43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...


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Derry, Michener, Booth & Wahl Consultants Ltd. Page 32Holes 19 and 20 were entirely oxidized, but ended short of target depth, due to ground conditionsand equipment problems. Hole 18 cut many oxide sections with a 40.22 m core length (119.2-159.4), grading 2.22g/t Au. This was later corroborated by Hole PLRC 62 which cut 57 m(123.4-180.4) @ 3.65 g/t (including 6samples >10g/t).<strong>On</strong>e short Winke hole, LCW 24, was also drilled 50 m SE of LCDD-19 at 70 E. It cut 17.68meters of mineralized cataclasite grading 0.55g/t Au.11.3 Geotechnical LoggingPitalla report that geotechnical logging was carried out on Planes drill core holes DDH-18, 19and 20, drilled in May <strong>2007</strong>, prior to the geological logging; it included digital photographs, andrecords of core recovery (REC), rock quality designation (RQD), fracture types, fracture countand frequency, dip of structures, rock strength and weathering alteration index.11.4 Discussion of Los Planes Results (Figure 11.4 -see also Sections 7.2 & 9)<strong>The</strong> Planes zone lies about 600m north of the Las Colinas zone. It consists of a several subparallel cataclasite zones that form a broad zone up to 100 meters wide. This unit strikes northsouthand dips from 35 degrees to the west near surface, steepening to 50 degrees west at depth.A continuous zone of gold mineralization has been traced for at least 700 metres along strikefrom Section 40050 N (Hole 07PLRC-41, which cut 1.49g/t Au over 48.76m vertical depth) to39350N (Hole PLRC 56, which cut 0.69g/t over 6.09m). Cross-Section 39,650 N, showing thefirst four holes drilled by Pediment and Echo Bay holes SA 97-120& 123, is attached as Figure11.4.<strong>The</strong> oxidized portion (see Section 9 &17) extends from surface (275m asl) to about 65m(210mASL); the sulfide (non-oxide) portion has been tested to about 275m (sea level)<strong>The</strong> zone is best developed to a depth of about 225m (+50m asl), or 315m down the dip.<strong>The</strong> RC holes were drilled intermittently on 7 N-S tiers (along the strike of the zone) at 50mintervals E-W; the deepest exploratory intercept in the western tier was Hole PLRC 63 which cut0.62g/t over 36.58m (287.12- 323.70m), or-25m asl.<strong>The</strong> five richest intersections were encountered in Hole PLRC -07 (3.69g/tAu over 81.07m),Holes RCPL- 62 (3.65g/tAu over 57.04m), Hole PLRC- 59 (1.66g/tAu over 115.83 m), HolePLRC -21 (1.57g/t over 109.73m) and Hole PLRC-<strong>43</strong> (1.02g/tAu over 135.64 m)Four of these holes are in a cluster around Section 39800N.11.5 Las Colinas Core Holes – Resource Base -refer to fig 11.From February 24 to March 30, <strong>2007</strong>, a total of 5 HQ core drill holes, LCDD 9, 11, 12, 13, and22, totaling 823 m, were drilled using a Longyear 44 rig, by Diamond Drilling Specialists, ofNew Mexico. <strong>The</strong> holes were angled east to confirm some of the 1996/1997 EBX RC holes.Pitalla reported that “the drilling was successful in intercepting the Colinas ‘Main Zone’ (theEcho Bay historic resource) in holes 9, 11, and 12, returning intersections of 32.93 metres of

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