43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...


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Derry, Michener, Booth & Wahl Consultants Ltd. Page 15<strong>The</strong> EBX geological, assay and survey data were recently compiled in digital format by Pitallaand a current resource estimate, including the <strong>2007</strong> RC and Core drill hole data, is describedseparately by Dave Laudrum in Section 17.6.4 Wallis (RPA 2004)This property was the subject of an independent technical report by Stewart Wallis, P.Geo. ofRPA Associates in June 2004. His report, which described all of the properties in Mexico held bySkinny Technologies Inc., the predecessor company of Pediment, included a review of LasColinas. He did not verify the database but noted that “the EBX interpretation extended themineralization on most sections no more than100 m from a drill hole intercept”. He also notedthat “approximately 15% of the deposit lay on the adjoining Texcalama Concession to the souththat was not owned by Pitalla”. (Pitalla report that this ownership has not changed.)Wallis reported that “<strong>The</strong> early mining in both districts was focused on oxidized high-sulphide,high-grade gold-silver veins ranging in width of up to 3 m, with strike lengths of nearly 2 km.<strong>The</strong> Triunfo veins strike north-northeast and possibly converge with the north-south trending <strong>San</strong><strong>Antonio</strong> vein system on the Las Colinas Property north of the currently defined mineralization.”

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