43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...


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Derry, Michener, Booth & Wahl Consultants Ltd. Page 3612.0 SAMPLING METHOD AND APPROACH12.1 Drilling ProcedurePre-numbered drill sites were laid out generally on section lines at 50 m intervals N-S byBrunton compass and chain, working off the surveyed grid. RC pipe diameter was 5.5 inch andall rods, casing and core barrels are measured in the Imperial system. Sumps were dug at eachsite. Cuttings were visually and binocular-logged and sampled in 5 foot (1.52 metre) incrementsregardless of lithology, alteration, or mineralization.Chip trays were set up for this sample interval. RC drilling was day shift. <strong>On</strong> completion of eachhole the collar was marked by white PVC pipe encased in a cement marker and the hole pluggedand cemented with loose rock; the hole number was inscribed in the cement before hardening;the sump was then backfilled and the site dozer-bladed and restored to normal. DMBW wereimpressed with the efficiency of the drilling operations.In the sample recovery process, a cyclone is set up to initially split the material in half using avertical and a lateral discharge. When normal samples are collected, material from the verticaldischarge (50%) is disposed and the side discharge goes through a second splitter to obtain twosamples, each representing 25% of the total discharge. <strong>The</strong>se two samples are collected andsealed with plastic pull ties in pre-numbered cloth bags (for wet material) or plastic bags (for drymaterial). <strong>On</strong>e of the bags is later weighed and stored in large rice sacks in the fenced yard at thePitalla warehouse as a Duplicate, while the other is weighed and sent to the ALS Chemexpreparation laboratory in Hermosillo.RC pipe diameter is 5.5 inch and all rods, casing and core barrels are measured in the Imperialsystem. Sumps were dug at each site.DMBW were impressed with the efficiency of the drilling operations and believe that thesamples are representative of mineralization on the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> project.

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