43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2007 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...


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Derry, Michener, Booth & Wahl Consultants Ltd. Page 11Table 4.1. Minera Pitalla PropertiesConcession Title No. Type Record Date Area (ha)TRINI 229908 Exploration229909 Exploration June 28, <strong>2007</strong> 34,504.926229910 Exploration AllTotal229911 ExplorationTaxesPesos/yr139,400CIRIO 221072 Exploration Nov. 19, 2003 2,789.9 11,288EMILY 221074 Exploration Nov. 19, 2003 518.2 2,096TOTAL 37,813.03 152,784<strong>The</strong> Trini concessions are valid for 50 years, on payment of annual taxes.5.0 ACCESSIBILITY, CLIMATE, LOCAL RESOURCES,INFRASTRUCTURE, PHYSIOGRAPHY<strong>The</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> Property is accessed by good gravel and dirt roads which traverse most of theproject area. Electrical and telephone service is available easily in most parts of the region.Water is available as developed domestic and irrigation wells, although there is partial restrictionof new water well development regulated by Comision Nacional de Agua, the Mexican FederalGovernment’s water regulation and management agency.<strong>The</strong> climate is normally arid and hot, with an average temperature of 23ºC, and average lows of12ºC and highs of 35ºC. Precipitation averages 170 mm, much of it associated with hurricanesystems occurring during the period August and September. Vegetation consists of numerousvarieties of thorny desert cacti, small shrubs and bushes, including manzanilla, mesquite, andpalo verde. At the time of my visit, the rainy season was just ending and the desert was quitegreen and thick with vegetation.Local labour is available in the nearby towns of <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong>, Los Planes and the much largercity of La Paz. <strong>The</strong> capital city, La Paz, of <strong>Baja</strong> California Sur with a population of about170,000, is serviced by daily flights from the United States and other cities in Mexico. Electricpower is readily available with a 115 kV power line passing through <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong>.<strong>The</strong> northern part of the property consists of nearly flat “pediment” gravels and sands whichslope away from mountainous areas and all of which incline gently northeastward towards theSea of Cortez. Several deeper internal basins, now filled, make up part of the flat gravel coveredarea.<strong>The</strong> central part of the property is characterized by rounded hills, “Las Colinas” rising from thepediment with elevations ranging from 200 m to 250 m above sea level (ASL). <strong>The</strong> southern andwestern part is more rugged with elevations from 400 m to 600 m ASL.Electrical and telephone service is available easily in most parts of the region. Water is availableas developed domestic and irrigation use with partial restriction of new water well development.

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