strong>The</strong> information comprises some drill sections and historic resourcecalculations. DMBW has been unable to verify the information and the information is notnecessarily indicative of mineralization on the properties, which are the subject of this technicalreport.<strong>The</strong> above estimates have not been verified by a QP, as required by NI <strong>43</strong>-<strong>101</strong>. <strong>The</strong>y areconsidered as historical resources that are not compliant with NI <strong>43</strong>-<strong>101</strong> and are reported forinformational purposes only.

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